地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (3): 358-367 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.010



徐宜青1, 潘峰华1*, 江小雨2, 曲亚霖1, 梁进社1

1. 北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院,北京 100875
2. 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,北京 100875

The geography and syndication investment networks of venture capital in Beijing

XU Yiqing1, PAN Fenghua1*, JIANG Xiaoyu2, QU Yalin1, LIANG Jinshe1

1. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
2. School of Business, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者:  潘峰华(1982-),男,江苏常州人,博士,讲师,主要从事经济地理、金融地理、城市与区域发展方面研究,E-mail: panfenghua@bnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2015-07-25

接受日期:  2016-01-25

网络出版日期:  2016-03-25

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41201107)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2015KJJCB30)北京师范大学北京市大学生科学研究与创业行动计划项目


作者简介:徐宜青(1993-),女,江苏南京人,本科生,主要从事金融地理研究,E-mail: xuyiqing@mail.bnu.edu.cn




关键词: 风险投资 ; 集聚 ; 社会网络分析 ; 联合投资 ; 北京市


Existing research on the agglomeration of venture capital (VC) has mainly focused on the national level. This study explores VC's distribution and network at the city level in China. Based on the data of VC in Beijing, we conducted a spatial and social network analysis on the geography of the sector. The results show that VC is mainly concentrated in the Central Business District (CBD), Financial Street, and Zhongguancun areas, which presents a decentralized-centralized-decentralized tendency over time. The CBD and Financial Street are home to many institutions, with the former being a major settlement for foreign institutions, especially private equity (PE) firms while the latter mostly for state-owned institutions. Relying on its high-tech industry and high quality research institutions, Zhongguancun developed into a dynamic area with a large number of VC focusing on start-ups. The network analysis shows that VC collaborate with each other beyond the distance limitation. The major VC clusters have intense connections in syndication investments. The core and periphery analysis indicates that foreign institutions hold a prominent position in the syndication investment networks of VC in Beijing. The state-owned institutions occupy some key nodes in the network with less influence. Although there is a growing number of local privately-owned institutions, most of them are at the periphery in the network.

Keywords: venture capital ; cluster ; social network analysis ; syndication ; Beijing City


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徐宜青, 潘峰华, 江小雨, 曲亚霖, 梁进社. 北京市风险投资的空间分布与合作网络研究[J]. , 2016, 35(3): 358-367 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.010

XU Yiqing, PAN Fenghua, JIANG Xiaoyu, QU Yalin, LIANG Jinshe. The geography and syndication investment networks of venture capital in Beijing[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(3): 358-367 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.010

1 引言

风险投资(Veture Capital, VC)是由职业金融家投入到新兴的、迅速发展的、具有巨大竞争潜力的企业中的一种权益资本。其在特征上有别于其他企业融资形式之处为:①以收购,重组等形式投资于风险度低、处于成熟期企业的私募股权基金(Private Equity, PE)。②由富有的个人而非组织运作的天使投资基金(Zhang, 2011)。但目前国内对VC、PE的区分差异不大,故在本文中,无分类讨论时将统称VC。

由于一些基于技术、媒体和电子通信的新兴产业不能在贷款市场和证券公开市场筹资,所以VC机构成为其早期筹集资金的选择(房四海, 2010),风险投资行业由此萌生。行业最早形成于美国,从20世纪40、50年代的萌芽,到80年代的迅速发展和90年代的急剧增长(Martin et al, 2002),VC在创新型经济发展和区域经济增长的作用已经得到广泛认可。以硅谷为代表的众多科技创新企业就是依靠VC发展壮大起来的,并引领美国进入繁盛的“新经济”时代。


VC在地理分布上集聚态势明显。从全球范围来看,无论是美国、英国(Mason et al, 2002),还是德国(Fritch et al, 2007)、日本(Osama et al, 2002),VC都呈现出区域集聚趋向。国内的相关研究也发现VC主要分布在北京、上海、江苏、浙江和广东为主的五大集聚地(崔毅等, 2011)。从区域特征来看,VC分布地区多为金融中心和高技术产业集聚地(Florida et al, 1993),以此获取便捷的信息资源、技术资本和劳动力(Malecki, 1997)。Zhang(2011)第一次系统地从地理学视角研究中国风险投资机构空间动态和区位等级。汪明峰等(2014)对中国风险投资空间集聚的相关研究发现,中国的风险投资存在明显的空间集聚性,并形成了以北京、上海为核心节点的投资网络城市。徐晓红等(2015)发现中国风险投资空间行为的总体特征是经济发达地区之间的频繁流动和投资的本地化。

联合投资网络是VC空间集聚的另一个重要因素(Hochberg, 2007)。由于风险投资具有收益高风险大的特点,多个机构通过联合投资能形成利益联合体,并使投资组合多样化,共担风险(Wilson, 1968)。这里的网络就是指VC机构联合投资行为中出于内部信息交换的需要而建立起的社会关系网。频繁的联合投资行为很快就会在区域内的VC机构间形成一张信息流通网,由此产生的知识溢出效应会吸引其他VC机构集聚,以获得最大限度的利益(Chen et al, 2010)。同时,在网络中越是处于中心地位的机构,越会拥有更宽阔的信息渠道(Bonacich, 1987)。李军等(2013)研究外资VC在华投资时,采用网络中心性分析发现,联合投资网络对跨国风险投资机构进入国外市场具有显著影响,并且作为网络各行动者之间的中介联结有利于获取更多投资机会和高质量的信息。

