地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (2): 231-243 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.02.009



王晓玥, 李双成*

北京大学城市与环境学院,地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京大学土地科学中心,北京 100871

Progress and prospects of diagnostic analysis and risk prediction of urban problems based on multiple perspectives

WANG Xiaoyue, LI Shuangcheng*

Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Center of Land Science of Peking University, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:李双成(1961-),男,河北平山人,教授,主要从事生态系统服务研究,E-mail:scli@urban.pku.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金重大项目(41590843)






关键词: 城市病 ; 城镇化 ; 诊断分析 ; 风险预估 ; 进展与展望


Due to the dynamic, interactive, and coupling relationship between urbanization and the ecological environment in urban areas, the study of urban problem in megacities is becoming increasingly complex and has become a hotspot area of research in China and internationally. A comprehensive understanding of the complex interaction between urbanization and the ecological environment is beneficial for revealing the mechanism and developing methods and techniques of diagnostic analysis and risk prediction of urban problems in megacity regions. Focusing on the questions of causes-diagnosis-risk prediction of urban problems, this article reviewed the progress of studies on diagnostic analysis and risk prediction of urban problems from multidimensional perspectives and identified the research trend. First, we summarized the causes of urban problems from three theoretical perspectives, including the coupling and coercing mechanism between urbanization and eco-environment, urban metabolism disorder, and loss of ecosystem services. Then, we reviewed the two approaches of urban problem diagnosis: assessment of urban health by index; and measurement of urban metabolism by ecological thermodynamic indicators. Third, we reviewed the research on risk prediction of urban problems from single risks and comprehensive risk. Finally, we identified several key issues and potential research directions based on the existing studies. Further study should be improved with regard to data acquisition and model simulation in order to study urban or urban agglomeration problems comprehensively. Such research will facilitate comprehensive geographic study and provide an important practical method for the study of human-environment relationship.

Keywords: urban problem ; urbanization ; diagnostic analysis ; risk prediction ; progress and prospect


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王晓玥, 李双成. 基于多维视角的“城市病”诊断分析及其风险预估研究进展与发展趋势[J]. , 2017, 36(2): 231-243 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.02.009

WANG Xiaoyue, LI Shuangcheng. Progress and prospects of diagnostic analysis and risk prediction of urban problems based on multiple perspectives[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(2): 231-243 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.02.009

1 引言

城镇化是伴随工业化发展、非农产业在城镇集聚、农村人口向城镇集中的自然历史过程,是人类社会发展的客观趋势,是国家现代化的重要标志(中共中央等, 2014)。自改革开放以来,中国城镇化进入了高速发展通道,2015年中国城镇化率已达56.1%,预计到2020年将超过60%(中共中央等, 2014)。与此同时,城市群已经成为中国城市与区域空间组织的重要形式。据报道,中国将在未来重点培养建设5个国家级的大城市群、9个区域性的中等城市群和6个地区性的小城市群(方创琳, 2015),这些地区将成为中国经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,主宰着中国经济发展的命脉(刘晓丽等, 2008)。

但是,城镇化是一种强烈的地表人类活动过程,城镇化对资源及生态环境可能产生剧烈影响,而这种影响反过来又可能对城镇化进程形成约束(李双成等, 2009)。“城市病”是一种城市问题的形象描述,意即城市生态系统的结构、功能等出现了问题,城市功能无法正常实现,对城市的社会经济发展产生了阻碍因素。美国著名城市地理学家Northam(1979)认为,城市化水平从30%~70%是城市化快速提升期,也是“城市病”高发期。近年来,中国城镇化发展与资源及生态环境的矛盾开始激化,“城市病”已经影响到一些特大城市群地区的可持续发展。2013年3月,《京津冀发展报告(2013)——承载力测度与对策》蓝皮书披露:京津冀地区水源枯竭、垃圾围城、雾霾肆虐、交通拥堵、人口超载所带来的不良后果正在逐渐显现。在《国家新型城镇化规划(2014-2020)》提出的六大必须解决的突出问题中,有4项与环境资源密切相关,充分反映了生态环境与资源问题是中国城镇化发展的重大短板和约束条件。

社会需求极大地刺激了科学研究。国际上,2013年国际地理联合会(International Geographical Union)成立大都市工作组(Megacity Taskforce),吁请地理学家参与解决大都市问题,尤其关注全球环境变化和经济全球化下中低收入国家的大都市问题。德国海姆霍茨环境研究中心(Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)的“风险生境的城市(Risk Habitat Megacities)”计划,聚焦拉丁美洲地区的城市可持续发展。国际科学联盟发布的 “未来地球2025 愿景(Future Earth 2025 Vision)”,将“城市化建设”列为“未来地球”研究计划中重要研究领域。在中国,2013年9月,中国科学技术协会在北京组织了“未来地球在中国”国际会议,确认了在中国需要优先解决的、与可持续性能力建设相关的问题,其中将“亚洲城市化对区域环境、社会影响研究,以及健康的相互作用关系”列入研究议题,表明了对“城市病”问题研究的重要性。本文评述了“城市病”诊断分析及其风险预估的研究进展和存在问题,并对研究趋势进行展望,以期对“城市病”相关研究有所裨益,进而为保障中国新型城镇化战略的顺利实施,实现区域生态安全和社会经济可持续发展提供科学支撑。

2 国内外主要研究进展

“城市病”作为城市快速发展过程中资源环境与社会经济发展不协调的主要表现,长期以来受到国内外学者的广泛关注。下文将回顾和总结国内外近年来研究所取得的主要成果和进展。国内研究通过在“中国知网(CNKI)”平台分别检索主题为“城市病”“城市化与生态环境”“城市代谢”“城市生态系统”“生态风险”的中文文献获得;国外研究通过在Web of Science平台分别检索主题为“urban problems” “urban crisis” “urban heat island” “urban land use” “urban pollution” “urban metabolism” “urban ecosystem service” “ecological risk”的英文文献获得;时间均截至2016年。对检索结果进行去重处理,得到中文文献5987篇,英文文献4930篇。

2.1 “城市病”的病因分析


表1   “城市病”病因分析的3种视角比较

Tab.1   Three perspectives of urban problem analyses



2.1.1 城镇化与生态环境交互耦合的胁迫与约束

城镇化与生态环境交互耦合的胁迫与约束是城市病产生的原因之一(黄金川等, 2003),理清两者的交互耦合机制是“城市病”病因分析中的重要内容。国外研究中,城镇化与生态环境交互作用方面,Grossman等(1995)应用计量经济学方法,以42个发达国家的面板数据进行实证分析,揭示了随着城市经济水平的提高,城市生态环境质量呈现倒“U”型的演变规律,提出了著名的环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)假设。随后,运用环境库兹涅兹曲线对不同国家或地区的城市实证分析成为持续研究热点(Bruvoll et al, 2003; Paudel et al, 2005; Brajer et al, 2008)。Al-Mulali等(2012)使用调整的最小二乘法回归方程分析了全球7个地区1980-2008年期间城镇化与能源消费和二氧化碳排放之间长期的双向关系,结果表明,有84%的国家呈现长期的正向性,仅有16%的国家呈负向关系。城镇化对生态环境胁迫作用方面,大量研究围绕城镇化进程中下垫面改变的生态效应而展开。一方面,城镇化对自然生态系统的侵占,导致景观破碎化,并对生物多样性和生态系统服务产生负面影响(Niemelä et al, 2011; Seto et al, 2011);另一方面,城镇化进程通过改变下垫面性质、反照率和蒸散发而对城市气候和热环境产生显著影响(Oke, 1988; Santamouris et al, 2001),其中城市热岛效应及其成因研究最引人注目(Oleson et al, 2011)。近年来,中国城镇化过程中对于资源环境的胁迫作用,也引起了国外学者的关注。Güneralp等(2008)以中国深圳市为例,建立系统动力学模型模拟城市增长的驱动力及其在土地利用、空气污染以及能源和水资源需求方面的环境效应。Haas等(2014)以京津冀、长三角和珠三角为案例区,运用景观指数和生态系统服务概念研究了土地利用变化和城镇化发展带来的环境效应。结果表明,快速的城镇化导致了自然生态系统面积下降、景观破碎以及生态系统服务价值的显著降低。

国内学者研究主要集中在城镇化与生态环境耦合关系和胁迫作用2个方面。在城镇化与生态环境耦合关系的探索上,王如松(1988)利用生态协调原理的正负反馈和限制因子定律,揭示了城镇化演进与生态环境间存在着反馈和限制性机理,并由此总结出了城市生长契合S型规律。一些学者基于现代复杂科学理论视角,将城市化与生态环境之间关系视为城市化与生态环境交互耦合系统,提出了城市化与生态环境交互耦合系统满足的基本定律以及城市化与生态环境交互耦合过程中的不同阶段,刻画了城市化与生态环境之间交互耦合的动态关系(黄金川等, 2003; 方创琳等, 2006; 乔标等, 2006)。实证研究中,先后有学者引入物理学中的耦合协调度模型测度城市化与生态环境耦合协调性(宋学锋等, 2005; 孙平军等, 2012; 王少剑等, 2015),并对中国区域城市化与生态环境耦合关系进行了关联分析(刘耀彬等, 2005)。在城镇化与生态环境胁迫作用方面,周忠学(2011)总结了城市化对生态系统服务影响的机制,指出在西北河谷平原地区城市化对气候调节、土壤形成与保护、废物处理、食物生产等服务的负面影响比较显著。Tao等(2015)通过样带分析得出:常州市从城市中心到城市边缘碳储存逐渐增加,且按照当前趋势,城市扩张将显著减少绿色空间,使碳储存进一步减少。一些学者基于二级CES生产函数及城市化增长函数构建了资源环境对经济增长的“尾效”模型,揭示了土地、能源、水资源和环境污染对城市化进程的约束(刘耀彬等, 2011; 张琳等, 2011; 赵胤慧等, 2013)。

2.1.2 城市代谢失调

城市代谢(Urban Metabolism)的概念最早由Wolman(1965)提出,他将城市类比成一个生态系统,指出城市通过物质、能量输入和产品、废物输出的代谢过程来维持系统的运转和稳定。随后的几十年里,城市代谢的内涵被进一步丰富和拓展。Kennedy等(2007)对城市代谢研究进行了回顾,提出城市代谢过程可看作是城市中一切技术与社会经济过程的总和,它带来城市发展和能量生产,同时也可以消弭废弃物。城市代谢失调是“城市病”产生的重要原因之一,通过对控制城市代谢过程的内部机制的分析,可以确定代谢失调的因素,为“城市病”诊治提供直接支持。

国际上,已有不少学者在全球不同地区、不同城市开展了城市代谢研究。Schulz(2007)基于不同时期的物质代谢,研究了新加坡快速工业化和城市转型带来的环境问题,发现国内物质消费扩张仍与经济增长密切相关。Zucaro等(2014)以意大利罗马市为例,运用能值核算方法量化了输入到城市系统的环境、物质和能源要素,通过分解分析(Decomposition Analysis)识别其城市系统运行和演进的主要驱动力。结果表明,外来不可更新资源和人口增加是1962-2008年罗马可持续性降低的主要原因。随着研究的不断深入,城市代谢模型不再局限于早期的“黑箱”分析(Zhang, 2013),系统动力学(Lei et al, 2008; Lee et al, 2009; Liu G Y et al, 2012)与生态网络分析(Chen S Q et al, 2012; Li et al, 2012; Wu et al, 2016)、投入—产出分析(Chen et al, 2010; Liu H et al, 2012)等相继引入城市代谢模拟,揭示了城市代谢过程的功能和层次关系,从机理上识别城市代谢的失调因素。近年来,一些新的分析策略应用于城市系统代谢研究。Goldstein等(2013)融合UM和生命周期评价(UM—LCA),用于定量研究城市的环境效应。Chen等(2015)提出城市关系(Urban Nexus, UN)研究范式,用于处理不同尺度的能量和物质流耦合的问题,成为揭示城市代谢因子(能源、水等)相互关系的有用工具。Zhang等(2016)基于LUCC构建了一个空间外显的碳代谢模型,进而识别网络内部碳代谢结构、功能和关系的空间异质性,解决了传统城市系统代谢研究不具空间特征的问题。

在国内,关于城市整体代谢特征的研究已应用于北京(张妍等, 2007a; 刘耕源, 杨志峰, 陈彬, 2013; 宋涛等, 2015)、广州(吴玉琴等, 2011)、深圳(张妍等, 2007b)、厦门(王进等, 2014)和大连(刘耕源, 杨志峰, 陈彬等, 2013)等多个城市。一些学者通过对城市新陈代谢效率机制的分析识别了引发城市代谢失调(即“城市病”)的因素。如宋涛等(2013)运用能值理论及数据包络分析方法(DEA)系统研究了中国31个城市的新陈代谢效率特征,得出产业结构、城市化、经济发展和人口集聚要素对城市新陈代谢效率具有较为显著的正面影响。黄永斌等(2015)通过能值分析研究宁夏石嘴山市代谢效率不断下降的原因,发现城市经济效率持续下降而资源效率与环境效率并未得到有效提升是根本动因。此外,土地利用变化的新陈代谢响应也是国内研究的重要方面。黄贤金等(2006)构建了区域土地利用变化的物质代谢驱动力模型,研究得到土地利用强度每提高10%,物质代谢通量将提高5.62%,物质代谢效率提高5.03%。刘勇(2010)通过对城市形态与城市物质代谢效率的相关性分析,得出较低的城市集中度,较高的斑块曲折度和破碎度,以及较低的城市开放空间率,通常导致较低的城市物质代谢效率。王磊等(2015)以天津市为例,将土地利用与城市物质流动研究相结合,认为建设用地数量与强度变化对天津市物质输入与输出端代谢规模的增加起着决定性作用。

