地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (10): 1229-1238 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.10.005



周素红12, 何嘉明12

1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 510275
2. 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室,广州 510275

Effects of spatial-temporal constraints of suburban residents on fitness activities to mental health in the context of rapid suburbanization:A case study in Guangzhou, China

ZHOU Suhong12, HE Jiaming12

1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41522104)广东省自然科学基金项目(2017A030313228,2014A030312010)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(15lgjc24)


作者简介: 周素红(1976-),女,广东饶平人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为城市地理、时空间行为、城市交通、健康地理等,E-mail: eeszsh@mail.sysu.edu.cn




关键词: 郊区化 ; 心理健康 ; 健身活动 ; 时空约束 ; 广州


Rapid suburbanization has been an important issue in the urban and social transformation period of China. From the perspective of suburban resident individual activities, urban geography mainly focuses on commuting, leisure, shopping, and other daily behavior, but lack of research on individual mental health. Although mental health issue has been widely discussed in disciplines such as psychology, public health, and medical science, in most studies residents are considered as a homogeneous group, or simply divided by gender, age, income, and other social and economic attributes, and there is a lack of analysis on different spatial dimensions and built environment factors in various urban spaces. As such, based on the interdisciplinary perspective of health geography, this article concentrates on the mental health of suburban residents in the context of the market-oriented suburbanization. A total of 1029 resident samples in 11communities in Guangzhou City were selected for this study. Among these samples, 102 were from the suburban area and 927 were from the inner city area. A multiple linear regression model was used to examine the impact of the urban built environment and health behavior on mental health outcome, in order to reveal the public service inequality between inner city and suburban areas in the rapid suburbanization process. The results show that based on the WHO-5 indices, the average score of mental health of suburban samples was only 8.411 points, which was far lower than the average score of inner city samples of 12.788. Therefore attention should be paid to the mental health situation of suburban residents. The physical activities of the suburban residents are spatially and temporally constrained, which lead to an obvious poor mental health compared to the inner city residents. This health outcome differentiation is not only affected by the economic and social attributes of the individuals and neighborhood relationships, but also significantly affected by the built environment in different urban areas. For inner city residents, their health behaviors can be positively influenced by the high density of fitness facilities and land use patterns both in workplace and residence. However, for suburban residents who have to suffer every day from long-distance commuting and poor design and connectivity of public transport, their mental health outcomes are mainly associated with the built environment of residential community. Their fitness activities will be restricted by the low accessibility of urban public space and imperfect public transport system. This study could provide an important reference for the optimization of the land use structure and public services infrastructure in suburban communities for improving the health of the people living there.

Keywords: suburbanization ; mental health ; fitness activities ; spatial-temporal constraints ; Guangzhou


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周素红, 何嘉明. 郊区化背景下居民健身活动时空约束对心理健康影响——以广州为例[J]. , 2017, 36(10): 1229-1238 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.10.005

ZHOU Suhong, HE Jiaming. Effects of spatial-temporal constraints of suburban residents on fitness activities to mental health in the context of rapid suburbanization:A case study in Guangzhou, China[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(10): 1229-1238 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.10.005

1 引言

郊区化和郊区空间是城市研究长期关注的重要议题。20世纪西方郊区化在居住、工业、商业和办公等多次郊区化浪潮的推动中,大城市郊区已由原来单一的居住职能扩张成为大都市区的一个次级中心(Cervero, 1989; Zhou et al, 2000)。而不同于其城市扩张的动力和模式,中国随着经济结构转型及土地市场化改革,城市空间的组织方式也由计划经济下政府主导的单位制向市场经济主导下的郊区化转型(Feng et al, 2008; 柴彦威等, 2010)。住房市场化成为中国郊区化的重要推手,市场引导下的快速城市空间扩张导致了城市公共性的缺失,大量居住人口集聚郊区,引发了交通拥堵、职住错位、环境污染、设施不足等诸多城市病。因此众多学者开始从微观个体的角度对郊区空间进行实证研究,关注中国复杂的郊区发展模式下,居民的日常通勤、休闲、购物等出行行为,探讨居住空间变迁下活动方式、活动空间以及社会网络在郊区地带的重构(冯健等, 2013, 2017; 张艳等, 2013; 塔娜等, 2015)。研究表明,土地利用功能单一、规划尺度失控、生活空间与生产空间错位、居民通勤时间过长等现实问题深刻地困扰居民的活动行为,公共服务设施建设也难以在短期内满足大型社区多元化的生活需求(Wang et al, 2011; 柴彦威等, 2011; 吴江洁等, 2016)。

尽管上述研究从地理学及社会学的角度对中国特定背景下郊区居民的时空行为进行了详细描述,从活动视角揭示了郊区化的社会过程及效应,但是由此所造成的郊区居民心理健康(健康地理的角度)的状况却长期缺乏关注。事实上,国外不同学科已经开始了对居民健康方面的研究。相关研究发现,一方面,长时间的日常通勤活动会与日常休闲或社会交往活动产生冲突,个人可支配的闲暇时间减少,邻里关系疏远,从而降低了个人的幸福感,对个人身心健康造成负面效应(Hämmig et al, 2009; Hansson et al, 2011);另一方面,每天暴露于嘈杂、拥堵的通勤环境也会增加通勤者的心理压力。这些问题会造成郊区居民心理健康状况恶化,通常表现为精神衰弱、抑郁、焦虑等症状(Gottholmseder et al, 2009)。中国的郊区化进程在过去10多年间发展迅速,然而尚未从城市地理视角下,对郊区化给居民健康带来的影响进行深入研究。因此有必要将郊区居民个体健康研究置于中国复杂的郊区化背景下,深入探讨其影响因素和机制,从而为创造平等的公共活动空间,满足郊区居民健身活动需求,提高其生活质量、改善其心理健康状况提供理论依据。

对于个体的心理健康状况,主流的研究仍集中于医学和心理学等领域。西方运动医学对体育活动和心理健康的关系进行了研究,认为体育锻炼能作为药物治疗和心理治疗外的第三种干预手段,有氧锻炼或无氧锻炼都可预防或降低抑郁、焦虑等心理症状(Brown et al, 2013; Jayakody et al, 2014)。不仅如此,体育锻炼还能改变个人的身体条件,强健的体魄和优美的线型重塑了自身的魅力,从心理上增强自信和自我效能(Elavsky, 2010)。心理学和社会学则认为,与邻里或亲朋好友共同参与健身活动有助于个体建立良好的社会支持网络,促进邻里融合,增加居民社区归属感。这对于缓和工作和生活中积累的紧张情绪和压力有积极意义(Zhang et al, 2009; Chen et al, 2015)。此外,城市建成环境也是影响居民心理健康的潜在因素。研究表明,建成环境能通过影响居民个人行为以及压力释放等方式影响健康(Araya et al, 2007; Giles-Corti et al, 2016);拥挤的居住条件,较差的空气质量会导致心理失常(Evans et al, 2003);便捷的医疗设施供给能使居民更易获取健康服务(Chen et al, 2015);而密度高、可达性强的城市绿色公共空间和健身空间则有助于促进居民的健身活动和社交活动,从而改善心理健康状况(Mass et al, 2006; Melis et al, 2015)。但这些建成环境因素是否存在城、郊差异,如何影响郊区个体的健康行为则仍需进一步研究。