地理和网络两种因素的叠加产生了良性的滚雪球效应。区域发展早期,资金与技术、创新型企业、VC机构三者在地理上往往相继出现,不断集聚。区域发展后期,有关潜在投资机会的信息集中于已形成的集聚区,而限制在区域内部的信息流通又反过来促进了VC的产业区域化进程(Stuart et al, 2003)。在中国当前特有的制度环境中,VC同样不仅仅要通过地理邻近性,还需要进一步通过网络邻近性来建立信任,共享信息资源(Zhang, 2011)。

考察国内外已有文献可发现,有关VC空间邻近性的研究多处于国家层面,极少有过对城市内部VC特征的探究。作为VC行业的主要集中区,北京市拥有全国17.97%的VC机构(成思危, 2013)。作为一个现代化的大都市,其内部又具有明显的职能分区。VC在北京市是否具有与国外相似的空间集聚图景是本文研究城市内部VC的第一步,这些风投机构内部存在何种结构的合作网络,是否受地理限制,主导网络格局的核心力量又在哪里?研究VC在北京市的地理分布与网络联系,全面展现当下北京市VC机构的空间集聚和联合投资特征,将有助于深入理解上述问题,并揭示中国国情下VC在大城市内部投资空间行为的驱动机制。

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据来源


2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 空间分析

本文采用ArcGis10.3处理北京市风投机构的空间信息。用经纬度位置查询器将1623家投资机构的位置信息转化为经纬度值,定点绘图。由于现有的地图与真实地图存在偏差,需对底图(②来源:Arcgis Online http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcgisonline/。)先进行配准校正以保证其准确性,再将投资机构的各类信息完整加载到信息列表中,最后通过制作时间、空间、资本类型等专题地图,尝试发现一些规律。

2.2.2 社会网络分析


图1   信息列表转二维矩阵转网络结构简化示意图

Fig.1   A simplified diagram of translation from data to matrix and network

直观上看,网络节点的联结从中部凝集,处于网络边缘的VC间几乎没有联系,可认为网络密度较低,样本冗余。为验证这一现象,本文参照投资网络密度理论计算。投资网络密度 (Δ)是指VC网络中实际存在的关系数量和所有理论上可能存在的关系数量之比(此公式针对无方向性网络),以无权网络来看,密度越高说明节点间联系渠道越多。


式中:L为网络中线的数目,g为网络中节点数目(罗家德, 2010)。代入本次数据样本,运算结果显示,网络密度为0.0136。一个由598个VC机构组成的网络最大可能联结数量为178503 (C5982),而实际的联结数量仅为2420个,矩阵的稀疏性说明网络密度并不高,很多节点之间没有联系。因此,本文参照系统密度评价缩小样本范围,最终筛选联合投资达8次及以上的机构为样本,这样就将社会网络的研究范围减少至65家,其总投资事件占到整体的65.6%,样本变得精炼且保证了代表性。本文拟采用这一样本评估VC联投网络状态及代表性机构的核心地位。

3 北京市VC机构的地理分布

3.1 VC机构在北京市的总体分布


从已有研究来看,VC及其被投企业集中分布在金融中心和高技术产业集聚地(Florida et al,1993)。一方面,集中有利于金融机构之间的沟通和联系,也为上市、退出投资提供便利(Martin et al, 2005)。另一方面,VC和高新技术企业二者之间是相互依存的(Florida et al, 1988),VC为创新型企业提供资金和管理的支持,促进了创新型企业的快速发展和成熟;同时创新企业集聚的地区也为VC提供了更多的投资机会,不断吸引VC机构的参与。

根据这一特征,本文运用热度图分析北京市现有的1623家VC机构。经调节,在核密度参数的像元大小(cell size)为0.0009,搜索半径(search radius)为0.009时得到集聚热度图(图2)。

图2   北京市VC机构空间分布热点图

Fig.2   Hotspot distribution of venture capital in Beijing



中关村被列为“三新”之一,在规划中被定位为新兴科技金融功能区。它不仅是国家自主创新示范区、高科技产业中心,也不缺乏各类金融机构。鉴于中国很多经验均借鉴美国,职业VC的投资领域主要集中于高新技术领域,IT产业始终是风险资本投资的重要选择(刘曼红, 2005)。以科研机构和著名高校为技术依托的中关村自然成了风投机构的集聚地。