2.1.3 生态系统服务供给不足

生态系统服务是生态系统形成和维持人类赖以生存和发展的环境条件的基础(Daily, 1997),也是促进城市可持续发展的重要途径(毛齐正等, 2015)。而随着人口集聚和经济活动的增强,人类对自然系统的扰动增加,大量生态用地被占用和破坏,生态系统服务总量下降,人地矛盾愈发突出。研究表明,中国超大城市人均生态系统服务呈弱化趋势,尤以水文调节和粮食生产服务减弱最为严重(程琳等, 2011),越来越多的城市需要城市以外的生态系统为其提供大量赖以生存的产品和服务。城市生态系统服务的不足对城市健康和居民福祉带来极大挑战,也是诱发“城市病”的原因之一。

近年来,不少学者关注于城市对生态系统的依赖和占用,以揭示“城市病”现象背后的资源环境原因。Folke等(1997)研究估算,波罗的海地区29个大城市占用的生态系统总面积是城市本身面积的565~1130倍,生态系统维持城市规模的能力正日益变得有限。Xie等(2014)引入生态足迹距离概念对北京市食物生态足迹的扩展进行测算,结果显示:2008-2012年期间,北京市食物生态足迹距离从567 km增长到677 km,城市对外部生态资源的依赖范围和距离持续增大,依赖程度也持续上升。在Burkhard等(2012)提出生态系统服务足迹概念之后,一些学者遵循该概念框架,构建了不同的服务足迹计算模型。Gao等(2014)构建了淡水供给生态系统服务足迹模型并应用于京津冀地区,研究得出有16.8%的地区面临较大的淡水资源压力。焦雯珺等(2014)提出基于废弃物吸纳服务的足迹模型,并对太湖流域上游常州市和湖州市水污染物排放的环境影响进行评估,研究结论为:就水污染物吸纳而言,当地水环境处于不可持续状态。然而,无论是生态足迹还是生态系统服务足迹模型,对“城市病”病因分析都仅停留在表象,即仅定量描述了人类需求和自然承载力之间的差距,而尚未从生态系统服务与经济社会耦合过程角度对“城市病”病因开展机理分析。Cumming等(2014)在《Nature》上通过构建概念框架分析了人类社会在农业转型和城市化进程中对于自然生态系统服务的依存和作用,提出了以生态系统服务为驱动力的“绿环(Green-loop)”状态和以非生态系统服务为驱动力“红环(Red-loop)”状态;并指出,城镇化过程中人口的聚集、对自然生态系统的占用和破坏,极大地耗用了生态系统服务,增加了落入“红环”陷阱的可能;还专门对北京市从绿环到红环转换的可能性进行了分析,对中国城镇化进程中可能遇到的生态环境问题有一定的警示作用。


2.2 “城市病”的病情诊断


表2   “城市病”病情诊断方法比较

Tab.2   Two diagnostic methods of urban problems



2.2.1 基于指标体系的城市健康评价


2.2.2 基于生态热力学指标的城市代谢测度



2.3 “城市病”的风险预估

城镇化地区自然和社会经济要素高度聚集,是各类风险的多发地。对“城市病”进行风险预估,就是估计城镇化过程中城市生态环境要素、生态过程与生态格局、生态系统服务发生不利变化,以及对人居环境产生不良影响的可能性(王美娥等, 2014),进而采取有效的风险管理对策,保证可持续发展。

2.3.1 单一风险预估

根据风险源的差异,可将“城市病”风险大致分为自然灾害风险、环境污染风险和生态系统退化风险(张小飞等, 2011)。

在全球气候变化大背景下,洪涝和干旱等成为困扰城市的主要自然灾害因素,相关研究也围绕该命题展开。例如,Cheng(2013)应用社会—生态系统研究框架,构建了社会脆弱性指数(Social Vulnerability Index),评价了美国马萨诸塞州查理士河流域城市化和气候变化诱发的洪涝灾害风险,并对未来(2030年)的洪涝灾害风险进行了预估。Aerts等(2014)运用专门用于城市灾害风险评价的洪灾风险概率评价模型,评估了世界沿海特大城市的洪涝风险及其损失,并提出了减少城市脆弱性增加恢复力的对策。金冬梅等(2005)从城市干旱缺水的致灾因子危险性、承灾体的暴露性与脆弱性和防旱抗旱能力等方面着手,建立了城市干旱缺水风险评价模型,并利用城市干旱缺水风险指数(UDRI)对城市干旱缺水风险程度进行评价。罗军刚等(2008)则将风险率、脆弱性、可恢复性、事故周期和风险度作为区域水资源短缺风险的评价指标,并将信息论中的熵值理论应用于西安市水资源短缺的风险评价,建立了基于熵权的水资源短缺风险模糊综合评价模型。对比国内外研究发现,国外一些学者已在预估城市自然灾害风险的基础上,对城市自然灾害带来的经济损失开展了评估;国内研究则集中在基于风险指数的相对风险评价方面,对风险带来的损失研究不足。


在生态退化风险研究方面,基于生态系统服务的风险评估可以较好地反映以人类为核心的城市及城市生态系统所受到的危害(王美娥等, 2014),能增强评估对决策的支持力,因而成为当前研究的热点和前沿。理论研究方面,Munns等(2009)提出将生态风险评价运用于传统的自然资源损害评估,用生态系统服务的损失表征生态风险。Villamagna等(2013)构建了生态系统服务能力、生态压力、服务需求和服务流之间相互作用的理论框架,探讨了不同情景下生态系统服务可持续利用存在的风险程度。案例研究方面,Xu等(2016)通过运用GWML-CA模型模拟土地利用变化,集成生态系统服务评价模型对中国太湖流域生态系统服务的退化风险进行了评估。研究认为,快速的土地利用变化增加了生态系统服务的退化风险,2010-2020年间退化严重的区域将集中在太湖流域的小城市和欠发达城市。然而,基于生态系统服务评价生态退化风险的方法尚未成熟,不少研究还停留在理论探讨阶段,需要构建更为综合的生态退化风险评价模型以模拟不同情景对生态系统的影响,同时需要加强生态退化风险的不确定性分析,发挥生态退化风险研究在风险管理中的作用。

2.3.2 综合风险预估

由于“城市病”风险具有多风险源、多风险受体、复杂暴露途径等特点(徐丽芬等, 2010),近年来已有不少学者将关注点从单一风险评价转移到多风险源、多过程、多风险受体的综合风险评价研究。


国外学者在传统的综合风险评价基础上(Burton et al, 2002; Moraes et al, 2004; Chen Q Y et al, 2012),更多地将基于风险机理的模型应用于“城市病”风险预估(Chen, 2013)。与此同时,国外研究更加注重风险预估与城市规划、管理的联系,探究政府和个人对风险的适应机制,提出具体的管理和应对方式。日本京都大学防灾所的Okada等(2004)提出的城市化进程中综合灾害风险管理的“塔模型”,明确了综合协调城市各要素间的关系在城市综合灾害风险管理中的重要性。Wamsler等(2013)基于适应气候变化风险的城市规划理论和实践,识别了气候弹性城市的基本特征,在成因、短期和长期效应以及灾后响应和恢复等方面考虑灾害的生命周期,分析了气候灾害、城市形态和城市规划过程之间的相互关系。Heinrichs等(2012)以圣地亚哥为案例区,通过分析风险要素,阐述了大都市区风险的形成机制,评价了风险范围和严重程度,并提出了应对风险的管理策略。

3 研究存在问题

3.1 “城市病”的形成机理尚不清晰


3.2 对“城市病”的诊断多停留在表象


3.3 “城市病”风险预估研究不平衡


3.4 研究尺度较为单一


4 研究展望


4.1 研究方向

(1) 城镇化与生态环境的交互作用研究将持续深入。目前在城镇化影响城市局地气候、植被动态、土壤组成、大气污染、水文过程、生物多样性等方面的研究仍将持续;同时,城市地区的生物地球化学过程如碳、氮循环研究正在兴起,未来将会成为研究热点。与此同步,生态环境对城镇化过程的影响尤其是制约作用研究水平将会进一步提升。

(2) 微观过程与城市整体机能及内在联系的综合研究将会得到强化。目前,在微观层面,不同学科对城市内部自然过程、经济过程和社会过程的研究已有一些积累,尤其是在自然科学领域,对于城市内部的水、土、气、生等过程研究成果已较丰富。如何把这些过程整合起来进行统一分析,以及多种过程耦合与城市整体机能的关系将是下一阶段研究重点。其中,由于城市代谢研究具有网络分析和指标综合等方面的优势,将其应用于“城市病”诊断与风险预估研究可作为其中的一个重要方向。从学科发展来看,在现代系统科学理论指导下,综合运用地理学、生态学、环境科学、经济学和社会学等多科学知识和方法,深入认识城镇化与生态环境交互作用的内在机理,进而为“城市病”的诊断分析和风险预估奠定基础,是未来重要的学科发展方向。

(3) 生态系统服务研究将在“城市病”诊断分析及风险预估中发挥更大作用。城市生态系统服务作为连接生态系统和人类福祉的载体,对城市的健康发展必不可少,在建设生态城市、低碳城市和海绵城市背景下,通过合理布局和管治等途径,提升城市的生态系统服务,对于防治“城市病”,降低各种风险具有重要作用。具体来说,可从以下几方面进行研究:①通过城市生态系统过程研究,明晰单一生态系统服务类型的形成机制和传输过程,为城市内涝、灰霾效应、热岛效应、水体污染与富营养化等备受关注的“城市病”提供新的解决思路与科学方法;②通过权衡/协同分析,研究城市不同生态系统服务间的此消彼长或相互增益关系,并探究形成权衡/协同的原因,为筛选旨在提升生态系统服务水平的绿色空间建设和规划技术提供支撑;③建立包括生态系统服务在内的“城市病”诊断和风险预估指标体系。未来应系统分析城镇化与生态系统服务交互作用机理,将生态系统服务纳入“城市病”的病情诊断和风险预估的评价模型体系的准则层,在指标层中增加生态系统服务的类型和数量等指标。这方面研究成果可为城市绿色基础设施建设、城市规划等提供科学基础。

4.2 数据获取与模型技术




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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随着城市的快速发展,城市用地及其生态服务功能也在不断发生变化.近 十几年间,中国城市发展迅速,超大规模城市的土地利用以及生态系统服务动态演变的一般特征以及差异值得关注.研究以中国1995年非农业人口超过200万 的9个超大城市为研究对象(包括上海、北京、天津、重庆、南京、西安、哈尔滨、武汉和广州),对各城市不同用地类型在1995年至2008年这一阶段的利 用动态度进行分析.然后以用地结构和谢高地等[1]提出的大陆生态系统服务价值当量表为基础估算了城市土地生态系统服务价值,并且对城市土地利用结构与生 态系统服务之间的关系进行了分析.最后为证明研究结果可信,对每种用地类型对单位面积生态系统服务价值系数的依赖性进行了敏感性分析.结果表明,9个超大 城市用地结构变化趋势总体一致,主要缩减地类为农田和水体,增长地类为建设用地、林地和城市绿地.单位面积生态系统服务价值量1995年总体范围为 4996-8854元/hm2,排序为广州>武汉>哈尔滨>南京>西安>天津>北京>上海>重庆,2008年范围为4746-8777元/hm2,排序为 广州>哈尔滨>西安>上海>重庆>北京>武汉>南京>天津,各城市均值由1995年的7189元/hm2降到2008年的6987元/hm2.人均享有生 态系统服务价值量1995年总体范围为284-7983元/人,排序为哈尔滨>西安>北京>广州>武汉>南京>天津>重庆>上海,2008年范围为 305-4538元/人,排序为哈尔滨>重庆>西安>广州>武汉>北京>南京>天津>上海,各城市平均值由1995年的1677元/人降到2008年的 1230元/人.超大城市土地生态系统服务动态演变的一致特征是人均享有生态系统服务价值下降,主要减弱的生态系统服务为水文调节和粮食生产,增强的服务 为娱乐文化和废物处理,而单位面积生态系统服务价值与生态系统服务结构9个城市之间存在差异.敏感性分析结果显示所有土地类型的敏感度指数皆小于1,证明 研究结果可信.研究结果说明城市可持续发展主要面临的问题之一是建设用地无序扩张和各类生态用地的配置不均衡,可为中国迅速城市化的新兴大型城市的生态建 设提供参考和指导.

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随着城市的快速发展,城市用地及其生态服务功能也在不断发生变化.近 十几年间,中国城市发展迅速,超大规模城市的土地利用以及生态系统服务动态演变的一般特征以及差异值得关注.研究以中国1995年非农业人口超过200万 的9个超大城市为研究对象(包括上海、北京、天津、重庆、南京、西安、哈尔滨、武汉和广州),对各城市不同用地类型在1995年至2008年这一阶段的利 用动态度进行分析.然后以用地结构和谢高地等[1]提出的大陆生态系统服务价值当量表为基础估算了城市土地生态系统服务价值,并且对城市土地利用结构与生 态系统服务之间的关系进行了分析.最后为证明研究结果可信,对每种用地类型对单位面积生态系统服务价值系数的依赖性进行了敏感性分析.结果表明,9个超大 城市用地结构变化趋势总体一致,主要缩减地类为农田和水体,增长地类为建设用地、林地和城市绿地.单位面积生态系统服务价值量1995年总体范围为 4996-8854元/hm2,排序为广州>武汉>哈尔滨>南京>西安>天津>北京>上海>重庆,2008年范围为4746-8777元/hm2,排序为 广州>哈尔滨>西安>上海>重庆>北京>武汉>南京>天津,各城市均值由1995年的7189元/hm2降到2008年的6987元/hm2.人均享有生 态系统服务价值量1995年总体范围为284-7983元/人,排序为哈尔滨>西安>北京>广州>武汉>南京>天津>重庆>上海,2008年范围为 305-4538元/人,排序为哈尔滨>重庆>西安>广州>武汉>北京>南京>天津>上海,各城市平均值由1995年的1677元/人降到2008年的 1230元/人.超大城市土地生态系统服务动态演变的一致特征是人均享有生态系统服务价值下降,主要减弱的生态系统服务为水文调节和粮食生产,增强的服务 为娱乐文化和废物处理,而单位面积生态系统服务价值与生态系统服务结构9个城市之间存在差异.敏感性分析结果显示所有土地类型的敏感度指数皆小于1,证明 研究结果可信.研究结果说明城市可持续发展主要面临的问题之一是建设用地无序扩张和各类生态用地的配置不均衡,可为中国迅速城市化的新兴大型城市的生态建 设提供参考和指导.
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Studies on material metabolism response of regional land use change

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基于能值分析的资源型城市新陈代谢水平评价: 以石嘴山市为例

[J]. 资源科学, 37(8): 1621-1628.

