地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (4): 420-430 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.04.003



宋正娜, 颜庭干, 刘婷, 黄涛

南京信息工程大学,南京 210044

A new gravity P-median model and empirical test in urban comprehensive hospital location decision making:Take Wuxi as an example

SONG Zhengna, YAN Tinggan, LIU Ting, HUANG Tao

Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41201170,41301104)南京信息工程大学大学生实践创新训练计划项目(201410300146)


作者简介:宋正娜(1980-),女,山东潍坊人,博士,讲师,主要从事城市发展与区域规划研究,E-mail: songzhengna@163.com




关键词: 重力P中值模型 ; 区位—分配模型 ; 区位决策 ; 综合医院 ; 医疗设施 ; 无锡市


Location-allocation model is one of the best methods to find the optimal location of public service facilities. Traditional p-median model takes efficiency as a major criterion and applies the adjacency rule—that is, allocating the residents of every demand site to the closest facility, neglecting difference in facilities’ capacity (scale). Hence it is difficult to adapt such model to certain distribution requirements of urban comprehensive hospitals that are moderate equilibrium—residents select comprehensive hospital stochastically with certain probability and location and capacity calculation of the facilities should be solved synchronously due to the spatial interaction between supply and demand. In order to address this type of location-allocation problem, we take the P-median model as the basic framework and discuss the development and applicability of the model, then construct a gravity P-median model based on the spatial interaction between the residents (demand) and urban comprehensive hospitals (supply). The new model makes some improvements in a number of aspects. First, spatial equality, that is, all residents can conveniently reach at least one comprehensive hospital, can be ensured by incorporating the highest travel cost (from the demand site to the adjacent hospital) factor. Second, spatial allocation efficiency is guaranteed through the pursuit of minimizing total weighted travel cost. Third, facility location decision and scale configuration are solved simultaneously by incorporating a facilities’ capacity factor. Fourth, facility scale efficiency and fairness of service quality are ensured by incorporating the minimum scale factor. Furthermore, through the empirical test in Wuxi City comprehensive hospital spatial configuration, the new model is validated and considered effective and practical. After optimization using the new model, compared with the current distribution the new spatial allocation of urban comprehensive hospitals is more equitable and more convenient for residents in the service areas to access; the collaborative distribution of comprehensive hospitals and community health service institutions can be achieved, and therefore the spatial distribution of the health facilities is more reasonable. Instead of practical applications, this study focused on the theoretical approach of model building, so some parameters need to be adjusted based on the supply and demand change when such model is applied to practical planning. It should be noted that such new model gives a relative optimal distribution result, which can support certain decision making for future public facility distribution adjustments or new town construction, meanwhile enrich research on public facility location allocation both in China and abroad.

Keywords: gravity P-median model ; location-allocation model ; location selection and decision ; comprehensive hospital ; health facility ; Wuxi City


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宋正娜, 颜庭干, 刘婷, 黄涛. 新重力P中值模型及其在城市综合医院区位决策中的实证检验——以无锡市为例[J]. , 2016, 35(4): 420-430 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.04.003

SONG Zhengna, YAN Tinggan, LIU Ting, HUANG Tao. A new gravity P-median model and empirical test in urban comprehensive hospital location decision making:Take Wuxi as an example[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(4): 420-430 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.04.003

1 引言

寻找最佳区位是公共服务设施规划布局的核心问题(王铮等, 2005),区位—分配模型(Location-Allocation Model,LA模型)是实现各类设施最适配置的有效方法之一(Drezner et al, 2002; 陈忠暖等, 2006; 叶嘉安等, 2006; 周小平, 2007),其基本原理是要使设施位于可达性最佳的区位(叶嘉安等, 2006)。自20世纪60年代泰兹公共设施区位理论诞生以来,平衡公平—效率的公共设施区位决策问题便持续引起运筹管理、地学与规划各领域学者的极大热情与关注。在此后的50多年中,各领域学者推动发展了多种情景下数量丰富的公共设施扩展选址问题。纵观其发展历程,区位分配模型的研究方兴未艾,但因绝大部分模型求解属于NP-hard或NP-complete问题(Owen et al, 1998),在较大程度上制约了模型的创新发展与应用推广。

