地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (7): 886-902 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.07.010



龙冬平1, 柳林12*, 周素红1, 杜方叶1, 宋广文1, 肖露子1

1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院综合地理信息研究中心,广州 510275
2. 辛辛那提大学地理系,辛辛那提,OH45221-0131,美国

Research progress of criminal behavior from the perspective of geography

LONG Dongping1, LIU Lin12*, ZHOU Suhong1, DU Fangye1, SONG Guangwen1, XIAO Luzi1

1. Center of Integrated Geographic Information Analysis, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. Department of Geography, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0131, USA

通讯作者:  柳林(1965- ),男,湖南湘潭人,博士,教授,主要研究方向为人文地理信息科学、犯罪时空分析与模拟, E-mail: liulin2@mail.sysu.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学重点基金项目(41531178)广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目(2014A030312010)国家自然科学优秀青年科学基金项目(41522104)国家自然科学基金项目(41171140)广东省科技计划项目(2015A020217003)


作者简介:龙冬平(1985- ),男,湖南邵阳人,博士生,研究方向为犯罪地理与公共安全,E-mail: longdongping2012@163.com




关键词: 犯罪者 ; 犯罪出行 ; 犯罪空间决策 ; 重复犯罪 ; 犯罪地理学


With widening income gaps and excessive concentration of wealth, China faces serious challenges in developing comprehensive measures to maintain law and order and create a social environment with a desirable level of public safety and social stability. Geography of crime is oriented to social problems—it pays attention to the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of crime phenomenon and aims to contribute to the improvement of public safety and crime prevention. Based on the geographical perspective, this article reviews the progress of research in China and internationally on criminal behavior with regard to crime travel, offender spatial decision, and repeated crime, and makes some recommendations for future research. The review shows that the study of criminal behavior has been developed for many years and has obtained a large amount of results, but there are still some research gaps. (1) With regard to journeys to crime, previous studies have mainly considered individual characteristics of offenders, geographical features, and influencing factors such as the proceeds of crime, without considering the dynamic effects of the environmental factors. Therefore, future studies need to adopt a comprehensive perspective by taking into account the social environment, the built environment, and the ambient population (such as regional flow, commuter population, daily activities, and so on) comprehensively to examine whether a crime is affected by these factors under different spatial and temporal scenarios. (2) With regard to criminal spatial decision, international research examines separately the spatial and temporal aspects of decision making of various types of criminals. Therefore, future research in China on geography of crime should not only consider spatial factors, but also integrate the temporal aspect of crime to improve our understanding of the mechanism of the crime phenomenon. (3) The impact of past activities and experiences on sequential crimes by repeat offenders is largely overlooked. Hence, systematic analysis of repeat offenders should be strengthened. Future research should focus on, but not limited to (1) comprehensive empirical analysis of crimes; (2) research on co-offending groups; (3) the use of big data to analyze the patterns of offenders’ behavior and processes and mechanisms of crimes to provide a solid foundation for crime prediction. Meanwhile, deficiencies of big data should not be underestimated; (4) theoretical research and technological development to meet the need of social security in China, and to provide recommendations for the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, while enhance the value of research of geography of crime.

Keywords: offender ; journey to crime ; offender spatial decision ; repeat offenders ; geography of crime


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龙冬平, 柳林, 周素红, 杜方叶, 宋广文, 肖露子. 地理学视角下犯罪者行为研究进展[J]. , 2017, 36(7): 886-902 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.07.010

LONG Dongping, LIU Lin, ZHOU Suhong, DU Fangye, SONG Guangwen, XIAO Luzi. Research progress of criminal behavior from the perspective of geography[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(7): 886-902 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.07.010

1 引言

随着流动人口的剧增和国内外形势的发展变化,当前中国面临的犯罪问题异常严峻(陈刚等, 2009; 严小兵, 2013)。长期以来,公共安全领域的“事后追溯”、“被动应对”的传统观念暴露出诸多问题(马瑞, 2010),亟需一场社会治安的变革。创造公众安全、社会稳定、优质高效的社会环境,是加强中国社会治安综合治理创新的基本任务,是推进平安中国和幸福城市建设的重要基础。2016年10月10-11日,全国社会治安综合治理创新工作会议强调,要继续加强和创新社会治理,努力建设更高水平的平安中国,进一步增强人民群众安全感(唐艺赫, 2016)。然而,处于转型期的中国在收入差距拉大、财富集中加剧的情况下,如何有效地限制犯罪在城市的蔓延,确保人民安居乐业、社会安定有序,依然是中国社会发展和公共管理的主要挑战。

目前,犯罪研究形成了两种代表性视角,即受害者视角和犯罪者视角。从受害者视角出发,一是通过小规模的问卷调查,结合受害者个体特征、家庭属性、日常活动、居住条件等方面,探讨导致其被害的原因(Rountree et al, 1994; Jacobs et al, 2016; 古杰等, 2016; 杨刚斌等, 2016)。这类研究虽有意义,但过多地关注受害者属性或行为,并不能有效减少犯罪或提高破案率。Eck认为警察和侦探不能抓捕犯罪者的原因是他们调查时间过少,太依赖受害者提供的信息,同时也没有充分利用好这些信息(Eck, 1983)。二是利用受害者报案的警情数据,结合GIS平台和犯罪软件进行时空分析(Nelson et al, 2001; Andresen et al, 2012; 徐冲等, 2013; Spicer et al, 2016),这类研究虽取得了大量成果,但却忽视了犯罪的社会属性,即疏忽人类活动的社会空间对犯罪的影响。从犯罪者视角出发,目前也有两种思路,一是随机访谈收监或被捕的犯罪者,采用刑事侦查学或社会心理学方法,去揭露、预防和证实他们的犯罪策略,如作案手段、方式、对象等(Miller, 1998; Cook et al, 2015; Lindegaard et al, 2015);二是利用警方提供的详细抓捕数据,采用地理学的方法与理论,分析犯罪者行为的规律、过程和机理,主要包括犯罪出行、犯罪空间决策以及重复犯罪等方面(Rossmo, 1999; Wiles et al, 2000; Van Daele et al, 2011; Bernasco et al, 2015; Johnson et al, 2015)。然而,因犯罪数据较难获取等原因,国内在这一领域的研究仍处于初始阶段,有许多空白亟需填补。


2 基础理论与方法

随着芝加哥学派的兴起,以及犯罪地理学和环境犯罪学的融合发展,产生了较多犯罪研究的基础理论,如犯罪模式理论、日常活动理论、理性选择理论和犯罪空间理论等。在地理学视角下,现有文献主要基于上述理论分析犯罪出行、犯罪空间决策和重复犯罪等方面。理性选择理论认为犯罪者基于收益、风险和成本的感知,对是否犯罪做出决策。由于个体、情景或现状因素的不同,这种理性是有界或有限的,即在犯罪过程中,犯罪者行为可能会受个体特征、社会因素、日常活动、生活方式等因素的影响(Clarke et al, 1985)。该理论认为,如果提供一个无风险的犯罪机会,任何人都有可能会犯罪。例如,通常一个不会盗窃的人,在收益高又不会被抓的情况下可能会盗窃;而在风险高或收益小的情况下,他(她)可能不会犯罪(Felson et al, 1998)。因此,理解特定环境中犯罪者的行为与机理,有助于科学制定犯罪防控战略。

犯罪模式理论基于空间运动的视角,解释犯罪要素的时空交互,认为犯罪最可能发生在潜在犯罪者和潜在受害者两者活动空间重合的区域(Brantingham et al, 1990)。犯罪模式理论融合了理性选择理论、日常活动理论中的一些元素,认为犯罪者对潜在目标的搜索并不是杂乱无章或一时兴起,而是在日常活动(如上班、购物、休闲或娱乐等)的路径或路线中,寻找合适的犯罪目标(Bernasco et al, 2013; Bernasco et al, 2017)。因此,犯罪常发生在特定的道路或街道、公交或地铁线路上。对犯罪者来说,这些元素形成了他们合适或熟悉的区域,被称之为犯罪者的意识空间。犯罪者通常不会远离这个意识空间,因为远离是有风险的。因此,犯罪模式理论有助于解释犯罪者为什么会在合法的活动或出行中,去寻找合适的犯罪目标。

日常活动理论包括3类要素:有动机的犯罪分子,合适的目标,监管者缺失(Cohen et al, 1979)。该理论认为当有动机的犯罪者和有吸引力的受害者在缺乏有效监管的地方相遇时便可能会发生犯罪。日常活动理论关注犯罪机会的变化如何影响犯罪事件的发生,假定不同个体或家庭的日常活动影响犯罪发生的可能性,并强调日常活动场所在犯罪过程中的关键作用。总体而言,日常活动理论重视犯罪机会的形成条件,关注那些因素能影响犯罪机会的产生,从而为犯罪者行为研究提供了新的视角与思路。

犯罪空间理论相对较丰富,主要包括环境设计预防犯罪理论(CPTED)、可防卫空间理论、情景犯罪预防等理论。CPTED理论包括以下6类要素:领域感,自然监视,通道控制,形象与维护,活动支持,目标加固(Moffatt, 1983)。而可防卫空间理论包括4类要素:领域感,自然监视,形象和维护,地理邻近性(地理环境) (Newman, 1995)。因此,可防卫空间理论的一些概念是CPTED理论的核心。情景犯罪预防理论起源于20世纪80年代的英国,它以环境犯罪学为基础,分析犯罪为什么会在特定的环境中发生,并寻找影响这些环境特征的方法(Cornish et al, 1986)。情景犯罪预防通过对具体环境中的犯罪问题进行分析,从而可为警察提供解决这些问题的特定行动。

3 国外研究进展

3.1 犯罪出行

犯罪者居住地的地理分布和相对较短的出行距离,解释了芝加哥和其他城市的犯罪空间模式(Lind, 1930; White, 1932; Snook et al, 2006; Groff et al, 2012; Andresen et al, 2014; Bernasco et al, 2015)。许多学者发现大部分地区犯罪出行的平均距离都在3 km以内(Phillips, 1980; Rossmo, 1999; Chainey et al, 2001; Pizarro et al, 2007; Ackerman et al, 2015; Vandeviver et al, 2015)。目前国外关于犯罪出行的研究,主要分析犯罪过程中的空间模式、出行距离及内在机制,包括以下4个方面:

3.1.1 犯罪出行的空间模式

国外尝试估计犯罪出行的学者,结合连续作案的犯罪者,已识别出犯罪出行的两类空间模式(图1)。第一类,称之为就近掠夺模式,即犯罪者的家靠近或包围他们的犯罪目标(Lammers et al, 2015)。这就是说,犯罪者对潜在目标的搜索,存在一个明显的距离衰减效应。无论在个体水平还是在整体水平,该效应表明犯罪者不太可能在远离家的地方犯罪(Van Koppen et al, 1998; Wiles et al, 2000)。对犯罪者来说,到一个陌生地方作案,这不仅会有暴露的风险,而且有可能消耗或浪费他们的有限资源,特别是时间、金钱或精力(Van Daele et al, 2011)。因此,大多数犯罪者选择在离他们住所不远的地方犯罪。一些学者也进行了验证,例如,Snook等(2006)发现加拿大圣约翰武力劫匪的生活地到犯罪地的距离小于2.49 km,75%小于1 km;Groff等(2012)发现美国华盛顿特区谋杀犯罪者,他们通常在离生活地3.22 km(平均值)的地方犯罪。

图1   犯罪出行的空间模式示意图

Fig.1   The spatial pattern of journey to crime

第二类,称之为外出犯罪模式,即犯罪者在远离家的区域犯罪(Van Daele et al, 2011)。Rengert等(1999)认为环境特征影响犯罪出行。例如,一些犯罪者倾向于认为在远离其居住地的富裕地区,存在更多合适的潜在目标或具有更多的犯罪机会,从而诱致其出行得更远(Van Koppen et al, 1998; Felson, 2006)。除选择富裕地区作案之外,许多侵财型犯罪者往往在外出活动中实施犯罪(Van Daele et al, 2011)。比如,对一些拥有汽车的职业犯罪者来说,可达性较高的区位对他们会更具吸引力,因此其犯罪出行得更远(Block et al, 1999)。Wiles等(2000)在英国谢菲尔德的研究发现,那些在离家较远的地点上班或有朋友居住的犯罪者,有可能选择外出犯罪模式。一些犯罪者在远离住处的区域作案,而其他犯罪者在住处附近作案的机理,至今仍未得到合理的解释。从某种程度上来说,这两个决定对犯罪者来说都是理性的。犯罪者对家附近的区域、节点和路径均很熟悉,不仅有助于他们选择合适的目标,而且能让他们隐藏、逃避或避免被发现。然而,离家太近的犯罪也是很危险的,因为犯罪者有可能被识别或被逮捕。正因为如此,在犯罪者居住地和犯罪地之间,通常存在一个缓冲地区(Brantingham et al, 1981)。