综上所述,由于通勤、健身、环境等因素对个体健康影响的研究大多集中于心理学和医学等领域,研究对象大多基于个体的性别、年龄、收入等经济社会方面的维度进行对比,而普遍缺乏地理空间维度上的分析,对城区或郊区等不同城市空间的影响考虑不足,忽视了城区和郊区居民健身活动的时空约束差异以及由此对个体健康行为造成的影响。在时间地理学的研究中,时空约束直接影响个体活动的空间范围及时空可达性(Yu et al, 2006)。例如,在特定的空间区位,可选择的交通方式,以及可支配时间等条件约束下所能获取的服务或机会(Ettema et al, 2007)。然而,由于城区和郊区居民的出行时空特征存在明显的差异,郊区建成环境中的各种潜在因素是否会对郊区个体获取健身活动机会造成时空上的限制,这种活动空间约束又是否会影响其心理健康状况,而在中国快速郊区化的背景下,城、郊居民心理健康方面的结构差异又反映出怎样的隐性不平等现象,这些问题有待进行深入探究。


2 研究数据与方法

2.1 研究数据与区域

数据来源于2016年1月进行的“广州市居民居住就业变迁与医疗健康情况”问卷调查。本文重点探讨的郊区案例地广州南村镇街华南新城,位于广州环城高速以外,是在住房市场化改革、广州行政区划调整以及城市发展空间南拓等众多动因下,由开发商主导建设的典型大型商品房社区,位于典型的大型郊区化地带。该地带众多大型楼盘的建设缺乏统一的城市规划指引,交通、医疗、基础教育等设施是由地产开发商提供的。过度市场化导致了城市公共性缺失,服务设施供给不足,交通拥堵等众多问题(袁奇峰等, 2011; 陈梓烽等, 2015)。


图1   广州调研街道空间分布图

Fig. 1   Spatial distribution of the research communities in Guangzhou


其中,居民自评心理健康数据通过世界卫生组织身心健康指标(WHO-5)国际通用量表中的5个问题进行测量(World Health Organization, 1998)。该量表由5个方面的指标组成,包括在过去2周内关于身心情绪的体验,快乐和心情舒畅、宁静和放松、充满活力和精力充沛、得到了充足休息以及生活充满乐有趣的事情等,每个方面的指标有0~5分共6个选项。将这5个方面指标的得分汇总得到反映心理健康状况的综合指标,该指标得分范围为0~25分,0代表最糟糕的心理状况,25则代表最好的心理状态。该量表在国外不同国家和群体的众多心理健康研究中都证明了较高的信度和效度(Primack, 2003; Topp el al, 2015),其中文版本在中国公共卫生学科领域的实际研究应用中也有很强的一致性(欧爱华,2009)。

2.2 研究方法


为进一步探讨影响郊区居民心理健康的影响因素,运用SPSS 19.0软件统计分析城、郊不同空间区位居民的心理健康状况差异,并通过构建多元线性回归模型,以居民的个人经济社会属性、社区融入等因素作为控制变量,重点讨论居民的健身活动时空约束、居住地和就业地的建成环境等因素如何影响郊区居民的健康行为时空活动特征,深入对比解释广州健身活动等变量如何影响郊区居民的健康行为,并最终影响到心理健康。


3 城市郊区居民心理健康状况和居民健身活动特征

3.1 郊区居民心理健康状况


表1   广州市郊区与城区居民心理健康得分差异

Tab.1   Mental health score differences between suburban and inner city residents, Guangzhou



3.2 郊区居民健身活动时间约束


表2   广州市郊区与城区居民健身活动时间特征对比

Tab.2   Comparison of temporal characteristics of fitness activities between suburban residents and inner city residents, Guangzhou



个体居民进行散步、健身等日常健康行为活动的安排主要依赖于闲暇时间。对于绝大部分居民个体而言,工作、通勤等跟职业直接相关的生存性需求活动占据了大部分的时间,其次是以满足家庭需求的维护性和责任性家庭活动。在满足上述2类必要活动时间以外,才能较为自如地安排日常锻炼活动。而现实中,郊区居民平均通勤距离超过10 km,约为城区居民通勤距离的2倍,相应消耗在路上的通勤时间更长,工作及家庭生活之余的闲暇时间则会相应压缩,用于个人体育锻炼或外出进行户外交往方面的自由支配时间只能被迫削减,客观或主观上造成活动时间较短,健身频率不足,更有可能导致对健康行为活动的排斥。

3.3 郊区居民健身活动空间约束


图2   广州市郊区与城区居民住宅—健身地空间分布

Fig.2   Spatial distribution of home-fitness places for suburban and inner city residents, Guangzhou


4 健身活动对城市郊区居民心理健康影响


4.1 模型变量选取


该模型中,个人社会属性和社区邻里融入作为控制变量,解释变量则包括活动空间约束属性以及所处社区的建成环境属性这几大类。具体选择的自变量为:个人属性包括性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、就业状况、是否拥有孩子,作为自变量;反映休闲健身活动的时空间约束的属性则选取通勤距离、每周散步的频率、平均每次散步的时长、每周体力健身活动的频率、平均每次体力健身活动的时长以及健身活动满意度作为自变量;社区融入则通过居住社区内亲友的数量,除亲友外在社区内见面打招呼的居民数量,以及通过邻里关系综合评分量表得出的邻里关系总分作为邻里融入的自变量;居住区建成环境则参照了美国学者(Cervero et al, 1997; Ewing et al, 2010)等提出的建成环境变量指标,并基于地理背景的不确定性因素考虑(Kwan, 2012),同时关注居住地和工作地2大核心锚点的建成环境,对周边的建成环境进行多维度量化评估。分别考虑所属社区或工作地点所属社区的密度、多样性、公交便捷度等维度,对应选取了5个方面的建成环境指标:采用广州市土地利用数据计算土地利用混合度;根据广州市兴趣点POI数据计算社区范围内活动健身设施密度,包括广场、公园、绿地、体育场馆、健身设施等服务设施类型点的密度;同理通过POI密度计算医疗服务设施密度;通过广州市公交车及地铁站点信息计算社区范围内公共交通站点密度(Weich et al, 2002; Galea et al, 2005; Chen et al, 2015; Melis et al, 2015)。城、郊居住区建成环境数据总体对比如表3所示。从整体均值上看,郊区样本社区在混合度和密度各项指标均明显低于城区样本的总体均值,但是否与心理健康有直接关联仍需进一步验证。