经典的LA模型包括P中值模型、P中心模型、最大覆盖模型,通常用于解决确定性设施区位选址问题(Owen et al, 1998)。P中值模型致力于寻找消费者总出行成本最小化目标下的设施(相对)理想区位,适用于空间效率导向、对出行成本敏感度有限的非紧急型公共设施(如二、三级综合医院);P中心模型以实现至所有设施的最大出行成本最小化为目标,适用于空间公平导向、对出行成本较为敏感的非紧急型公共设施(如社区卫生服务中心);最大覆盖模型力图在合理出行成本下覆盖尽可能多的需求人口,适于完全或部分覆盖的紧急型公共设施(如急救、消防设施)。其中针对P中值模型的扩展、改进及应用相对更为活跃。



值得一提的是,有关设施选址的学术探讨中,针对P中值模型的改进与扩展从未停止。例如Khumawala(1973)于1973年提出了最大极限距离限制下的P中值模型;Carreras等(1999)于1999年提出了受最小服务规模限制的P中值模型;Drezner等(2001, 2006, 2007, 2011)自2001年以来将P中值模型与重力规则相融合构建出一系列复杂的重力P中值模型,并利用模拟数据进行了求解,其研究思路对本文具有较大启发。已有研究或侧重模型局部改进,或将模拟现实情景的空间相互作用引入以构建新模型框架,但在吸收上述思路的基础上形成一个完整框架的研究鲜有出现,且针对规模甄选与求解的文献亦亟需推进。

上述重力P中值模型正逐步引起运筹与管理学领域的浓厚兴趣,这类融入空间相互作用原理的系列模型便是以随机式规则将顾客(往往以居民点进行抽象表征)分配至备选设施。这是一类能够有效揭示现实消费行为规律的仿真模型,既充分纳入供需之间的空间相互作用关系,又继承并优化了传统的区位分配模型,可为综合医院区位决策与优化问题提供新的解决思路。已有部分学者进行了实验模拟或实证分析,其中Ammari等(2000)、Drezner等(2006, 2007, 2011)、Yasenovskiy等(2007)、万波(2012)分别对多等级医疗设施区位选址、重力P中值模型构建思路及基于模拟数据的算法、服务器区位决策、基于Huff重力模型与最大覆盖模型对小学的选址等问题展开探讨。综合来看,国外已有系列空间交互模型取得了较大进展,但研究范式及现实适用性仍待改进;而国内研究较为少见,尚处于发轫期。

本文尝试以P中值模型为基础框架,构建基于居民(需求方)与城市综合医院(供给方)之间的空间相互作用,兼顾设施空间配置公平—效率,包含设施容量规模因子和最小规模限制(保障规模效率和质量公平)的新重力P中值模型(不同于Drezner等构建的重力P 中值模型(Drezner et al, 2001, 2006, 2007, 2011),并将其应用于无锡市区综合医院区位选择,以检验模型合理性。相比已有研究,新构建的重力P中值模型实现了同时将设施容量计算、最小规模限制、邻近设施最大出行成本限制、概率分配规则(重力规则)统一纳入一个模型框架,能够更加准确、全面地模拟现实情景下居民对于综合医院特定条件下的需求选择规律,且能够实现空间效率为主导、兼顾公平的适度均衡配置目标。新模型致力于相对有效地解决有限财政框架内的供—需失衡矛盾,可为政府部门配置公共资源提供决策依据,其区位优化选择模式可为其他设施区位配置提供借鉴。

需要说明的是,多数区位模型属于NP-hard或NP-complete问题,其求解本身即是一个较大挑战。大多数考虑未来不确定性因素的区位问题往往都转化为静态的确定性问题(Owen et al, 1998),竞争型区位选址问题(重力P中值模型归属于竞争型随机问题,计算理想解具有相当难度)囿于其复杂性更着重探讨确定性问题(即使考虑随时间连续规律性变化的模型参数取值,纳入了“动态”理念,也仍然属于确定性问题范畴)。而国外绝大多数研究应用空间相互作用建模时也都设置在一个静态的或比较静态的框架内,且采用少量数据或模拟数据进行检验(Ammari et al, 2000; Drezner et al, 2011; Carling et al, 2015)。本文构建的模型亦为针对静态确定性选址问题,但新模型本身属于随机区位问题,又纳入了规模因子进行求解,并且运用无锡市区系列较大规模数据进行检验,这3个因素共同抬高了模型的复杂性与求解难度。