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Urban metabolism evaluation of resource-based cities using emergy synthesis: A case study in Shizuishan City

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Development and application of ecosystem-service-based ecological footprint models

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[16] 金冬梅, 张继权, 韩俊山. 2005.


[J]. 自然灾害学报, 14(6): 100-104.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-4574.2005.06.018      URL      摘要

以吉林省地级城市为研究对象,从造成城市干旱缺水的致灾因子危险 性,承灾体的暴露性、脆弱性和防旱抗旱能力四个方面着手,利用自然灾害指数法、加权综合评价法和层次分析法,建立了城市干旱缺水风险评价模型,引用城市干 旱缺水风险指数(UDRI),对城市干旱缺水风险程度进行了评价,并借助GIS技术绘制了吉林省城市干旱缺水风险分布图,以期为实现吉林省水资源可持续利 用、保障区域经济可持续发展和老工业基地改造战略实施提供科学依据.

[Jin D M, Zhang J Q, Han J S.2005.

Risk assessment system and model research on urban drought and water shortage in Jilin Province

[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 14(6): 100-104.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-4574.2005.06.018      URL      摘要

以吉林省地级城市为研究对象,从造成城市干旱缺水的致灾因子危险 性,承灾体的暴露性、脆弱性和防旱抗旱能力四个方面着手,利用自然灾害指数法、加权综合评价法和层次分析法,建立了城市干旱缺水风险评价模型,引用城市干 旱缺水风险指数(UDRI),对城市干旱缺水风险程度进行了评价,并借助GIS技术绘制了吉林省城市干旱缺水风险分布图,以期为实现吉林省水资源可持续利 用、保障区域经济可持续发展和老工业基地改造战略实施提供科学依据.
[17] 李恒, 黄民生, 姚玲, . 2011.


[J]. 生态学杂志, 30(1): 183-188.

URL      摘要

随着城市化和城市环境问题的日趋突出,城市生态系统健康评价成为 近年来生态学领域研究的热点.本文运用能值分析方法,采用活力、组织结构、恢复力和服务功能维持4个要素,构建了评价城市生态系统健康的能值指标--城市 健康能值改良指标,并用于合肥市生态系统的健康评价,然后将评价结果与天津、芜湖、上海、宁波、福州等6座国内城市进行比较.结果表 明:2004-2008年合肥市的健康程度呈现下降趋势,合肥市的城市健康改良指数高于上海、宁波、包头和天津,低于芜湖、福州;因此,合肥今后还要着重 从降低环境胁迫入手,改进城市的组织结构和恢复力与服务功能,不断提升城市的健康水平.

[Li H, Huang M S, Yao L, et al.2011.

Dynamic assessment of urban ecosystem health in Hefei City based on emergy analysis

[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 30(1): 183-188.]

URL      摘要

随着城市化和城市环境问题的日趋突出,城市生态系统健康评价成为 近年来生态学领域研究的热点.本文运用能值分析方法,采用活力、组织结构、恢复力和服务功能维持4个要素,构建了评价城市生态系统健康的能值指标--城市 健康能值改良指标,并用于合肥市生态系统的健康评价,然后将评价结果与天津、芜湖、上海、宁波、福州等6座国内城市进行比较.结果表 明:2004-2008年合肥市的健康程度呈现下降趋势,合肥市的城市健康改良指数高于上海、宁波、包头和天津,低于芜湖、福州;因此,合肥今后还要着重 从降低环境胁迫入手,改进城市的组织结构和恢复力与服务功能,不断提升城市的健康水平.
[18] 李双成, 赵志强, 王仰麟. 2009.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 28(1): 63-70.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.01.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li S C, Zhao Z Q, Wang Y L.2009.

Urbanization process and effects of natural resource and environment in China: Research trends and future directions

[J]. Progress in Geography, 28(1): 63-70.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.01.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[19] 李天健. 2014.

城市病评价指标体系构建与应用: 以北京市为例

[J]. 城市规划, 38(8): 41-47.

https://doi.org/10.11819/cpr20140808a      URL      摘要

目前,普遍存在于我国大部分城市中的城市病不仅阻碍了城市的发展 而且影响了居民的日常生活,越来越受到各界的重视.本文构建了城市病评价的指标体系,从自然资源短缺、生态环境污染、城市交通拥堵、居民生活困难、公共资 源紧张及公共安全弱化6个城市病的主要表现入手,共选取了48个指标,运用主成分分析法,对2006年至201 0年北京市城市病的演变进行分类评价和综合评价.结果表明,北京市城市病的综合情况以及其中的自然资源短缺、公共资源紧张、公共安全弱化这3个方面都呈现 逐年好转,而城市交通拥堵和居民生活困难两方面呈恶化趋势,生态环境恶化的情况先有好转后开始恶化.

[Li T J.2014.

Construction and application of the evaluation indicator system for urban disease: A case study of Beijing

[J]. City Planning Review, 38(8): 41-47.]

https://doi.org/10.11819/cpr20140808a      URL      摘要

目前,普遍存在于我国大部分城市中的城市病不仅阻碍了城市的发展 而且影响了居民的日常生活,越来越受到各界的重视.本文构建了城市病评价的指标体系,从自然资源短缺、生态环境污染、城市交通拥堵、居民生活困难、公共资 源紧张及公共安全弱化6个城市病的主要表现入手,共选取了48个指标,运用主成分分析法,对2006年至201 0年北京市城市病的演变进行分类评价和综合评价.结果表明,北京市城市病的综合情况以及其中的自然资源短缺、公共资源紧张、公共安全弱化这3个方面都呈现 逐年好转,而城市交通拥堵和居民生活困难两方面呈恶化趋势,生态环境恶化的情况先有好转后开始恶化.
[20] 刘耕源, 杨志峰, 陈彬. 2013.

基于能值分析方法的城市代谢过程: 案例研究

[J]. 生态学报, 33(16): 5078-5089.

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201204260598      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市代谢过程研究是实现城市生 态规划和环境管理等实际工作优化与决策的关键理论问题之一。核算了1999—2006年北京代谢过程中能值通量和强度,并依照Eco-Indictor 99的划分标准,结合自然系统对污染物的自净化及污染对经济系统和生态系统的损害程度测度方法(DALY法和PDF法),从城市代谢生产过程和消费过程研 究城市代谢对人群健康和自然生态系统的影响,结果表明:(1)北京城市代谢过程大部分依赖于外部购买的不可更新资源的消耗;(2)外部购买的不可更新资源 主要依赖于它省的资源供给,对国外资源利用很少,说明北京是一个本国资源依赖性的城市,而且这种依赖程度在不断增长;(3)当前过快的城市代谢过程主要由 固定资产建设所拉动,随着北京基础建设程度放缓,这种高依赖性的代谢模式会的到一定的改变;(4)在考虑生态损失的情况下其可持续发展水平有5%的下降。 该研究克服传统外在预警式评价方法的局限,综合评价城市生态系统内在代谢过程及代谢水平,为城市生态规划和环境管理提供更为有效的优化与决策依据。

[Liu G Y, Yang Z F, Chen B.2013.

Urban metabolism process based on emergy synthesis: A case study of Beijing

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 33(16): 5078-5089.]

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201204260598      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市代谢过程研究是实现城市生 态规划和环境管理等实际工作优化与决策的关键理论问题之一。核算了1999—2006年北京代谢过程中能值通量和强度,并依照Eco-Indictor 99的划分标准,结合自然系统对污染物的自净化及污染对经济系统和生态系统的损害程度测度方法(DALY法和PDF法),从城市代谢生产过程和消费过程研 究城市代谢对人群健康和自然生态系统的影响,结果表明:(1)北京城市代谢过程大部分依赖于外部购买的不可更新资源的消耗;(2)外部购买的不可更新资源 主要依赖于它省的资源供给,对国外资源利用很少,说明北京是一个本国资源依赖性的城市,而且这种依赖程度在不断增长;(3)当前过快的城市代谢过程主要由 固定资产建设所拉动,随着北京基础建设程度放缓,这种高依赖性的代谢模式会的到一定的改变;(4)在考虑生态损失的情况下其可持续发展水平有5%的下降。 该研究克服传统外在预警式评价方法的局限,综合评价城市生态系统内在代谢过程及代谢水平,为城市生态规划和环境管理提供更为有效的优化与决策依据。
[21] 刘耕源, 杨志峰, 陈彬, . 2008.

基于能值分析的城市生态系统健康评价: 以包头市为例

[J]. 生态学报, 28(4): 1720-1728.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2008.04.043      URL      摘要


[Liu G Y, Yang Z F, Chen B, et al.2008.

Emergy-based urban ecosystem health assessment: A case study of Baotou City

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 28(4): 1720-1728.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2008.04.043      URL      摘要

[22] 刘耕源, 杨志峰, 陈彬, . 2013.

基于生态网络的城市代谢结构模拟研究: 以大连市为例

[J]. 生态学报, 33(18): 5926-5934.

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[Liu G Y, Yang Z F, Chen B, et al.2013.

Study of urban metabolic structure based on ecological network: A case study of Dalian

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 33(18): 5926-5934.]

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[23] 刘家宏, 胡剑, 褚俊英, . 2012.


[J]. 清华大学学报: 自然科学版, 52(6): 830-835.

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[Liu J H, Hu J, Chu J Y, et al.2012.

Multi-scale risk assessment of accidental water pollution events in ungauged river basins

[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University: Science and Technology, 52(6): 830-835.]

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[24] 刘晓丽, 方创琳. 2008.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 27(5): 35-42.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.05.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu X L, Fang C L.2008.

Progress and prospect of study on carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters

[J]. Progress in Geography, 27(5): 35-42.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.05.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] 刘耀彬, 李仁东, 宋学锋. 2005.


[J]. 地理学报, 60(2): 237-247.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2005.02.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以定性与定量分析相结合的方法建立了耦合系统的评价指标体系,运 用灰色关联分析法构建出区域城市化与生态环境交互作用的关联度模型和耦合度模型,定量揭示出中国省区城市化与生态环境系统耦合的主要因素,并从时空角度分 析了区域耦合度的空间分布及演变规律.研究结果表明:(1)城市化与生态环境系统要素之间的耦合是复杂的,总体上表现在城市化对生态环境的胁迫作用和生态 环境对城市化的约束作用两个方面.通过关联度计算遴选出作用于生态环境的16项城市化指标和影响城市化的10项生态环境指标,它们较为全面反映出系统交互 耦合的机理;(2)中国区域城市化与生态环境耦合度分布基本符合东、中西空间分异的规律.根据耦合度大小并结合区域城市化与经济发展阶段,大致将全国省区 划分为协调、磨合、拮抗和低水平耦合等4种类型,其中以拮抗类型为主;(3)中国城市化与生态环境耦合度的时序变动表现出明显的阶段性和波动性.

[Liu Y B, Li R D, Song X F.2005.

Grey associative analysis of regional urbanization and eco-environment coupling in China

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 60(2): 237-247.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2005.02.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以定性与定量分析相结合的方法建立了耦合系统的评价指标体系,运 用灰色关联分析法构建出区域城市化与生态环境交互作用的关联度模型和耦合度模型,定量揭示出中国省区城市化与生态环境系统耦合的主要因素,并从时空角度分 析了区域耦合度的空间分布及演变规律.研究结果表明:(1)城市化与生态环境系统要素之间的耦合是复杂的,总体上表现在城市化对生态环境的胁迫作用和生态 环境对城市化的约束作用两个方面.通过关联度计算遴选出作用于生态环境的16项城市化指标和影响城市化的10项生态环境指标,它们较为全面反映出系统交互 耦合的机理;(2)中国区域城市化与生态环境耦合度分布基本符合东、中西空间分异的规律.根据耦合度大小并结合区域城市化与经济发展阶段,大致将全国省区 划分为协调、磨合、拮抗和低水平耦合等4种类型,其中以拮抗类型为主;(3)中国城市化与生态环境耦合度的时序变动表现出明显的阶段性和波动性.
[26] 刘耀彬, 杨新梅. 2011.


[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 21(2): 24-30.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2011.02.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在经济和城市快速发展过程中,资源环境对经济增长和城市化进程的约束越来越凸显.本文正是基于这种背景,研究了有限资源环境对城市化进程的阻碍大小,即城市化进程中资源环境"尾效".首先通过内生增长理论构建资源环境对经济增长的"尾效"模型,再利用经济增长与城市化水平之间的半对数关系推导出城市化进程中资源环境"尾效"模型,然后以江西省为例对其城市化进程中的资源环境"尾效"进行实证分析.计量发现土地、能源、水资源和环境污染对江西省城市化进程的"尾效"大小分别为0.017 678 315,0.114 909 279,0.005 050 95和0.0214 665 3.可见,能源对城市化进程的阻尼作用是最为显著的,其次分别是环境污染、土地和水资源.显然,只有大力提高能源等资源的利用率,将生产方式转移到依靠技术进步上来,并且着力提高人们的节约和保护资源环境意识,江西省城市化才能走上可持续发展的道路.

[Liu Y B, Yang X M.2011.

Analysis on resources consumption drag of urbanization based on endogenous growth model

[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 21(2): 24-30.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2011.02.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在经济和城市快速发展过程中,资源环境对经济增长和城市化进程的约束越来越凸显.本文正是基于这种背景,研究了有限资源环境对城市化进程的阻碍大小,即城市化进程中资源环境"尾效".首先通过内生增长理论构建资源环境对经济增长的"尾效"模型,再利用经济增长与城市化水平之间的半对数关系推导出城市化进程中资源环境"尾效"模型,然后以江西省为例对其城市化进程中的资源环境"尾效"进行实证分析.计量发现土地、能源、水资源和环境污染对江西省城市化进程的"尾效"大小分别为0.017 678 315,0.114 909 279,0.005 050 95和0.0214 665 3.可见,能源对城市化进程的阻尼作用是最为显著的,其次分别是环境污染、土地和水资源.显然,只有大力提高能源等资源的利用率,将生产方式转移到依靠技术进步上来,并且着力提高人们的节约和保护资源环境意识,江西省城市化才能走上可持续发展的道路.
[27] 刘勇. 2010.