表3   广州市郊区与城区居住区建成环境数据均值对比

Tab.3   Comparison of the built environment between suburban and inner city communities, Guangzhou



4.2 模型结果及分析


表4   广州郊区与城区居民心理健康的多元线性回归模型结果

Tab.4   Results of multiple linear regression model of mental health of Guangzhou residents

变量取值回归系数 B




4.2.1 个体健身活动影响心理健康

在反映健身活动时空约束的指标方面,健身活动的时长、频率以及健身满意度都对城区和郊区居民健康有显著的正向作用。另外,通过偏相关分析进行检验,即便在剔除通勤距离等因素对心理健康的直接影响后进行偏相关检验,健身活动的时长和频率仍与心理健康状况在0.01的显著水平下存在正相关性,这也与运动医学的主流研究结论一致。一方面,体育锻炼能磨练意志品质,培养忍耐力、自制力、自信心等心理品质,同时还能通过宣泄或代偿迁移的方式缓解工作和生活中产生的情绪波动;另一方面,锻炼活动有助于增强与亲友的沟通信任,消除隔阂,提高集体荣誉感和责任感,从而消除人的紧张抑郁情绪(Biddle et al, 2011; Brown et al, 2013; Jayakody et al, 2014)。但从模型1和2结果对比可以得出,郊区居民健身活动约束方面几个指标的回归系数B的绝对值都较大,健康状况受通勤距离、健身活动频率、满意度的影响都明显比城区居民大。遗憾的是,郊区居民由于通勤距离更长,通勤时耗更长,个人自由支配的闲暇时间更少,受时空约束更大(van Ommeren et al, 2011; Delbosc, 2012)。相应地,参与锻炼活动的频率也更低,每次活动的时长有限,以致长期的生活工作压力无法得到有效的宣泄,这也是造成心理健康状况更差的重要原因。

4.2.2 健身活动机会影响心理健康




5 结论与讨论


(1) 郊区居民心理健康得分偏低。利用WHO-5量表对被调查心理健康状况进行评分,发现郊区样本平均分值只有8.411分,远低于城区样本的12.788分,郊区居民的心理健康问题需要引起重视。

(2) 健康行为活动的时空特征差异揭示了郊居城区居民之间隐性的活动机会与权利的不平等现象。本文在控制个人社会经济属性等变量后发现,健身活动对个体心理健康产生重要的影响。城区居民不仅有更多的身心锻炼时间,更高的健身频率,而且在空间上也有更多的自主选择弹性和个性化的活动机会,因此也拥有更好的心理健康状态。而郊区居民除了每天的职业工作外,其日常锻炼、散步等健康行为则更明显地受制于漫长的通勤时耗和刚性的通勤模式,不仅直接压缩了私人可支配的闲暇时间,健身活动频率更低,而且空间上也长期禁锢在社区范围内,并由此削减了健康行为的机会和权利,对生活质量及心理健康产生负面影响。

(3) 居住空间的建成环境进一步加剧对郊区居民健身活动的时空约束。模型结果显示,对于土地利用类型单一、公共健身活动空间可达性不高、公共交通设施不足的郊区而言,郊区居民进行改善自我身心条件的健康活动机会受到较大的限制。由于郊区居民的通勤距离较长,出行模式也很大程度上受楼盘的物业巴士、单位班车及其他公共交通的刚性时空约束,因而对公共广场、绿道、大型公园及健身活动设施布局的可达性及均衡性有更多的依赖,而这也直接影响到居民的日常健康行为的选择机会。遗憾的是,目前郊区的公共活动设施供给不足也暴露了中国市场主导下快速郊区化带来的弊病。城市化的往外蔓延形成了用地类型较为单一的居住楼盘,而市场主导下的土地利用发展模式往往容易走向偏差,难以满足人口快速增长对公共服务设施的需求,客观上对郊区居民的健身活动造成机会剥夺和空间限制,长期积累的工作生活压力无法及时排解,最终折射出较低的生活质量和较差心理状态。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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目的 进行WHO-5幸福感指数量表(WHO-5 Well-Being Index)的评价,初步探讨不同地区老年人群健康状况及可能的影响因素,为开展老年人健康促进工作提供参考依据.方法 采用非随机抽样调查方法,选择WHO-5幸福指数量表及自制调查问卷对广州市、贵州黔西南州60岁及以上老年人进行调查,资料分析采用描述性统计、t检验、χ2检验、可靠性分析及因子分析等.结果 广州老年幸福感指数得分(17.27)高于贵州(11.86),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),WHO-5幸福指数量表评价结果均有较好的信度(Cronbach's α=0.82)、效度(累计贡献率为58.22%)和反应度(t=2.56,P=0.016).结论 WHO-5幸福指数量表适合我国60岁及以上老年人幸福感测量.

[Ou A H, Hao Y T, Liang Z H, et al.2009.

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-3674.2009.02.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

目的 进行WHO-5幸福感指数量表(WHO-5 Well-Being Index)的评价,初步探讨不同地区老年人群健康状况及可能的影响因素,为开展老年人健康促进工作提供参考依据.方法 采用非随机抽样调查方法,选择WHO-5幸福指数量表及自制调查问卷对广州市、贵州黔西南州60岁及以上老年人进行调查,资料分析采用描述性统计、t检验、χ2检验、可靠性分析及因子分析等.结果 广州老年幸福感指数得分(17.27)高于贵州(11.86),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),WHO-5幸福指数量表评价结果均有较好的信度(Cronbach's α=0.82)、效度(累计贡献率为58.22%)和反应度(t=2.56,P=0.016).结论 WHO-5幸福指数量表适合我国60岁及以上老年人幸福感测量.
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https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.12.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国城市的郊区化不仅重塑了城市内部空间结构,还推动了居民生活方式与生活活动空间的转变。生活活动空间的郊区化成为继人口、工业、商业及办公业等郊区化浪潮之后,郊区化发展的新趋势。面对郊区化所伴随的能源资源消耗、环境污染、交通拥堵、生活质量下降,以及社会极化与空间分异等新问题,亟待引入行为研究方法,从个体生活活动空间的视角重新解读中国城市郊区化的过程,并反思目前郊区化进程中城市空间组织及发展模式的弊端。本文以生活活动空间为切入点,将地理学与社会学相结合,提出了新的郊区化研究视角、研究框架、研究内容与方法,试图基于完整的个体生活经历,对以往单一要素的郊区化研究进行整合,并借助GIS 进行可视化的地理叙事方法,为开展生活活动空间的郊区化研究提供有效途径;这不仅对于郊区化理论创新具有重要意义,同时也丰富了基于个体行为的城市空间研究框架。

[Zhang Y, Chai Y W.2013.