3.2 VC机构随时间的分布变化


从时间维度来看,北京市VC机构的分布经历了从分散到集聚,再到遍地开花的过程(图3)。在早期刚刚兴起的时候,风投机构在中关村、CBD、金融街呈零散分布;进入21世纪,VC不断发展成以这三处为核心向周边拓展的形式;近年来,则又在三、四环处以分散的形式涌现出一批新的机构,并向五环扩展。Christensen(2007)在对VC的地域专业化研究中发现,VC机构在行业兴起的最初阶段,因竞争力小而四处寻找投资机遇,积累投资经验,空间分布呈松散状态;而当风投行业兴盛时,激烈的竞争会导致机构集聚以增强自身实力。聚集投资的局面一旦打开,将会导致地区的被投机构集聚,而被投机构的自发集聚反过来又会吸引更多的VC机构到此进行集中投资。集聚之所以能巩固实力,减缓竞争是因为同一地区的多轮投资可通过发挥规模效应降低单个交易成本,同一地区的历史交易经验也能在一定程度上消除信息不对称和制度因素差异的负面影响,提高VC的绩效(Lerner, 2010)。由此可以得出,产业集群的快速发展在一定程度上成为加剧VC集中偏好的催化剂(Schwartzd et al, 2007)。北京市VC的空间变化图景顺应了这一发展规律。

图3   北京市VC机构时间分布图

Fig.3   Temporal change of venture capital distribution in Beijing


图4   三大集聚中心VC机构占比随时间的变化

Fig.4   Temporal change in percentage of venture capital in three agglomeration centers

3.3 不同所有制VC机构分布特征


3.3.1 外资机构分布

外资VC机构多分布于CBD地区(图5)。20世纪80年代后,北京市对外开放程度不断提高,第三产业加速发展。东三环路一带因与使馆界邻近,拥有丰富的涉外资源、几家五星级酒店及便利的交通条件,成为北京建立CBD的不二选择。而这一时期,恰是中国VC刚刚兴起的阶段(Lerner, 2010)。CBD早期建立的4家VC机构中就有3家为外资机构。可见,VC在北京市的市场是由外资机构最先开启的,对于初入中国陌生市场的外资机构,落户在处于蓬勃发展期的北京市CBD是最佳选择。

图5   北京外资与国资背景VC机构分布

Fig.5   Distribution of foreign and state-owned venture capital in Beijing

3.3.2 国资机构分布


3.3.3 民营机构分布

民营机构基本均匀遍布于全北京市。考虑到民营机构在研究样本中占绝对优势,本文进一步按机构类型将其划分为VC、PE两类。制图发现,北京市民营VC类机构多集中于中关村地区(图6),CBD和金融街则多为PE类机构。相比于CBD和金融街,中关村早期的风投产业并不发达,主要是由于北京市早期以发展PE类为主,倾向于集聚在金融资源丰富的地区。2006年,《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2060年)》中提出“加快发展创业VC事业”。当时,正值中国经济结构调整和经济发展方式转变的关键时期。要实现经济长期稳定较快发展,就必须致力于自主创新(张海燕等, 2012),倾向于投资较为年轻的高新技术类创新企业的VC机构,以此获得发展机遇。2010年,中关村成为首个国家自主创新示范区,云集了创新企业、国家级科研院所和知名高校等创新资源,在国家创新创业政策的强力支持下,VC事业快速发展,新三板良好的运行,使得近年来中关村成为VC机构重要的项目来源区(田芸菁, 2012)。

图6   民营VC/PE机构在北京的分布

Fig.6   Distribution of private venture capital/private equity in Beijing

4 北京市VC社会网络形态

4.1 基于地理区位的社会网络


首先,从地理集聚入手,按照空间分析得出三大VC集聚区。本文尝试将作为样本的前65家机构的合作网络关系图进行位置调整,使机构位置与其分区相对应(图7)。从图中可以看出,三大集聚区的VC在网络合作上并没有呈现同样的分区现象,而是纵横交错,跨区域机构联系频繁且紧密。这表明,北京市内部VC在构建合作网络时受地理因素的限制很小。值得注意的是,CBD区域的机构在单家机构的联合投资次数上占有显著优势,并且与中关村机构关系密切。相比之下,金融街的VC在社会网络中普遍联系较弱。考虑到金融街国有背景VC居多,一方面,此类VC已然拥有规模和资本数量上的实力,风险抵御能力较高;另一方面,国有VC机构的负责人很多并非是职业风险投资人,短暂的任期和实现国有资产的保值增值的目标降低了企业家投资决策的灵活度(侯建仁等, 2008)。

图7   三大集聚区VC机构合作网络关系示意图

Fig.7   Structure of venture capital syndication netwok among three agglomeration centers

4.2 去地理特征的网络结构分析


图8   北京市VC机构联合投资社会网络结构

Fig.8   Structure of venture capital syndication investment network in Beijing

4.2.1 中心性分析


由于样本数据中的投资机构选自整个网络中地位突出的机构,样本密度为0.288,具有较好的凝聚性。参考Hochberg等(2007)使用的网络中心性的研究方法,本文采用绝对中心度来反映网络中每家机构在网络中心位置的程度。绝对中心度(Degree Centrality)是测量与某一网络节点直接连接的其他节点的个数,节点绝对中心度越高,表明该节点连接其他节点个数越多(郑鸣等, 2011)。运用Ucinet软件运算得到中心度排名(表1),其中,红杉拥有最大的绝对中心度。此外,排名靠前的风投机构,如IDG资本、经纬中国等均为外资风投机构。外资风投机构在前10名中占到70%。这表明,外资机构在中国更偏向于联合投资。