[J]. 城市发展研究, 17(6): 27-31.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2010.06.006      URL      摘要

在设定城市形态和城市物质代谢效率的定量评价指标基础上,基于遥 感数据和城市统计数据,运用DEA-Malmquist模型,将城市物质代谢效率分解为技术效率、技术变动效率以及全要素生产率,与城市形态指标进行对比 分析的结果表明:较低的城市集中度,较高的斑块曲折度和破碎度,以及较低的城市开放空间率,伴随着较低的城市物质代谢效率.最后,从城市的理性增长,以及 城市景观的生态规划等方面,提出了合理塑造域市形态,提高城市物质代谢效率的政策建议.

[Liu Y.2010.

Analyzing the relationship between urban form and urban material metabolism efficiency

[J]. Urban Studies, 17(6): 27-31.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3862.2010.06.006      URL      摘要

在设定城市形态和城市物质代谢效率的定量评价指标基础上,基于遥 感数据和城市统计数据,运用DEA-Malmquist模型,将城市物质代谢效率分解为技术效率、技术变动效率以及全要素生产率,与城市形态指标进行对比 分析的结果表明:较低的城市集中度,较高的斑块曲折度和破碎度,以及较低的城市开放空间率,伴随着较低的城市物质代谢效率.最后,从城市的理性增长,以及 城市景观的生态规划等方面,提出了合理塑造域市形态,提高城市物质代谢效率的政策建议.
[28] 罗军刚, 解建仓, 阮本清. 2008.


[J]. 水利学报, 39(9): 1092-1097, 1104.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0559-9350.2008.09.010      URL      摘要

针对水资源短缺风险评价中各指标的模糊性和不确定性,将信息论中的熵值理论应用于水资源短缺 风险评价中,建立了基于熵权的水资源短缺风险模糊综合评价模型。采用风险率、脆弱性、可恢复性、事故周期和风险度作为区域水资源短缺风险的评价指标,建立 了综合评价指标体系。运用信息熵所反映数据本身的效用值来计算评价指标的权重系数,有效地解决了权重分配困难的问题,并使得权重的确定有了一定的理论依 据。实际应用结果表明,此方法简便可行、科学可靠,结果相对客观可信。

[Luo J G, Xie J C, Ruan B Q.2008.

Fuzzy comprehensive assessment model for water shortage risk based on entropy weight

[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 39(9): 1092-1097, 1104.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0559-9350.2008.09.010      URL      摘要

针对水资源短缺风险评价中各指标的模糊性和不确定性,将信息论中的熵值理论应用于水资源短缺 风险评价中,建立了基于熵权的水资源短缺风险模糊综合评价模型。采用风险率、脆弱性、可恢复性、事故周期和风险度作为区域水资源短缺风险的评价指标,建立 了综合评价指标体系。运用信息熵所反映数据本身的效用值来计算评价指标的权重系数,有效地解决了权重分配困难的问题,并使得权重的确定有了一定的理论依 据。实际应用结果表明,此方法简便可行、科学可靠,结果相对客观可信。
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[J]. 应用生态学报, 26(4): 1023-1033.

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Urban ecosystem services: A review

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[30] 乔标, 方创琳, 黄金川. 2006.


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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2006.07.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Qiao B, Fang C L, Huang J C.2006.

The coupling law and its validation of the interaction between urbanization and eco-environment in arid area

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26(7): 2183-2190.]

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[31] 石忆邵. 2014.


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Measurement index system and empirical analysis of China's urban diseases

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[32] 宋涛, 蔡建明, 杜姗姗, . 2015.


[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 29(1): 37-42.

https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Song T, Cai J M, Du S S, et al.2015.

Emergy analysis of urban metabolism in Beijing

[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 29(1): 37-42.]

https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[33] 宋涛, 蔡建明, 倪攀, . 2013.


[J]. 资源科学, 35(11): 2166-2173.

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[Song T, Cai J M, Ni P, et al.2013.

Chinese urban metabolic efficiencies based on emergy and DEA

[J]. Resources Science, 35(11): 2166-2173.]

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[34] 宋学锋, 刘耀彬. 2005.


[J]. 科技导报, 23(5): 31-33.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-7857.2005.05.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在城市与生态环境耦合规律的基础上,利用协同论的观点构筑了它们 之间交互作用的耦合度模型.模型包括两部分,即耦合度计算模型和耦合度预测模型.耦合度计算模型由功效函数、耦合度函数和城市化-生态环境耦合评价指标体 系构成,其中指标体系的选择是耦合度计算正确与否的关键.耦合度预测模型采用人工神经BP反馈网络.最后,以徐州市为研究对象,应用此模型研究了该市城市 化与生态环境耦合的现状和发展趋势,为协调好它的城市化与环境建设提供了量化的决策依据.

[Song X F, Liu Y B.2005.

Coupling degree model of urbanization and ecological environment and its application

[J]. Science & Technology Review, 23(5): 31-33.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-7857.2005.05.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

在城市与生态环境耦合规律的基础上,利用协同论的观点构筑了它们 之间交互作用的耦合度模型.模型包括两部分,即耦合度计算模型和耦合度预测模型.耦合度计算模型由功效函数、耦合度函数和城市化-生态环境耦合评价指标体 系构成,其中指标体系的选择是耦合度计算正确与否的关键.耦合度预测模型采用人工神经BP反馈网络.最后,以徐州市为研究对象,应用此模型研究了该市城市 化与生态环境耦合的现状和发展趋势,为协调好它的城市化与环境建设提供了量化的决策依据.
[35] 苏美蓉, 杨志峰, 王红瑞, . 2006.


[J]. 环境科学学报, 26(12): 2072-2079.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0253-2468.2006.12.022      URL      摘要

Set Pair Analysis Method(SPAM) was employed to assess the health of urban ecosystems. This assessment method led to dialectic and actual results because it objectively treats and systematically estimates the uncertainty of urban system. Multiple health indexes of urban ecosystems can be combined to form a relative-close-degree of urban ecosystem health to the optimal evaluation set, through SPAM. The urban ecosystem health of Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen and Guangzhou from 1995 to 2003 were evaluated by using SPAM. It can be concluded that the urban ecosystem health of Xiamen and Guangzhou city was the best, while the order of the rest cities' ecosystem health often changed with time. Moreover, the change of Beijing's urban ecosystem health from 1992 to 2003 was analyzed. It showed that Beijing urban ecosystem health had increased in the period.

[Su M R, Yang Z F, Wang H R, et al.2006.

A kind of method and its application for urban ecosystem health assessment

[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 26(12): 2072-2079.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0253-2468.2006.12.022      URL      摘要

Set Pair Analysis Method(SPAM) was employed to assess the health of urban ecosystems. This assessment method led to dialectic and actual results because it objectively treats and systematically estimates the uncertainty of urban system. Multiple health indexes of urban ecosystems can be combined to form a relative-close-degree of urban ecosystem health to the optimal evaluation set, through SPAM. The urban ecosystem health of Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen and Guangzhou from 1995 to 2003 were evaluated by using SPAM. It can be concluded that the urban ecosystem health of Xiamen and Guangzhou city was the best, while the order of the rest cities' ecosystem health often changed with time. Moreover, the change of Beijing's urban ecosystem health from 1992 to 2003 was analyzed. It showed that Beijing urban ecosystem health had increased in the period.
[36] 孙平军, 丁四保, 修春亮. 2012.


[J]. 城市规划, 36(5): 38-45.

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[Sun P J, Ding S B, Xiu C L.2012.

Analysis of the coordination of population-economy-space in Beijing

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[37] 王彬武. 2015.


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[Wang B W.2015.

Risk zoning and countermeasure of soil heavy metal based on the social-ecological systems[D].

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[38] 王进, 吝涛. 2014.

食物源CNP的城市代谢特征: 以厦门市为例

[J]. 生态学报, 34(21): 6366-6378.

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201302060250      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于元素流分析原理,将食物源碳氮磷3种元素在城市系统中的代谢特征进行耦合分析,追踪以“食物消费”、 “废物处置”、“人体代谢”为主要环节的食物碳氮磷代谢过程,发掘其中共同的代谢环节,明晰3种元素代谢路径、代谢通量及其影响因素的差异,并对厦门市 1991-2010年食物源碳氮磷城市代谢进行案例分析.结果表明,食物源碳氮磷城市代谢中通量最大的代谢路径是“食物—食物摄入—人体粪尿—未还田粪尿 —污水处理—污泥—污泥填埋—土壤”;食物源碳氮磷城市代谢主要引起土壤和水体的环境负荷加重;厨余垃圾中碳氮磷占食物源的比例分别为13.7%、 32.2%、70.3%,在整个代谢过程中具有最大的减量管理潜力.提出优化代谢过程、减少碳氮磷环境负荷的若干对策建议,包括增大食物的有效食用比例、 资源化利用污泥和厨余垃圾等.

[Wang J, Lin T.2014.

Characterizing the urban metabolism of food-sourced carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous: A case study of Xiamen

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 34(21): 6366-6378.]

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201302060250      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于元素流分析原理,将食物源碳氮磷3种元素在城市系统中的代谢特征进行耦合分析,追踪以“食物消费”、 “废物处置”、“人体代谢”为主要环节的食物碳氮磷代谢过程,发掘其中共同的代谢环节,明晰3种元素代谢路径、代谢通量及其影响因素的差异,并对厦门市 1991-2010年食物源碳氮磷城市代谢进行案例分析.结果表明,食物源碳氮磷城市代谢中通量最大的代谢路径是“食物—食物摄入—人体粪尿—未还田粪尿 —污水处理—污泥—污泥填埋—土壤”;食物源碳氮磷城市代谢主要引起土壤和水体的环境负荷加重;厨余垃圾中碳氮磷占食物源的比例分别为13.7%、 32.2%、70.3%,在整个代谢过程中具有最大的减量管理潜力.提出优化代谢过程、减少碳氮磷环境负荷的若干对策建议,包括增大食物的有效食用比例、 资源化利用污泥和厨余垃圾等.
[39] 王磊, 赖迪辉, 李慧明. 2015.


[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 29(10): 14-19.

https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.321      URL      摘要


[Wang L, Lai D H, Li H M.2015.

Material metabolism effects of land use change

[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 29(10): 14-19.]

https://doi.org/10.13448/j.cnki.jalre.2015.321      URL      摘要

[40] 王美娥, 陈卫平, 彭驰. 2014.


[J]. 应用生态学报, 25(3): 911-918.

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[Wang M E, Chen W P, Peng C.2014.

Urban ecological risk assessment: A review

[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 25(3): 911-918.]

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[41] 王如松. 1988. 高效·和谐: 城市生态调控原则和方法[M]. 长沙: 湖南教育出版社.

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[42] 王少剑, 方创琳, 王洋. 2015.


[J]. 生态学报, 35(7): 2244-2254.

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201306021271      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang S J, Fang C L, Wang Y.2015.

Quantitative investigation of the interactive coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 35(7): 2244-2254.]

https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201306021271      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[43] 吴玉琴, 严茂超. 2011.


[J]. 资源科学, 33(8): 1555-1562.

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[Wu Y Q, Yan M C.2011.

Simulation analysis of urban metabolic efficiency in Guangzhou City

[J]. Resources Science, 33(8): 1555-1562.]

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[44] 谢元博, 李巍. 2013.


[J]. 环境科学学报, 33(6): 1763-1770.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

保护居民健康是北京市能源系统优化管理和大气污染治理的重要目 标.本研究基于北京市的社会经济发展目标并结合相关节能减排和环保要求,针对全市2010-2020年间的能源消费分别设计了高、中、低3种约束情景,通 过LEAP模型预测了全市至2020年的能源消费量与S02、NOx、PM10和PM2.5等4种主要大气污染物的排放强度,并采用泊松回归模型对3种情 景下主城区居民受环境空气中这4种大气污染物的暴露危害所导致的健康风险进行了评估.结果显示:相对低约束情景,高约束情景至2020年可避免与S02、 NOx、PM10和PM2.5污染相关的死亡危害分别为2663、6359、4720和4104人·a-1,而且在高约束情景下煤炭消费比重每下降1%, 可相应地避免约1400人·a-1的污染急性死亡.由此建议北京市实施更加严格的节能和减排措施,严控煤炭消费总量,进一步优化能源结构,最大程度地降低 能源消费导致的大气污染所产生的居民健康风险.

[Xie Y B, Li W.2013.

Health risk assessment of Beijing residents in exposure of air pollution based on environmental simulation of energy consumption scenarios

[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 33(6): 1763-1770.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

保护居民健康是北京市能源系统优化管理和大气污染治理的重要目 标.本研究基于北京市的社会经济发展目标并结合相关节能减排和环保要求,针对全市2010-2020年间的能源消费分别设计了高、中、低3种约束情景,通 过LEAP模型预测了全市至2020年的能源消费量与S02、NOx、PM10和PM2.5等4种主要大气污染物的排放强度,并采用泊松回归模型对3种情 景下主城区居民受环境空气中这4种大气污染物的暴露危害所导致的健康风险进行了评估.结果显示:相对低约束情景,高约束情景至2020年可避免与S02、 NOx、PM10和PM2.5污染相关的死亡危害分别为2663、6359、4720和4104人·a-1,而且在高约束情景下煤炭消费比重每下降1%, 可相应地避免约1400人·a-1的污染急性死亡.由此建议北京市实施更加严格的节能和减排措施,严控煤炭消费总量,进一步优化能源结构,最大程度地降低 能源消费导致的大气污染所产生的居民健康风险.
[45] 徐丽芬, 许学工, 卢亚灵, . 2010.