表1可知,犯罪出行空间模式存在明显的地域差异。对同一国家而言,例如美国达拉斯、华盛顿特区谋杀犯罪者的出行距离(中位值)分别为6.12 km、3.22 km,前者是后者的1.9倍;对不同地区而言,2015年美国达拉斯和比利时弗兰德斯住区入室盗窃犯罪者的出行距离(中位值)分别为4.02 km、2.57 km,前者是后者的1.56倍。总体而言,不同国家或地区间犯罪出行存在差异,而中国与西方在地域文化、社会背景等方面有所不同,国外研究结论是否与中国情况一致,需加以检验。

表1   犯罪出行的研究结果概要

Table 1   Summary of journey to crime research findings

所有类型8.53SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
2.61SD(平均值)英国伦敦哈罗镇Chainey et al, 2001
3.11ED(平均值)英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
2.57ED(中位值)比利时弗兰德斯Vandeviver et al, 2015
4.02SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
0.56ED(平均值)加拿大渥太华Gabor et al, 1984
7.08SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
2.20SD(平均值)英国北安普敦郡Smith et al, 2009
2.95ED(平均值)英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
2.98SD(平均值)英国伦敦哈罗镇Chainey et al, 2001
0.69ED(中位值)加拿大圣约翰Snook et al, 2006
19.15ED(平均值)荷兰Van Koppen et al, 1998
3.38SD(平均值)美国华盛顿特区Rhodes et al, 1981
3.12SD(平均值)英国伦敦哈罗镇Chainey et al, 2001
2.61SD(平均值)美国华盛顿特区Rhodes et al, 1981
机动车盗窃9.33SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
3.80ED(平均值)英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
2.00ED(平均值)加拿大渥太华Gabor et al, 1984
谋杀6.12SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
3.22SD(中位值)美国华盛顿特区Groff et al, 2012
2.90SD(平均值)美国纽瓦克Pizarro et al, 2007
强奸6.28SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
1.85SD(平均值)美国华盛顿特区Rhodes et al, 1981
暴力袭击2.40ED(平均值)英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
1.13ED(平均值)美国列克星敦Phillips, 1980
扒窃4.04ED(平均值)英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
3.51SD(平均值)英国伦敦哈罗镇Chainey et al, 2001
9.66SD(中位值)美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015

注:ED表示欧几里德距离(Euclidean Distance);SD表示街道距离(Street Distance);如SD(中位值)表示某地区已知犯罪出行街道距离的中位值。


3.1.2 出行距离与犯罪类型


3.1.3 出行距离的影响因素


(1) 个体差异方面的研究。从表2可知,这种差异主要表现在年龄、性别和种族对出行距离的影响。

表2   犯罪出行的影响因素概要

Table 2   Summary of influencing factors of journey to crime

年龄差异所有类型出行距离:青少年犯罪者<成年犯罪者加拿大渥太华Gabor et al, 1984
所有类型出行距离:与年龄存在倒“U”关系加拿大哥伦比亚省Andresen et al, 2014
所有类型出行距离:与年龄存在非线性关系美国达拉斯Ackerman et al, 2015
性别差异财产/暴力犯罪出行距离:女性犯罪者>男性犯罪者英国伦敦哈罗镇Chainey et al, 2001
谋杀出行距离:男性犯罪者>女性犯罪者美国华盛顿特区Groff et al, 2012
种族差异街头抢劫出行距离:与种族存在一致性关系美国芝加哥Bernasco et al, 2009
地理特征入室盗窃出行距离:受社区地理构型/区位特征影响美国华盛顿特区Rhodes et al, 1981
青少年犯罪出行距离:受社区土地利用/道路网络影响美国加利福尼亚州Bichler et al, 2010
犯罪收益不分类型出行距离:与犯罪收益成正向关系加拿大魁北克Morselli et al, 2008
财产犯罪出行距离:与犯罪收益成正向关系比利时布鲁塞尔Van Daele et al, 2011
情感因素抢劫/袭击等出行距离:受犯罪者历史居住地的影响荷兰海牙地区Bernasco, 2010
入室盗窃出行距离:受犯罪者“前案件点”的影响英国西米德兰兹郡Bernasco et al, 2015
不分类型出行距离:受朋友或家人居住地的影响荷兰海牙地区Menting et al, 2016


1) 年龄因素。以往文献认为相对于成年犯罪者,青少年犯罪者移动性较低,最有可能在家附近实施犯罪(Gabor et al, 1984)。然而,年龄与出行距离的关系比较复杂。如老年(Snook, 2004)和少年犯罪者(Bichler et al, 2011)通常比青年犯罪者出行更远。Chainey等(2001)分析英国伦敦哈罗镇犯罪的出行距离发现,18~55岁之间犯罪者出行距离随年龄增大呈逐渐增加的趋势,而55岁以上犯罪者出行距离则随年龄逐渐下降。Clarke等(2003)以英国西米德兰为例,分析了出行距离与年龄的分布关系,发现20~50岁之间出行距离随年龄逐渐增加,50岁后缓慢下降。Groff等(2012)发现美国华盛顿特区杀人犯的出行距离也具有相似的模式。Andresen等(2014)在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省观察到犯罪者年龄与出行距离之间存在倒“U”的关系。Ackerman等(2015)认为,相比年轻的犯罪者,年长犯罪者一般有更多的关于寻找犯罪目标的犯罪经验或知识,因此,犯罪者年龄与出行距离之间存在一种较为复杂的非线性关系。

2) 性别因素。一些研究发现入室盗窃、抢劫、贩毒等财产犯罪和暴力犯罪(表2),与女性犯罪者相比,男性犯罪者的出行距离更远。Groff 等(2012)发现,谋杀犯罪中男性也比女性犯罪者的出行距离更远,这是因为男性的活动空间大于女性。此外,一些研究认为(部分)女性犯罪者出行距离较短的原因中还包括,不可自由支配的时间阻碍了她们一天的活动(Rengert, 2004),以及实施其他类型犯罪(商场行窃)的倾向高于男性(Clarke et al, 2003)。然而,一些研究结果却相反。例如,Phillips(1980)在对美国各类财产犯罪和违法行为的性别差异分析中,发现女少年犯罪者比男少年犯罪者的出行距离更远。Chainey等(2001)观察了英国伦敦哈罗镇各类财产犯罪和暴力犯罪,也发现女性犯罪者的出行距离比男性犯罪者要远。因此,性别差异对犯罪出行的影响尚未得出一致性的结论。

3) 种族因素。研究已发现,在抢劫、入室盗窃、连环强奸和贩毒案件中,白人犯罪者比黑人犯罪者出行距离更远(Phillips, 1980; Topalin, 1992)。黑人犯罪者和其他少数族裔犯罪者犯罪出行较短,与社会隔阂的空间相互作用有关,很大程度上取决于他们普遍较低的社会经济地位,尤以美国最为突出。一些研究也验证了种族/民族与邻里特征的相互关系。例如,Bernasco等(2009)发现,芝加哥非西班牙裔白人抢劫者很少到黑人或西班牙人为主的居住区犯罪,而更偏向于其他白人为主的居住区。研究发现种族差异对出行距离的影响具有一致性。

(2) 地理特征方面的研究。已有研究表明犯罪者犯罪出行距离取决于城市地形与地理位置的相互作用。大多数城市都有高犯罪率的社区,这些社区的地理结构及区位特征影响了犯罪出行距离(Rhodes et al, 1981; Gabor et al, 1984)。Bichler等(2010)发现城市结构、土地利用、道路网络以及交通可达性,对美国加利福尼亚南部青少年犯罪者的出行距离具有影响。总体而言,地理特征对犯罪出行影响的研究还不充分,有待进一步加强。

(3) 犯罪收益方面的研究。研究发现,犯罪收益与出行距离之间存在正向关系(Snook, 2004; Morselli et al, 2008) ,即犯罪者的出行距离促进了犯罪收益(Van Koppen et al, 1998; Felson, 2006)。犯罪者出行更远是因他们感知的收益会增加(Van Koppen et al, 1998; Deakin et al, 2007; Morselli et al, 2008)。Felson(2006)的最优觅食理论认为,对犯罪者来说,出行较远虽成本较高,但获得的收益将会更多,因此会认为较远的出行距离是值得的,这是一个理性的反应。此外,流动犯罪者经常与搭档或团伙一起作案,以及在主干道附近犯罪,这两种情况可使犯罪更易发生或风险更低(Van Koppen et al, 1998; Wiles et al, 2000)。这些研究表明犯罪出行是在收益和成本之间权衡。

(4) 情感因素方面的研究。一些研究认为犯罪出行受情感或亲情因素的影响,例如,Rossmo(1999)认为犯罪者除在当前居住社区和活动空间之外,也会重新回到他们之前的居住地寻找犯罪目标。Bernasco(2010)以荷兰海牙地区的抢劫、袭击、入室盗窃和汽车盗窃为例,发现犯罪者的历史居住地,特别是那些他们最近生活很长时间的地方,依然是犯罪者意识空间的一部分,他们有可能在这些区域搜索犯罪目标。Menting等(2016)在荷兰海牙地区的研究认为,分析犯罪出行时也应考虑其他节点,如关系密切的人和朋友的住所,这些节点通常是他们犯罪前过夜的地方。然而,关于出行距离的分析,多数研究利用犯罪者当前居住地作为主要节点。客观地说,这些节点是恰当的、显著的。然而,也可能涉及其他一些节点(如历史居住地、亲人或朋友住所),因此,在今后研究也应加以考虑。


3.1.4 出行距离的测算方法

目前,计算出行距离的一般方法,主要有欧几里德距离、曼哈顿距离、街道距离(Ackerman et al, 2015)。一些研究表明,这些方法低估了犯罪者的真实出行距离,其原因是多方面的。当犯罪者在寻找犯罪机会时,通常在潜在目标附近环绕盘旋、原路折返,以及伴有其他形式更为复杂的出行(Rossmo et al, 2004)。此外,当犯罪者从朋友或亲人家里出发,这类的出行距离可能会被高估(Rossmo et al, 2004)。然而,目前较难获取用于执法目的电子跟踪设备或卡口所采集的特殊信息,所以现有研究确定的出行距离,通常为犯罪者居住地到犯罪地的距离。尽管如此,这种犯罪出行模式的研究也具有重要意义和应用价值,因为简单的出行距离有助于警察侦查对比筛选犯罪嫌疑人。此外,犯罪出行距离的研究,有助于评估犯罪预防策略是否应集中在犯罪者居住的社区。因此,今后研究需考虑如何界定犯罪的出行概念,并如何测算出行距离。

3.2 犯罪空间决策

犯罪空间决策不仅取决于该地区是否存在较多的潜在受害者,也与该地区是否存在“理想的”潜在目标的可利用性有关(Bernasco et al, 2013)。为了寻找合适的犯罪目标,有动机的犯罪者必须到无防卫的、易受攻击的或无警惕的场所,去辨识携带贵重物品或可自由支配物的犯罪目标。目前,国外主要分析犯罪空间决策的影响因素,有经济因素、社会因素以及犯罪者的空间意识(表3)。

表3   犯罪空间决策的影响因素概要

Tabel.3    Summary of influencing factors of offender spatial decision

收益因子入室盗窃空间决策:受被盗物品的价值影响英国桑德韦尔Wellsmith et al, 2005
街头抢劫空间决策:受合法/非法现金交易场所的影响美国芝加哥Bernasco et al, 2013
成本因子入室盗窃空间决策:受犯罪出行的距离成本影响英国谢菲尔德Wiles et al, 2000
街头抢劫空间决策:受犯罪出行的距离成本影响英国曼彻斯特Deakin et al, 2007
风险因子不分类型空间决策:种族一致的社区,被抓风险小荷兰海牙地区Reynald et al, 2008
街头抢劫空间决策:种族一致的社区,被抓风险小美国芝加哥Bernasco et al, 2013
社会因素入室盗窃空间决策:受富裕程度/社会凝聚力的影响澳大利亚布里斯班Townsley et al, 2016
不分类型空间决策:受正式/非正式社会控制的影响美国西雅图Weisburd et al, 2014
不分类型空间决策:受亲属关系的影响荷兰海牙地区Menting et al, 2016
空间意识车内盗窃空间决策:受是否接近他们居住地的影响英国多塞特郡Johnson et al, 2015