表1   北京市VC机构中心度排名

Tab.1   Ranking of venture capital's degree of centrality in Beijing





4.2.2 “核心—边缘”结构分析




表2   北京市VC机构核心—边缘度

Tab.2   Venture capital's core and periphery degree in Beijing



对比中心性分析中的前10家机构发现,有9家机构同样出现在核心机构的前10名中。这说明,在联合投资网络里中心度很高的外资机构同时也处于网络的核心地位。可以认为,外资机构影响着整个北京市的VC合作网络。究其原因,VC在中国属于新兴产业,尚处于起步阶段,很多机构倾向于借助外资机构丰富的经验以降低初入门槛。对VC的相关研究中指出,中国的VC产业显著区别于其他国家:外资VC机构在其中占据非常重要的位置,它们的活动在一定程度上也影响了中国VC的地理分布(Wang et al, 2012, 2013)。北京市VC机构的联投网络为这一结论提供了良好的例证。


5 结论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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制度学习、网络中心性和市场进入: 跨国风险资本在华投资的实证研究

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URL      摘要

在我国风险投资市场不断繁荣而 且跨国风险投资大量涌进的背景下,本文主要运用清科数据库2001年1月1日到201 0年1 2月31日的数据进行分析,研究发现跨国风险投资机构的网络中心性对"制度学习一市场进入"的关系具有中介作用。跨国风险投资机构不同的联合投资网络中心 性对制度学习正向影响市场进入的影响作用不同,其中中介中心性的影响作用最大,表明跨国风险资本充当其他风险投资机构网络联结的中介具有重要的作用。在此 基础上,本研究对跨国风险投资机构和本土风险投资机构的实践及联合投资网络的运作提出相应的建议,以期推动我国风险投资产业的有序发展。

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Institutional learning, syndication network centrality and foreign market entry: Evidence from an empirical study on cross-border venture capital in China

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在我国风险投资市场不断繁荣而 且跨国风险投资大量涌进的背景下,本文主要运用清科数据库2001年1月1日到201 0年1 2月31日的数据进行分析,研究发现跨国风险投资机构的网络中心性对"制度学习一市场进入"的关系具有中介作用。跨国风险投资机构不同的联合投资网络中心 性对制度学习正向影响市场进入的影响作用不同,其中中介中心性的影响作用最大,表明跨国风险资本充当其他风险投资机构网络联结的中介具有重要的作用。在此 基础上,本研究对跨国风险投资机构和本土风险投资机构的实践及联合投资网络的运作提出相应的建议,以期推动我国风险投资产业的有序发展。
[6] 刘曼红. 2005.


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中 国风险投资从整体上在经历了起始期、发展期、冷静期,现在又回到迅速发展高潮。2003年中国风险投资额达到9.92亿美元,比上年增长了 137%,2004年风险投资额达到12.69亿美元,比上年增长了27.92%。但风险投资在中国蓬勃开展之际,中国本土风险投资机构及其投资额却呈现 萎缩,风险

[Liu M H.2005.

Condition and prospect of venture investment in China

[J]. Zhongguancun, (10): 27-29.]

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中 国风险投资从整体上在经历了起始期、发展期、冷静期,现在又回到迅速发展高潮。2003年中国风险投资额达到9.92亿美元,比上年增长了 137%,2004年风险投资额达到12.69亿美元,比上年增长了27.92%。但风险投资在中国蓬勃开展之际,中国本土风险投资机构及其投资额却呈现 萎缩,风险
[7] 罗家德. 2010. 社会网分析讲义[M]. 2版. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.

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Woguo fengxian touzi quyu juji xiaoying jiqi huanjing zhichi yinsu yanjiu[D].

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[9] 汪明峰, 魏也华, 邱娟. 2014.


[J]. 财经研究, 40(4): 117-131.

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在全球化的信息时代,生产要素的流动性大大增强,尤其是资金流动 明显加速.跨越空间的投资活动成为促进城市和区域发展的重要动力,同时在形塑城市之间的关系中也起到了关键性的作用.深入分析风险投资的空间行为,有助于 人们更好地把握新兴产业的运行规律,进而理解城市和区域在网络时代中的空间组织机制和特征.文章基于中国风险投资事件的数据库,探究了其城市分布特征,并 用网络中心度、凝集子群等方法分析了风险投资城市网络的空间组织.研究发现,中国风险投资产业的供需两方面均存在明显的空间集聚性,并形成了以北京和上海 为核心节点的投资城市网络.其中,全球化、市场化、空间邻近效应以及政府引导是形塑这一新兴网络的主要力量.

[Wang M F, Wei Y H, Qiu J.2014.

Spatial agglomeration and urban network of venture capital investment in China

[J]. Journal of Finance and Economics, 40(4): 117-131.]

