地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (3): 349-357 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.009



李蕴雄1, 任永欢1, 贺灿飞2*

1. 北京大学城市规划与设计学院,广东 深圳 518055
2. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Interdependencies in the dynamics of regional firm entry and exit in China

LI Yunxiong1, REN Yonghuan1, HE Canfei2*

1. College of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
2. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

通讯作者:  贺灿飞(1972-),男,江西永新人,教授,博导,研究方向为区域经济和产业地理,E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2015-07-25

接受日期:  2015-09-25

网络出版日期:  2016-03-25

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41425001)国家自然科学基金项目(41271130)


作者简介:李蕴雄(1991-),男,黑龙江黑河人,硕士研究生,研究方向为经济地理,E-mail: liyunxiong820@126.com




关键词: 规模以上制造业企业 ; 乘数效应 ; 竞争效应 ; 差分GMM ; 动态面板模型 ; 企业进入与退出 ; 中国


This article investigates the interdependence mechanism between firm entry and exit, which can be categorized into multiplier and competition effects. First, we present the evolutionary process of the spatial distribution of manufacturing enterprises from 1998 to 2013 that indicates the spatiotemporal trend of industry dynamics. The spatial pattern has experienced dramatic changes, demonstrating an agglomeration tendency of same types of enterprises. Using difference-GMM model we conducted a regression analysis on a dynamic panel to test how regional entry and exit rates are affected by previous exit and entry rates. We found different influences of previous exit and entry. Entry rates are determined by competition effect while exit rates are determined by multiplier effect. The impact on entry is delivered immediately and decreases monotonically. However, a delayed effect exists in the impact on exit, which reaches the peak after two years. Further, we found different interdependence relationships in different regions. Competition effect is more intense in eastern coastal cities. In the eastern area, higher exit rate leads to more entries in the next stage, which proves that firm exit is a market action optimizing resource allocation while a higher entry rate will restrain future entry due to the high industry saturation. On the other hand, in the western area where industrial development is only beginning, a certain amount of exits will aggravate the exit rate in the next stage. Finally, the article examines policy implications of the interdependence dynamics. Regions under different economy background should adopt different policies to realize the sustainable development of industries. The eastern areas should set industry entry threshold criteria and lower exit barriers of inefficient enterprises. These actions can facilitate the working of market mechanism and result in creative destruction to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading. The western area should adopt the policy to attract more entries and protect existing firms in order to prevent a butterfly effect of enterprise exit.

Keywords: manufacturing enterprises above designated size ; multiplier effect ; competition effect ; difference-GMM ; dynamic panel ; firm entry and exit ; China


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李蕴雄, 任永欢, 贺灿飞. 中国的地区企业进入与退出关联研究[J]. , 2016, 35(3): 349-357 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.009

LI Yunxiong, REN Yonghuan, HE Canfei. Interdependencies in the dynamics of regional firm entry and exit in China[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(3): 349-357 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.009

1 引言

企业是经济活动的主体,其进入退出密切关系到地区产业的更新与经济的发展。企业动态存在较大空间差异,西方学者对其进行了较多的解释,解释框架先后经历了新古典主义、行为主义、制度主义与演化主义4个阶段(史进等, 2013)。早期基于新古典主义框架对与企业成本收益有关的因素进行了较多的研究,发现人口密度高、交通区位好、地区资源丰富、市场潜力大的地区会有更高的企业进入率。20世纪80年代后,随着西方去工业化过程的深化,很多国家经历了传统工业区的衰落与高科技产业的兴起,地区失业率、人力资本、区域创新能力成为企业动态研究的重点(Storey, 1991; Armington et al, 2002; Carree, 2002; Audretsch et al, 2005)。与此同时,部分学者用地方文化与企业家精神、制度等因素对企业的空间动态进行解释(Illeris, 1986; Bartik et al, 1989)。随着研究的深入,学术界逐渐发现企业动态不能完全为地区经济条件的外生变量所解释,其本身还是一个内生过程——进入与退出之间存在显著的关联,近年来中外学者对企业进入与退出之间的相互影响进行了大量的实证研究。

经济学与产业组织学对企业进入与退出的研究包括静态与动态两个维度。静态维度关注“进入壁垒”与“退出壁垒”在企业行为中的对称性作用(Evans et al, 1992)。企业进入某一产业时将面临一定的准入成本,即“进入壁垒”,包括“结构壁垒”与“行为壁垒”两种。结构壁垒指的是阻碍企业进入的行业结构特性,例如行业投资规模、生产工艺技术、产业密度等;行为壁垒指在位企业对新企业的威胁,如广告策略、价格限制等(Nyström, 2007; 杨天宇等, 2009)。较高的壁垒会抑制企业进入该行业的速率,也将成为企业的沉没成本,导致企业的退出行为受到抑制。所以进入壁垒与退出壁垒是一个硬币的两面,企业的进入与退出之间存在一种对称的关系。动态维度关注企业进入退出在时间上的前后因果联系。研究发现,新企业会带来新产品与新技术,可提供持续的增长机遇与市场竞争,通过创造性破坏作用引起在位企业的退出(Schumpeter, 1942)。而在位企业退出行为可以淘汰低效企业与落后的技术工艺,导致市场“真空效应”,引起更多企业进入(Austin et al, 1991)。