Study on suburbanization of living and activity space

[J]. Progress in Geography, 32(12): 1723-1731.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.12.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国城市的郊区化不仅重塑了城市内部空间结构,还推动了居民生活方式与生活活动空间的转变。生活活动空间的郊区化成为继人口、工业、商业及办公业等郊区化浪潮之后,郊区化发展的新趋势。面对郊区化所伴随的能源资源消耗、环境污染、交通拥堵、生活质量下降,以及社会极化与空间分异等新问题,亟待引入行为研究方法,从个体生活活动空间的视角重新解读中国城市郊区化的过程,并反思目前郊区化进程中城市空间组织及发展模式的弊端。本文以生活活动空间为切入点,将地理学与社会学相结合,提出了新的郊区化研究视角、研究框架、研究内容与方法,试图基于完整的个体生活经历,对以往单一要素的郊区化研究进行整合,并借助GIS 进行可视化的地理叙事方法,为开展生活活动空间的郊区化研究提供有效途径;这不仅对于郊区化理论创新具有重要意义,同时也丰富了基于个体行为的城市空间研究框架。
[10] Araya R, Montgomery A, Rojas G, et al.2007.

Common mental disorders and the built environment in Santiago, Chile

[J]. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 190(5): 394-401.

https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.106.024596      URL      PMID: 17470953      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: There is growing research interest in the influence of the built environment on mental disorders. AIMS: To estimate the variation in the prevalence of common mental disorders attributable to individuals and the built environment of geographical sectors where they live. METHOD: A sample of 3870 adults (response rate 90%) clustered in 248 geographical sectors participated in a household cross-sectional survey in Santiago, Chile. Independently rated contextual measures of the built environment were obtained. The Clinical Interview Schedule was used to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders. RESULTS: There was a significant association between the quality of the built environment of small geographical sectors and the presence of common mental disorders among its residents. The better the quality of the built environment, the lower the scores for psychiatric symptoms; however, only a small proportion of the variation in common mental disorder existed at sector level, after adjusting for individual factors. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from our study, using a contextual assessment of the quality of the built environment and multilevel modelling in the analysis, suggest these associations may be more marked in non-Western settings with more homogeneous geographical sectors.
[11] Biddle S J H, Asare M.2011.

Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents: A review of reviews

[J]. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(11): 886-895.

https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2011-090185      URL      PMID: 21807669      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To synthesise reviews investigating physical activity and depression, anxiety, self-esteem and cognitive functioning in children and adolescents and to assess the association between sedentary behaviour and mental health by performing a brief review.Searches were performed in 2010. Inclusion criteria specified review articles reporting chronic physical activity and at least one mental health outcome that included depression, anxiety/stress, self-esteem and cognitive functioning in children or adolescents.Four review articles reported evidence concerning depression, four for anxiety, three for self-esteem and seven for cognitive functioning. Nine primary studies assessed associations between sedentary behaviour and mental health. Physical activity has potentially beneficial effects for reduced depression, but the evidence base is limited. Intervention designs are low in quality, and many reviews include cross-sectional studies. Physical activity interventions have been shown to have a small beneficial effect for reduced anxiety, but the evidence base is limited. Physical activity can lead to improvements in self-esteem, at least in the short term. However, there is a paucity of good quality research. Reviews on physical activity and cognitive functioning have provided evidence that routine physical activity can be associated with improved cognitive performance and academic achievement, but these associations are usually small and inconsistent. Primary studies showed consistent negative associations between mental health and sedentary behaviour.Association between physical activity and mental health in young people is evident, but research designs are often weak and effects are small to moderate. Evidence shows small but consistent associations between sedentary screen time and poorer mental health.
[12] Brown H E, Pearson N, Braithwaite R E, et al.2013.

Physical activity interventions and depression in children and adolescents

[J]. Sports Medicine, 43(3): 195-206.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-012-0015-8      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[13] Cervero R.1989.

America's suburban centers: The land-use-transportation link

[M]. Boston, Massachusetts: Unwin Hyman Inc.

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] Cervero R, Kockelman K.1997.

Travel demand and the 3Ds: Density, diversity, and design

[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2(3): 199-219.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1361-9209(97)00009-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The built environment is thought to influence travel demand along three principal dimensions —density, diversity, and design. This paper tests this proposition by examining how the ‘3Ds’ affect trip rates and mode choice of residents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Using 1990 travel diary data and land-use records obtained from the U.S. census, regional inventories, and field surveys, models are estimated that relate features of the built environment to variations in vehicle miles traveled per household and mode choice, mainly for non-work trips. Factor analysis is used to linearly combine variables into the density and design dimensions of the built environment. The research finds that density, land-use diversity, and pedestrian-oriented designs generally reduce trip rates and encourage non-auto travel in statistically significant ways, though their influences appear to be fairly marginal. Elasticities between variables and factors that capture the 3Ds and various measures of travel demand are generally in the 0.06 to 0.18 range, expressed in absolute terms. Compact development was found to exert the strongest influence on personal business trips. Within-neighborhood retail shops, on the other hand, were most strongly associated with mode choice for work trips. And while a factor capturing ‘walking quality’ was only moderately related to mode choice for non-work trips, those living in neighborhoods with grid-iron street designs and restricted commercial parking were nonetheless found to average significantly less vehicle miles of travel and rely less on single-occupant vehicles for non-work trips. Overall, this research shows that the elasticities between each dimension of the built environment and travel demand are modest to moderate, though certainly not inconsequential. Thus it supports the contention of new urbanists and others that creating more compact, diverse, and pedestrian-orientated neighborhoods, in combination, can meaningfully influence how Americans travel.
[15] Chen Y Y, Wong G H, Lum T Y, et al.2015.