3.2.1 经济因素


(1) 收益因子。随身携带可隐藏、可移动、可获取、有价值、实用的和可自由支配物品的人,他们是最理想的受害者(Wellsmith et al, 2005)。例如,现金就是一个很好的例子,抢劫者要找到有钱的地方。这些地方包括合法的商业场所,如典当行、杂货店、理发店、支票兑现店、自动提款机、酒吧和小酒馆,以及毒品交易处与卖淫高发点等非法商业场所,这些地方周围是抢劫者最理想的“狩猎场”(Bernasco et al, 2011, 2013)。Jean(2007)在美国芝加哥警方针对人种的严打研究中,发现抢劫者常被吸引到经常以现金交易的小商场。Wright等(1997)解释了许多抢劫者如何被吸引到以现金交易为主的地方,包括合法和非法市场。他们发现60%的抢劫者透露他们掠夺对象也同样卷入了违法犯罪活动。许多犯罪者抢劫毒贩或客户,因为他们有可能携带毒品或金钱。其他如卖淫者、嫖娼者和赌博者集聚的地方,同样也是抢劫者优选的“狩猎场”,因为这里经常汇聚大量现金(Bernasco et al, 2011)。总体而言,一些大量现金交易的地方(场所),会吸引犯罪者选择在该区域作案,从而导致“犯罪热点”的形成,因此需采取有针对性的防控策略。

(2) 成本因子。为使成本最小化,犯罪者的空间决策趋向邻近点,而不是到遥远之处寻找犯罪点。不管是长久居住,还是暂时居住,大多数人都有一个每天结束后可返回的家(Bernasco et al, 2013)。一些实证研究的结论与成本最小化的原则一致,认为大多数犯罪者通常在离家几英里的半径内作案,随着离家距离的增大,犯罪频率逐渐降低(Wiles et al, 2000; Deakin et al, 2007)。然而,出行距离只是部分成本需求,其他方面如可达性较高的区位也能吸引抢劫者,特别是该位置是否位于一条主干道上,以及是否有快速便捷的公交。这对犯罪者来说具有双重效应,既可减少出行成本,又便于逃离现场。同时,这些区位可能汇集更多的潜在受害者。

(3) 风险因子。犯罪者一直处于被逮捕的风险中,这种风险不仅受警察行动的影响,也受居民警惕的制约,以及犯罪者是否引起他们的注意。地方间种族和民族的差异性,以及地方行为准则,可能会影响犯罪者的空间决策(Bernasco et al, 2013)。种族隔离可能会形成一个“社会壁垒”,从而限制公民的流动性(Rengert, 2004; Reynald et al, 2008)。Wright等(1997)通过调查了解到美国黑人抢劫者认为他们在黑人社区中不会暴露,而在不受欢迎的地方(市/县购物中心)较易暴露。在控制距离等其他因素的条件下,美国黑人、白人和西班牙裔人的抢劫,很可能发生在以他们种族为主的社区中(Bernasco et al, 2009)。总体而言,犯罪空间决策是一个相对理性的过程,是在收益、成本、风险间相权衡的结果。

3.2.2 社会因素

犯罪者的空间决策受社会因素的影响,包括社会参与、邻里关系、社会融入、社会文化、社会阶层、社会凝聚力和社区承载力以及社会亲属关系等(Weisburd et al, 2014; Townsley et al, 2016)。Townsley等(2016)以澳大利亚布里斯班873个入室盗窃犯罪者为例,发现他们的空间决策受邻里富裕程度、社会凝聚力、单亲家庭比例、潜在目标易接近性以及街区到市中心的距离和街区户数的影响。Johnson等(2015)以英国多塞特郡砸车窗盗窃为例,发现犯罪者偏向于社会凝聚力较弱和外来人口比重大或社会异质性高的地区作案。Menting等(2016)在荷兰海牙地区检验了社会亲属关系对犯罪空间决策的影响,表明相对于犯罪者的父母、兄弟姐妹,其子女居住地对他们犯罪空间决策的影响更大。然而,中西方社会背景不同,西方研究结论是否与中国情况一致,也需在今后研究中加以检验。

3.2.3 空间意识

犯罪者的空间意识是有限的。犯罪者通常对邻居及周围的活动节点才有熟悉的认知。现实中可能会出现这种情况,例如一些建成区或其周围地区,按照犯罪理论很容易发生犯罪,但因没有犯罪者居住其中或附近,或者这些地区尚未被犯罪者意识到,可能甚少或不会发生犯罪。然而,一些不利于犯罪的地区却发生了较多犯罪,是因为大量犯罪者居住其中或附近(Wiles et al, 2000; Deakin et al, 2007; Bernasco et al, 2013; Johnson et al, 2015; Menting et al, 2016)。随着研究的不断深入,Johnson等(2015)发现靠近居住地是犯罪空间决策最重要的准则,这说明了犯罪者并没有意识到离居住地较远的,且有大量潜在目标或效益很高的犯罪点。因此,犯罪者部分的空间决策可能并没有考虑效益,是受自身空间意识的限制,这就决定了他们偏向在自己种族和血统为主的地方犯罪。


3.3 重复犯罪

重复受害和重复犯罪的研究对象不同。前者研究受害者,起步较早,成果丰富;后者研究犯罪者,成果较少,亟待加强。在许多重复受害的案例中,初始和后续犯罪都是由相同犯罪者实施的(Farrell et al, 1995)。到目前为止,仅有少量研究对同一犯罪者参与重复犯罪进行了实证分析。如Everson(2003)认为大多数针对同一受害者或同一地点的重复犯罪,是由相同犯罪者实施的。其后,Bernasco(2008)验证了重复入室盗窃比时空不相关的入室盗窃更可能涉及同一犯罪者。Johnson(2013)进一步发现重复入室盗窃犯罪者具有时空聚集性。

对犯罪者区位选择所设计的模型,已在实证中得到了检验(Bernasco, 2010; Townsley et al, 2015)。这类研究主要关注犯罪者根据哪些标准,决定在哪里犯罪。例如从犯罪者角度,利用随机效用最大化理论和离散选择模型,对潜在犯罪区位的利益、成本和风险等变量的效应进行检验。然而,这些研究仍未探讨犯罪者的先前经验,可能会影响他们下一次犯罪地点。相反,大多数的研究将犯罪看作孤立的事件,忽视了犯罪者过去的犯罪活动和经历。


4 国内研究进展

改革开放以来,国内犯罪研究经历了近40多年的发展,但因缺乏详尽的数据,犯罪地理研究仍处于理论探索、缓慢发展的初级阶段(姜超等, 2014),但中国一些地理学者已经在经验引介、理论方法、实证分析等方面(王发曾, 1988, 2003, 2006, 2010; 祝晓光, 1988; 孙峰华等, 2006; 冯健等, 2012; 徐冲等, 2013; 郑文升等, 2016;龙冬平等, 2017)取得了不俗的成果,并推动了中国犯罪地理学的学科构架与理论研究的逐步发展。目前,国内犯罪地理研究虽有所增多,但现有文献多数是基于犯罪案件(警情数据)的分析,而从地理学视角下对犯罪者行为的研究尚处于初始阶段,相关文献不多。鉴于此,作者主要从中国犯罪地理的研究特点与发展动态,如研究主题、研究团队及专家学者、学术会议方面进行述评。

4.1 研究主题


4.1.1 国外理论与经验引介

国内学者一直很重视对国外犯罪理论和经验的引介(姜超等, 2014),文献主要集中在基本概念和理论方法以及防控实践的介绍。在基本概念和理论方法方面,如祝晓光(1988)分析了芝加哥学派对犯罪分布理论的贡献;王发曾(1988)从犯罪地理学的起源与发展、城市犯罪的生态因素与行为特征、城市犯罪区、犯罪目标区位与“可防御空间”等方面进行了系统梳理。这些成果标志中国犯罪地理研究的起步,并对犯罪地理研究有很好的指引作用(姜超等, 2014)。孙峰华等(2006)解读了发展中国家与发达国家的犯罪现状与地理特征;梅建明(2006)论述了环境犯罪学的起源、发展与贡献;严小兵等(2012)从理论探索、GIS应用以及虚拟犯罪模拟等方面,对国外犯罪地理研究进展进行了阐述。在犯罪防控方面,郝宏奎(1998)对英国犯罪预防的理论、政策与实践进行了详细介绍。余建辉等(2011)从居住环境安全视角,对国外研究脉络进行了梳理,将其划分为偏重空间结构的早期阶段、偏重物质环境影响的发展阶段、偏重居民社会属性影响的近期阶段;李本森(2010)介绍了破窗理论与美国犯罪控制;徐冰等(2014)从空间防控视角总结了英国居住空间形态与犯罪关系的发展脉络、方法创新及核心成果。总体而言,引进消化吸收国外理论及经验借鉴,是国内犯罪研究创新和发展的特点之一。未来研究需继续兼容本土化特色与国际化道路,促进中国犯罪地理学走向世界。

4.1.2 犯罪时空分布研究


4.1.3 犯罪形成机理分析




4.1.4 犯罪空间防控研究

犯罪空间防控是犯罪地理学的研究重点之一,国内在该领域取得了丰硕成果,以王发曾“城市犯罪空间与综合治理”独树一帜,并先后撰写了三本专著,奠定了中国城市犯罪空间防控的理论基础,推动了国内城市犯罪空间防控研究。例如,王发曾(2003)探讨了城市犯罪空间防控的理论基础和实践途径,认为空间环境的形态布局、空间盲区的综合治理和空间地域的防控管理是空间防控的三大实践领域。在此基础上,王发曾(2006, 2010)又按照场所的存在形态及其对犯罪的不同影响,将城市犯罪空间盲区划分为公共、非公共、边际、移动和虚拟等5类空间盲区,并提出了综合治理的主要途径与方案措施。其后,其他学者如马少春等(2011)强调犯罪防控策略构建应同城乡结合部的空间综合治理相结合,通过营造可防卫空间,消除城乡结合部犯罪高发区域。胡乃彦等(2015)基于CPTED理论强调在社区规划中应根据犯罪防控的需求去设计街道空间。总体而言,国内犯罪空间防控理论相对较成熟,但其效果尚未在具体案例中加以检验。因此,未来研究需要增加理论研究成果与现实犯罪防控间的互动性、实践性,即在实证检验及应用推广方面寻找突破口,并加以充实完善。

4.1.5 犯罪模拟与预测


4.2 研究团队及专家学者

2007年以来,随着警用地理信息系统(PGIS)的筹建,推动了地理学者与公安部门的交流合作。2010年以来,国内出现了一些较有代表性的研究团队和专家学者,例如,中山大学柳林团体强调综合视角,注重理论与实证及模拟,主要研究了街头抢劫犯罪热点时空模式和时空过程模拟(徐冲等, 2013, 2016)、入室盗窃的影响因素分析(古杰等, 2016; 杨刚斌等, 2016)。华南师范大学李卫红团队侧重犯罪目标优化算法,如构建了入室盗窃犯罪地理目标模型(李卫红等, 2015)、财产犯罪预测模型(李卫红等, 2016)。福州大学吴升团队改进了“两抢两盗”犯罪时空聚类方法(吴文浩等, 2015)。其他学者也进行了研究,如华中师范大学郑文升利用空间句法解读了武汉“两抢一盗”犯罪分布环境(郑文升等, 2016)、西北大学李钢分析了中国拐卖儿童犯罪时空网络特征(李钢等, 2015),苏州大学毛媛媛研究了上海浦东两抢犯罪时空分布与城市环境的关系(毛媛媛等, 2014),东北师范大学刘大千发现了长春市主城区犯罪诱因3种主导模式(刘大千等, 2015),中国人民公安大学陈鹏分析了北京市长安街扒窃犯罪的时空模式(陈鹏等, 2015)。总体而言,随着研究团队和专家学者的相继出现,应倡议构建犯罪地理学术共同体,针对国家重大需求开展联合攻关和协同创新,并推动人才梯队建设和中青年人才培养。