综上所述,学术界现有关于企业动态关联研究存在以下不足:一方面,现有研究多集中于西方发达国家,对发展中国家还少有探讨(Resende et al, 2015)。另一方面,中国学者对于本国企业动态关联研究缺乏空间视角。中国正处于经济转型时期,改革开放以来经济保持着高速增长,与之相伴随的是产业结构的升级调整和剧烈的企业进入退出行为。赵沫(2013)发现,中国国有及规模以上制造业企业从1998年的18万家以上增长到2007年的33万家,每年进入与退出的企业数量占全部企业份额的25%~45%。同时,中国东中西三大区域的经济发展水平差异显著,东部地区的制造业企业的企业密度、产业结构、劳动效率与市场化程度等方面均高于中西部地区(刘伟等, 2008; 袁鹏, 2008),这种差异势必导致不同地区企业进入退出关联机制的差别。因此,中国的企业进入退出动态与西方发达国家相比会具有特殊性,同时国内不同发展阶段的区域亦具有空间异质性,值得进行探讨。


2 企业进入与退出关联机制

学术界对于企业动态的前后关联机制的较大争论主要围绕竞争效应(competition effect)和乘数效应(multiplier effect)。竞争效应将使下一阶段的企业动态与本阶段反向进行,而乘数效应会使地区下一阶段的企业动态与本阶段同向进行。两种效应具有不同的作用机制,如图1所示。

图1   企业进入退出关联机制分解

Fig.1   Mechanisms of interdependencies in the dynamics of firm entry and exit

2.1 竞争效应

经济学家熊彼得提出创造性破坏理论(creative destruction),他认为新企业进入会导致新旧企业间的竞争,对经济产生扰动与破坏,新企业因采用新产品、新技术、新组织形式而具有比在位企业更高的效率,挤占其市场份额(Schumpeter, 1942),由此导致竞争效应,加剧在位企业退出,促进地区产业结构的变革。有部分研究证实了创造性破坏效应并对其机制进行了分析(Nyström, 2007)。同理,前期的企业退出会通过改变竞争环境对后期企业动态产生影响。有研究发现本地与邻近地区企业退出会提高新企业的进入率(Pe'er et al, 2008)。影响机制可以分为以下3个途径:首先,在位企业的退出将会降低本地劳动力、土地等资源的竞争强度,进而降低下一阶段的退出率。其次,企业退出导致失业率上升,降低了创业的机会成本,因企业倒闭而失业的员工会变为潜在企业家(Tervo et al, 2002)。相比于其他创业者,原有企业失败的经历使其更具有规避风险的经验(McGrath, 1999)。演化经济地理学认为,企业的生产路径会随着人员的流动而扩散,产生衍生企业(sipnoff),是地区产业增长的重要动力(Boschma et al, 2007),这些潜在企业家将导致大量衍生企业的出现。再次,原有企业退出之后将会有大量的生产要素流入市场,新企业可以以较低价格从倒闭企业购买设备;失业率的提高提供大量的熟练劳动力,导致劳动力成本下降,这些资源可以被潜在企业家重新组合,从而引起新成立企业的增多(Storey et al, 1987)。

2.2 乘数效应

与竞争效应理论相反,乘数效应理论认为企业的空间动态具有惯性,表现为:企业的进入会促进更多企业进入并抑制企业退出,而企业的退出会导致更多企业的退出,并抑制企业的进入。乘数效应主要有3种作用机制。首先,企业动态具有反映地区经济条件的指示效应。较多企业进入通常可以说明该地区经济条件整体较好,没有达到市场饱和,具有潜在利润空间;而较多的企业退出则意味着地区经济条件较差,尤其是企业退出率长期较高的地区,新企业的进入会显著减少(Pe'er et al, 2008)。其次,企业动态会对地区经济产生循环积累的影响。新企业会为地区带来更多收益,增加地区就业率与人均收入,导致市场需求增加,进而促进更多企业进入。反之企业退出将导致地区失业率上升,市场规模缩减,降低在位企业利润率,导致企业进一步退出。第三,企业并不是孤立存在的,而是嵌入相应的产业链与价值链当中。在空间上,为了降低整个行业的交易成本,具有明确的投入产出关系,属于同一产业链的企业,具有集聚的趋势,从而完成价值链的空间整合(Ellison et al, 1997; Herruzo et al, 2008)。因此,新企业进入会给其上下游企业带来更多的交易机会,抑制本地原有相关企业的退出,并引起更多关联企业跟进。反之,企业的持续退出将会导致本地产业链的瓦解,诱发连锁效应(Abecassis-Moedas, 2007)。