2 基于空间相互作用的重力P中值模型的构建

2.1 P中值模型概述









式中:Z表示目标函数;M表示m个需求点的集合,M={1, 2, …, m};Nn个设施备选点的集合,N={1, 2, …, n};i为需求点的编号,代表需求点的特定位置;j为设施备选点的编号,代表可能设施点的位置;P为设施配置的数量;Wi为需求点的需求量(通常采用人口数量);Dij为需求点i与设施j之间的出行成本(距离、时间、费用等);Xj为0/1决策变量,取1表示位置j有设施设置,取0表示位置j无设施设置;Yij为0/1决策变量,取1表示设施j为需求点i提供服务,取0表示设施j不为需求点i提供服务。

图1   P中值问题示意图,假设设施数为3

Fig.1   The diagrammatic sketch of P-median problem, assuming that the number of facilities is three


Hakimi(1964)最早将P中值模型应用于通讯网络的交换中心布局问题,现今P中值及其改进模型主要用于解决网络型(设施备选点都在网络的节点上)、静态(参数不随时间变化)、确定性(需求被指定到确定的设施,不能自由随机选择)的区位—分配问题(static and deterministic location probelms)(Owen et al, 1998),在商业(Revelle, 1986; 宋广飞, 2008)、物流(Klose et al, 2005; 陈建国, 2005)、教育(Pizzolato et al, 1997)、医疗(Møller-Jensen et al, 2001)、避难(刘少丽, 2012)等各类设施选址决策中得到广泛应用。

P中值模型以效率作为导向,采用“邻近分配”规则,不考虑设施容量(规模)。P中值模型通过决定需求点与目标设施点之间的总出行成本来衡量设施布局有效性(Church et al, 1976),其目的在于追求总出行成本最小化,具有单一的效率导向。LA模型中最重要的部分是分配规则,即将需求分配给设施的方式(Ammari et al, 2000),P中值模型采用“邻近分配”规则,即每个需求点仅与最邻近的一个设施建立联系;“邻近分配”在一定情境下是符合需求选择逻辑的,即中央控制之下而非客户的自由选择,并且当设施具有同等吸引力时的需求分配(Drezner et al, 2006, 2011),这时设施之间不存在对于需求者的竞争,英、美、中等国通行的学区制(分片划区管理、指定就近入学)就是最典型的“邻近分配”。对于采用“邻近分配”规则的设施,可分两步确定设施容量规模:首先通过P中值模型确定设施位置,同时也就确定了相对应的需求点;然后再根据每一个设施服务的需求点规模总和计算相应设施容量规模。

P中值问题属于NP-Hard问题(Garey et al, 1979),P中值模型由于采用单一效率目标、“邻近分配”规则,但忽略了设施容量,因而模型数学表达式相对简单,一定程度上降低了模型的求解难度。但也限制了模型的应用,单一追求效率容易导致设施配置远离部分人口分散地区,使得模型不适用于具有一定公平性要求的设施配置问题;“邻近分配”规则假定需求者选择设施的标准仅凭出行成本而定,忽略不同设施带来的对于需求者的吸引力差异,也不能适应竞争环境下设施配置的要求(Drezner et al, 2007, 2011; Carling et al, 2015);基于设施区位决策和规模计算分两步,也使得模型无法解决非“邻近分配”设施的规模计算。

2.2 居民(需求方)与城市综合医院(供给方)之间的空间相互作用

P中值模型采用“邻近分配”规则,然而实际情况是潜在需求者通常会在多所综合医院之间作出选择。综合医院作为区域性医疗中心,提供重症和疑难杂症的诊疗服务,根据已有研究,城市居民在选择综合医院时,“首要考虑因素依次是医疗技术、位置远近、服务态度、有无熟人、就医环境、价格因素”(张春瑜等, 2009),位置并非最主要的决定性因素(卫生部统计信息中心, 2009)。因此当一个城市的综合医院数量多于一所时,每一个潜在需求者在没有确诊的情况下,通常会根据自己每一次具体需求选择其中一所医院,一段时间下来,所有居民(需求方)与所有综合医院(供给方)之间建立如图2所示的联系。

图2   居民需求点与综合医院之间建立的联系,假设有3所综合医院

Fig.2   Connections between demand sites and urban comprehensive hospitals, assuming that the number of facilities is three

图3   潜在需求者与综合医院间的“服务流”