[J]. 生态环境学报, 19(11): 2607-2612.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2010.11.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

经过20多年的发展,风险源评价从单一风险源扩展到多风险源,风险受体从单一受体发展到多受体,评价尺度也从种群、生态系统扩展到区域和景观水平。但总体说来,对多风险源、多过程的多个生态系统层次的风险评价尚不成熟。运用数字高程模型、干燥度分布图、植被指数、人口密度以及8种自然灾害风险源频率分布图、土地利用图、植被类型图、陆地生态系统生态资产分布图等数据,基于ArcGIS 9.2平台,综合考虑生态的脆弱性,风险源的发生频率,受体的暴露水平、危害程度等,对多风险源、多个生态系统综合的北京幅生态风险进行评价。旨在对区域综合生态风险评价方法进行探讨。评价结果显示:(1)高风险区主要为本区环渤海湾沿岸,包括天津市,河北唐山、沧州,山东滨州、东营、潍坊等沿海地带;以及本图幅西部、北部的太行山地,包括河北省、北京市及图幅西部的山西、河南部分地区;(2)较低生态风险区所占比例较高,达42.55%,可见降低生态风险有很大的潜力;(3)高强度的人类开发,尤其是在滨海地区围海造陆,将会导致沿海地区生态风险更高。

[Xu L F, Xu X G, Lu Y L, et al.2010.

Integrated ecological risk assessment of J-50 based on natural disasters risk source

[J]. Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 19(11): 2607-2612.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-5906.2010.11.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

经过20多年的发展,风险源评价从单一风险源扩展到多风险源,风险受体从单一受体发展到多受体,评价尺度也从种群、生态系统扩展到区域和景观水平。但总体说来,对多风险源、多过程的多个生态系统层次的风险评价尚不成熟。运用数字高程模型、干燥度分布图、植被指数、人口密度以及8种自然灾害风险源频率分布图、土地利用图、植被类型图、陆地生态系统生态资产分布图等数据,基于ArcGIS 9.2平台,综合考虑生态的脆弱性,风险源的发生频率,受体的暴露水平、危害程度等,对多风险源、多个生态系统综合的北京幅生态风险进行评价。旨在对区域综合生态风险评价方法进行探讨。评价结果显示:(1)高风险区主要为本区环渤海湾沿岸,包括天津市,河北唐山、沧州,山东滨州、东营、潍坊等沿海地带;以及本图幅西部、北部的太行山地,包括河北省、北京市及图幅西部的山西、河南部分地区;(2)较低生态风险区所占比例较高,达42.55%,可见降低生态风险有很大的潜力;(3)高强度的人类开发,尤其是在滨海地区围海造陆,将会导致沿海地区生态风险更高。
[46] 郁亚娟, 郭怀成, 刘永, . 2008.


[J]. 生态学报, 28(4): 1736-1747.

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[Yu Y J, Guo H C, Liu Y, et al.2008.

Syndromic city illnesses diagnosis and urban ecosystem health assessment

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[47] 张琳, 李娟, 李影. 2011.


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2011.12.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章基于二级CES生产函数及 城市化增长函数,构建了土地资源对城市化进程的增长阻力模型,并以中国30个省、自治区、直辖市的面板数据进行了实证分析。结果显示,全国土地资源对城市 化进程的阻力为0.0199%,换言之,由于土地资源的限制,全国城市化进程的速度比没有土地资源约束的情形下降低0.0199%;从全国横向比较研究来 看,各地的土地资源对城市化进程的阻力各不相同,而且差异较大;从全国三大区域空间分布来看,土地资源对城市化进程阻力的平均值由东至西逐渐递减,呈现与 三大区域经济发展梯度较为一致的空间格局。

[Zhang L, Li J, Li Y.2011.

Analysis of growth resistance of China's urbanization caused by land resource

[J]. East China Economic Management, 25(12): 30-33.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1007-5097.2011.12.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章基于二级CES生产函数及 城市化增长函数,构建了土地资源对城市化进程的增长阻力模型,并以中国30个省、自治区、直辖市的面板数据进行了实证分析。结果显示,全国土地资源对城市 化进程的阻力为0.0199%,换言之,由于土地资源的限制,全国城市化进程的速度比没有土地资源约束的情形下降低0.0199%;从全国横向比较研究来 看,各地的土地资源对城市化进程的阻力各不相同,而且差异较大;从全国三大区域空间分布来看,土地资源对城市化进程阻力的平均值由东至西逐渐递减,呈现与 三大区域经济发展梯度较为一致的空间格局。
[48] 张小飞, 王如松, 李正国, . 2011.

城市综合生态风险评价: 以淮北市城区为例

[J]. 生态学报, 31(20): 6204-6214.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang X F, Wang R S, Li Z G, et al.2011.

Comprehensive assessment of urban ecological risks: The case of Huaibei City

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31(20): 6204-6214.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[49] 张妍, 杨志峰. 2007

a. 北京城市物质代谢的能值分析与生态效率评估

[J]. 环境科学学报, 27(11): 1892-1899.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0253-2468.2007.11.024      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Y, Yang Z F.2007

a. Emergy analysis of urban material metabolism and evaluation of eco-efficiency in Beijing

[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 27(11): 1892-1899.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0253-2468.2007.11.024      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[50] 张妍, 杨志峰. 2007

b. 城市物质代谢的生态效率: 以深圳市为例

[J]. 生态学报, 27(8): 3124-3131.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2007.08.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang Y, Yang Z F.2007

b. Eco-efficiency of urban material metabolism: A case study of Shenzhen

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 27(8): 3124-3131.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2007.08.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[51] 赵胤慧, 王文迪, 宋艺航, . 2013.


[J]. 水电能源科学, 31(2): 236-239.

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[Zhao Y H, Wang W D, Song Y H, et al.2013.

Econometric model for restriction of Beijing urbanization process under energy constraint

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[53] 周忠学. 2011.


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城市化空间格局控制着生态系统 的动态。该文首先总结了城市化对生态系统服务功能影响的机制,并以西安市南郊平原为样区,实证分析了城市化水平与生态系统服务功能之间的定量关系。结果表 明:(1)城市化过程中的人口聚集、工业化、土地利用变化是导致生态景观格局、生物物理过程和生物栖息地、生物地球化学循环改变的主要原因,进而对生态系 统服务功能产生了重要影响。(2)总体上,城市化必然导致生态系统服务功能的降低。但人口城市化、经济城市化、景观城市化分别对生态系统的不同服务功能产 生的影响不同;景观城市化对生态系统服务功能产生的负面影响更为显著。实证分析表明:在西北河谷平原地区,城市化对气候调节、土壤形成与保护、废物处理、 食物生产等功能的负面影响比较显著,而对生物多样性保护功能、原材料生产功能和娱乐文化功能等的影响不显著。

[Zhou Z X.2011.

Conceptual mechanism model of impact of urbanization on ecosystem service and case study

[J]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 18(5): 32-38.]

URL      摘要

城市化空间格局控制着生态系统 的动态。该文首先总结了城市化对生态系统服务功能影响的机制,并以西安市南郊平原为样区,实证分析了城市化水平与生态系统服务功能之间的定量关系。结果表 明:(1)城市化过程中的人口聚集、工业化、土地利用变化是导致生态景观格局、生物物理过程和生物栖息地、生物地球化学循环改变的主要原因,进而对生态系 统服务功能产生了重要影响。(2)总体上,城市化必然导致生态系统服务功能的降低。但人口城市化、经济城市化、景观城市化分别对生态系统的不同服务功能产 生的影响不同;景观城市化对生态系统服务功能产生的负面影响更为显著。实证分析表明:在西北河谷平原地区,城市化对气候调节、土壤形成与保护、废物处理、 食物生产等功能的负面影响比较显著,而对生物多样性保护功能、原材料生产功能和娱乐文化功能等的影响不显著。
[54] Aerts J C J H, Botzen W J W, Emanuel K, et al.2014.

Evaluating flood resilience strategies for coastal megacities

[J]. Science, 344: 473-475.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1248222      URL      PMID: 24786064      摘要

ABSTRACT Recent flood disasters in the United States (2005, 2008, 2012); the Philippines (2012, 2013); and Britain (2014) illustrate how vulnerable coastal cities are to storm surge flooding (1). Floods caused the largest portion of insured losses among all catastrophes around the world in 2013 (2). Population density in flood-prone coastal zones and megacities is expected to grow by 25% by 2050; projected climate change and sea level rise may further increase the frequency and/or severity of large-scale floods (3–7).
[55] Al-Mulali U, Sab C N B C, Fereidouni H G.2012.

Exploring the bi-directional long run relationship between urbanization, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission

[J]. Energy, 46(1): 156-167.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2012.08.043      URL      摘要

This study investigated the long run relationship between urbanization, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in seven regions, namely, East Asia and Pacific, East Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Western Europe. To achieve the goal of the study, the fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) was employed taking the period 19802008. The results show that while 84% of the countries have a positive long run relationship between urbanization, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission, only 16% the countries have mixed results. Some countries have a negative long run relationship and others, especially low income countries have no relationship between urbanization, energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission. Furthermore, a one way long run relationship between energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission and urbanization was found in a number of countries while a one way long run relationship between urbanization and energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission was found in other countries.
[56] Balocco C, Papeschi S, Grazzini G, et al.2004.

Using exergy to analyze the sustainability of an urban area

[J]. Ecological Economics, 48(2): 231-244.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2003.08.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[57] Brajer V, Mead R W, Xiao F.2008.

Health benefits of tunneling through the Chinese environmental Kuznets curve (EKC)

[J]. Ecological Economics, 66(4): 674-686.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.11.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, we first add to what is a growing literature on the existence and nature of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) model for developing countries, by testing for the existence of an EKC for China using a panel data set of city-specific, annual ambient levels of SO 2 pollution. We find some support for both the typical inverted-U-shaped relationship and an N-shaped, cubic configuration. More significantly, we then explore the possibility of China's “tunneling” through the EKC, by using newer, cleaner technologies, and thereby avoiding some of the environmental degradation that had often accompanied economic growth. Specifically, we estimate and economically value the health benefits realizable to Chinese cities from successful efforts to “tunnel” under the EKC over the next generation.
[58] Bruvoll A, Medin H.2003.

Factors behind the environmental Kuznets curve. A decomposition of the changes in air pollution

[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 24(1): 27-48.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022881928158      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The environmental Kuznets curve theory suggests that economic growth in the long run may reduce environmental problems. In this article, we use a decomposition analysis to isolate eight different factors, in order to investigate the origins of changes in emissions to air over the period from 1980 to 1996. Among these factors are economic growth, changes in the relative size of production sectors and changes in the use of energy. Given constant emissions per produced unit, economic growth alone would have contributed to a significant increase in the emissions. This potential degradation of the environment has been counteracted by first of all more efficient use of energy and abatement technologies. In addition, the substitution of cleaner for polluting energy types and other technological progressions and political actions have reduced the growth in emissions. Consequently, the growth in all emissions has been significantly lower than economic growth, and negative for some pollutants. The results indicate that policymakers may reduce emissions considerably through creating incentives for lower energy use and substitutions of environmental friendly for environmental damaging energy types, in addition to support environmental friendly research or to conduct direct emission reducing actions, such as abatement requirements or banning of environmental damaging products. This is particularly relevant to countries and sectors with relatively high energy intensities and low pollution abatement.
[59] Burkhard B, Kroll F, Nedkov S, et al.2012.

Mapping ecosystem service supply, demand and budgets

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 21: 17-29.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.06.019      URL      摘要

Among the main effects of human activities on the environment are land use and resulting land cover changes. Such changes impact the capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and services to the human society. This supply of multiple goods and services by nature should match the demands of the society, if self-sustaining human揺nvironmental systems and a sustainable utilization of natural capital are to be achieved. To describe respective states and dynamics, appropriate indicators and data for their quantification, including quantitative and qualitative assessments, are needed. By linking land cover information from, e.g. remote sensing, land survey and GIS with data from monitoring, statistics, modeling or interviews, ecosystem service supply and demand can be assessed and transferred to different spatial and temporal scales. The results reveal patterns of human activities over time and space as well as the capacities of different ecosystems to provide ecosystem services under changing land use. Also the locations of respective demands for these services can be determined. As maps are powerful tools, they hold high potentials for visualization of complex phenomena. We present an easy-to-apply concept based on a matrix linking spatially explicit biophysical landscape units to ecological integrity, ecosystem service supply and demand. An exemplary application for energy supply and demand in a central German case study region and respective maps for the years 1990 and 2007 are presented. Based on these data, the concept for an appropriate quantification and related spatial visualization of ecosystem service supply and demand is elaborated and discussed.
[60] Burton G A, Chapman P M, Smith E P.2002.

Weight-of-evidence approaches for assessing ecosystem impairment

[J]. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment an International Journal, 8(7): 1657-1673.

https://doi.org/10.1080/20028091057547      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is challenging determining whether an ecosystem is impaired. The complexity of direct and indirect interactions between physical, biological and chemical components with their varying temporal and spatial scales generally renders use of multiple assessment approaches mandatory, with a consequent need to integrate different lines-of-evidence. Integration generally involves some form of weight-ofevidence (WOE). WOE approaches reported in the literature vary broadly from subjective and qualitative to quantitative. No standard approach exists and no accepted guidelines exist describing how a WOE process should be conducted. This review summarizes the advantages, limitations, and uncertainties of different WOE approaches, critical issues involved in selecting and executing different lines-ofevidence, and the process for subsequent characterization of the likelihood of impairment.
[61] Chen B, Chen S Q.2015.

Urban metabolism and nexus

[J]. Ecological Informatics, 26: 1-2.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.09.010      URL     

[62] Chen G Q, Zhang B.2010.

Greenhouse gas emissions in China 2007: Inventory and input-output analysis

[J]. Energy Policy, 38(10): 6180-6193.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2010.06.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

For greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the Chinese economy in 2007 with the most recent statistics availability, a concrete inventory covering CO2, CH4, and N2O is composed and associated with an input-output analysis to reveal the emission embodiment in final consumption and international trade. The estimated total direct GHG emission amounts to 7456.12 Mt CO2-eq by the commonly referred IPCC global warming potentials, with 63.39% from energy-related CO2, 22.31% from non-energy-related CO2, 11.15% from CH4 and 3.15% from N2O. Responsible for 81.32% of the total GHG emissions are the five sectors of the Electric Power/Steam and Hot Water Production and Supply, Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals, Nonmetal Mineral Products, Agriculture, and Coal Mining and Dressing, with distinctive emission structures. The sector of Construction holds the top GHG emissions embodied in both domestic production and consumption, and the emission embodied in gross capital formation is prominently more than those in other components of the final consumption characterized by extensive investment in contrast to limited household consumption. China is a net exporter of embodied GHG emissions, with emissions embodied in exports of 3060.18 Mt CO2-eq, in magnitude up to 41.04% of the total direct emission.
[63] Chen Q Y, Liu J L, Ho K C, et al.2012.