Neighborhood support network, perceived proximity to community facilities and depressive symptoms among low socioeconomic status Chinese elders

[J]. Aging & Mental Health, 20(4): 423-431.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2015.1018867      URL      PMID: 25775108      摘要

Abstract OBJECTIVES: Depressive symptoms are common in older people; most previous research on elderly depression focused on individual-level characteristics or neighborhood socioeconomic status. Modifiable neighborhood characteristics of older people dwelling in low-income communities are under-studied. This study aims to identify potentially modifiable social and physical neighborhood characteristics that influence depressive symptoms independent of individual-level characteristics among older Chinese. METHOD: Data came from a cross-sectional survey conducted in four low-income public rental housing estates in Hong Kong in 2012. We interviewed a total of 400 elderly residents. The structured questionnaire covered demographics, activities of daily living, recent fall history, neighborhood support networks, and perceived proximity by walk to community facilities. Multiple regression was used to test whether inclusion of neighborhood factors in addition to individual characteristics increases model fit in explaining depressive symptoms in elders with low socioeconomic status. RESULTS: At individual level, activities of daily living and income significantly predicted depressive symptoms. Receiving support from friends or neighbors is associated with fewer depressive symptoms. However, participants who received organizational support had a 1.17 points of increase on the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). At-ease walkable proximity to medical facilities was positively associated with a better GDS score. CONCLUSION: Neighborhood support networks and perceived proximity by walk to community facilities contribute significantly to depressive symptoms among low-income elders. Programs and policies that facilitate neighborhood support and commuting or promote facility accessibility may help ameliorate depressive symptoms common among low-income elders.
[16] Delbosc A.2012.

The role of well-being in transport policy

[J]. Transport Policy, 23: 25-33.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2012.06.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Governments and policy-makers are seeing the importance of supporting psychological well-being. 78 Few researchers have considered whether transport can influence well-being. 78 Early empirical research suggests that transport can influence well-being in some situations. 78 It is theorised that it does so through access to activities, physical mobility and externalities. 78 More research is needed to understand the impact transport policy can have on life satisfaction.
[17] Elavsky S.2010.

Longitudinal examination of the exercise and self-esteem model in middle-aged women

[J]. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 32(6): 862-880.

https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.32.6.862      URL      PMID: 21282842      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This 2-year prospective study examined the exercise and self-esteem model in middle-aged women (N = 143) previously enrolled in a randomized controlled exercise trial. Across the 2-year period, increases in physical activity (PA) and self-efficacy and reductions in body mass index (BMI) were associated with improved subdomain self-perceptions relative to physical condition, and reductions in BMI were associated with improved subdomain self-perceptions relative to physical condition and body attractiveness. The effects of PA, self-efficacy, and BMI on changes in physical self-worth and global self-esteem were mediated by changes in self-perceptions relative to physical condition and body attractiveness. The results of this longitudinal analysis support the hierarchical and multidimensional structure of self-esteem and indicate that middle-aged women can enhance how they perceive their condition and body attractiveness by continued participation in physical activity, increasing their self-efficacy, and maintaining healthy BMI levels.
[18] Ettema D, Timmermans H.2007.

Space-time accessibility under conditions of uncertain travel times: Theory and numerical simulations

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 39(2): 217-240.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2007.00702.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recently, several accessibility measures using the space–time prism concept have been suggested in the literature. These measures fail to take into account (i) the ability of individuals to adjust their activity–travel patterns in coping with constrained choice sets, (ii) uncertainty in the perception of travel times, (iii) temporal variability of travel times, and (iv) the influence of travel information on accessibility. The aim of the present article is to contribute to this literature by addressing these four shortcomings. Theory will be developed and illustrated using numerical simulations. The results suggest that the accessibility measure proposed in this article is a useful indicator of social inclusion in terms of the time individuals can spend to conduct their preferred activities. Moreover, accessibility is found to be affected by the presence of schedule delay penalties, restrictions in time allocation to activities, and the provision of travel time information in order to reduce uncertainty.
[19] Evans G W.2003.

The built environment and mental health

[J]. Journal of Urban Health, 80(4): 536-555.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jurban/jtg063      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[20] Ewing R, Cervero R.2010.

Travel and the built environment

[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 76(3): 265-294.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944361003766766      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Problem: Localities and states are turning to land planning and urban design for help in reducing automobile use and related social and environmental costs. The effects of such strategies on travel demand have not been generalized in recent years from the multitude of available studies. Purpose: We conducted a meta-analysis of the built environment-travel literature existing at the end of 2009 in order to draw generalizable conclusions for practice. We aimed to quantify effect sizes, update earlier work, include additional outcome measures, and address the methodological issue of self-selection. Methods: We computed elasticities for individual studies and pooled them to produce weighted averages. Results and conclusions: Travel variables are generally inelastic with respect to change in measures of the built environment. Of the environmental variables considered here, none has a weighted average travel elasticity of absolute magnitude greater than 0.39, and most are much less. Still, the combined effect of several such variables on travel could be quite large. Consistent with prior work, we find that vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is most strongly related to measures of accessibility to destinations and secondarily to street network design variables. Walking is most strongly related to measures of land use diversity, intersection density, and the number of destinations within walking distance. Bus and train use are equally related to proximity to transit and street network design variables, with land use diversity a secondary factor. Surprisingly, we find population and job densities to be only weakly associated with travel behavior once these other variables are controlled. Takeaway for practice: The elasticities we derived in this meta-analysis may be used to adjust outputs of travel or activity models that are otherwise insensitive to variation in the built environment, or be used in sketch planning applications ranging from climate action plans to health impact assessments. However, because sample sizes are small, and very few studies control for residential preferences and attitudes, we cannot say that planners should generalize broadly from our results. While these elasticities are as accurate as currently possible, they should be understood to contain unknown error and have unknown confidence intervals. They provide a base, and as more built-environment/travel studies appear in the planning literature, these elasticities should be updated and refined. Research support: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
[21] Feng J, Zhou Y X, Wu F L.2008.

New trends of suburbanization in Beijing since 1990: From government-led to market-oriented