Fig.3   “Service flow” between demand sites and urban comprehensive hospitals



2.3 一种新的基于空间相互作用的重力P中值模型


首先,针对P中值模型“邻近分配”规则的局限性,本文拟将空间相互作用嵌入P中值模型。具体做法为:①将需求点i与某一综合医院j建立联系的自由选择概率(Aij/Ai)作为系数嵌入目标函数Z,其中Aij表示需求点i经由综合医院j潜在可获取服务的资源量(宋正娜等, 2009; 宋正娜等, 2010),Ai是需求点i从研究区域内所有综合医院潜在可获取服务资源量的累计值;②将P中值模型目标函数Z当中的Yij参数改为Xj,使得每个需求点可与所有综合医院建立联系。



















3 实证检验

3.1 实证区域与数据准备

为检验模型科学性,本文选取无锡市区作为实证区域展开探讨,由于实证数据年代较早(2009年数据),虽已不能完全代表无锡市区当下状况,但可作模型检验之用。截至2009年末,全市辖七区、总面积1622.64 km2、常住人口约371.75万;其中老城三区(崇安区、南长区、北塘区)人口高度集聚,新城四区(惠山区、锡山区、新区、滨湖区)人口相对分散(图4),研究所需数据由无锡市发改委、交通局、卫生局等单位提供。

(1) 已有综合医院位置及其规模。截至2009年底,无锡市区共有二、三级综合医院10所(图4,下文统一简称为“综合医院”),主要分布于人口相对密集的老城三区,文中选取卫技人员数代表医院规模(表1),10所医院共计4931人,平均每千人拥有卫技人员数约为1.326人。

图4   无锡市区已有综合医院分布、研究单元划分与人口密度

Fig.4   Distribution, study units, and population density of existing comprehensive hospitals in Wuxi City

表1   无锡市区已有综合医院规模

Tab.1   The scales of existing comprehensive hospitals in Wuxi City



(2) 需求点位置及其人口规模的确定。基于研究区域大小以及设施的具体分布,本文经过试算,最终采用2.5 km×2.5 km网格划分无锡市区,并适当合并部分边缘区域面积较小网格,形成202个网格——研究单元(图4),并将这些网格的几何中心视作人口重心——需求点。借助ArcGIS软件按照社区(村)人口密度,将人口切分到网格,得到需求点人口(图4)。

(3) 综合医院备选点。本文综合选取前述网格几何中心(剔除部分边缘几何中心,以及与已有设施距离较近的几何中心)和已有综合医院位置,最终确定193个备选位置(图5)。

图5   无锡市区综合医院193个备选点

Fig.5   The 193 alternative sites for optimized allocation of comprehensive hospitals in Wuxi City

(4) 交通路网、出行方式以及设施(备选点)与需求点最短通达时间计算。无锡市区以平原为主,区内交通发达,综合医院就医主要采用公路交通。因此本文选取车行方式确定居民出行成本,文中使用500 m×500 m网格对主要道路网进行加密,各级道路行车速度依据2004年《公路工程技术标准》(JTG B01-2003)确定,由于网格线代表的是小区内或者胡同一级的道路,车行速度一般都较慢,于是赋值10 km/h(表2)。并采用矢量数据结构下交通网络最短路径算法,利用ArcView软件中Network分析模块及二次开发脚本程序,计算出各需求点至各设施(备选点)的最短通达时间(宋正娜等, 2009)。

表2   无锡市区各级道路行车速度

Tab.2   Speed limits of different grades of roads in Wuxi City



3.2 无锡市区综合医院区位优化和规模设置

3.2.1 确定约束条件

(1) 设施数量P。为便于比较优化配置前后的均衡性变化,本文假定综合医院数量不变,即P=10。

(2) 单一设施最小服务规模Q0。综合考虑无锡市区已有综合医院数量以及规模总和,并经过试验计算,选取350为单一设施最小服务规模。

(3) 需求点到达邻近设施的最大出行成本D0。依照无锡市区现有医院分布,所有需求点到达邻近综合医院的最大出行时间为49.87 min;假定10所综合医院数量不变,采用P中心模型(在已知需求点集合位置和设施备选点集合位置的情况下,分别为P个设施找到合适的位置,使到达所有设施的最大出行成本最小化(Owen et al, 1998))进行区位优化,理论上所有需求点到达邻近综合医院的最大出行成本可以下降至22.37 min。综合前述两个数据,本文实验性选取40 min作为需求点到达邻近设施的最大出行成本。