URL      摘要

在全球化的信息时代,生产要素的流动性大大增强,尤其是资金流动 明显加速.跨越空间的投资活动成为促进城市和区域发展的重要动力,同时在形塑城市之间的关系中也起到了关键性的作用.深入分析风险投资的空间行为,有助于 人们更好地把握新兴产业的运行规律,进而理解城市和区域在网络时代中的空间组织机制和特征.文章基于中国风险投资事件的数据库,探究了其城市分布特征,并 用网络中心度、凝集子群等方法分析了风险投资城市网络的空间组织.研究发现,中国风险投资产业的供需两方面均存在明显的空间集聚性,并形成了以北京和上海 为核心节点的投资城市网络.其中,全球化、市场化、空间邻近效应以及政府引导是形塑这一新兴网络的主要力量.
[10] 徐晓红, 潘峰华, 梁进社. 2015.


[C]//中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会. 2015年中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会学术研讨会论文摘要集. 长春: 中国地理学会经济地理专业委员会: 1.

[Xu X H, Pan F H, Liang J S.2015.

Woguo fengxian touzi de kongjian geju yanjiu

[C]//Geographical Society of China, Economic Geography Committee. 2015. Proceedings from the symposium of the 2015 national geographic society of China Economic Geography Committee. Changchun, China: Geographical Society of China, Economic Geography Committee: 1.]

[11] 张海燕, 袁新敏, 沈玉芳. 2012.


[J]. 科技进步与对策, 29(11): 151-155.

https://doi.org/10.6049/kjjbydc.2011030973      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang H Y, Yuan X M, Shen Y F.2012.

The research progress and prospect on the spatial behavior of venture capital

[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 29(11): 151-155.]

https://doi.org/10.6049/kjjbydc.2011030973      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[12] 郑鸣, 陈石. 2011.


[J]. 证券市场导报, (10): 43-49.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

私募股权基金在联合投资过程中 结成了以信任、分享和互利为主要特征的投资网络,本文利用社会网络分析法,从网络密度、捷径距离、网络中心度、结构洞、派系及核心-边缘结构等角度,对私 募股权基金联合投资形成的网络结构特征进行测度研究,分析结果表明中国情境下的私募股权基金投资网络是个非凝聚性和地位不均衡的网络,网络地位突出的基金 通常拥有较强的网络影响力和联合投资上的合作优势。

[Zheng M, Chen S.2011.

The empirical research on the assessment of private equity funds' investment network relations

[J]. Securities Market Herald, (10): 43-49.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

私募股权基金在联合投资过程中 结成了以信任、分享和互利为主要特征的投资网络,本文利用社会网络分析法,从网络密度、捷径距离、网络中心度、结构洞、派系及核心-边缘结构等角度,对私 募股权基金联合投资形成的网络结构特征进行测度研究,分析结果表明中国情境下的私募股权基金投资网络是个非凝聚性和地位不均衡的网络,网络地位突出的基金 通常拥有较强的网络影响力和联合投资上的合作优势。
[13] Bonacich P.1987.

Power and centrality: A family of measures

[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 92(5): 1170-1182.

https://doi.org/10.1086/228631      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although network centrality is generally assumed to produce power, recent research shows that this is not the case in exchange networks. This paper proposes a generalization of the concept of centrality that accounts for both the usual positive relationship between power and centrality and Cook et al.'s recent exceptional results.
[14] Chen H, Gompers P, Kovner A, et al.2010.

Buy local? The geography of venture capital

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 67(1): 90-102.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2009.09.013      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">We document geographic concentration by both venture capital firms and venture capital-financed companies in three metropolitan areas: San Francisco, Boston, and New York. We find that venture capital firms locate in regions with high success rates of venture capital-backed investments. Geography is also significantly related to outcomes. Venture capital firms based in locales that are venture capital centers outperform, regardless of the stage of the investment. This outperformance arises from outsized performance outside of the venture capital firms&rsquo; office locations, including in peripheral locations. If the goal of state and local policy makers is to encourage venture capital investment, outperformance of non-local investments suggests that policy makers might want to mitigate costs associated with established venture capitalists investing in their geographies rather than encouraging the establishment of new venture capital firms.</p>
[15] Christensen J L.2007.

The development of geographical specialization of venture capital

[J]. European Planning Studies, 15(6): 817-833.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09654310701232137      URL      摘要

Many regions have realized that access to capital is an important prerequisite for establishment and growth of businesses, and have therefore focused policies to ensure an adequate supply of risk capital. The growth of the venture capital industry in the 1990s put pressure on venture capital firms (VCFs) to act more strategically. Many VCFs have thus specialized along one or more dimensions: certain industries, stages of development of the firm, or geographical areas. A theoretical dichotomy is developed in this paper to explain regionally focused venture capital. A competence-based theoretical view sees increased competition in the industry as promoting the growth of geographical specialization, while, according to financial theory, it would lead to diversification in order to spread risk. The empirical analysis illustrates the development in the average distance between VCFs and their Danish portfolio firms. All venture capital investments are included. Findings suggest that the process of geographical specialization follows an inverted V-shaped curve. This is interpreted in light of the developments in competition and in the competencies in the market. VCFs search broadly for investment opportunities in the first phase of the emergence of the venture capital industry, but when competition increases they tend to confine themselves to investments within a closer geographical distance. The implications of these findings are important both for funds-of-funds, regional governments, and VCFs.
[16] Florida R, Smith Jr D F.1993.