[J]. Regional Studies, 42(1): 83-99.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400701654160      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Feng J., Zhou Y. and Wu F. New trends of suburbanization in Beijing since 1990: from government-led to market-oriented, Regional Studies. Since the 1990s suburbanization has been continuing in China along with the deepening of market transition. The process of suburbanization has gone beyond purely government-initiated relocation of households and polluting industries. Based on the newest population census, this paper identifies some major new trends of suburbanization in Beijing. The new round of suburbanization has been driven by the construction of suburban villas and affordable housing, rising private car ownership, the decentralization of industry, and the development of large suburban shopping malls and retail parks. Passively relocated households are no longer the dominant source of suburbanization. Suburbanization in Beijing has evolved into a new stage of more market-oriented development in the suburbs. Feng J., Zhou Y. et Wu F. Nouvelles tendances de la suburbanisation à Beijing (Pékin) depuis 1990: du dirigisme gouvernemental à l'economie de marché, Regional Studies. Depuis les années 1990, la suburbanisation se poursuit en Chine parallèlement à l'intensification de la transition vers l'économie de marché. Le processus de suburbanisation a dépassé le simple déménagement des ménages et des industries polluantes à l'initiative unilatérale du gouvernement. Sur la base du tout dernier recensement de la population, cet article identifie plusieurs nouvelles tendances importantes de la suburbanisation à Beijing. Ce nouveau cycle de suburbanisation a pour moteur la construction de villas et de logements abordables en zones suburbaines, la possession en hausse de voitures particulières, la décentralisation de l'industrie, et le développement de galeries marchandes et de centres commerciaux suburbains de grande taille. Les ménages déplacés passivement ne constituent plus la source dominante de la suburbanisation. La suburbanisation à Beijing est passée à un nouveau stade de développement dans les banlieues, plus orienté vers l'économie de marché. Suburbanisation69Recensement de population69Beijing69Chine Feng J., Zhou Y. und Wu F. Neue Trends der Suburbanisierung in Peking seit den neunziger Jahren: von staatlich gelenkt zu marktorientiert, Regional Studies. Seit den neunziger Jahren hat sich die Suburbanisierung in China gemeinsam mit der Vertiefung des Marktübergangs fortgesetzt. Der Prozess der Suburbanisierung ist über eine rein staatlich initiierte Umsiedelung von Haushalten und verschmutzenden Industrien hinausgegangen. In diesem Aufsatz identifizieren wir anhand der neuesten Volksz01hlungsdaten einige wichtige neue Trends der Suburbanisierung in Peking. Die neue Runde der Suburbanisierung wurde durch den Bau von Vorstadtvillen und erschwinglichen Wohnungen, die zunehmende Zahl von Autos im Privatbesitz, die Dezentralisierung der Industrie sowie die Entwicklung gro08er Einkaufszentren und Einzelhandelsparks in Vorstadtgebieten vorangetrieben. Passiv umgesiedelte Haushalte sind nicht mehr die dominante Quelle der Suburbanisierung. Die Suburbanisierung in Peking ist in eine neue Phase einer st01rker am Markt orientierten Entwicklung in den Vorst01dten übergegangen. Suburbanisierung69Volksz01hlung69Peking69China Feng J., Zhou Y. y Wu F. Nuevas tendencias en la suburbanización en Pekín desde 1990: de dirección estatal a orientación mercantil, Regional Studies. Desde la década de los noventa, ha continuado la suburbanización en China junto con la intensificación de la transición del mercado. El proceso de suburbanización ha ido más allá de la reubicación meramente iniciada por el gobierno de las viviendas y las industrias contaminantes. Basándonos en el censo de población más reciente, en este artículo identificamos algunas de las principales nuevas tendencias de suburbanización en Pekín. El nuevo ciclo de suburbanización ha sido impulsado por la construcción de residencias suburbanas y viviendas asequibles, un mayor número de propietarios de automóviles privados, la descentralización de la industria y el desarrollo de grandes centros comerciales y parques minoristas suburbanos. La reubicación pasiva de las viviendas ya no es la fuente dominante de la suburbanización. La suburbanización en Pekín ha progresado en una nueva fase de desarrollo más orientado hacia el mercado en los suburbios. Suburbanización69Censo de población69Pekín69China
[22] Galea S, Ahern J, Rudenstine S, et al.2005.

Urban built environment and depression: A multilevel analysis

[J]. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59(10): 822-827.

https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2005.033084      URL      PMID: 16166352      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To assess the relations between characteristics of the neighbourhood internal and external built environment and past six month and lifetime depression.Depression and sociodemographic information were assessed in a cross sectional survey of residents of New York City (NYC). All respondents were geocoded to neighbourhood of residence. Data on the quality of the built environment in 59 NYC neighbourhoods were collected from the United Status census, the New York City housing and vacancy survey, and the fiscal 2002 New York City mayor's management report.Among 1355 respondents, residence in neighbourhoods characterised by a poor quality built environment was associated with greater individual likelihood of past six month and lifetime depression in multilevel models adjusting for individual age, race/ethnicity, sex, and income and for neighbourhood level income. In adjusted models, persons living in neighbourhoods characterised by poorer features of the built environment were 29%-58% more likely to report past six month depression and 36%-64% more likely to report lifetime depression than respondents living in neighbourhoods characterised by better features of the built environment.Living in neighbourhoods characterised by a poor quality built environment is associated with a greater likelihood of depression. Future prospective work designed to assess potential mechanisms underlying these associations may guide public health and urban planning efforts aimed at improving population mental health.
[23] Giles-Corti B, Vernez-Moudon A, Reis R, et al.2016.

City planning and population health: A global challenge

[J]. Lancet, 388(10062): 2912-2924.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30066-6      URL      PMID: 27671668      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Significant global health challenges are being confronted in the 21st century, prompting calls to rethink approaches to disease prevention. A key part of the solution is city planning that reduces non-communicable diseases and road trauma while also managing rapid urbanisation. This Series of papers considers the health impacts of city planning through transport mode choices. In this, the first paper, we identify eight integrated regional and local interventions that, when combined, encourage walking, cycling, and public transport use, while reducing private motor vehicle use. These interventions are destination accessibility, equitable distribution of employment across cities, managing demand by reducing the availability and increasing the cost of parking, designing pedestrian-friendly and cycling-friendly movement networks, achieving optimum levels of residential density, reducing distance to public transport, and enhancing the desirability of active travel modes (eg, creating safe attractive neighbourhoods and safe, affordable, and convenient public transport). Together, these interventions will create healthier and more sustainable compact cities that reduce the environmental, social, and behavioural risk factors that affect lifestyle choices, levels of traffic, environmental pollution, noise, and crime. The health sector, including health ministers, must lead in advocating for integrated multisector city planning that prioritises health, sustainability, and liveability outcomes, particularly in rapidly changing low-income and middle-income countries. We recommend establishing a set of indicators to benchmark and monitor progress towards achievement of more compact cities that promote health and reduce health inequities.
[24] Gottholmseder G, Nowotny K, Pruckner G J, et al.2009.

Stress perception and commuting

[J]. Health Economics, 18(5): 559-576.

https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.v18:5      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[25] Hämmig O, Gutzwiller F, Bauer G.2009.