Development of a relative risk model for evaluating ecological risk of water environment in the Haihe River Basin estuary area

[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 420: 79-89.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.09.044      URL      PMID: 22321901      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Ecological risk assessment for water environment is significant to water resource management of basin. Effective environmental management and systems restoration such as the Haihe River Basin require holistic understanding of the relative importance of various stressor-related impacts throughout the basin. As an effective technical tool for evaluating the ecological risk, relative risk model (RRM) was applied in regional scale successfully. In this study, the risk transfer from upstream of basin was considered and the RRM was developed through introducing the source–stressor–habitat exposure filter ( SSH ), the endpoint–habitat exposure filter ( EH ) and the stressor–endpoint effect filter ( SE ) to reflect the meaning of exposure and effect more explicit. Water environment which includes water quality, water quantity and aquatic ecosystems was selected as the assessment endpoints. We created a conceptual model which depicting potential and effect pathways from source to stressor to habitat to endpoint. The Haihe River Basin estuary (HRBE) was selected as the model case. The results showed that there were two low risk regions, one medium risk region and two high risk regions in the HRBE. The results also indicated that urbanization was the biggest source, the second was shipping and the third was industry, their risk scores are 5.65, 4.71 and 3.68 respectively. Furthermore, habitat destruction was the largest stressor with the risk scores (2.66), the second was oxygen consuming organic pollutants (1.75) and the third was pathogens (1.75). So these three stressors were the main influencing factors of the ecological pressure in the study area. For habitats, open waters (9.59) and intertidal mudflat were enduring the bigger pressure and should be taken considerable attention. Ecological service values damaged (30.54) and biodiversity decreased were facing the biggest risk pressure.
[64] Chen S Q, Chen B.2012.

Network environ perspective for urban metabolism and carbon emissions: A case study of Vienna, Austria

[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(8): 4498-4506.

[65] Cheng C.2013.

Social vulnerability, green infrastructure, urbanization and climate change-induced flooding: A risk assessment for the Charles River watershed, Massachusetts, USA

[D]. Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts Amherst.

[本文引用: 1]     

[66] Conke L S, Ferreira T L.2015.

Urban metabolism: Measuring the city's contribution to sustainable development

[J]. Environmental Pollution, 202: 146-152.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.03.027      URL      PMID: 25827689      摘要

Abstract Urban metabolism refers to the assessment of the amount of resources produced and consumed by urban ecosystems. It has become an important tool to understand how the development of one city causes impacts to the local and regional environment and to support a more sustainable urban design and planning. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to measure the changes in material and energy use occurred in the city of Curitiba (Brazil) between the years of 2000 and 2010. Results reveal better living conditions and socioeconomic improvements derived from higher resource throughput but without complete disregard to environmental issues. Food intake, water consumption and air emissions remained at similar levels; energy use, construction materials and recycled waste were increased. The paper helps illustrate why it seems more adequate to assess the contribution a city makes to sustainable development than to evaluate if one single city is sustainable or not. Copyright 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[67] Cumming G S, Buerkert A, Hoffmann E M, et al.2014.

Implications of agricultural transitions and urbanization for ecosystem services

[J]. Nature, 515: 50-57.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13945      URL      PMID: 25373674      摘要

Historically, farmers and hunter-gatherers relied directly on ecosystem services, which they both exploited and enjoyed. Urban populations still rely on ecosystems, but prioritize non-ecosystem services (socioeconomic). Population growth and densification increase the scale and change the nature of both ecosystem- and non-ecosystem-service supply and demand, weakening direct feedbacks between ecosystems and societies and potentially pushing social-ecological systems into traps that can lead to collapse. The interacting and mutually reinforcing processes of technological change, population growth and urbanization contribute to over-exploitation of ecosystems through complex feedbacks that have important implications for sustainable resource use.
[68] Daily G C.1997. Nature's services: Societal dependence on natural ecosystems[M]. Washington DC: Island Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[69] Folke C, Jansson Å, Larsson J, et al.1997.

Ecosystem appropriation by cities

[J]. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 26(3): 167-172.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02786829708965446      URL      摘要

We estimated the ecological footprint of cities in Baltic Europe and globally. The 29 largest cities of Baltic Europe appropriate for their resource consumption and waste assimilation an area of forest, agricultural, marine, and wetland ecosystems that is at least 565-1130 times larger than the area of the cities themselves. Of the global human population, 20% (1.1 billion), living in 744 large cities worldwide, appropriate for their seafood consumption as much as 25% of the globally available area of productive marine ecosystems. The same cities' appropriation of forests for assimilation of CO2emissions exceeds the full sink capacity of the world's forests by more than 10%. If the goal as emphasized at the UN Habitat II Conference, 1996, is sustainable human settlements, the increasingly limited capacity of ecosystems to sustain urban areas has to be explicitly accounted for in city planning and development.
[70] Gao Y, Feng Z, Li Y, et al.2014.

Freshwater ecosystem service footprint model: A model to evaluate regional freshwater sustainable development: A case study in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 39: 1-9.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.11.025      URL      摘要

Freshwater is the essential resource element to support and ensure human life and regional sustainable development. On the basis of the concept of ecosystem service footprint proposed by Burkhard, in this paper, we introduce a new methodological approach that addresses the sustainability and capability of regional freshwater provision and consumption, which we have coined freshwater ecosystem service footprint model (FESF model). The FESF model enhances the accuracy of water provision and consumption calculations and reveals a spatial-pattern of freshwater ecosystem service footprint at the watershed scale, overcoming the shortcomings of the traditional water footprint model, which was first introduced by Rees and Wackernagel in 1992. The proposed model is tested in the Beijing―Tianjin―Hebei (BTH) freshwater supply area in China, where water use restrictions are regularly imposed on the population and economic activities. The results of the physical process and theoretical analysis reveal that FESF model is a reliable and helpful model for researchers to understand the regional freshwater situation. The average FESF is 0.94 hectare per capita in BTH, with a maximum of 2.52 hectare per capita and a minimum of 0.36 hectare per capita. Approximately 16.8% of the considered region, primarily parts of the mid-northern region and the surrounding eastern and southern low-lying regions, is under high freshwater resource pressure. In conclusion, this model can be used by researchers and policymakers for promoting sustainable human―ecology interactions.
[71] Goldstein B, Birkved M, Quitzau M B, et al.2013.

Quantification of urban metabolism through coupling with the life cycle assessment framework: Concept development and case study

[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 8(3): 035024.

https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/035024      URL      摘要

Cities now consume resources and produce waste in amounts that are incommensurate with the populations they contain. Quantifying and benchmarking the environmental impacts of cities is essential if urbanization of the world’s growing population is to occur sustainably. Urban metabolism (UM) is a promising assessment form in that it provides the annual sum material and energy inputs, and the resultant emissions of the emergent infrastructural needs of a city’s sociotechnical subsystems. By fusing UM and life cycle assessment (UM–LCA) this study advances the ability to quantify environmental impacts of cities by modeling pressures embedded in the flows upstream (entering) and downstream (leaving) of the actual urban systems studied, and by introducing an advanced suite of indicators. Applied to five global cities, the developed UM–LCA model provided enhanced quantification of mass and energy flows through cities over earlier UM methods. The hybrid model approach also enabled the dominant sources of a city’s different environmental footprints to be identified, making UM–LCA a novel and potentially powerful tool for policy makers in developing and monitoring urban development policies. Combining outputs with socioeconomic data hinted at how these forces influenced the footprints of the case cities, with wealthier ones more associated with personal consumption related impacts and poorer ones more affected by local burdens from archaic infrastructure.
[72] Grossman G M, Krueger A B.1995.

Economic growth and the environment

[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(2): 353-377.

[73] Güneralp B, Seto K C.2008.

Environmental impacts of urban growth from an integrated dynamic perspective: A case study of Shenzhen, South China

[J]. Global Environmental Change, 18(4): 720-735.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.07.004      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT China is home to one-fifth of the world's population and that population is increasingly urban. The landscape is also urbanizing. Although there are studies that focus on specific elements of urban growth, there is very little empirical work that incorporates feedbacks and linkages to assess the interactions between the dynamics of urban growth and their environmental impacts. In this study, we develop a system dynamics simulation model of the drivers and environmental impacts of urban growth, using Shenzhen, South China, as a case study. We identify three phases of urban growth and develop scenarios to evaluate the impact of urban growth on several environmental indicators: land use, air quality, and demand for water and energy. The results show that all developable land will be urban by 2020 and the increase in the number of vehicles will be a major source of air pollution. Demand for water and electricity will rise, and the city will become increasingly vulnerable to shortages of either. The scenarios also show that there will be improvements in local environmental quality as a result of increasing affluence and economic growth. However, the environmental impacts outside of Shenzhen may increase as demands for natural resources increase and Shenzhen pushes its manufacturing industries out of the municipality. The findings may also portend to changes other cities in China and elsewhere in the developing world may experience as they continue to industrialize.
[74] Haas J, Ban Y F.2014.

Urban growth and environmental impacts in Jing-Jin-Ji, the Yangtze, River Delta and the Pearl River Delta

[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30: 42-55.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2013.12.012      URL      摘要

This study investigates land cover changes, magnitude and speed of urbanization and evaluates possible impacts on the environment by the concepts of landscape metrics and ecosystem services in China's three largest and most important urban agglomerations: Jing-Jin-Ji, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. Based on the classifications of six Landsat TM and HJ-1A/B remotely sensed space-borne optical satellite image mosaics with a superior random forest decision tree ensemble classifier, a total increase in urban land of about 28,000 kmcould be detected alongside a simultaneous decrease in natural land cover classes and cropland. Two urbanization indices describing both speed and magnitude of urbanization were derived and ecosystem services were calculated with a valuation scheme adapted to the Chinese market based on the classification results from 1990 and 2010 for the predominant land cover classes affected by urbanization: forest, cropland, wetlands, water and aquaculture. The speed and relative urban growth in Jing-Jin-Ji was highest, followed by the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, resulting in a continuously fragmented landscape and substantial decreases in ecosystem service values of approximately 18.5 billion CNY with coastal wetlands and agriculture being the largest contributors. The results indicate both similarities and differences in urban-regional development trends implicating adverse effects on the natural and rural landscape, not only in the rural-urban fringe, but also in the cities' important hinterlands as a result of rapid urbanization in China.
[75] Heinrichs D, Krellenberg K, Hansjürgens B.2012.

Introduction: Megacities in Latin America as risk habitat

[M]//Heinrichs D, Krellenberg K, Hansjürgens B, et al. Risk habitat megacity. Berlin & Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag: 3-17.

[76] Inostroza L.2014.

Measuring urban ecosystem functions through 'Technomass': A novel indicator to assess urban metabolism

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 42: 10-19.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.02.035      URL      摘要

Cities are complex systems of accumulated matter. The continuous process of matter accumulation in urban systems differs in intensity across the globe according to specific urban features, such as location and age of the urban tissue, and as a physical manifestation of metabolic lineaments, material accumulation should differ amongst cities. In this paper, a new indicator to measure this process of material accumulation is proposed, namely, the Technomass. Emulating ecology, which measures biomass in natural ecosystems, a sample of different urban tissues in a given city – Bogotá – was measured in terms of volume and rates of matter accumulation. Technomass is able to indicate overall asymptotic behaviour, specific spatial profiles and intensification of rates in time. In metabolic terms, the indicator looks into the black box, providing the possibility to link metabolic behaviours with urban form and attempting to fill the gap between urban planning, urban metabolism (UM) and Material Flow Analysis (MFA). This new indicator offers a broad scope of applications. Further possibilities and links to urban research and policy making are explored in the discussion section.
[77] Kennedy C, Cuddihy J, Engel-Yan J.2007.

The changing metabolism of cities

[J]. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(2): 43-59.

https://doi.org/10.1162/jie.2007.1107      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Data from urban metabolism studies from eight metropolitan regions across five continents, conducted in various years since 1965, are assembled in consistent units and compared. Together with studies of water, materials, energy, and nutrient flows from additional cities, the comparison provides insights into the changing metabolism of cities. Most cities studied exhibit increasing per capita metabolism with respect to water, wastewater, energy, and materials, although one city showed increasing efficiency for energy and water over the 1990s. Changes in solid waste streams and air pollutant emissions are mixed.The review also identifies metabolic processes that threaten the sustainability of cities. These include altered ground water levels, exhaustion of local materials, accumulation of toxic materials, summer heat islands, and irregular accumulation of nutrients. Beyond concerns over the sheer magnitudes of resource flows into cities, an understanding of these accumulation or storage processes in the urban metabolism is critical. Growth, which is inherently part of metabolism, causes changes in water stored in urban aquifers, materials in the building stock, heat stored in the urban canopy layer, and potentially useful nutrients in urban waste dumps.Practical reasons exist for understanding urban metabolism. The vitality of cities depends on spatial relationships with surrounding hinterlands and global resource webs. Increasing metabolism implies greater loss of farmland, forests, and species diversity; plus more traffic and more pollution. Urban policy makers should consider to what extent their nearest resources are close to exhaustion and, if necessary, appropriate strategies to slow exploitation. It is apparent from this review that metabolism data have been established for only a few cities worldwide, and interpretation issues exist due to lack of common conventions. Further urban metabolism studies are required.
[78] Kennedy C, Stewart I D, Ibrahim N, et al.2014.