4.3 犯罪地理会议


5 总结与讨论

犯罪地理学经过多年的发展,形成了比较丰富的理论体系。近年来,借助GIS空间分析技术,从空间视角切入犯罪现象,在犯罪地理与犯罪分析方面取得了较大进展。目前,就整体而言,国外犯罪地理研究起步较早,相对成熟,并在理论和实证的指导下,对犯罪者进行了较为系统的分析,取得了大量成果,而国内仍处于初始阶段。总体而言,在犯罪者研究领域,仍存在以下不足之处:犯罪出行方面,综合的视角不多。国外犯罪出行的研究虽取得了重要进展,已有文献主要考虑犯罪者个体特征、地理特征、犯罪收益等因素的影响(Felson, 2006; Bichler et al, 2010; Van Daele et al, 2011; Groff et al, 2012; Andresen et al, 2014; Lammers et al, 2015; Menting et al, 2016),尚未考虑周围因素对犯罪出行的影响。因此,未来研究需要采用综合性视角,尝试结合社会环境、建成环境及周围人流环境(如区域人流、通勤人口、日常活动等),探索犯罪出行是否受不同时空情景下这些因素的共同影响。犯罪空间决策方面,尚未研究犯罪空间决策的时间差异及其形成机制。犯罪出行与犯罪地有关,而通常人的决策会随着时间的变化而变化,但现有文献对犯罪空间决策的解释侧重于静态的因素分析(Deakin et al, 2007; Bernasco et al, 2013; Weisburd et al, 2014; Johnson et al, 2015; Menting et al, 2016; Townsley et al, 2016),未能考虑时间约束下环境因素的动态变化,即尚未研究犯罪空间决策影响因素的时间差异。对抢劫者来说,一个地方早上是有吸引力的,但晚上却是缺乏吸引力的,一个娱乐区仅在周末才可能是一个很好的犯罪地。因此,以往的研究忽略了时间变化和时间约束对犯罪空间决策的影响,未来研究应在这方面做出贡献,即通过时空要素替代单一的空间要素,并以此改善对犯罪空间决策的理解。重复犯罪方面,尚未考虑过去的犯罪活动和经历。国外虽已关注重复犯罪,但目前成果不多,更缺乏对重复犯罪者的系统分析。同时,先前关于犯罪者区位选择的研究都忽视了重复犯罪这一现象(Lammers et al, 2015)。许多研究将犯罪看作孤立的事件,忽视了所涉及的犯罪者过去的活动和经验对其“后案节点”的影响,这是一个非常严重的疏忽。因此,未来对犯罪者的研究,应在视角、内容、方法等方面需进一步加强与深化。

(1) 注重综合性视角的实证分析

犯罪地理学是一门兼具自然科学和社会科学双重属性的地理学分支交叉学科。犯罪地理学以社会问题为导向,关注犯罪现象的格局、过程与机理,运用时间地理学、地理信息科学、犯罪生态学及复杂性科学的理论与方法,沿着“揭示问题、服务安全、解决问题”的思路,破解复杂的犯罪难题。犯罪地理学“聚焦社会,关注空间”,它研究犯罪活动的发生、分布、演变及挖掘隐含其中的规律与机制。此外,犯罪现象涉及地理环境、社会经济、犯罪者与受害者等诸多要素之间的复杂时空交互(姜超等, 2014)。因此,犯罪地理研究应秉承地理学的综合思维,运用地理学综合研究的理论方法,加强整合社会性、空间性、时间性与流动性等方面,综合运用理性选择理论、犯罪模式理论、日常活动理论、犯罪空间理论,解释犯罪哪里发生(格局),如何发生(过程),为何发生(机理),探索解决犯罪这个兼有社会属性的空间难题。

(2) 开展针对犯罪团伙的研究

目前,国外对犯罪者行为的研究取得了较多成果,但因数据信息不全,较难识别出大部分犯罪团伙,因而对其研究较少。近年来,一些学者认为犯罪团伙与犯罪个体之间的行为具有较大的差异,需要区别对待(Smith, 2003; Tillyer et al, 2015)。如Smith(2003)认为当抢劫是由犯罪团伙实施时,犯罪动机是为了增强他们在团伙中的身份及地位。现实中由犯罪团伙实施的案件所占比例较高,警方侦查工作也证实了犯罪者具有明显的地域特性,国内一些犯罪者由“老乡带老乡,师傅带徒弟”的链条,形成了有组织、有预谋的犯罪团伙,作案屡试不爽,社会危害极大。近年来,一些专家也提倡应加强针对犯罪团伙的研究(Bernasco et al, 2015),对比分析犯罪团伙与犯罪个体间的差异。因此,在公安部门数据逐步开放的同时,中国犯罪地理学者更应抓住机遇,进行相关研究。

(3) 合理利用大数据分析犯罪者行为

人类时空间行为是有规律的及可预测的。Bernasco等(2015)认为犯罪具有空间一致性,可根据过去的犯罪点预测未来的犯罪点。2012年,《Nature》发表了利用多源大数据进行犯罪防控的论文(Weinberger, 2012),说明了大数据在科学犯罪防控方面的重要价值和广阔前景,已经成为犯罪防控的主攻方向。现今,大数据时代被认为是预测未来的时代,大数据化成为犯罪科学领域的重要学术前沿。2016年10月21日,中国阿里巴巴集团创始人马云应中央政法委之邀对152万政法人员作《科技创新在未来社会治安中的作用》的讲座,表明中国公安部门未来将运用大数据进行社会治理的新动向。2016年12月13日,大数据与社会治理问题列为2017年中国科协重大调研课题之一。尽管大数据对犯罪地理研究的意义毋庸置疑,但在犯罪地理的具体研究及应用中,也不能忽视大数据存在问题和不足之处,如大数据缺乏丰富的属性内容、人群异质性、代表性不足等问题(刘瑜, 2016)。因此,在利用大数据分析犯罪者行为的规律、过程和机理的同时,需对地理学基本理论进行深刻而全面把握,即在探索新数据或新方法的同时,应避免大数据不足之处所导致的推理错误。

(4) 注重理论研究转化成科学技术

改革开放以来,中国人文地理学紧密结合国家需求,沿着“任务带学科”的道路,取得了一系列重要成果,在国民经济和社会发展中得到了推广和应用,同时也带动学科的快速发展(陆大道, 2015)。现今国家社会治理方式面临新变革,中国犯罪地理学界应抓住机遇,积极响应国家社会治理的重大需求,主动谋求与公安部门、规划部门以及互联网公司的密切合作,在分析、处理、审视中国犯罪现象的规律、过程和机理的过程中,应将基础理论转化为科学技术,增强理论与实践的互动能力,为实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建言献策,并努力提高犯罪地理学的学科价值。

犯罪者行为研究方法不断涌现。在犯罪出行方面,对空间模式主要采用洛伦兹曲线、街道剖面技术等进行特征分析(Andresen et al, 2014; Spicer et al, 2016);出行距离的测算主要利用欧几里德距离、曼哈顿距离、街道距离(Ackerman et al, 2015);影响因素分析主要结合离散选择模型、多层线性模型和多元回归模型等(Bernasco et al, 2013; Ackerman et al, 2015)。在犯罪空间决策和重复犯罪方面,则运用离散选择模型和负二项回归模型以及半结构访谈法等(Jacobs et al, 1999; Bernasco et al, 2011; Johnson et al, 2015)。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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61A new crime analysis technique for major roadways.61Crime mapping analysis can be improved with this new technique.61Major roadways experience variations in crime both temporally and spatially.
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Maybe I should do this alone: A comparison of solo and co-offending robbery outcomes

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There has been a notable increase in co-offending research in recent years, with most studies focusing on the causes and correlates of co-offending. There is little known, however, about the consequences of co-offending and how it may influence crime event outcomes for the offender. The present study compares the monetary reward and arrest risk of solo and co-offending robberies. Data from the National Incident Based Reporting System were analyzed to examine the characteristics and outcomes of robberies perpetrated by one, two, three, and four or more offenders. Though co-offending incidents were associated with greater total property value stolen, co-offending incidents resulted in significantly less property value per offender, controlling for other incident characteristics. The likelihood of an incident resulting in an arrest significantly increased with the number of offenders. We discuss the implications of our findings for theory and research on the real and perceived benefits and costs of co-offending.
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Burglar target selection: A cross-national comparison

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https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427814541447      URL      PMID: 4361488      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Objectives: This study builds on research undertaken by Bernasco and Nieuwbeerta and explores the generalizability of a theoretically derived offender target selection model in three cross-national study regions. Methods: Taking a discrete spatial choice approach, we estimate the impact of both environment- and offender-level factors on residential burglary placement in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Combining cleared burglary data from all study regions in a single statistical model, we make statistical comparisons between environments. Results: In all three study regions, the likelihood an offender selects an area for burglary is positively influenced by proximity to their home, the proportion of easily accessible targets, and the total number of targets available. Furthermore, in two of the three study regions, juvenile offenders under the legal driving age are significantly more influenced by target proximity than adult offenders. Post hoc tests indicate the magnitudes of these impacts vary significantly between study regions. Conclusions: While burglary target selection strategies are consistent with opportunity-based explanations of offending, the impact of environmental context is significant. As such, the approach undertaken in combining observations from multiple study regions may aid criminology scholars in assessing the generalizability of observed findings across multiple environments.
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Target selection models with preference variation between offenders

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OBJECTIVES This study explores preference variation in location choice strategies of residential burglars. Applying a model of offender target selection that is grounded in assertions of the routine activity approach, rational choice perspective, crime pattern and social disorganization theories, it seeks to address the as yet untested assumption that crime location choice preferences are the same for all offenders.METHODS Analyzing detected residential burglaries from Brisbane, Australia, we apply a random effects variant of the discrete spatial choice model to estimate preference variation between offenders across six location choice characteristics. Furthermore, in attempting to understand the causes of this variation we estimate how offenders' spatial target preferences might be affected by where they live and by their age.RESULTS Findings of this analysis demonstrate that while in the aggregate the characteristics of location choice are consistent with the findings from previous studies, considerable preference variation is found between offenders.CONCLUSIONS This research highlights that current understanding of choice outcomes is relatively poor and that existing applications of the discrete spatial choice approach may underestimate preference variation between offenders.
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Studies on crime and mobility primarily focus on local crime patterns. The city has long played an important role, whether analysing the offence or the offender. This paper goes beyond city boundaries and discusses 'outbound offenders', whose crime trips start in a city, but end outside. It is argued that a substantial proportion of crime trips follow this pattern, indicating that areas other than cities also provide interesting opportunities for property crime. We link outbound offending to a number of features that may explain crime travelling, including the target's features and offender/offence features. We find that outbound offending mostly occurs towards affluent target regions and near motorways, as such confirming findings from previous research. We also find crime sprees to be indicative for mobile offending. Thus, mobile property offenders tend to compensate for travelled distances, not only by targeting affluent areas and using fast transportation means, but also by committing several successive offences, hereby reducing their relative transportation cost for each offence. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Scientific tools inform a unique combination of military tactics and police work.
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In this paper, we use police recorded crime data and purchase price information to investigate patterns in property stolen during domestic burglaries. We test the hypotheses that frequently stolen items are 'CRAVED' (Clarke 1999) and that the levels at which items are stolen vary over time, according to a product's position in the consumer goods life cycle of innovation, growth, mass market, saturation (Felson and Clarke 1998). We focus on audio isual equipment and mobile telephones, comparing the trends with those for cash. The results show that the prevalence of theft of the products considered has changed significantly over the period studied, consistent with the life cycle hypothesis. The crime prevention implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for further research considered.
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城市住区街道空间犯罪防控的规划设计策略: 基于CPTED理论和空间句法的思考

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-0022.2015.01.020      URL      摘要


[Hu N Y, Wang G B.2015.