Work-life conflict and associations with work-and nonwork-related factors and with physical and mental health outcomes: A nationally representative cross-sectional study in Switzerland

[J]. BMC Public Health, 9: 435.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-9-435      URL      PMID: 2794864      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to examine work- and nonwork- related factors and physical and mental health outcomes associated with combined time- and strain-based work-life conflict (WLC) among adult employees living and working in Switzerland as well as possible gender differences in this regard. Methods The data used for the study were taken from wave 6 of the nationally representative Swiss Household Panel (SHP) collected in 2004. The analysis was restricted to 4'371 employees aged 20 to 64 years. Trivariate crosstabulations and multivariate linear and logistic regression analyses stratified by gender were performed in order to calculate gender-specific prevalence rates (%), beta coefficients (尾) and crude as well as multiple adjusted odds ratios (OR) as measures of association. Results Every eighth person (12.5%) within the study population has a high or very high WLC score. Prevalence rates are clearly above average in men and women with higher education, in executive positions or managerial functions, in full-time jobs, with variable work schedules, regular overtime, long commuting time to work and job insecurity. Working overtime regularly, having variable work schedules and being in a management position are most strongly associated with WLC in men, whereas in women the level of employment is the strongest explanatory variable by far, followed by variable work schedules and high job status (managerial position). In both men and women, WLC is associated with several physical and mental health problems. Employees with high or very high WLC show a comparatively high relative risk of self-reported poor health, anxiety and depression, lack of energy and optimism, serious backache, headaches, sleep disorders and fatigue. While overall prevalence rate of (very) high WLC is higher in men than in women, associations between degrees of WLC and most health outcomes are stronger in women than in men. Conclusion This important issue which up to now has been largely neglected in public health research needs to be addressed in future public health research and, if the findings are confirmed by subsequent (longitudinal) studies, to be considered in workplace health promotion and interventions in Switzerland as elsewhere.
[26] Hansson E, Mattisson K, Björk J, et al.2011.

Relationship between commuting and health outcomes in a cross-sectional population survey in southern Sweden

[J]. BMC Public Health, 11: 834.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-11-834      URL      PMID: 22039952      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: The need for a mobile workforce inevitably means that the length of the total work day (working and traveling time) will increase, but the health effects of commuting have been surprisingly little studied apart from perceived stress and the benefits of physically active commuting. METHODS: We used data from two cross-sectional population-based public health surveys performed in 2004 and 2008 in Scania, Sweden (56% response rate). The final study population was 21, 088 persons aged 18-65, working > 30 h/week. Duration (one-way) and mode of commuting were reported. The outcomes studied were perceived poor sleep quality, everyday stress, low vitality, mental health, self-reported health, and absence from work due to sickness during the past 12 months. Covariates indicating socioeconomic status and family situation, overtime, job strain and urban/rural residency were included in multivariate analyses. Subjects walking or cycling to work 60 min odds ratios (ORs) ranged from 1.2 - 1.6 for the different outcomes. For car commuting, the relationships were concave downward or flat, with increasing subjective health complaints up to 30-60 min (ORs ranging from 1.2 - 1.4), and lower ORs in the > 60 min category. A similar concave downward relationship was observed for sickness absence, regardless of mode of transport. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study are concordant with the few earlier studies in the field, in that associations were found between commutation and negative health outcomes. This further demonstrates the need to consider the negative side-effects of commuting when discussing policies aimed at increasing the mobility of the workforce. Studies identifying population groups with increased susceptibility are warranted.
[27] Jayakody K, Gunadasa S, Hosker C.2014.

Exercise for anxiety disorders: Systematic review

[J]. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(3): 187-196.

https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2012-091287      URL      PMID: 23299048      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Anxiety disorders are commonly treated with antidepressants and psychological treatments. Some patients may prefer alternative approaches such as exercise.To investigate the treatment effects of exercise compared with other treatments for anxiety disorders.Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise interventions for anxiety disorders were identified by searching six online databases (July 2011). A number of journals were also hand searched.Eight RCTs were included. For panic disorder: exercise appears to reduce anxiety symptoms but it is less effective than antidepressant medication (1 RCT); exercise combined with antidepressant medication improves the Clinical Global Impression outcomes (1 RCT, p0.1) with both seeming to reduce anxiety symptoms (1 RCT, p<0.001). It remains unclear as to which type of exercise; moderate to hard or very light to light, is more effective in anxiety reduction (2 RCTs).Exercise seems to be effective as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety disorders but it is less effective compared with antidepressant treatment. Both aerobic and non-aerobic exercise seems to reduce anxiety symptoms. Social phobics may benefit from exercise when combined with group CBT. Further well-conducted RCTs are needed.
[28] Kwan M P.2012.

The uncertain geographic context problem

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5): 958-968.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2012.687349      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Any study that examines the effects of area-based attributes on individual behaviors or outcomes faces another fundamental methodological problem besides the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP). It is the problem that results about these effects can be affected by how contextual units or neighborhoods are geographically delineated and the extent to which these areal units deviate from the true geographic context. The problem arises because of the spatial uncertainty in the actual areas that exert the contextual influences under study and the temporal uncertainty in the timing and duration in which individuals experienced these contextual influences. Using neighborhood effects and environmental health research as a point of departure, this article clarifies the nature and sources of this problem, which is referred to as the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP). It highlights some of the inferential errors that the UGCoP might cause and discusses some means for mitigating the problem. It reviews recent studies to show that both contextual variables and research findings are sensitive to different delineations of contextual units. The article argues that the UGCoP is a problem as fundamental as the MAUP but is a different kind of problem. Future research needs to pay explicit attention to its potential confounding effects on research results and to methods for mitigating the problem.
[29] Maas J, Verheij R A, Groenewegen P P, et al.2006.

Green space, urbanity, and health: How strong is the relation

[J]. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 60(7): 587-592.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Melis G, Gelormino E, Marra G, et al.2015.

The effects of the urban built environment on mental health: A cohort study in a large northern Italian city

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(11): 14898-14915.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph121114898      URL      PMID: 4661687      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Mental health (MH) has a relevant burden on the health of populations. Common MH disorders (anxiety and non-psychotic depression) are well associated to socioeconomic individual and neighborhood characteristics, but little is known about the influence of urban structure. We analyzed among a Turin (Northwest Italy) urban population the association at area level of different urban structure characteristics (density, accessibility by public transport, accessibility to services, green and public spaces) and consumption of antidepressants. Estimates were adjusted by individual socio-demographic variables (education, housing tenure, employment) and contextual social environment (SE) variables (social and physical disorder, crime rates). Data was extracted from the Turin Longitudinal Study (TLS)-a census-based cohort study following up prospectively the mortality and morbidity of the population. As expected, individual characteristics show the strongest association with antidepressant drug consumption, while among built environment (BE) indicators accessibility by public transport and urban density only are associated to MH, being slightly protective factors. Results from this study, in agreement with previous literature, suggest that BE has a stronger effect on MH for people who spend more time in the neighborhood. Therefore, this research suggests that good accessibility to public transport, as well as a dense urban structure (versus sprawl), could contribute to reduced risk of depression, especially for women and elderly, by increasing opportunities to move around and have an active social life.
[31] Primack B A.2003.