(4) 所有设施服务能力总量K。为便于前后对比,假定区位优化后的设施服务能力总和仍为卫技人员数4931个。

(5) 衰减系数β。由实际调查、试验对比综合判定β为2(宋正娜等, 2010),此取值更能揭示居民至医院可达性的真实差异。

3.2.2 设施区位和规模确定

根据上述约束条件,借助目前世界上最先进的、以优化为基础的语言开发环境AIMMS 3.13,使用Cplex 12.5求解器,选择分支定界算法,经过多次尝试,最终得到相对合理的运算结果(表3图6)。

表3   重力P中值模型计算的区位与规模结果

Tab.3   Locations and scales of comprehensive hospitals in Wuxi City with gravity P-median model



图6   重力P中值模型优化后无锡市区综合医院布局

Fig.6   Distribution of hospitals in Wuxi city after optimization with gravity P-median model

3.3 综合医院空间配置优化方案与既有布局对比

利用基于潜能模型的可达性分析结果(宋正娜等, 2009; 宋正娜等, 2010),对比评价两种情况下综合医院布局(即已有的设施布局和重力P中值模型优化布局)(图7-10、表4),优化后的布局方案特点为:

(1) 设施空间配置更加公平。从人均获取资源量来看,更多居民潜在可获取资源量接近无锡市区平均每千人拥有卫技人员数1.326(图9),居民潜在可获取服务资源量基尼系数下降到0.18。

(2) 居民邻近就医更加便捷。在空间距离上,更多居民至少有1所医院位于较近距离(需求点至邻近综合医院最大出行时间降至37 min,需求点至邻近综合医院平均出行时间降至15.32 min,邻近医院30 min 出行时间覆盖人口比率提升到98.95%),让居民面临真实需求时,能方便快捷地就近找到1所综合医院。

(3) 整个医疗设施体系空间布局更加合理。作为高等级医疗设施,综合医院理应与社区卫生服务(低等级)在空间上相区分。现有布局中,综合医院集中于中心城区,导致较多人口距离综合医院交通出行成本过低(图10),与社区卫生“10分钟服务圈”相重叠;基于综合医院更优的服务质量,居民多数会倾向选择综合医院,造成对综合医院资源的过度消费,且让远郊居民真实需求可能面临更长的就医等待时间(中心城区居民过度消费挤压远郊居民真实消费需求)。优化后的布局,居民至综合医院(基于随机概率)的平均出行时间延长到22.66 min,与“社区卫生服务圈”适当区分,有助于让不真实的需求回归社区卫生服务,从空间上促进整个医疗设施体系空间布局更加合理。

图7   现有布局中各需求点千人综合医院卫技人员数标准化值Kriging插值图

Fig.7   Kriging interpolation of the standard value of comprehensive hospital health care personnel per thousand residents of every demand site under the current distribution

图8   模型优化后各需求点千人综合医院卫技人员数标准化值Kriging插值图

Fig.8   Kriging interpolation of the standard value of comprehensive hospital health care personnel per thousand residents of every demand site under the optimized distribution with the new model

图9   居民人均潜在可获取资源量(按照千人计算)分布频次对比

Fig.9   Comparison of distribution frequency of potentially available resources per thousand residents ofevery demand site

图10   居民交通出行成本分布频次对比

Fig.10   Comparison of residents’ transportation cost distribution frequency under the current and optimized distribution

表4   综合医院优化配置方案与现有布局居民就医可达性对比分析

Tab.4   Comparison of accessibility of residents to comprehensive hospitals between the optimized and current distribution