表1   乘数效应与竞争效应的预期效果

Tab.1   Excepted impact of multiplier and competition effects




3 数据与方法

3.1 数据来源及变量度量


t-1年不存在于企业库中而t年存在的企业定义为新进入企业,t-1年存在于企业库中而t年不存在的定义为退出企业。相应地t-1年到t年间的进入率 Ei,t为地级市i在这期间新进入的企业数量除以t年库中企业总数;退出率 Xi,t为地级市t在这期间退出企业数量除以t年库中企业总数。首先以1998-1999、2006-2007、2012-2013年3个时间段为例,计算各地级市的企业进入率、退出率,分析其空间格局的演化过程。

3.2 差分GMM模型构建





式中: αm,βm,γm,δm是模型中的待估参数,表示前m期的企业进入退出率对当期企业进入退出率的影响。t为年份,t-m表示相对于当期的前m年。参照Nyström(2007)的研究,假设企业的进入退出受到前三年的企业动态影响; μi,ωi表示地区因素的个体效应,动态面板数据模型将利用差分方法对其进行控制; εi,t,σi,t是随机干扰项,为保证GMM模型作出的估计具有一致性和有效性,需保证随机干扰项 εi,t,σi,t满足二阶不自相关假定。利用Arellano-Bond检验来对这一假定进行检验,其原假设为不存在二阶自相关,如果Bond检验不能否定原假设,则说明模型设置合理,估计结果可信。同时利用Sargan检验来判别工具变量的有效性。

4 全国地级市企业动态时空格局演变


图2   1998-1999年全国地级市进入退出分类

Fig.2   Balance between enter rate and exit rate (1998-1999)

图3   2006-2007年全国地级市进入退出分类

Fig.3   Balance between enter rate and exit rate (2006-2007)

图4   2012-2013年全国地级市进入退出分类

Fig.4   Balance between enter rate and exit rate (2012-2013)

表2   4种企业动态类型地区比例统计

Tab.2   Regional statistics of four types of enter/exit dynamics





第二阶段,2006-2007年间,全国平均进入率为19.32%,平均退出率为15.84%。空间上由上一时期的各类型离散分布转变为同类型集聚。东北地区转变为增长区域,这是因为国家在2003年出台了振兴东北老工业基地战略,在随后的几年中该政策的成效逐渐显现,引进了一大批新项目,生产技术水平显著提升。2004-2006年,东北三省生产总值年均增速为12.6%,与实施振兴战略前的三年(2001-2003年)相比,提高了2.6%(刘畅, 2009)。同时沿海地区的胶东半岛、长三角和珠三角等经济发达地区仍然保持低流动状态,这些地区逐渐开始了从二产到三产的转型过程,制造业退居次要地位。制造业企业占企业总体比重逐渐降低,从而成为低流动地区,与这些省区相邻近的内陆省份承接了较多的产业转移,出现了大量的增长区域。




5 动态面板模型结果分析

5.1 模型估计结果

差分GMM动态面板模型回归结果如表3-4所示。模型结果显示,地级市尺度的企业动态存在明显的时间前后关联。总体上,企业进入主要受竞争效应的影响,而退出主要受到乘数效应的影响,该结论与Johnson等(1994)的研究结果一致。同时,东中西部地区之间存在明显的差异。Arellano-Bond AR(2)值显示,除模型7在5%的显著性水平上拒绝了随机扰动项不存在二阶自相关的原假设之外,其他7个模型均满足二阶不自相关的假定。另外,对模型进行Sargan检验,发现P值均超过0.1,说明不能拒绝工具变量有效的零假设。

表3   当期企业进入与前三期企业动态关联结果

Tab.3   Estimation results of firm entry model

Arellano-Bond AR(2)-0.314[0.7535]-1.12[0.258]-0.339[0.735]-0.007[0.994]



表4   当期企业退出与前三期企业动态关联结果

Tab.4   Estimation results of firm exit model

Arellano-Bond AR(2)-0.3658[0.7145]-1.0564[0.291]-1.9801[0.048]-1.13[0.257]