Neighborhood street crime prevention planning: CPTED based space syntax analysis

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[8] 姜超, 唐焕丽, 柳林. 2014.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 33(4): 561-573.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.04.013      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

当前社会犯罪问题严峻,以空间为视角的犯罪地理研究因其独特的综合性在犯罪防控中的作用日益凸显。以中国知网、维普和万方三大数据库中获得的期刊文献为基础,对中国犯罪地理的研究状况进行综合评述。在对国内五大研究主题进行回顾的基础上,围绕“研究主题”和“研究领域”两方面,分析了中国犯罪地理学的发展动态。总体来看,在过去的25 年中,中国犯罪地理研究逐渐起步,发展趋势良好,已经吸引了来自地理学、法学与警务管理、城市规划、应用数学等诸多领域的学者关注。尽管研究焦点各有侧重,但始终注重对国外研究和实践经验的引入,并提出了基于综合分析、情境预防、CPTED、PGIS的诸多防控对策。在犯罪时空分布特征、犯罪发生诱因等方面,研究范围宽广,但研究深度有待加强。未来中国犯罪地理学发展任重而道远。学界应充分重视城市犯罪与农村犯罪、犯罪与微观环境的互动关系、犯罪主体的行为空间等研究,并积极探索虚拟犯罪模拟新技术的应用。

[Jiang C, Tang H L, Liu L.2014.

Review of crime geography in China

[J]. Progress in Geography, 33(4): 561-573.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.04.013      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

当前社会犯罪问题严峻,以空间为视角的犯罪地理研究因其独特的综合性在犯罪防控中的作用日益凸显。以中国知网、维普和万方三大数据库中获得的期刊文献为基础,对中国犯罪地理的研究状况进行综合评述。在对国内五大研究主题进行回顾的基础上,围绕“研究主题”和“研究领域”两方面,分析了中国犯罪地理学的发展动态。总体来看,在过去的25 年中,中国犯罪地理研究逐渐起步,发展趋势良好,已经吸引了来自地理学、法学与警务管理、城市规划、应用数学等诸多领域的学者关注。尽管研究焦点各有侧重,但始终注重对国外研究和实践经验的引入,并提出了基于综合分析、情境预防、CPTED、PGIS的诸多防控对策。在犯罪时空分布特征、犯罪发生诱因等方面,研究范围宽广,但研究深度有待加强。未来中国犯罪地理学发展任重而道远。学界应充分重视城市犯罪与农村犯罪、犯罪与微观环境的互动关系、犯罪主体的行为空间等研究,并积极探索虚拟犯罪模拟新技术的应用。
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[Li W H, Dai K, Wen L.2015.

Improvement of criminal geographic targeting model considering geographic factors

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李卫红, 闻磊, 陈业滨. 2016. 改进的GA-BP神经网络模型在财产犯罪预测中的应用

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北京社会治安公共安全空间结构及其影响机制: 以城市110警情为例

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Spatial distribution and influencing mechanism of social and public security: An urban security spatial analysis based on from city crime alarm data

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社区环境对入室盗窃和室外盗窃影响的对比分析: 以ZG市ZH半岛为例

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Comparisons of the community environment effects on burglary and outdoor-theft: A case study of ZH peninsula in ZG city

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提出一种基于多尺度空间聚集(MDSC)的犯罪热点探测方法,与 蒙特卡罗模拟下的随机分布结果相比,MDSC方法探测的热点具有统计显著性。它以K函数为理论基础,根据不同尺度自动确定犯罪热点探测参数,并可以在其他 要素分布基础上动态调整聚集所需最少点数,实现了基于特定基准变量的热点探测风险调整,并可满足对犯罪高发地区和高危地区的热点探测需求,结果具有客观性 和可对比性。

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A crime hot spot detection method

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提出一种基于多尺度空间聚集(MDSC)的犯罪热点探测方法,与 蒙特卡罗模拟下的随机分布结果相比,MDSC方法探测的热点具有统计显著性。它以K函数为理论基础,根据不同尺度自动确定犯罪热点探测参数,并可以在其他 要素分布基础上动态调整聚集所需最少点数,实现了基于特定基准变量的热点探测风险调整,并可满足对犯罪高发地区和高危地区的热点探测需求,结果具有客观性 和可对比性。
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正 城市犯罪现象是一个多面性的社会问题,因而一直引起哲学、社会学、法学等许多人文科学的关注,作为系统研究犯罪问题的犯罪学,已有200多年的历史。与此相比,过去很少有职业地理学家直接对城市犯罪进行深入的研究,直到本世纪60年代,犯罪案件的空间模式才引起西方地理学界的广泛注意。70年代以来,城市地理学在城市科学领域中的地位越来越重要,地理学在城市犯罪问题研究中也已显示了很大潜力。

[Wang F Z.1988.

Guowai chengshi fanzui de dili yanjiu

[J]. Human Geography, 3(2): 76-82.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

正 城市犯罪现象是一个多面性的社会问题,因而一直引起哲学、社会学、法学等许多人文科学的关注,作为系统研究犯罪问题的犯罪学,已有200多年的历史。与此相比,过去很少有职业地理学家直接对城市犯罪进行深入的研究,直到本世纪60年代,犯罪案件的空间模式才引起西方地理学界的广泛注意。70年代以来,城市地理学在城市科学领域中的地位越来越重要,地理学在城市犯罪问题研究中也已显示了很大潜力。
[27] 王发曾. 2003.


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Study on the spatial anticrime in city

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The effect of anticrime in urban building space designing

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https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010010006      URL      Magsci      摘要


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Study on the comprehensive treatment of spatial blind areas in urban crime

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[30] 闻磊, 李卫红, 戴侃, . 2015.


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https://doi.org/10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2015.08.033      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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Causes research of urban property crime in the spatial perspective in China

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[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 17(7): 837-845.

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00837      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>时空聚类是数据挖掘研究的主要内容之一,在环境保护、疾病预防与控制、犯罪预防与打击等领域具有重要的应用价值。已有的时空聚类方法中,时间&ldquo;距离&rdquo;都认为是真实的间隔,而对于具有社会属性的案事件而言,其在不同时间尺度下具有明显的周期性特征,忽略这些特征将很难反映出案事件真实的时空规律。本文综合考虑多时间尺度下的时间属性,构建等效时空邻近域,并借鉴经典的密度聚类算法,提出了多时间尺度等效时空邻近域密度聚类算法(MTS-ESTN DBSCAN)。通过对福州市区2013年案事件数据的聚类分析表明,该方法在案事件时空聚类方面具有可行性,对于进一步深入研究城市犯罪地理具有一定的理论意义和实际价值。</p>

[Wu W H, Wu S.2015.

Application of density-based clustering algorithm in crime cases analysis considering multiple time scale

[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 17(7): 837-845.]

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00837      URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>时空聚类是数据挖掘研究的主要内容之一,在环境保护、疾病预防与控制、犯罪预防与打击等领域具有重要的应用价值。已有的时空聚类方法中,时间&ldquo;距离&rdquo;都认为是真实的间隔,而对于具有社会属性的案事件而言,其在不同时间尺度下具有明显的周期性特征,忽略这些特征将很难反映出案事件真实的时空规律。本文综合考虑多时间尺度下的时间属性,构建等效时空邻近域,并借鉴经典的密度聚类算法,提出了多时间尺度等效时空邻近域密度聚类算法(MTS-ESTN DBSCAN)。通过对福州市区2013年案事件数据的聚类分析表明,该方法在案事件时空聚类方面具有可行性,对于进一步深入研究城市犯罪地理具有一定的理论意义和实际价值。</p>
[32] 徐冰, 贺耀萱. 2014.

英国居住空间形态与犯罪的关系研究概述: 基于空间句法量化分析方法的典型建构

[J]. 城市规划, 38(10): 91-94.

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[Xu B, He Y X.2014.

An overview of studies on the relationship between residential spatial form and crime in the United Kingdom: The quantitative analysis method based on space syntax

[J]. City Planning Review, 38(10): 91-94.]

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[33] 徐冲, 柳林, 周素红, . 2013.


[J]. 地理学报, 68(12): 1714-1723.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201312011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper aims to uncover macro and micro spatial-temporal patterns of street robberies on DP Island of H city in southern China. DP Island, with an area of about 4 square kilometers, connects to the city via 7 bridges. There are a total of 373 street robbery incidences during the period of 2006-2011. Since street numbers are not linearly calibrated along streets in China, each incidence has to be geo-coded manually to a street network. First, all street robbery incidences are summarized by year (6 years), month (12 months) and hour (24 hours). The summary shows that street robberies reached a peak in 2007, followed by a trend of steady decrease until 2010; Just before the Spring Festival (around February), the number of incidences is much higher than that of other months. This pattern is different from those found in other countries, including the United States of America; during a day, street robberies peak during 22:00-23:00. Second, crime hotspots are revealed by kernel density mapping of all street robbery incidences. Comparisons with street network and land use suggest that hotspots tend to associate with main throughputs, intersections with high accessibilities, and areas with a high degree of land use mixture. To better characterize detailed patterns needed by policing, this paper selects 4 hotspots with the highest density for further analysis at a micro level. Prediction accuracy index (PAI) shows that these 4 spots are "hot" during all the 6 years from 2006 to 2011 and therefore warrant special attention for crime reduction and prevention. These hotspots are placed in different categories of the "hotspot matrix", which combines the spatial distribution (clustered or not) within the hotspot and the temporal distribution (clustered or not) in 24 hours. Based on these spatio-temporal patterns, the study suggests possible means for more effective policing, policing resource allocation, and crime prevention strategies. The study represents the first case study of its kind in China, and it sets the stage for future comparisons with other Chinese cites and foreign cities. Unfortunately, the name of the city cannot be revealed per confidential agreement on the crime data.

[Xu C, Liu L, Zhou S H, et al.2013.

The spatio-temporal patterns of street robbery in DP peninsula

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 68(12): 1714-1723.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201312011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper aims to uncover macro and micro spatial-temporal patterns of street robberies on DP Island of H city in southern China. DP Island, with an area of about 4 square kilometers, connects to the city via 7 bridges. There are a total of 373 street robbery incidences during the period of 2006-2011. Since street numbers are not linearly calibrated along streets in China, each incidence has to be geo-coded manually to a street network. First, all street robbery incidences are summarized by year (6 years), month (12 months) and hour (24 hours). The summary shows that street robberies reached a peak in 2007, followed by a trend of steady decrease until 2010; Just before the Spring Festival (around February), the number of incidences is much higher than that of other months. This pattern is different from those found in other countries, including the United States of America; during a day, street robberies peak during 22:00-23:00. Second, crime hotspots are revealed by kernel density mapping of all street robbery incidences. Comparisons with street network and land use suggest that hotspots tend to associate with main throughputs, intersections with high accessibilities, and areas with a high degree of land use mixture. To better characterize detailed patterns needed by policing, this paper selects 4 hotspots with the highest density for further analysis at a micro level. Prediction accuracy index (PAI) shows that these 4 spots are "hot" during all the 6 years from 2006 to 2011 and therefore warrant special attention for crime reduction and prevention. These hotspots are placed in different categories of the "hotspot matrix", which combines the spatial distribution (clustered or not) within the hotspot and the temporal distribution (clustered or not) in 24 hours. Based on these spatio-temporal patterns, the study suggests possible means for more effective policing, policing resource allocation, and crime prevention strategies. The study represents the first case study of its kind in China, and it sets the stage for future comparisons with other Chinese cites and foreign cities. Unfortunately, the name of the city cannot be revealed per confidential agreement on the crime data.
[34] 徐冲, 柳林, 周素红. 2016.

基于临近相似性考虑的犯罪热点密度图预测准确性比较: 以DP半岛街头抢劫犯罪为例

[J]. 地理科学, 36(1): 55-62.

https://doi.org/10.1329/j.cnki.sgs.2016.01.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在无时空考虑的密度估计算法基础上,分别加入了案件点之间的时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性的考虑,利用DP半岛2006~2007年的街头抢劫犯罪数据为基础计算无时空临近相似性、时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性4种不同算法所得到的犯罪热点图,并以之预测2008年的街头抢劫。通过Natural breaks(Jenks)分级方法和等比例面积选取两种方式来划定热点区域进行预测并进行PAI指数得分比较,结果表明时空临近相似性的密度估计算方法在犯罪预测的优势比较显著。

[Xu C, Liu L, Zhou S H.2016.