邻近医院30 min 出行时间覆盖人口比率/%94.6898.95


4 结论与展望





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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This study aims at developing a formulation and a simple solution procedure for location-allocation of hierarchical health care facilities. We deal with hospital as an upper level and health center as a lower level. The model is based on the hypothesis that the location and allocation are controlled by different decision-makers. The results that we expected in our model show the performance of users' behavior based on spatial interaction effect in choosing a site of hospital or health center to minimize the total patients weighted distance in a simple real network.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orp.2015.06.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Regarding the location of a facility, the presumption in the widely used p-median model is that the customer opts for the shortest route to the nearest facility. However, this assumption is problematic on free markets since the customer is presumed to gravitate to a facility by the distance to and the attractiveness of it. The recently introduced gravity p-median model offers an extension to the p-median model that account for this. The model is therefore potentially interesting, although it has not yet been implemented and tested empirically. In this paper, we have implemented the model in an empirical problem of locating vehicle inspections, locksmiths, and retail stores of vehicle spare-parts for the purpose of investigating its superiority to the p-median model. We found, however, the gravity p-median model to be of limited use for the problem of locating facilities as it either gives solutions similar to the p-median model, or it gives unstable solutions due to a non-concave objective function.
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The optimal location of services is one of the most important factors that affects service quality in terms of consumer access. On the other hand, services in general need to have a minimum catchment area so as to be efficient. In this paper, a model is presented that locates the maximum number of services that can coexist in a given region without having losses, taking into account that they need a minimum catchment area to exist. The objective is to minimize average distance to the population. The formulation presented belongs to the class of discrete P-median-like models. A tabu heuristic method is presented to solve the problem. Finally, the model is applied to the location of pharmacies in a rural region of Spain.
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Theoretical and computational links between the p-median, location set-covering, and the maximal covering location problem

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https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.1976.tb00547.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Top of page Abstract LITERATURE CITED It has been shown that the p-median problem, the location set-covering and the maximal covering location problems are important facility location models. This paper gives a historical perspective of the development of these models and identifies the theoretical links between them. It is shown that the maximal covering location problem can be structured and solved as a p-median problem in addition to the several approaches already developed. Computational experience for several maximal covering location problems is given.
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https://doi.org/10.1111/0022-4146.00207      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this note we propose a new model for the airline hub selection problem. Passengers use a hub on the way to their destination. We apply the objective of minimizing the total miles traveled by passengers. This formulation can be used as the basis for other objectives also.
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Multiple facilities location in the plane using the gravity model

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https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2006.00692.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Two problems are considered in this article. Both problems seek the location of p facilities. The first problem is the p median where the total distance traveled by customers is minimized. The second problem focuses on equalizing demand across facilities by minimizing the variance of total demand attracted to each facility. These models are unique in that the gravity rule is used for the allocation of demand among facilities rather than assuming that each customer selects the closest facility. In addition, we also consider a multiobjective approach, which combines the two objectives. We propose heuristic solution procedures for the problem in the plane. Extensive computational results are presented.
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The gravity p-median model

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2005.04.054      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p id="">In this paper we propose a new model for the <em>p</em>-median problem. In the standard <em>p</em>-median problem it is assumed that each demand point is served by the closest facility. In many situations (for example, when demand points are communities of customers and each customer makes his own selection of the facility) demand is divided among the facilities. Each customer selects a facility which is not necessarily the closest one. In the gravity <em>p</em>-median problem it is assumed that customers divide their patronage among the facilities with the probability that a customer patronizes a facility being proportional to the attractiveness of that facility and to a decreasing utility function of the distance to the facility.</p><p id="">The model is analyzed and heuristic solution procedures are proposed. Computational experiments using a set of test problems, provide excellent results.</p>
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The gravity multiple server location problem

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2010.08.006      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Models for locating facilities and service providers to serve a set of demand points are proposed. The number of facilities is unknown, however, there is a given number of servers to be distributed among the facilities. Each facility acts as an M/M/k queuing system. The objective function is the minimization of the combined travel time and the waiting time at the facility for all customers. The distribution of demand among the facilities is governed by the gravity rule. Two models are proposed: a stationary one and an interactive one. In the stationary model it is assumed that customers do not consider the waiting time at the facility in their facility selection decision. In the interactive model we assume that customers know the expected waiting time at the facility and consider it in their facility selection decision. The interactive model is more complicated because the allocation of the demand among the facilities depends on the demand itself. The models are analyzed and three heuristic solution algorithms are proposed. The algorithms were tested on a set of problems with up to 1000 demand points and 20 servers.
[21] Drezner Z, Hamacher H W.2002.

Facility location: Applications and theory

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Optimum locations of switching centers and the absolute centers and medians of a graph

[J]. Operations Research, 12(3): 450-459.

https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.12.3.450      URL      摘要

The concepts of the 'center' and the 'median vertex' of a graph are generalized to the 'absolute center' and the 'absolute median' of a weighted graph (a graph with weights attached to its vertices as well as to its branches). These results are used to find the optimum location of a 'switching center' in a communication network and to locate the best place to build a 'police station' in a highway system. It is shown that the optimum location of a switching center is always at a vertex of the communication network while the best location for the police station is not necessarily at an intersection. Procedures for finding these locations are given.
[24] Khumawala B M.1973.