Venture capital formation, investment, and regional industrialization

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 83(3): 434-451.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1993.tb01944.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract Venture capital is an important element of regional capital formation, technological innovation and regional industrialization. While neoclassical economic theory assumes perfectly free capital markets, geographers have long noted the spatial dimensions of finance and investment. This paper introduces metropolitan-level data on venture capital and develops statistical models for both the location of venture capital (supply) and the spatial distribution of investment (demand). The findings suggest that venture capital is characterized by: (1) high degrees of capital mobility operating through a well-defined spatial structure, (2) investment flows to the areas of greatest opportunity and return on investment, and (3) the development of specialized sources of venture capital supply around both established financial centers and centers of high-technology industry. Geographic proximity is required to reduce uncertainty, compensate for ambiguous information, and minimize investment risk. Investment pooling, or coinvestment, facilitates capital flows, and also loosens the spatial constraint on venture capital. Capital mobility occurs, not through the operation of a free market, but through the network structure of the venture capital industry, which is strongly rooted in geography.
[17] Florida R L, Kenney M.1988.

Venture capital, high technology and regional development

[J]. Regional Studies, 22(1): 33-48.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343408812331344750      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT FLORIDA R. L. and Kenney M. (1988) Venture capital, high technology and regional development, Reg. Studies 22, 33--48. This paper explores the role of venture capital in technological innovation and regional development. Both aggregate data and a unique firm level data base are employed to determine the location of major centres of venture capital, flows of venture capital investments, and patterns of investment syndication or coinvestment among venture capital firms. Three major centres of venture capital are identified: California (San Francisco--Silicon Valley); New York; and New England (Massachusetts--Connecticut): as well as three minor venture capital centres: Illinois (Chicago); Texas; and Minnesota. Venture capital firms are found to cluster in areas with high concentrations of financial institutions and those with high concentrations of technology-intensive enterprises. Venture capital firms which are based in financial centres are typically export-oriented, while those in technology centres tend to invest in their own region and attract outside venture capital. Venture capital investments flow predominantly toward established high technology areas such as Silicon Valley and Boston--Route 128, and venture investing is also characterized by high degrees of intra-and inter-regional syndication or coinvestment. The venture capital industry displays a high level of agglomeration due to the information intensive nature of the investment process and the importance of venture capital networks in locating investments, mobilizing resources, and establishing business start-ups. The existence of well developed venture capital networks in technology-based regions significantly accelerates the pace of technological innovation and economic development in those regions. FLORIDA R. L. and Kenney M. (1988) Capital risque, haute technologie et d&eacute;veloppement r&eacute;gional, Reg. Studies 22, 33--48. Ce papier examine le r&ocirc;le du capital risque dans l'innovation technologique et le d&eacute;veloppement r&eacute;gional. A partir des donn&eacute;es globales et d'une banque de donn&eacute;es unique au niveau de l'entreprise on d&eacute;termine la localisation des p&ocirc;les cl&eacute;s de capital risque, les flux d'investissements sous forme de capital risque, et la distribution des investissements en syndicats ou en participation par les soci&eacute;t&eacute;s de capital risque. On identifie trois p&ocirc;les importants, &agrave; savoir la Californie (San Francisco--Silicon Valley), New York et New England (Massachusetts--Connecticut), aussi bien que trois p&ocirc;les d'une moindre importance, Illinois (Chicago), Texas et Minnesota. II s'av&egrave;re que les soci&eacute;t&eacute;s de capital risque ont tendance &agrave; se greffer autour des zones caract&eacute;ris&eacute;es par une concentration non-n&eacute;gligeable soit d'organismes financiers, soit d'entreprises &agrave; vocation technologique. Les societ&eacute;s de capital-risque qui se sont install&eacute;es dans les centres financiers sont vou&eacute;es &agrave; l'exportation tandis que celles qui se sont install&eacute;es dans les centres technologiques ont tendance &agrave; investir dans leur propre r&eacute;gion et &agrave; attirer du capital en provenance de l'ext&eacute;rieur. Les flux d'investissement sous forme de capital risque sont destin&eacute;s dans une large mesure aux zones technologiques bien &eacute;tablies telles Silicon Valley et la RN 128 de Boston, ou bien se caracterisent par un niveau &eacute;lev&eacute; d'investissement en syndicats ou en participation &agrave; l'interieur d'une r&eacute;gion ou inter-r&eacute;gional. La haute concentration de l'industrie du capital risque s'explique par la quantit&eacute; d'information n&eacute;cesaire au processus d'investissement et par l'importance des r&eacute;seaux de capital risque dans la recherche des investissements &eacute;ventuels, la mobilisation des ressources et la cr&eacute;ation d'entreprises. Le fait qu'il existe des r&eacute;seaux d&eacute;velopp&eacute;s dans les zones &agrave; base technologique acc&eacute;l&egrave;re la vitesse de l'innovation technologique et du d&eacute;veloppement &eacute;conomique dans de telles r&eacute;gions. FLORIDA R. L. and Kenney M. (1988) Risikokapital, Hochtechnologie und regionale Entwicklung, Reg Studies 22, 33--48. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die Rolle des Risikokapitals in technologischer Innovation und Regionalentwicklung. Es werden sowohl Gesamtdaten als auch Einzelangaben auf Firmenebene benutzt, um festzustellen, wo sich die Hauptzentren des Risikokapitals befinden, und den Zufluss von Risikokapitalsinvestierungen sowie Verhaltensweisen der Investierungssyndikation oder Koinvestierung unter Risikokapitalfirmen zu bestimmen; dabei werden neben drei kleineren Risikokapitalszentren--Illinois (Chikago), Texas und Minnesota--drei Hauptzentren identifiziert: Kalifornien (San Francisco--Silicon Valley), New York und New England (Massachusetts--Connecticut). Es zeigt sich, dass Risikokapitalsfirmen sich in Gebieten ballen, die entweder eine hohe Konzentration finanzieller Institutionen oder hohe Konzentration technologisch intensiver Unternehmen aufweisen. Riskokapitalsfirmen, die in Finanzzentren angesiedelt sind, sind vorwiegend exportorientiert, w&auml;hrend solche in Technologiezentren meist in ihrer eigenen Umgebung investieren und Risikokapital von aussen anziehen. Risikokaspitalsinvestierungen fliessen haupts&auml;chlich in Gebiete mit festetablierter Hochtechnologie, wie das Silicon Valley und die Boston-Route 128; Risikoinvestierungen zeichnen sich zudem durch einen hohen Grad intra-und interregionaler Syndikatierung oder Koinvestierung aus. Die Risikokapitalindustrie weist starke Ballungen auf, die der informationsintensiven Natur des Investierungsprozesses und der Bedeutung des verzweigten Risikokapital wesens beim Ausfindigmachen von Investierungen, bei der Mobilisiering von Ressourcen und der Einrichtung von neuen Unternehmen zuzuschreiben sind. Der Bestand eines gutentwickelten Risikokapitalswesens in auf Technologie basierenden Regionen bedeuteteine betr&auml;chtliche Beschleunigung des Tempos technologischer Innovation und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung in jenen Regionen.
[18] Friedman J R.1966. Regional development policy: A case of venezuela[M]. Cambridge, Britain: MIT Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Fritch M, Schilder D.2007.