The comparison of predictive accuracy of crime hotspot density maps with the consideration of the near similarity: A case study of robberies at DP peninsula

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 36(1): 55-62.]

https://doi.org/10.1329/j.cnki.sgs.2016.01.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在无时空考虑的密度估计算法基础上,分别加入了案件点之间的时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性的考虑,利用DP半岛2006~2007年的街头抢劫犯罪数据为基础计算无时空临近相似性、时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性4种不同算法所得到的犯罪热点图,并以之预测2008年的街头抢劫。通过Natural breaks(Jenks)分级方法和等比例面积选取两种方式来划定热点区域进行预测并进行PAI指数得分比较,结果表明时空临近相似性的密度估计算方法在犯罪预测的优势比较显著。
[35] 严小兵. 2013.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 32(7): 1159-1166.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.07.018      URL      Magsci      摘要

收入差距和流动人口是影响犯罪率的两个重要因素, 以往研究基于OLS模型, 在假设地域空间为均质的前提下分析其对犯罪率的影响, 但现实世界的空间单元往往难以满足“均质”的假设, 多数表现为“空间异质”。以OLS计量空间异质会造成计量结果出现偏差, 同时无法了解不同空间单元的不同影响。而地理加权回归模型通过将空间结构嵌入线性回归模型中, 很好的解决了空间异质的计量问题。利用地理加权回归模型研究2008 年中国大陆省域单元犯罪率的影响因素, 结果表明:① 犯罪率的影响因素表现出空间非平稳性, 流动人口与犯罪率显著相关, 但各个省份相关程度并不相同, 影响关系随空间位置变化而变化;② 地理加权回归模型的计量精度和拟合度比OLS模型有大幅提高

[Yan X B.2013.

Spatial non-stationarity of the factors affecting crime rate at province scale in China

[J]. Progress in Geography, 32(7): 1159-1166.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.07.018      URL      Magsci      摘要

收入差距和流动人口是影响犯罪率的两个重要因素, 以往研究基于OLS模型, 在假设地域空间为均质的前提下分析其对犯罪率的影响, 但现实世界的空间单元往往难以满足“均质”的假设, 多数表现为“空间异质”。以OLS计量空间异质会造成计量结果出现偏差, 同时无法了解不同空间单元的不同影响。而地理加权回归模型通过将空间结构嵌入线性回归模型中, 很好的解决了空间异质的计量问题。利用地理加权回归模型研究2008 年中国大陆省域单元犯罪率的影响因素, 结果表明:① 犯罪率的影响因素表现出空间非平稳性, 流动人口与犯罪率显著相关, 但各个省份相关程度并不相同, 影响关系随空间位置变化而变化;② 地理加权回归模型的计量精度和拟合度比OLS模型有大幅提高
[36] 严小兵, 焦华富. 2012.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 31(10): 1390-1398.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.10.017      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

犯罪地理学是犯罪学和地理学研究的交叉学科。近30 年来, 随着GIS 技术的发展, 国外犯罪地理学在研究内容和研究方法上发生了许多转变。从5 个方面简述了国外犯罪地理研究的发展:①解释理论, 简述了不同理论的不足及发展;②犯罪活动空间分布, 全局关系和局域关系上犯罪活动空间分布的判别和可视化;③计量模型, 空间依赖和空间异质效应的计量;④虚拟犯罪, 犯罪活动预测的地理计算;⑤研究尺度, 从大尺度到小尺度的转变。最后总结了地理学对犯罪学研究的贡献, 并提出了国外的发展对国内研究的借鉴。

[Yan X B, Jiao H F.2012.

A review on the foreign criminal geography research

[J]. Progress in Geography, 31(10): 1390-1398.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.10.017      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

犯罪地理学是犯罪学和地理学研究的交叉学科。近30 年来, 随着GIS 技术的发展, 国外犯罪地理学在研究内容和研究方法上发生了许多转变。从5 个方面简述了国外犯罪地理研究的发展:①解释理论, 简述了不同理论的不足及发展;②犯罪活动空间分布, 全局关系和局域关系上犯罪活动空间分布的判别和可视化;③计量模型, 空间依赖和空间异质效应的计量;④虚拟犯罪, 犯罪活动预测的地理计算;⑤研究尺度, 从大尺度到小尺度的转变。最后总结了地理学对犯罪学研究的贡献, 并提出了国外的发展对国内研究的借鉴。
[37] 杨刚斌, 柳林, 何深静, . 2016.


[J]. 人文地理, 31(3): 45-51.

URL      摘要

基于CPTED(crime prevention through environmental design)和社会失序(social disorganization)理论,本文利用2012年在广州进行的入户调查数据,从内部环境角度对广州门禁小区入室盗窃受害情况进行研究。通过描述性分析和回归分析,本文发现小区的社会环境和建成环境都对小区入室盗窃受害情况都有影响,小区正式控制机制、小区开放度和功能混合度对小区入室盗窃受害率有非常显著的影响,小区环境形象和流动性对小区入室盗窃受害率有一定的影响但是并不显著。通过实证分析我们认为CPTED和社会失序理论的监视性、小区组织结构、出入控制等概念对门禁小区入室盗窃受害情况有非常强的解释力;由于门禁小区的特殊性,以及中国经济社会文化背景差异,流动性、领属感、异质性等思想未体现出与理论假设一致的结论。

[Yang G B, Liu L, He S J, et al.2016.

Community environmental factor analysis of burglary victimization in gated community in Guangzhou

[J]. Human Geography, 31(3): 45-51.]

URL      摘要

基于CPTED(crime prevention through environmental design)和社会失序(social disorganization)理论,本文利用2012年在广州进行的入户调查数据,从内部环境角度对广州门禁小区入室盗窃受害情况进行研究。通过描述性分析和回归分析,本文发现小区的社会环境和建成环境都对小区入室盗窃受害情况都有影响,小区正式控制机制、小区开放度和功能混合度对小区入室盗窃受害率有非常显著的影响,小区环境形象和流动性对小区入室盗窃受害率有一定的影响但是并不显著。通过实证分析我们认为CPTED和社会失序理论的监视性、小区组织结构、出入控制等概念对门禁小区入室盗窃受害情况有非常强的解释力;由于门禁小区的特殊性,以及中国经济社会文化背景差异,流动性、领属感、异质性等思想未体现出与理论假设一致的结论。
[38] 余建辉, 张文忠, 王岱, . 2011.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 30(6): 699-705.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.007      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着国际和国内形势的变化,居住环境安全越来越成为政府和学界关注的热点。本文试图对国内外居住环境安全研究脉络进行系统梳理,总结出国内外居住环境安全研究的各自特点。比较而言,国外研究相对来说更具系统性,随着研究焦点的时序转变可以分为3 个阶段:早期偏重空间结构的研究;发展期偏重物质环境影响的研究以及近期偏重居民社会属性影响的研究。国内研究起步较晚,从时序上可以分为两个阶段:起步期从公共安全角度进行的探索和发展期逐步转向多元化的独立调查。

[Yu J H, Zhang W Z, Wang D, et al.2011.

Living environment safety based on the residents’ perception: A review

[J]. Progress in Geography, 30(6): 699-705.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.007      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

随着国际和国内形势的变化,居住环境安全越来越成为政府和学界关注的热点。本文试图对国内外居住环境安全研究脉络进行系统梳理,总结出国内外居住环境安全研究的各自特点。比较而言,国外研究相对来说更具系统性,随着研究焦点的时序转变可以分为3 个阶段:早期偏重空间结构的研究;发展期偏重物质环境影响的研究以及近期偏重居民社会属性影响的研究。国内研究起步较晚,从时序上可以分为两个阶段:起步期从公共安全角度进行的探索和发展期逐步转向多元化的独立调查。
[39] 郑文升, 卓蓉蓉, 罗静, . 2016.


[J]. 地理学报, 71(10): 1710-1720.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201610004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zheng W S, Zhuo R R, Luo J, et al.2016.

The distribution environment of robbery, snatch and theft crime based on space syntax: A case study of the central area of Wuhan

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 71(10): 1710-1720.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201610004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[40] 祝晓光. 1988.


[J]. 国外人文地理, 3(2): 71-75.

URL      [本文引用: 4]     

[Zhu X G.1988.

Zhijiage xuepai dui fanzui kongjian fenbu lilun de gongxina

[J]. Human Geography, 3(2): 71-75.]

URL      [本文引用: 4]     

[41] Ackerman J M, Rossmo D K.2015.

How far to travel? A multilevel analysis of the residence-to-crime distance

[J]. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31(2): 237-262.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-014-9232-7      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Objectives This study investigates whether individual- and area-level factors explain variation in the residence-to-crime distances (RC distance) for 10 offense types. Methods Five years of police data from Dallas, Texas, are analyzed using multilevel models (hierarchical-linear/multi-level modeling). Results Residence-to-crime distances for Dallas offenders varied notably across offense types. Although several area characteristics such as residential instability and concentrated immigration were associated with the overall variance in RC distance, neither these nor the individual-level characteristics used in our models explained the offense-type variance in the RC distance. Conclusions Although individual- and neighborhood-level factors did not explain substantial variation in RC distance across the various offenses, neighborhood-level factors explained a significant portion of neighborhood-level variance. Other finding included a curvilinear effect of age on RC distance. The salience of these findings and their implications for future research and offender travel theory are discussed.
[42] Andresen M A, Frank R, Felson M.2014.

Age and the distance to crime

[J]. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14(3): 314-333.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895813494870      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The journey-to-crime literature consistently shows that the distance to crime is short, particularly for violent crimes. Recent research has revealed methodological concerns regarding various (improper) groupings of data (nesting effects). In this article we investigate one such nesting effect: the relationship between age and the distance to crime. Contrary to much of the research that investigates this phenomenon, using a large incident-based data set of more than 100,000 crime trips, we find that the relationship between age and the distance to crime is best described as quadratic but this quadratic relationship is not universal across all crime classifications.
[43] Andresen M A, Linning S J.2012.

The (in)appropriateness of aggregating across crime types

[J]. Applied Geography, 35(1-2): 275-282.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.07.007      URL      Magsci      摘要

Researchers in the spatial analysis literature commonly aggregate crime types: property, violent, and total crime, for example. This practice is done for a number of reasons that range from low crime counts to confidentiality to the form of data provided to researchers. But is this practice appropriate, particularly in the context of studying spatial patterns? In this paper, we analyze the appropriateness of such crime type aggregations. We find that in almost all cases, aggregating crime types is inappropriate for polygon-based analyses. Only in the cases of micro-spatial units of analysis (street segments) may these aggregations be appropriate. Therefore, aggregating crime types in a study that implicitly or explicitly considers the spatial patterns of crime is inappropriate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[44] Bernasco W.2008.

Them again: Same-offender involvement in repeat and near repeat burglaries

[J]. European Journal of Criminology, 5(4): 411-431.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1477370808095124      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Burglary victimization is associated with a temporary elevated risk of future victimization for the same property and nearby properties. Previous research suggests that often the initial and subsequent burglaries involve the same offenders. This paper tests this assertion, using data on detected residential burglaries during the period 1996-2004 in The Hague and its environs, in the Netherlands. It demonstrates that pairs of detected burglaries occurring in close proximity in space and time are much more likely to involve the same offenders than pairs that are not so related. Topics for future research and implications for the detection of burglaries are addressed.
[45] Bernasco W.2010.

A sentimental journey to crime: Effects of residential history on crime location choice

[J]. Criminology, 48(2): 389-416.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.2010.00190.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many offenses take place close to where the offender lives. Anecdotal evidence suggests that offenders also might commit crimes near their former homes. Building on crime pattern theory and combining information from police records and other sources, this study confirms that offenders who commit robberies, residential burglaries, thefts from vehicles, and assaults are more likely to target their current and former residential areas than similar areas they never lived in. In support of the argument that spatial awareness mediates the effects of past and current residence, it also is shown that areas of past and present residence are more likely to be targeted if the offender lived in the area for a long time instead of briefly and if the offender has moved away from the area only recently rather than a long time ago. The theoretical implications of these findings and their use for investigative purposes are discussed, and suggestions for future inquiry are made.
[46] Bernasco W, Block R.2009.