Developing a multi-layered indicator set for urban metabolism studies in megacities

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 47: 7-15.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.07.039      URL      摘要

Abstract We introduce a new ‘multi-layered’ indicator set for urban metabolism (UM) studies in megacities. The indicator set is designed for gathering information on the definition (spatial boundaries, constituent cities, population, economy), biophysical characteristics (climate, population density, building floor area), and metabolic flows (water, waste, materials, and all types of energy) of megacities. In addition, it addresses the role of utilities in the provision of services and regulatory actions that, along with public governance, may influence (and/or control) the urban metabolism. In the article, we give background context to the growth and development of megacities, their overarching socio-economic issues, and the definition of their boundaries. Two methodologies to define megacity boundaries are compared, showing that the definition of ‘megacity’ is not trivial and that further investigation is needed to establish a baseline for comparison of urban metabolism data. Use of the standardized indicator set will ease inter-city comparisons of urban metabolism, whilst enhancing knowledge of megacities and their transformation into sustainable systems.
[79] Lee C L, Huang S L, Chan S L.2009.

Synthesis and spatial dynamics of socio-economic metabolism and land use change of Taipei metropolitan region

[J]. Ecological Modelling, 220(21): 2940-2959.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.06.021      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ever since the concept of metabolism was extended from biological science by social scientists to analyze human systems, socio-economic metabolism has been extensively applied to explore resource consumption, asset accumulation, waste emissions, and complex processes of land use change in a socio-economic system. Current research in socio-economic metabolism and land use change has used accounting approaches for macroscopic comparisons of countries and regions. However, socio-economic metabolism has seldom been applied to the analysis of land use change. To simulate the spatial-temporal dynamics of socio-economic metabolism and land use change, this study adopts a spatial system modeling method to develop a Socio-Economic Metabolism and Land Use Change (SEMLUC) model for the Taipei Metropolitan Region. The simulation results illustrate that the Taipei Metropolitan Region is highly dependent on inflows of non-renewable energy and exhibits a spatial hierarchy of non-renewable energy consumption centering on Taipei's Main station. Additionally, urban assets provide feedback to natural and agricultural systems to extract additional resource inflows which, driven by the maximum power principle, accelerate the convergence of energy flows toward urban assets. Accumulating urban assets also facilitates inflows of non-renewable material to nearby cells thereby enhancing land use conversion to urban areas. This work also demonstrates the capability of ArcGIS software in simulating socio-economic metabolism and land use change in an urban system.
[80] Lei K, Wang Z S.2008.

Emergy synthesis and simulation for Macao

[J]. Energy, 33(4): 613-625.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2007.11.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Macao is a tourist city with a dense population and has a shortage of natural resources. Almost all of the city's life-support systems thus depend on imports of external resources. During the past 20 years, Macao has experienced an economic boom accompanied by rapid social development, in which the gambling industry and related tourism services have become the main economic activity. This paper employs emergy flow analysis to investigate and characterize the evolution and development of Macao from 1983 to 2003. In addition, Macao has experienced six periods of land reclamation since 1866, supported by large-scale importation of sand and rocks from China. By simulating the emergy trends using the STELLA dynamic modeling software, we predicted the evolution of Macao's development and trends in the coming 20 years. In 2025, the city's economy is estimated to be 15 times its current size as a result of Macao's territorial expansion. The exported emergy will increase slowly and then stabilize, the population will reach 593185, and the area covered by Macao will expand to 38.91km2.
[81] Li S S, Zhang Y, Yang Z F, et al.2012.

Ecological relationship analysis of the urban metabolic system of Beijing, China

[J]. Environmental Pollution, 170: 169-176.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2012.07.010      URL      PMID: 22819953      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Cities can be modelled as giant organisms, with their own metabolic processes, and can therefore be studied using the same tools used for biological metabolic systems. The complicated distribution of compartments within these systems and the functional relationships among them define the system's network structure. Taking Beijing as an example, we divided the city's internal system into metabolic compartments, then used ecological network analysis to calculate a comprehensive utility matrix for the flows between compartments within Beijing's metabolic system from 1998 to 2007 and to identify the corresponding functional relationships among the system's compartments. Our results show how ecological network analysis, utility analysis, and relationship analysis can be used to discover the implied ecological relationships within a metabolic system, thereby providing insights into the system's internal metabolic processes. Such analyses provide scientific support for urban ecological management.
[82] Liu G Y, Yang Z F, Chen B.2012.

Emergy-based urban dynamic modeling of long-run resource consumption, economic growth and environmental impact: Conceptual considerations and calibration

[J]. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 1179-1188.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proenv.2012.01.112      URL      摘要

This paper describes the development of a forecasting model, named the emergy-based urban dynamic model capable of accurately simulating the observed resource consumption, economic growth and environmental impact of Beijing. This model differs from previous urban emergy models by monitoring the negative effects to human well-being and ecosystem integrity in the developing urban system. A fresh perspective focuses on urban comprehensive performance linking such impacts to a supply-side environmental cost evaluation (including ecological service supply, ecological and economic losses and investment for treatment). In this introductory paper, we present the conceptual considerations of the most important components of the emergy-based urban dynamic model: the urban assets, lands, capitals, population, water resources, economic and environmental loss. Each subsystem in this model will enrich the feedback dynamics, policy levers and post-scenario analyses. Statistical Information and calibration are also considered in this dynamic emergy accounting. This study advances the temporal dynamic principles of emergy accounting through integrating upstream and downstream evaluation methods to quantify the environmental impact by addressing specific damages to human health and ecosystem's integrity and by linking such impacts to a supply-side environmental cost evaluation.
[83] Liu H, Zhang Y.2012.

Ecological network analysis of urban metabolism based on input-output table

[J]. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 1616-1623.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proenv.2012.01.154      URL      摘要

With the increasing metabolic throughput, the city as a giant organism causes resource consumption and environmental pollution, which become a bottleneck for urban ecological systems to develop healthily. Using Beijing as an example, we adopt the material flow method to account for resource consumption and waste emissions during the urban metabolic process. Combined with a monetary input-output table (MIOT) for Beijing in 2002, we compile a physical input-output table (PIOT) and build an ecological network model of the urban metabolic system including 45 nodes and 1761 network paths. Using flow analysis and utility analysis methods of ecological network, we can study the complex relationships and hierarchical structure to reveal the crux that results in the disorder of the urban metabolic process; thus, it can provide a scientific basis for healthy development of urban ecological systems.
[84] Moraes R, Molander S.2004.

A procedure for ecological tiered assessment of risks (PETAR)

[J]. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 10(2): 349-371.

https://doi.org/10.1080/10807030490438427      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Several procedures for Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) have been suggested. The use of these existing procedures often relies on availability of existing data and/or on large resources for acquisition of new ones. This paper presents a three-tiered procedure for retrospective evaluation of risks adapted to limited resources and scarce background information of relevance for risk assessments, such as in developing countries. The tiers require successively more detailed investigations. The approach assures that resources available for site-specific investigations are directed towards well-formulated questions raised during previous stages of the assessment. The first tier, the preliminary assessment, is a qualitative evaluation of existing information on anthropogenic stressors, sources of stressors and expected ecological effects. The second tier is a regional risk assessment; a semi-quantitative evaluation of ecological risks, over large geographical areas, which results in a ranking of sources and stressors having the greatest potential for ecological impact and ranking of subareas inside the study area more likely to be impacted. The final tier is a site-specific and quantitative risk assessment, at a smaller scale and requiring more resources, that incorporates methodologies for establishing causality between exposure to multiple stressors and effects on specific endpoints of ecological and societal relevance.
[85] Munns Jr W R, Helm R C, Adams W J, et al.2009.

Translating ecological risk to ecosystem service loss

[J]. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 5(4): 500-514.

https://doi.org/10.1897/IEAM_2009-009.1      URL      PMID: 19545189      摘要

Hazardous site management in the United States includes remediation of contaminated environmental media and restoration of injured natural resources. Site remediation decisions are informed by ecological risk assessment (ERA), whereas restoration and compensation decisions are informed by the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process. Despite similarities in many of their data needs and...
[86] Nielsen S N, Jørgensen S E.2015.

Sustainability analysis of a society based on exergy studies: A case study of the island of Samsø (Denmark)

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 96: 12-29.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.08.035      URL      摘要

The results demonstrate that the already existing overhead in production of electricity leaves the island with many options and a great opportunity to be independent of fossil fuels in near future. In fact, it might well be that socio-economical perspectives will turn out to be the more severe obstacles in the transition process. Adjacent to this work a carbon model has also been set up to reveal the consequence of proposed measures and strategies to the carbon budget of the island ( J rgensen and Nielsen, 2014 ).
[87] Niemelä J, Breuste J, Elmqvist T, et al.2011. Urban ecology: Patterns, processes, and applications[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[88] Northam R M.1979.

Urban geography

[M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

[89] Okada N.2004.

Urban diagnosis and integrated disaster risk management

[J]. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 26(2): 49-54.

URL      摘要

Abstract This paper addresses the need for integrated disaster risk management (IDRM) as a novel perspective for dealing with 21 st century's disaster prevention in both Japan and China, and all over the world. When cities are focused, the methodological leverage of "urban diagnosis" linked with IDRM is found to be quite effect. First the prototype scheme of risk management is explained and its extended version for disaster management is proposed. This is followed by our claim that this type of risk management inevitably calls for an "integrated" approach and its rationales are listed up. Then the definition of urban diagnosis is provided and its prospective role in disaster management in this 21 st century is proposed. Conclusion addresses the need for examining meta-level conditions for IDRM development such as "the culture and climate for IDRM" and documenting the process technology of implementing IDRM in the real-world practice.
[90] Oke T R.1988.

The urban energy balance

[J]. Progress in Physical Geography, 12(4): 471-508.

https://doi.org/10.1177/030913338801200401      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There are advocates of the use of glauconite as a chronometer for geologic time scale studies who insist that if the geohistory of the sample in question is known in detail, one can ascertain before hand that the sample will yield a radiometric result that is accurate in the geological sense. Examples are presented indicating that while some glauconite samples may yield the correct age within their assigned analytical uncertainties when compared to high-temperature minerals, others clearly do not and are too young by varying degrees. The outright acceptance of published results on glauconite can result in erroneous age estimates of various biostratigraphic levels and stage or epoch boundaries.
[91] Oleson K W, Bonan G B, Feddema J, et al.2011.

An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a global climate model

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 31(12): 1848-1865.

https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.2201      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A parameterization for urban surfaces has been incorporated into the Community Land Model as part of the Community Climate System Model. The parameterization allows global simulation of the urban environment, in particular the temperature of cities and thus the urban heat island. Here, the results from climate simulations for the AR4 A2 emissions scenario are presented. Present-day annual mean urban air temperatures are up to 4 degrees C warmer than surrounding rural areas. Averaged over all urban areas resolved in the model, the heat island is 1.1 degrees C, which is 46% of the simulated mid-century warming over global land due to greenhouse gases. Heat islands are generally largest at night as evidenced by a larger urban warming in minimum than maximum temperature, resulting in a smaller diurnal temperature range compared to rural areas. Spatial and seasonal variability in the heat island is caused by urban to rural contrasts in energy balance and the different responses of these surfaces to the seasonal cycle of climate. Under simulation constraints of no urban growth and identical urban/rural atmospheric forcing, the urban to rural contrast decreases slightly by the end of the century. This is primarily a different response of rural and urban areas to increased long-wave radiation from a warmer atmosphere. The larger storage capacity of urban areas buffers the increase in long-wave radiation such that urban night-time temperatures warm less than rural. Space heating and air conditioning processes add about 0.01 W m(-2) of heat distributed globally, which results in a small increase in the heat island. The significant differences between urban and rural surfaces demonstrated here imply that climate models need to account for urban surfaces to more realistically evaluate the impact of climate change on people in the environment where they live. Copyright (C) 2010 Royal Meteorological Society
[92] Paudel K P, Zapata H, Susanto D.2005.

An empirical test of environmental Kuznets curve for water pollution

[J]. Environmental and Resource Economics, 31(3): 325-348.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-005-1544-5      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) on water pollution was investigated with both semiparametric and parametric models using watershed level data for the state of Louisiana, USA. The parametric model indicated the turning points within the range <span class="latex"><span class="ss">$10241–$</span><span class="cs"><span class="math">10241–</span></span></span>12993, <span class="latex"><span class="ss">$6636–$</span><span class="cs"><span class="math">6636–</span></span></span>13877, and <span class="latex"><span class="ss">$6467–$</span><span class="cs"><span class="math">6467–</span></span></span>12758 for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and dissolved oxygen (DO), respectively. However, only the parameters associated with N EKC were found to be significant. Model specification tests rejected parametric models in favor of semiparametric specification for P but not for N and DO.
[93] Santamouris M, Papanikolaou N, Livada I, et al.2001.

On the impact of urban climate on the energy consumption of buildings

[J]. Solar Energy, 70(3): 201-216.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(00)00095-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Climatic measurements from almost 30 urban and suburban stations as well as specific measurements performed in 10 urban canyons in Athens, Greece, have been used to assess the impact of the urban climate on the energy consumption of buildings. It is found that for the city of Athens, where the mean heat island intensity exceeds 10 C, the cooling load of urban buildings may be doubled, the peak electricity load for cooling purposes may be tripled especially for higher set point temperatures, while the minimum COP value of air conditioners may be decreased up to 25% because of the higher ambient temperatures. During the winter period, the heating load of centrally located urban buildings is found to be reduced up to 30%. Regarding the potential of natural ventilation techniques when applied to buildings located in urban canyons, it is found that, mainly during the day, this is seriously reduced because of the important decrease of the wind speed inside the canyon. Air flow reduction may be up to 10 times the flow that corresponds to undisturbed ambient wind conditions.
[94] Schulz N B.2007.

The direct material inputs into Singapore's development

[J]. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(2): 117-131.

[95] Seto K C, Fragkias M, Güneralp B, et al.2011.

A meta-analysis of global urban land expansion

[J]. PLoS One, 6(8): e23777.