Is there a regional equity gap for innovative start-ups? The case of Germany

[M]//Dowing M, Schmude J. Entrepreneurship in Europe: New perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elagr: 200-213.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Hochberg Y V, Ljungqvist A, Lu Y.2007.

Whom you know matters: Venture capital networks and investment performance

[J]. Journal of Finance, 62(1): 251-301.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6261.2007.01207.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Many financial markets are characterized by strong relationships and networks, rather than arm's-length, spot market transactions. We examine the performance consequences of this organizational structure in the context of relationships established when VCs syndicate portfolio company investments. We find that better-networked VC firms experience significantly better fund performance, as measured by the proportion of investments that are successfully exited through an IPO or a sale to another company. Similarly, the portfolio companies of better-networked VCs are significantly more likely to survive to subsequent financing and eventual exit. We also provide initial evidence on the evolution of VC networks.
[21] Lerner J. 2010. Geography, venture capital, and public policy[EB/OL]. 2010-03-24[2014-06-15]. .

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[22] Lindgaard J.2007.

The development of venture capital

[J]. Eurpean Planning Studies, 15(6): 817-833.

[23] Malecki E J.1997.

Entrepreneurs, networks, and economic development: A review of recent research

[J]. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, 3: 57-118.

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[24] Martin R, Berndt C, Klagge B, et al.2005.

Spatial proximity effects and regional equity gaps in the venture capital market: Evidence from Germany and the United Kingdom

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 37(7): 1207-1231.

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[25] Martin R, Sunley P, Turner D.2002.

Taking risks in regions: The geographical anatomy of Europe's emerging venture capital market

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2(2): 121-150.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/2.2.121      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the past 25 years, the USA has pioneered a new technological revolution, based on large numbers of new small enterprises, financed by a dynamic venture (risk) capital market. The European Union, meanwhile, has lagged behind in this sector of economic activity, and compared to the US innovative small and medium enterprises appear to find it more difficult to get started and grow. At a time when regional and local banking systems - traditionally major sources of capital for small and medium sized enterprises across Europe - are undergoing intense reorganisation and restructuring, the European Commission considers the development of a substantial risk capital market to be a key condition for closing the `enterprise gap` with the US. While the venture capital industry is much less developed in Europe than it is in the US, nevertheless it has recently experienced a marked increase in activity. But whereas the European Commission argues that venture capital activity needs to be much more regionally clustered if it is to emulate the US experience, the OECD and some EU member states have argued for a more even regional distribution. The aim of the paper is to chart the growth and geographical anatomy of the emerging European venture capital market, and to examine its spatial development and regional implications in the context of these somewhat opposing views.
[26] Mason C M, Harrison R T.2002.