Where offenders choose to attack: A discrete choice model of robberies in Chicago

[J]. Criminology, 47(1): 93-130.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.2009.00140.x      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Why do robbers choose a particular area to commit an offense? Do they rob close to home? Do they search for areas with suitable and attractive targets? What keeps them away from certain areas? To answer these questions, a model is developed of how robbers choose target areas. The model draws on various theoretical and empirical traditions, which include environmental criminology, journey to crime research, gang research, and social disorganization theory. Testing the model on cleared robbery cases in Chicago in the years 1996-1998, we demonstrate that robbery location choice is related to characteristics of target areas, to areas where offenders live, to joint characteristics of the resident and target areas, and to characteristics of the offenders themselves. The presence of illegal markets and other crime generators and crime attractors make areas attractive for robbers, whereas collective efficacy seems to keep them out. Distance as well as racial and ethnic segregation restrict the mobility of offenders.
[47] Bernasco W, Block R.2011.

Robberies in Chicago: A block-level analysis of the influence of crime generators, crime attractors, and offender anchor points

[J]. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(1): 33-57.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427810384135      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 8]      摘要

The effects of crime generators, crime attractors, and offender anchor points on the distribution of street robberies across the nearly 25,000 census blocks of Chicago are examined. The analysis includes a wide array of activities and facilities that are expected to attract criminals and generate crime. These include a variety of legal and illegal businesses and infrastructural accessibility facilitators. In addition to these crime attractors and generators, the role of the presence of motivated offenders' anchor points, as measured by offenders' residence and gang activity, is assessed. The analysis also includes crime attractors, crime generators, and offender anchor points in adjacent census blocks. The findings demonstrate the strength of the effects of crime generators and attractors and offender anchor points on the frequency of street robbery at the census block level.
[48] Bernasco W, Block R, Ruiter S.2013.

Go where the money is: Modeling street robbers' location choices

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 13(1): 119-143.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs005      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[49] Bernasco W, Johnson S D, Ruiter S.2015.

Learning where to offend: Effects of past on future burglary locations

[J]. Applied Geography, 60: 120-129.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.03.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We analyze 3337 detected burglaries in the UK.61Burglars are more likely to offend in areas they have targeted before.61The elevated risk decays over time.61The elevated risk decays over space.
[50] Bernasco W, Ruiter S, Block R.2017.

Do street robbery location choices vary over time of day or day of week? A test in Chicago

[J]. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 54(2): 244-275.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427816680681      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article examines the hypothesis that in street robbery location choices, the importance of location attributes is conditional on the time of day and on the day of the week. The hypothesis is assessed by estimating and comparing separate discrete location choice models for each two-hour time block of the day and for each day of the week. The spatial units of analysis are census blocks. Their relevant attributes include presence of various legal and illegal cash economies, presence of high schools, measures of accessibility, and distance from the offender home. The hypothesis is strongly rejected because for almost all census block attributes, their importance hardly depends on time of day or day of week. Only the effect of high schools in census blocks follows expectations, as its effect is only demonstrated at the times and on the days that schools are open. The results suggest that street robbers鈥 location choices are not as strongly driven by spatial variations in immediate opportunities as has been suggested in previous studies. Rather, street robbers seem to perpetrate in the environs of cash economies and transit hubs most of the time irrespective of how many potential victims are around.
[51] Bichler G, Christie-Merrall J, Sechrest D.2011.

Examining juvenile delinquency within activity space: Building a context for offender travel patterns

[J]. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(3): 472-506.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427810393014      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Researchers modeling offender travel patterns typically assume that crime locations are well within the offenders' activity space. Using information about the places frequented by 2,563 delinquent youths residing in Southern California, this study examined distances traveled to delinquent and nondelinquent hangout locations. Travel to known delinquent sites was substantively farther from home than expected and exhibited a segmented nonlinear curve, joining logarithmic and negative exponential functions. Significant variation was found for place-specific (trip distance) and person-specific (individual travel) distances by city classification, travel method, and age cohort; age effects disappeared in multivariate analyses. Several implications follow, highlighting the need to infuse a place-oriented approach to studying journey-to-crime.
[52] Bichler G, Schwartz J, Orosco C.2010.

Delinquents on the move: Examining subgroup travel variability

[J]. Crime Patterns and Analysis, 3(1): 14-37.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Efforts to model variation in offender travel habits may benifit from the identification of robust factors accounting for subgroup patterns. Using information about activity nodes frequented by 2,563 delinquent youths residing in Southern California, this study
[53] Block R, Block C R.1999.

The bronx and chicago: Street robbery in the environs of rapid transit stations

[M]//Goldsmith V, McGuire P G, Mollenkopf J B, et al. Analyzing crime patterns: Frontiers of practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications: 137-152.

[本文引用: 1]     

[54] Brantingham P J, Brantingham P L.1981.

Environmental criminology

[M]. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications.

[本文引用: 1]     

[55] Brantingham P L, Brantingham P L.1990.

Situational crime prevention in practice

[J]. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 32(1): 17-40.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427890027001005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article traces the evolution of crime prevention approaches to situational prevention. The authors show how some programs, such as Neighbourhood Watch, bridge the gap between situational and social prevention. Some Canadian experiments using the
[56] Chainey S, Austin B, Holland F.2001.

London borough of harrow: Insights into the analysis and patterns of offender journeys to crime

[M]. London, UK: InfoTech Enterprises Europe.

[本文引用: 1]     

[57] Clarke R V, Cornish D B.1985.

Modeling offenders' decisions: A framework for research and policy

[J]. Crime and Justice, 6: 147-185.

https://doi.org/10.1086/449106      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Developments in a number of academic disciplines-the sociology of deviance, criminology, economics, psychology-suggest that it is useful to see criminal behavior not as the result of psychologically and socially determined dispositions to offend, but as the outcome of the offender's broadly rational choices and decisions. This perspective provides a basis for devising models of criminal behavior that (1) offer frameworks within which to locate existing research, (2) suggest directions for new research, (3) facilitate analysis of existing policy, and (4) help to identify potentially fruitful policy initiatives. Such models need not offer comprehensive explanations; they may be limited and incomplete, yet still be "good enough" to achieve these important policy and research purposes. To meet this criterion they need to be specific to particular forms of crime, and they need separately to describe both the processes of involvement in crime and the decisions surrounding the commission of the offense itself. Developing models that are crime specific and that take due account of rationality will also demand more knowledge about the ways in which offenders process and evaluate relevant information. Such a decision perspective appears to have most immediate payoff for crime control efforts aimed at reducing criminal opportunity.
[58] Clarke R V, Eck J E.2003.

Become a problem-solving crime analyst: In 55 small steps

[M]. London, UK: Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London.

[本文引用: 1]     

[59] Cohen L E, Felson M.1979.

Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activity approach

[J]. American Sociological Review, 44(4): 588-608.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2094589      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is hypothesized that the dispersion of activites away from households and families increases the opportunity for crime and thus generates higher crime rates. Data on changes in such variables as labor force participation and household composition are used to support the hypothesis. (Author/RLV)
[60] Cook P J, Kang S M, Braga A A, et al.2015.

An experimental evaluation of a comprehensive employment-oriented prisoner re-entry program

[J]. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31(3): 355-382.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-014-9242-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

While the economic model of crime suggests that improving post-prison labor market prospects should reduce recidivism, evaluations of previous employment-oriented re-entry programs have mixed results,
[61] Cornish D B, Clarke R V.1986.

The reasoning criminal: Rational choice perspectives on offending

[M]. New York, NY: Springer.

[本文引用: 4]     

[62] Deakin J, Smithson H, Spencer J, et al.2007.

Taxing on the streets: Understanding the methods and process of street robbery

[J]. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 9(1): 52-67.

https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.cpcs.8150033      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Street robbery offences can be perpetrated in a variety of ways. Offenders adopt a particular method of conducting the offence that appears to be closely related to the underlying purpose of the offence and the type of victim that is targeted. This paper reviews existing research and presents new findings relating to the “decisions” involved in the commission of street robbery from the perspective of the offenders. Twenty face-to-face interviews were undertaken with offenders convicted of street robbery. Findings specifically focus on the modus operandi employed by offenders based on their knowledge of the risks, struggles and advantages of different ways of working.
[63] Eck J E.1983.

Solving crimes: The investigation of burglary and robbery

[M]. Washington, DC: Police Executive Research Forum.

[64] Everson S.2003.

Repeat victimisation and prolific offending: Chance or choice

[J]. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 5(3): 180-194.

https://doi.org/10.1350/ijps.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article reports the findings of a study that used, as a starting point, two well-established findings. First, that a small proportion of offenders is responsible for a very large proportion of offences and, second, that a small proportion of victims suffers a large proportion of offences. What is the link between these two facts? What role do prolific offenders play in the repeated victimization of individuals and locations? The study also analysed factors, relating to the offending 'career' of a criminal, that might impact upon repeat offending. It went on to examine the transition of offending from one offence to the next by individuals and whether repeat offenders were 'specialists' or 'generalists'. The study concluded with a discussion on ways in which the findings might be utilised in crime prevention/reduction efforts.
[65] Farrell G, Phillips C, Pease K.1995.

Like taking candy: Why does repeat victimization occur

[J]. British Journal of Criminology, 35(3): 384-399.

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[66] Felson M.2006.

Crime and nature

[M]. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

[本文引用: 1]     

[67] Felson M, Clarke R V.1998.

Opportunity makes the thief: Practical theory for crime prevention

[M]. London, UK: Home Office, Policing and Reducing Crime Unit.

[本文引用: 2]     

[68] Gabor T, Gottheil E.1984.

Offender characteristics and spatial mobility: An empirical study and some policy implications

[J]. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 26(3): 267-281.

https://doi.org/10.1177/000486588401700416      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Data on 187 offenders (mean age 25.1 yrs) arrested in Ottawa showed that almost 25% were transients or out-of-towners. Violent offenders were more likely than profit-oriented offenders to be Ottawa residents, and Ss with a previous criminal record were more likely to be transients. The nature of the offense was related to the distance traveled to commit the crime, and the mobility of residents was also related to age, marital status, and presence of accomplices. (French abstract) (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
[69] Groff E, McEwen T.2012.

Exploring the spatial configuration of places related to homicide events, final report

[M]. Washington, DC: BiblioGov.

[本文引用: 1]     

[70] Jacobs B A, Addington L A.2016.

Gating and residential robbery

[J]. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 18(1): 19-37.

[本文引用: 1]     

[71] Jacobs B A, Wright R.1999.

Stick-up, street culture, and offender motivation

[J]. Criminology, 37(1): 149-174.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.1999.tb00482.x      URL      摘要

Motivation is the central, yet arguably the most assumed, causal variable in the etiology of criminal behavior. Criminology's incomplete and imprecise understanding of this construct can be traced to the discipline's strong emphasis on background risk factors, open to the exclusion of subjective foreground conditions. In this article, we attempt to remedy this by exploring the decision-making processes of active armed robbers in real-life settings and circumstances. Our aim is to understand how and why these offenders move from an unmotivated state to one in which they are determined to commit robbery. Drawing from semistructured interviews with 86 active armed robbers, we argue that while the decision to commit robbery stems most directly from a perceived need for fast cash, this decision is activated, mediated, and shaped by participation in street culture. Street culture, and its constituent conduct norms, represents an essential intervening variable linking criminal motivation to background risk factors and subjective foreground conditions.
[72] Jean P K B S. 2007. Pockets of crime: Broken windows, collective efficacy, and the criminal point of view[M]. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

[73] Johnson D.2013.

The space/time behaviour of dwelling burglars: Finding near repeat patterns in serial offender data

[J]. Applied Geography, 41: 139-146.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

61Data sets of residential serial burglary are identified and extracted.61Individual behavioural patterns are examined for clustering in space and time.61Establishing that serial offenders commit near repeat offences.61Personalised near repeat offending patterns in serial offenders are consistent over time.61Such ‘signatory’ behaviour can be delineated and stylised.
[74] Johnson S D, Summers L.2015.

Testing ecological theories of offender spatial decision making using a discrete choice model

[J]. Crime & Delinquency, 61(3): 454-480.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0011128714540276      URL      PMID: 4361700      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Research demonstrates that crime is spatially concentrated. However, most research relies on information about where crimes occur, without reference to where offenders reside. This study examines how the characteristics of neighborhoods and their proximity to offender home locations affect offender spatial decision making. Using a discrete choice model and data for detected incidents of theft from vehicles (TFV), we test predictions from two theoretical perspectives rime pattern and social disorganization theories. We demonstrate that offenders favor areas that are low in social cohesion and closer to their home, or other age-related activity nodes. For adult offenders, choices also appear to be influenced by how accessible a neighborhood is via the street network. The implications for criminological theory and crime prevention are discussed.
[75] Lammers M, Menting B, Ruiter S, et al.2015.