An efficient algorithm for the p-median problem with maximum distance constraints

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 5(4): 309-321.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.1973.tb00493.x      URL      摘要

First page of article
[25] Klose A, Drexl A.2005.

Facility location models for distribution system design

[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 162(1): 4-29.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2003.10.031      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p id="">The design of the distribution system is a strategic issue for almost every company. The problem of locating facilities and allocating customers covers the core topics of distribution system design. Model formulations and solution algorithms which address the issue vary widely in terms of fundamental assumptions, mathematical complexity and computational performance. This paper reviews some of the contributions to the current state-of-the-art. In particular, continuous location models, network location models, mixed-integer programming models, and applications are summarized.</p>
[26] Møller-Jensen L, KofieR Y.2001.

Exploiting available data sources: Location/allocation modeling for health service planning in rural Ghana

[J]. Geografisk Tidsskrift: Danish Journal of Geography, 101(1): 145-153.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00167223.2001.10649457      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The preconditions for applying GIS-based location-allocation analysis for health service planning in rural Ghana are examined in terms of data availability and quality. A population map is established from the latest available census using geo-coding methods and digital topographic sheets. A vector-based transport model of the region is established by merging data from several sources including GPS. It is suggested that a hybrid transport model is required. This model combines the possibilities for all-direction transportation inherent in the raster-based approach with the possibilities for road/path transportation inherent in the vector-based approach. All-direction movements are expected to take place close to the villages in order to reach a suitable linear transport corridor represented by a vector. Several scenarios for improving the accessibility aspects of the health service provision are examined in light of Ghana's current health service policy. Location-allocation modelling tools are used to select optimal locations and provide statistics on average distance to health centres and percentage of population covered.
[27] Owen S H, Daskin M S.1998.

Strategic facility location: A review

[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 111(3): 423-447.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0377-2217(98)00186-6      URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

Facility location decisions are a critical element in strategic planning for a wide range of private and public firms. The ramifications of siting facilities are broadly based and long-lasting, impacting numerous operational and logistical decisions. High costs associated with property acquisition and facility construction make facility location or relocation projects long-term investments. To make such undertakings profitable, firms plan for new facilities to remain in place and in operation for an extended time period. Thus, decision makers must select sites that will not simply perform well according to the current system state, but that will continue to be profitable for the facility's lifetime, even as environmental factors change, populations shift, and market trends evolve. Finding robust facility locations is thus a difficult task, demanding that decision makers account for uncertain future events. The complexity of this problem has limited much of the facility location literature to simplified static and deterministic models. Although a few researchers initiated the study of stochastic and dynamic aspects of facility location many years ago, most of the research dedicated to these issues has been published in recent years. In this review, we report on literature which explicitly addresses the strategic nature of facility location problems by considering either stochastic or dynamic problem characteristics. Dynamic formulations focus on the difficult timing issues involved in locating a facility (or facilities) over an extended horizon. Stochastic formulations attempt to capture the uncertainty in problem input parameters such as forecast demand or distance values. The stochastic literature is divided into two classes: that which explicitly considers the probability distribution of uncertain parameters, and that which captures uncertainty through scenario planning. A wide range of model formulations and solution approaches are discussed, with applications ranging across numerous industries.
[28] Pizzolato N D, da Silva H B F.1997.

The location of public schools: Evaluation of practical experiences

[J]. International Transactions in Operational Research, 4(1): 13-22.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-3995.1997.tb00058.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper discusses practical experiences resulting from the use of Operations Research techniques for the location of elementary public schools in large urban settings. The experiences reported are based on two counties of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In these relatively poor areas walking is the most common means of traveling to school, and the ideal location is the one that minimizes the sum of the overall residence-to-school distances. The model used was the uncapacitated p-median, but current capacities of existing schools have been introduced in the interpretation of the results. In both counties, the study first evaluated the existing spatial distribution of schools and then proceeded to propose their ideal location. Both analyses lead to short and long-run managerial suggestions. A description of the practical status of the study is also included.
[29] Revelle C.1986.

The maximum capture or “sphere of influence” location problem: Hotelling revisited on a network

[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 26(2): 343-358.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Yasenovskiy V, Hodgson J.2007.

Hierarchical location-allocation with spatial choice interactionmodeling

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(3): 496-511.