The geography of venture capital investments in the UK

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(4): 427-451.

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[27] Osama A, Pardee F S.2002.

Transplanting venture capital in developing countries and emerging markets: Towards a system of innovation approach

[R]. AAAS Research Symposium with Next Generation of Leaders in Science and Technology Policy. Washington DC: AAAS.

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[28] Schwartzd D, Bar-El R.2007.

Venture investments in Israel: A regional perspective

[J]. European Planning Studies, 15(5): 623-644.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09654310701213905      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper analyses the geographic distribution of venture investments in start-ups in Israel, using data for the period 1995--2004. The findings show that their location behaviour differs from that of high-tech activities: they show a pattern of “dispersed concentration” (as compared with a pattern of “concentrated concentration” of high-tech activity), with high levels of concentration in focal places, but at a commuting distance from the main metropolis. This is explained by the fact that venture investors also play the role of entrepreneurs and managers. The comparison between different types of venture investors shows that local venture capital funds lead to the heaviest concentration in the metropolis, in comparison with foreign venture investors. This heavy concentration of venture investments implies increasing regional gaps, with a minimal participation of peripheral regions, even those that enjoy some high-tech activity.
[29] Stuart T, Sorenson O.2003.

The geography of opportunity: Spatial heterogeneity in founding rates and the performance of biotechnology firms

[J]. Research Policy, 32(2): 229-253.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0048-7333(02)00098-7      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[30] Thompson C.1989.

The geography of venture capital

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 13(1): 62-98.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[31] Wang C C, Lin G C S.2013.

Emerging geography of technological innovation in China's ICT industry: Region, inter-firm linkages and innovative performance in a transitional economy

[J]. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 54(1): 33-48.

https://doi.org/10.1111/apv.12005      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study critically evaluates the relevance of the existing theory of technological innovation to the case of China's information and communications technology industry. Based on a large-scale questionnaire survey conducted in China's three most important city-regions, namely, Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, where the core of China's information and communications technology industry is located, this study reveals a significant regional variation in technological innovation in a political economy undergoing marketisation and globalisation. This research has found no significant relationship between the innovative performance of firms and the extent of production linkages; nor was there a significant knowledge exchange among firms. A further analysis has identified the significant role played by government purchases, research and development capital input and export propensity in the process of technological innovation. The findings of this research cast doubts over the prevailing theory of new economic geography' in which soft and unbounded relational assets have been overemphasised at the expense of some solid and bounded actors and agents that are pivotal to technological innovation in a developing economy.
[32] Wang L F, Wang S S.2012.

Economic freedom and cross-border venture capital performance

[J]. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(1): 26-50.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jempfin.2011.10.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We investigate the determinants of cross-border venture capital (VC) performance using a large sample of 10,205 cross-border VC investments by 1906 foreign VC firms (VCs) in 6535 domestic portfolio companies. We focus on the impact of a domestic country's economic freedom on the performance of both VC investments and portfolio companies using a probit model and the Cox hazard model. After controlling for other related factors of domestic countries, portfolio companies, VCs and the global VC market, as well as year and industry fixed effects, we find that a domestic country's economic freedom is crucial to cross-border VC performance. In particular, in a more economically free country, as measured by the raw values of, quartiles of or the ranking in the index of economic freedom (IEF), a foreign VC-backed portfolio company is more likely to pull off a successful exit through an IPO (initial public offering) or an M&A (merger and acquisition), and a foreign VC firm is likely to spend a shorter investment duration in the portfolio company. We also identify interesting evidence on the impact of many other level factors of domestic countries, portfolio companies, VCs and the global VC market on cross-border VC performance.
[33] Wilson R.1968.

The theory of syndicates

[J]. Econometrica, 36(1): 119-132.

https://doi.org/10.2307/1909607      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A syndicate is defined to be a group of individuals who must make a common decision under uncertainty that will result in a payoff to be shared jointly among them. In this paper, the normative criterion of Pareto optimality is employed to determine the construction, and conditions for existence, of a group utility function and a consensus of the members' probability assessments.
[34] Zhang J.2011.

The spatial dynamics of globalizing venture capital in China

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 43(7): 1562-1580.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a43562      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper examines the spatial dynamics and emerging locational hierarchies of the venture capital (VC) industry in China, largely as a result of the global expansion of VC investors from the US and other advanced economies. Based on a comprehensive database compiled by the author from the best available sources, this is the first systemic geographic study on the VC industry in an emerging economy. This study finds that the rising cluster of VC supply and demand in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen was enabled by the juxtaposition of spatial proximity effects, investment syndication, and interregional office networks within China’s unique institutional environment. It further demonstrates that the spatial dynamics of the globalizing venture capitalism has to be understood in light of the geo-institutional mechanisms shaping the whole ‘VC cycle’ of fundraising02–02investing02–02divesting.