Biting once, twice: The influence of prior on subsequent crime location choice

[J]. Criminology, 53(3): 309-329.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-9125.12071      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Properties, victims, and locations previously targeted by offenders have an increased risk of being targeted again within a short time period. It has been suggested that often the same offenders are involved in these repeated events and, thus, that offenders prior crime location choices influence their subsequent crime location choices. This article examines repeated crime location choices, testing the hypothesis that offenders are more likely to commit a crime in an area they previously targeted than in areas they did not target before. Unique data from four different data sources are used to study the crime location choices of 3,666 offenders who committed 12,639 offenses. The results indicate that prior crime locations strongly influence subsequent crime location choices. The effects of prior crime locations are larger if the crimes are frequent, if they are recent, if they are nearby, and if they are the same type of crime.
[76] Lind A W.1930.

Some ecological patterns of community disorganization in Honolulu

[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 36(2): 206-220.

https://doi.org/10.1086/215337      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Delinquency and disorganization in Honolulu, as measured by the incidence of juvenile court cases, suicide, family dependency, and arrests for vice, tend to follow the same spatial patterns as in other cities. The presence in Honolulu, however, of a number of large population groups with competing moral standards occasions marked deviations from the normal ecological patterns of disorganization characteristic of American cities. The conservative pressure of the immigrant ghetto still provides effective resistance to the disintegrating forces of urban life, but it also leads to conflict with the legal standards imposed by the American community. Suicide, for example, mounts in the areas inhabited by orientals and declines in the sections occupied by the non-suicidal Hawaiians and Portuguese. The diminishing strengh of the immigrant community controls is measured by the rise of certain delinquency types and the participation of the second generation in delinquent behavior with members of other racial groups. One of the most effective melting pots for the races is the crucible of crime.
[77] Lindegaard M R, Bernasco W, Jacques S.2015.

Consequences of expected and observed victim resistance for offender violence during robbery events

[J]. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(1): 32-61.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427814547639      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract Objectives: Drawing on the rational choice perspective, this study aims at explaining why some robberies take place with physical force while others occur only with threat. The focus is how expected and observed victim resistance impact physical force by robbers. Methods: We draw on quantitative and qualitative data obtained from 104 robbers who described 143 robbery events. Based on the coding of behavioral sequences between offenders and victims, we distinguish between the use of physical force at the onset from the use of physical force during the progression of the event. Results: At the onset of robberies, physical force of offenders is influenced by whether they judge the victim to be street credible. During the progression of robberies, offenders are more likely to use physical force against a resistant than against a compliant victim. Conclusions: At the onset of the robbery, offender violence is related to expected victim resistance; during the progression, it is related to observed victim resistance. Future research should focus on behavioral sequences within robbery events including the meaning of victim characteristics and victim behavior in different phases of the event.
[78] Menting B, Lammers M, Ruiter S, et al.2016.

Family matters: Effects of family members’ residential areas on crime location choice

[J]. Criminology, 54(3): 413-433.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-9125.12109      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract According to crime pattern theory, offenders are likely to select crime locations within their awareness space. Previous studies have shown that offenders often commit crimes within their current and former residential areas and in areas they previously targeted. However, offenders’ awareness spaces obviously consist of more locations that potentially influence their crime location choices. This study examines the importance of the residential areas of offenders’ family members. Most offenders visit their families at least occasionally and consequently get familiar with the areas in which their families live. It is hypothesized that family members’ residential areas are at increased risk of being targeted. Unique data were used to reconstruct residential histories of the parents, siblings, and children of 7,910 offenders who committed 19,420 offenses. The results of discrete spatial choice models showed that residential areas of family members are indeed at increased risk of being targeted. Current familial residential areas had stronger and more consistent effects than had former familial residential areas. Effects were strongest for the residential areas of offenders’ children compared with those of their parents and siblings. The residential areas of male and female family members affected the crime location choices of male and female offenders equally.
[79] Miller J.1998.

Up it up: Gender and the accomplishment of street robbery

[J]. Criminology, 36(1): 37-66.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.1998.tb01239.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Attempts to understand women's participation in violence have been plagued by a tendency either to overemphasize gender differences or to downplay the significance of gender. The goal of this research is to reconcile these approaches through an examination of the experiences of female and male street robbers in an urban setting. Based on in-depth interviews with active offenders, the study compares women's and men's accounts of why they commit robbery, as well as how gender organizes the commission of the crime. The research suggests that while women and men articulate similar motives for robbery, their enactment of the crime is strikingly different reflection, in part, of practical choices women make in the context of a gender-stratified street setting.
[80] Moffatt R E.1983.

Crime prevention through environmental design: A management perspective

[J]. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 25(1): 19-31.

https://doi.org/10.1177/000486908301600420      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Les services de police de l'Am6rique du Nord sont dans un 6tat hautement transitoire. Les m6thodes de r6pression traditionnelles ne sont plus aussi efficaces qu'on le croyait pr~ c6demment. L'article examine un moyen A la disposition des organismes de police
[81] Morselli C, Royer M-N.2008.

Criminal mobility and criminal achievement

[J]. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(1): 4-21.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0022427807309630      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of criminal mobility on criminal earning patterns in a sample of incarcerated offenders who reported their criminal experiences over a three-year period. Criminal mobility is indicated by an individual's offending perimeter and not the traditional journey-to-crime measure. Findings reveal that the offending perimeter length is a factor of criminal achievement in that mobile offenders reported higher financial earnings from crime than immobile offenders. Greater distances traveled for crime were also generally associated with higher criminal earnings, but this was more salient for predatory offenders than market offenders.
[82] Nelson A L, Bromley R D F, Thomas C J.2001.

Identifying micro-spatial and temporal patterns of violent crime and disorder in the British city centre

[J]. Applied Geography, 21(3): 249-274.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0143-6228(01)00008-X      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Using variables recorded by the police on when and where violent crime and disorder occur, the paper emphasizes the value of using a combination of different types of micro-spatial information in identifying patterns of violence. Evidence from Cardiff and Worcester shows primary clusters at night in the pub/club leisure zones; and secondary clusters during the shopping day in major retail streets. Disorder data also reveal subsidiary afternoon clusters near licensed premises, and a late-night <em>confluence flashpoint</em> at a node of pedestrian activity. Police geographical information systems should incorporate precise spatial and temporal variables to enhance our understanding of violent crime, to facilitate targeted policing and to assist in creating safer city centres.</p>
[83] Newman O.1995.

Defensible space: A new physical planning tool for urban revitalization

[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 61(2): 149-155.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944369508975629      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
[84] Phillips P D.1980. Characteristics and typology of the journey to crime[M]//Georges-Abeyie D E, Harries K D. Crime: A spatial perspective. New York, NY: Columbia University Press: 167-180.

[本文引用: 2]     

[85] Pizarro J M, Corsaro N, Yu S-S V.2007.

Journey to crime and victimization: An application of routine activities theory and environmental criminology to homicide

[J]. Victims & Offenders, 2(4): 375-394.

https://doi.org/10.1080/15564880701568520      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Despite the attention the crime of homicide has received by the academic community there are still gaps in the literature. One of these gaps pertains to the examination of the mobility patterns of homicide victims and offenders. This study addresses this gap by focusing on three research questions (1) Does the distance traveled by homicide suspects and victims from their residence to the incident location vary by homicide motive type? (2) Does the reason why homicide victims and suspects travel to the incident location vary by homicide motive type? (3) What victim and suspect characteristics significantly predict the distance traveled from the residence to the incident location? The analyses show that there are statistically significant differences among the homicide types in terms of the length of the journey of victims and suspects to the incident location. In addition, there is variation by motive in terms of why the victims and suspects traveled to the incident location. Finally, the findings suggest that the demographic and lifestyle characteristics of victims and suspects have an impact on their journey to crime and victimization.
[86] Rengert G F.2004. The journey to crime[M]//Bruinsma G J N, Elffers H, de Keijser J W. Punishment, places and perpetrators: Developments in criminology and criminal justice research. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing: 169-181.

[87] Rengert G F, Piquero A R, Jones P R.1999.

Distance decay reexamined

[J]. Criminology, 37(2): 427-446.

[本文引用: 1]     

[88] Reynald D, Averdijk M, Elffers H, et al.2008.

Do social barriers affect urban crime trips? The effects of ethnic and economic neighbourhood compositions on the flow of crime in the Hague, the Netherlands

[J]. Built Environment, 34(1): 21-31.

https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.34.1.21      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using data on all cleared crimes in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, in the period 19962004, we study the flow of crime between the ninety-four neighbourhoods of the city, i.e. the flows from the neighbourhoods where offenders live into the neighbourhoods where they commit their offences. The results show that in addition to physical distance, ethnic and economic differences between neighbourhoods (social barriers) also significantly limit the flow of crime between them.
[89] Rhodes W M, Conly C.1981.

Crime and mobility: An empirical study

[M]//Brantingham P J, Brantingham P L. Environmental criminology. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications: 167-188.

[本文引用: 3]     

[90] Rossmo D K.1999. Geographic profiling[M]. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

[本文引用: 2]     

[91] Rossmo D K, Davies A, Patrick M.2004.

Exploring the geo-demographic and distance relationships between stranger rapists and their offences

[M]. London, UK: Home Office, Crime and Policing Group, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate.

[本文引用: 1]     

[92] Rountree P W, Land K C, Miethe T D.1994.

Macro-micro integration in the study of victimization: A hierarchical logistic model analysis across Seattle neighborhoods

[J]. Criminology, 32(3): 387-414.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.1994.tb01159.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent contextual analyses of victimization survey data are extended by application of hierarchical logistic model techniques. Using a multi-stage sample of 5,090 Seattle residents, we estimate models for individuals' risks of violent crime and burglary victimization as a function of both individual crime opportunity factors (routine activity and personal lifestyle) and contextual indicators of neighborhood social disorganization (neighborhood incivilities on conditions of disorder, ethnic heterogeneity, and neighborhood density in terms of both residents and strangers). Strong contextual direct effects of density, disorder, and heterogeneity are observed for violent and or burglary risks. Further, the hierarchical method used here provides a richer type of contextual analysis, indicating that neighborhood factors also “condition” the impact of crime opportunity factors for risk of both violent and burglary victimization. Implications for theoretical integration, victimization prevention strategies, and crime control policies are discussed.
[93] Smith J.2003.

The nature of personal robbery. Home Office research study 254

[M]. London, UK: Home Office.

[94] Smith W, Bond J W, Townsley M.2009.

Determining how journeys-to-crime vary: measuring inter-and intra-offender crime trip distributions

[M]//Weisburd D, Bernasco W, Bruinsma G J N. Putting crime in its place: units of analysis in geographic criminology. New York, USA: Springer: 217-236.

[本文引用: 2]     

[95] Snook B.2004.

Individual differences in distance travelled by serial burglars

[J]. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 1(1): 53-66.

https://doi.org/10.1002/jip.3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This paper uses police data on a sample of 41 serial burglars committed in the city of St John's, Canada and surrounding areas, to examine individual differences in distances travelled. In accord with findings from studies in other locations, results show that serial burglary is a localised activity. Differences between serial burglars in distances they travel are related to the burglars' age, method of transportation and value of property stolen. These results are discussed in terms of existing explanations of distances that serial burglars travel to select targets and implications for police decision-making. Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[96] Snook B, Wright M, House J C, et al.2006.

Searching for a needle in a needle stack: Combining criminal careers and journey-to-crime research for criminal suspect prioritization

[J]. Police Practice and Research, 7(3): 217-230.

https://doi.org/10.1080/15614260500432972      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper considers a suspect prioritization technique and tests its validity using a sample of commercial armed robbery offences from St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. The proposed technique is empirically grounded in criminal careers and journey‐to‐crime research. Suspects with a previous criminal history are selected and ranked in ascending order by the distance they live from the location of the crime in question, with the nearest suspect given highest priority. Effectiveness is measured by the percentage of ranked suspects that needs to be searched before the offender is identified. Results show that 65% of the robbers were identified in the top 10% of ranked suspects. Limitations and proposed refinements are discussed in terms of future prioritization strategies and policing research.