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0023777      URL      PMID: 3158103      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The conversion of Earth's land surface to urban uses is one of the most irreversible human impacts on the global biosphere. It drives the loss of farmland, affects local climate, fragments habitats, and threatens biodiversity. Here we present a meta-analysis of 326 studies that have used remotely sensed images to map urban land conversion. We report a worldwide observed increase in urban land area of 58,000 km(2) from 1970 to 2000. India, China, and Africa have experienced the highest rates of urban land expansion, and the largest change in total urban extent has occurred in North America. Across all regions and for all three decades, urban land expansion rates are higher than or equal to urban population growth rates, suggesting that urban growth is becoming more expansive than compact. Annual growth in GDP per capita drives approximately half of the observed urban land expansion in China but only moderately affects urban expansion in India and Africa, where urban land expansion is driven more by urban population growth. In high income countries, rates of urban land expansion are slower and increasingly related to GDP growth. However, in North America, population growth contributes more to urban expansion than it does in Europe. Much of the observed variation in urban expansion was not captured by either population, GDP, or other variables in the model. This suggests that contemporary urban expansion is related to a variety of factors difficult to observe comprehensively at the global level, including international capital flows, the informal economy, land use policy, and generalized transport costs. Using the results from the global model, we develop forecasts for new urban land cover using SRES Scenarios. Our results show that by 2030, global urban land cover will increase between 430,000 km(2) and 12,568,000 km(2), with an estimate of 1,527,000 km(2) more likely.
[96] Tao Y, Li F, Liu X S, et al.2015.

Variation in ecosystem services across an urbanization gradient: A study of terrestrial carbon stocks from Changzhou, China

[J]. Ecological Modelling, 318: 210-216.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.04.027      URL      摘要

Ecosystem services in urban areas are regarded as multiple environmental benefits fostered by urban ural landscapes. A wide range of ecosystem services have been largely affected by land use and cover change in urban areas, leading to significant variation of ecosystem services, such as terrestrial carbon stocks across a gradient of urbanization. Urban areas are critical for terrestrial carbon dynamics owing to both considerable amount of biomass and soil carbon stored in cities and significant losses in carbon stocks from urban land use and cover change. We used Changzhou, a typical fast-growing city in China, as a case study, and estimated biomass and soil carbon stored in land covers using the InVEST model. We also quantified gradient changes in terrestrial carbon stocks in response to urban land use and cover change along two sample transects as a function of distance from the urban center. We found that carbon densities decreased with increasing intensity of urban development. Gradient transect analyses revealed an overall trend of increasing carbon stocks from the urban center to peri-urban areas as a direct result of land use and cover change driven by policy-oriented urban planning, which led to both infilling of empty areas within the urban center and sprawling of urban land toward peri-urban areas. As recent growth trends continue, the expansion of urban land markedly decreased areas previously dominated by green open spaces, making urban land use and cover change and losses in carbon stocks an increasingly important component of regional carbon dynamics. We proposed measures to mitigate these negative effects of urbanization on carbon stocks both for densely built-up areas and for rapidly urbanizing peri-urban areas.
[97] Tixier G, Lafont M, Grapentine L, et al.2011.

Ecological risk assessment of urban stormwater ponds: Literature review and proposal of a new conceptual approach providing ecological quality goals and the associated bioassessment tools

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 11(6): 1497-1506.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.03.027      Magsci      摘要

Stormwater ponds are a common feature of the urban landscape in many countries with advanced stormwater management. Built to control the impacts of urbanization in the form of increased runoff flows, volumes and pollution loads, stormwater ponds are exposed to strong anthropogenic pressures. Meanwhile, as open water systems, they represent new aquatic habitats potentially enhancing the biodiversity of urban areas and balancing the transformation of original ecosystems existing prior to urbanization. In the current context of sustainable development, assessing the ecological risks of stormwater ponds serving as aquatic habitats is therefore crucial for ensuring both the preservation and rehabilitation of biodiversity in urban areas. During the last decade, ecological risk assessments applied to stormwater ponds lacked adoption of integrated interdisciplinary approaches. This prevented advances in developing adaptive methodologies for assessing the ecological quality of stormwater ponds and for providing quality objectives for the management of these facilities. Also, the application of established integrated assessment methodologies, such as the Sediment Quality Triad widely used in North America, based on comparisons with reference sites, is challenged by the man-made features of urban stormwater ponds. The search for a more specific and effective methodology led to the proposal of supplementing the Sediment Quality Triad with the Oligochaete methodology, which was developed and standardized in France for determining the biological status of sediments in stagnant water ecosystems. The benefits of this approach are discussed in a conceptual framework providing ecological quality goals for urban stormwater ponds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[98] Villamagna A M, Angermeier P L, Bennett E M.2013.

Capacity, pressure, demand, and flow: A conceptual framework for analyzing ecosystem service provision and delivery

[J]. Ecological Complexity, 15: 114-121.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2013.07.004      URL      Magsci      摘要

Ecosystem services provide an instinctive way to understand the trade-offs associated with natural resource management. However, despite their apparent usefulness, several hurdles have prevented ecosystem services from becoming deeply embedded in environmental decision-making. Ecosystem service studies vary widely in focal services, geographic extent, and in methods for defining and measuring services. Dissent among scientists on basic terminology and approaches to evaluating ecosystem services create difficulties for those trying to incorporate ecosystem services into decision-making. To facilitate clearer comparison among recent studies, we provide a synthesis of common terminology and explain a rationale and framework for distinguishing among the components of ecosystem service delivery, including: an ecosystem's capacity to produce services; ecological pressures that interfere with an ecosystem's ability to provide the service; societal demand for the service; and flow of the service to people. We discuss how interpretation and measurement of these four components can differ among provisioning, regulating, and cultural services. Our flexible framework treats service capacity, ecological pressure, demand, and flow as separate but interactive entities to improve our ability to evaluate the sustainability of service provision and to help guide management decisions. We consider ecosystem service provision to be sustainable when demand is met without decreasing capacity for future provision of that service or causing undesirable declines in other services. When ecosystem service demand exceeds ecosystem capacity to provide services, society can choose to enhance natural capacity, decrease demand and/or ecological pressure, or invest in a technological substitute. Because regulating services are frequently overlooked in environmental assessments, we provide a more detailed examination of regulating services and propose a novel method for quantifying the flow of regulating services based on estimates of ecological work. We anticipate that our synthesis and framework will reduce inconsistency and facilitate coherence across analyses of ecosystem services, thereby increasing their utility in environmental decision-making. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[99] Wamsler C, Brink E, Rivera C.2013.

Planning for climate change in urban areas: From theory to practice

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 50: 68-81.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.12.008      URL      Magsci      摘要

Climate change poses a serious threat to sustainable urban development, placing many cities at risk. As a consequence, city authorities are increasingly facing the challenge of finding ways to include adaptation strategies into their work, although related knowledge and competence is still scarce and fragmented. With the aim to contribute to knowledge development and organizational learning, the objective of this paper is to critically review and compare current theoretical and practical approaches to adaptation planning in cities. In order to do so, first the conceptual characteristics and features of a climate resilient city are identified. Second, the reciprocal linkages between climate-related disasters, urban form and city planning processes are analysed by considering the life cycle of disasters from causes, to short- and long-term impacts, to post-disaster response and recovery. Finally, urban adaptation measures proposed for both developed and so-called developing countries are assessed. On the basis of the identified differences, gaps and synergies between the theoretical and practical approaches to adaptation planning, the implications for improving sustainable urban transformation are discussed. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[100] Wolman A.1965.

The metabolism of cities

[J]. Scientific American, 213(3): 179-190.

https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0965-178      URL      PMID: 14338520      摘要

[101] Wu B, Zeng W H, Chen H H, et al.2016.

Grey water footprint combined with ecological network analysis for assessing regional water quality metabolism

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 3138-3151.

[本文引用: 1]     

[102] Xie G D, Chen W H, Cao S Y, et al.2014.

The outward extension of an ecological footprint in city expansion: The case of Beijing

[J]. Sustainability, 6(12): 9371-9386.

https://doi.org/10.3390/su6129371      URL      摘要

A biologically productive area was used in the ecological footprint method to measure the demand and impact of human activities on the natural capital, and further, to judge whether the impact is within the scope of the regional bio-capacity. In this presentation, an indicator “ecological footprint distance (Def)” is proposed. The results indicated that the proposed indicator Def could identify the outward extension of a city’s ecological footprint with the city’s rapid expansion. From 2008 to 2012, the proportion of imported bio-capacity increased approximately from 48% to 64%, which implied that the ecological impact of Beijing had expanded year by year. The Def of Beijing increased from 567 km in 2008 to 677 km in 2012, with an average annual increase of about 25 km. From the perspective of seasonal change, Beijing’s ecological footprint distance in winter and spring was much higher than in summer and fall. The main features of provincial-spatial distribution of Beijing’s Def were as follows: grain and oil and meat and eggs were mainly supplied by Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei and Inner Mongolia; yet vegetable and fruit were mainly supplied by Hainan, Guangdong, Hebei and Shandong. Measures should be taken to decentralize the sources of imported bio-capacity, so as to ensure a sustainable development in Metropolitan cities.
[103] Xu X B, Yang G S, Yan Y, et al.2016.

Ecological risk assessment of ecosystem services in the Taihu Lake Basin of China from 1985 to 2020

[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 554-555: 7-16.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.120      URL      PMID: 26946060      摘要

Abstract There are tremendous theoretical, methodological and policy challenges in evaluating the impact of land-use change on the degradation of ecosystem services (ES) at the regional scale. This study addresses these challenges by developing an interdisciplinary methodology based on the Procedure for Ecological Tiered Assessment of Risk (PETAR). This novel methodology integrates ecological models with a land-use change model. This study quantifies the multi-dimensional degradation risks of ES in the Taihu Lake Basin (TLB) of China from 1985 to 2020. Four key ES related to water purification, water quantity adjustment, carbon sequestration and grain production are selected. The study employs models of Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC), Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant (SWAP), Biome-BGC and Agro-ecological Zoning (AEZ) for assimilations. Land-use changes by 2020 were projected using a geographically weighted multinomial logit-cellular automata (GWML-CA) model. The results show that rapid land-use change has posed a great degradation risk of ES in the region in 1985-2020. Slightly less than two-thirds of the basin experienced degradation of ES over the 1985-2010 period, and about 12% of the basin will continue to experience degradation until 2020. Hot spots with severe deterioration in 2010-2020 are projected to be centered around some small and less developed cities in the region. Regulating accelerated urban sprawl and population growth, reinforcing current environmental programs, and establishing monitoring systems for observing dynamics of regional ES are suggested as practical counter-measures. Copyright 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[104] Zhang Y.2013.

Urban metabolism: A review of research methodologies

[J]. Environmental Pollution, 178: 463-473.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2013.03.052      URL      PMID: 23619057      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban metabolism analysis has become an important tool for the study of urban ecosystems. The problems of large metabolic throughput, low metabolic efficiency, and disordered metabolic processes are a major cause of unhealthy urban systems. In this paper, I summarize the international research on urban metabolism, and describe the progress that has been made in terms of research methodologies. I also review the methods used in accounting for and evaluating material and energy flows in urban metabolic processes, simulation of these flows using a network model, and practical applications of these methods. Based on this review of the literature, I propose directions for future research, and particularly the need to study the urban carbon metabolism because of the modern context of global climate change. Moreover, I recommend more research on the optimal regulation of urban metabolic systems. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[105] Zhang Y, Xia L L, Fath B D, et al.2016.

Development of a spatially explicit network model of urban metabolism and analysis of the distribution of ecological relationships: Case study of Beijing, China

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 4304-4317.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.175      URL      摘要

Analysis of the relationships and interactions between the bodies of carbon metabolism in an urban area can provide some new ideas for the design of a low-carbon city. In this paper, we used ecological network analysis to develop a spatially explicit model of carbon metabolism in the Beijing weir distribution area and examined changes over time. Our goal was to identify the key elements and relationships with an 8 nodes network model, with land considered as the node. Data for Beijing from 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 were combined with empirical coefficients to construct the network, which allowed us to quantitatively analyze the structure and function of the network and determine the key ecological relationships between components of the system, from the aspect of the system and each component. The analysis revealed that exploitation and control relationships were the dominant types that promoted the growth of the economy. The land for transportation, infrastructure, and cultivation were the primary bodies of these two types of relationship. However, mutualism relationships maintained the stability of the system, with contributions from natural node and technological node at a low density. Simultaneously, the inevitable competitive relationships somehow increased the efficiency of resource use of natural metabolism components and the cultivated land. Using quantitative simulation of carbon metabolism, we identified the negative relations affecting healthy development of an urban area, and we offer a theoretical basis for the effective spatial adjustment of carbon management activity.
[106] Zucaro A, Ripa M, Mellino S, et al.2014.

Urban resource use and environmental performance indicators. An application of decomposition analysis

[J]. Ecological Indicators, 47: 16-25.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.04.022      URL      Magsci      摘要

An evaluation of interlinkages and synergies among the different resources and performance patterns in the city of Rome (Italy) was accomplished by means of decomposition equations, in order to identify the major drivers of change in the investigated period as well as future low-resource scenarios. A half-a-century historical series (1962-2008) of energy and resource consumption in the city of Rome (Italy) was investigated in order to ascertain the links between resource use and complexity change. Environmental, material and energy inputs were firstly evaluated as actual energy and mass flows, then converted to emergy units to provide an assessment on a common ground. Results show that the sustainability of the urban system decreased steadily in the investigated period, as confirmed by both intensive and extensive parameters. The demand for abiotic matter, water, energy and emergy (environmental work) was accounted for over time and referred to the population (per-capita indicators) and current prices economic product generated by the city (GVA, Gross Value Added). Moreover, the effects associated with the emissions were evaluated, with a special focus on global warming and acidification potential. The changes in the urban metabolism occurred within the investigated period were analyzed considering the variation of different inputs necessary to drive the city (electricity, fuels, goods, machineries, etc.).<br/>Finally, a decomposition analysis was performed to identify the main causes and drivers associated with the changes in the city metabolism. Decomposition results show that the increased fraction of imports compared to local sources, of non-renewable resources compared to renewables, as well as of population and per capita income not accompanied by sufficient increase of energy and material efficiency are the major drivers of such unsustainability pattern and call for policies that focus on optimization of production and consumption patterns in times of unavoidable shrinking of resource basis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