The WHO-5 Wellbeing Index performed the best in screening for depression in primary care

[J]. ACP Journal Club, 139(2): 48.

https://doi.org/10.1136/ebm.8.5.155      URL      PMID: 12954040      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Comment on BMJ. 2003 Jan 25;326(7382):200-1.
[32] Topp C W, Østergaard S D, Søndergaard S, et al.2015.

The WHO-5 Well-Being Index: A systematic review of the literature

[J]. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(3): 167-176.

https://doi.org/10.1159/000376585      URL      PMID: 25831962      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: The 5-item World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) is among the most widely used questionnaires assessing subjective psychological well-being. Since its first publication in 1998, the WHO-5 has been translated into more than 30 languages and has been used in research studies all over the world. We now provide a systematic review of the literature on the WHO-5. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search for literature on the WHO-5 in PubMed and PsycINFO in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. In our review of the identified articles, we focused particularly on the following aspects: (1) the clinimetric validity of the WHO-5; (2) the responsiveness/sensitivity of the WHO-5 in controlled clinical trials; (3) the potential of the WHO-5 as a screening tool for depression, and (4) the applicability of the WHO-5 across study fields. RESULTS: A total of 213 articles met the predefined criteria for inclusion in the review. The review demonstrated that the WHO-5 has high clinimetric validity, can be used as an outcome measure balancing the wanted and unwanted effects of treatments, is a sensitive and specific screening tool for depression and its applicability across study fields is very high. CONCLUSIONS: The WHO-5 is a short questionnaire consisting of 5 simple and non-invasive questions, which tap into the subjective well-being of the respondents. The scale has adequate validity both as a screening tool for depression and as an outcome measure in clinical trials and has been applied successfully across a wide range of study fields.
[33] van Ommeren J N, Gutiérrez-i-Puigarnau E.2011.

Are workers with a long commute less productive? An empirical analysis of absenteeism

[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 41(1): 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2010.07.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We hypothesise, and test for, a negative effect of the length of the worker's commute on worker's productivity, by examining whether the commute has a positive effect on worker's absenteeism. We identify this effect using employer-induced changes in commuting distance. Our estimates for Germany indicate that commuting distance induces absenteeism with an elasticity of about 0.07 to 0.09. On average, absenteeism would be about 15 to 20% less if all workers would have a negligible commute. These results are consistent with extended urban efficiency wage models.
[34] Wang E R, Song J P, Xu T.2011.

From “spatial bond” to “spatial mismatch": An assessment of changing job-shousing relationship in Beijing

[J]. Habitat International, 35(2): 398-409.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2010.11.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

For decades through the 1980s, housing units in major Chinese cities were “bonded” to jobs as they were located together with or very close to places of employment within large, walled danwei compounds. From the 1990s, accelerated suburbanization of population in major Chinese cities fueled by urban redevelopment, urban land reform and urban housing reform has fundamentally altered the jobs–housing spatial relation. The “spatial bond” that existed between urban jobs and urban housing for decades has dissolved and is being replaced by a prominent “spatial mismatch” when the jobs–housing relationship becomes increasingly imbalanced in space. This paper examines the new jobs–housing imbalance by assessing the extent of employment–residence spatial mismatch in Beijing. This analysis based on statistical data shows that the spatial imbalance between employment and population has become increasingly pronounced over time across urban districts. It is especially evident in the inner city where the loss of residents continues and the concentration of employment persists. The analysis of survey data, which focuses on people’s commuting patterns and travel behaviors, also provides strong evidence of spatial imbalance. Meanwhile, it reveals some of the impacts on job accessibility and other aspects of urban life. This study contributes to the understanding of how suburbanization has been unfolding in major Chinese cities and how it has been transforming urban development and urban life. It also adds to the understanding of the spatial dynamics of employment–housing relationship based on Beijing’s experience and sheds lights on the multifarious nature of the spatial mismatch problem.
[35] Weich S, Blanchard M, Prince M, et al.2002.

Mental health and the built environment: Cross-sectional survey of individual and contextual risk factors for depression

[J]. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 180(5): 428-433.

https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.180.5.428      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[36] World Health Organization.1998.

Wellbeing measures in primary health care/the DEPCARE project: Report on a WHO meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

[R]. Copenhagen, Denmark: WHO.

[本文引用: 1]     

[37] Yu H B, Shaw S L.2006.

Revisiting Hägerstrand’s time-geographic framework for individual activities in the age of instant access

[M]//Miller H J. Societies and cities in the age of instant access. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 88: 103-118.

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Zhang W, Ta V M.2009.

Social connections, immigration-related factors, and self-rated physical and mental health among Asian Americans

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 68(12): 2104-2112.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.04.012      URL      PMID: 19427087      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Focusing on Asian Americans, this study examines how self-rated physical and mental health depends on the layered social connections (including 4 types: family cohesion, relative support, friend support, and neighborhood cohesion), socioeconomic status, and immigration-related factors (including nativity, length of residence in the U.S., and proficiency of the English language). It draws on the 2002-2003 National Latino and Asian American Study, a nationally representative household survey of Latino and Asian Americans. Findings of this study include: (1) there are significant differences in self-rated physical health among Asian Americans of different national origin, but their self-rated physical health differences diminish after indicators of socioeconomic status and immigration-related factors are considered; (2) four types of social connections are all related to the self-rated physical and mental health of Asian Americans, but the patterns of the associations as well as the mechanisms linking the associations vary; and (3) family cohesion has independent and direct effects on both self-rated physical and mental health over and above controls and mediators, whereas the effects of other social connection measures are partially mediated by socioeconomic status and immigration-related factors. In sum, this study indicates the significant effects of social connections, socioeconomic status, and immigration-related factors on the self-rated physical and mental health of Asian Americans.
[39] Zhou Y X, Ma L J C.2000.

Economic restructuring and suburbanization in China

[J]. Urban Geography, 21(3): 205-236.

https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.21.3.205      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As in other countries, suburbanization in China occurred after the cities had experienced a period of sustained industrial and population growth. This study examines suburbanization in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Dalian. As a result of economic restructuring, the urban core registered net population loss from 1982 to 1990 because of decentralization while the inner suburbs gained population. Among the forces driving suburbanization were marketization of urban land, the shift of industrial land to tertiary use, transportation improvement, the availability of foreign and domestic capital, housing rehabilitation in the city, and new housing construction in the suburbs. There were certain similarities but major differences between American and Chinese suburbanization. Unlike the current metropolitan landscape in the United States where suburban growth has given rise to a polycentric spatial structure, suburbanization in China is still at the incipient stage of development with suburbs dominated by central cities. The role of the state in China has been more direct and powerful in setting the suburbanization process in motion. [Key words: economic restructuring, decentralization, suburbanization, China.]