5.2 前期企业进入对当期企业动态的影响

前期的进入会对当期的进入产生抑制,如表3所示,前三期较高的进入率与当期的进入率呈负相关关系,且影响系数和显著性滞后在一期最为显著,在二、三期逐渐衰减,说明前期进入较多的企业会对其他潜在进入企业产生抑制作用并立即显现。分地区模型结果说明这种抑制作用在东部地区最强;中部地区也存在,但强度显著低于东部地区;而在西部地区没有表现出显著关联。这是由于东部地区经济较为发达,产业饱和度高,新进入企业之间竞争激烈。先进入的企业会占据本地的土地、劳动力、市场等要素,在短期内使这些要素成为稀缺资源,价格上升,从而增加了其他潜在进入企业的进入壁垒,抑制其进入。而随后为追求更高的边际收益,稀缺生产要素会向该地区汇集,从而导致抑制作用减弱,进入企业数量增多,这说明竞争效应随时间衰减。中部地区企业饱和度相对较低,所以竞争效应明显弱于东部。而西部地区完全没有表现这种竞争效应,因其主要处在发展的起步阶段,企业间的竞争较小。与部分西方研究(如Pe'er et al, 2008)对比发现,中国的企业进入没有表现出乘数效应,说明新进入的企业不能促进更多的企业跟进,这是因为中国制造业现阶段还主要处于低技术的加工环节,同质化程度高,在资源占有、技术能力、产品结构、目标对象等方面高度趋同(陈畴镛等, 2010),所以存在激烈的竞争行为。而地区内产业间的分工与关联较弱,难以起到相互带动的循环积累作用,导致企业进入过程中竞争效应超过乘数效应并占据支配地位。

前期的进入率对当期的退出率同样表现出很显著的抑制作用,这种影响存在地区差异。西部受影响最为显著,前三期的进入率与当期退出率都呈现较强的负相关关系,t-2项的系数最大,说明该区域较多的新企业进入可能会使之后前三年在位企业的存活率提升。西部地区处于工业化快速发展阶段,较多新企业进入带来的乘数效应为在位企业提供了更多的机会;同时也说明区域经济条件较好,在位企业存在利润空间。但由于竞争较为激烈,乘数效应在东部地区不明显,在三期中只有t-2年的系数显著,且系数较低。该模型显示,企业动态关联中并没有出现新企业挤出在位企业的创造性破坏作用(creative destruction),尤其是在东部地区,进入企业没有促进在位企业的退出,却抑制了其他新企业的跟进(表3)。这是由于中国现阶段企业退出机制不健全,企业的退出并未完全按照效率高低的市场化方式来进行,尤其是国有企业面临较高的退出壁垒(于立等, 2003);另一方面,有些地方政府也会采取地方保护主义来保护在位企业的存活,导致在位企业难以退出,抑制了创造性破坏的发生。

5.3 前期企业退出对当期企业动态的影响



6 结论与讨论


(1) 中国地级市的企业进入退出模式表现出明显的空间差异,并有显著的同类地区相集聚的现象。企业动态在空间与时间上均表现出了显著差异,这是由于其受到地区发展阶段的差异与特定时期的经济、政策背景的影响。

(2) 中国的制造业企业动态确实存在前后关联,但在中国转型经济的特殊背景下,其关联机制与西方发达国家的部分结论有所不同。总体上,竞争效应决定企业的进入,乘数效应决定企业的退出。相比于退出,企业进入对于后期企业动态的影响更加显著。企业动态对后期企业退出的影响具有明显的滞后效应。东中西部地区的分解模型可以看出,企业动态关联的作用机制与强度都存在显著的空间差异,经济发达的东部地区产业饱和度高,表现出了更明显的竞争效应,企业的退出会在后期带来企业的进入;而西部地区则表现出较弱的竞争效应和更强的乘数效应。

(3) 应该根据产业动态关联的客观规律与本地的实际情况来制定相应的产业政策。中西部欠发达地区的新企业间还不存在显著的竞争效应,较高的企业进入率还可提升在位企业的存活率,所以应该积极打造创业环境,吸引更多新企业进入。而对于东部发达地区,前期较高的进入率会抑制后期的进入,说明其引进产业时需要设立一定的准入门槛,将有限的空间与资源留给地区发展所需要的产业,促进地区产业升级。欠发达地区应该适当地采取政策保护在位企业的存活,因为对这类地区而言,较高的在位企业退出率将会导致后期新企业进入受到显著的抑制,进而致使更多的企业退出,引起连锁性的地区萧条。但对于发达地区,企业的退出将显著地促进更多的企业进入,说明这类地区的退出是一个资源优化配置的过程,应该建立市场化的企业退出机制,淘汰落后产能,提升产业的升级空间,并利用新企业的创造性破坏力量为地区经济创造新路径,实现可持续发展。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 陈畴镛, 夏文青, 王雷. 2010.


[J]. 科技进步与对策, 27(3): 55-58.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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[J]. 经济学动态, (11): 4-8.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文在深入探讨产业结构高度基 本内涵的基础上,设立了一种既可用于横截面数据比较、也可用于时间序列比较的产业结构高度指标。本文认为,产业结构高度表面上是不同产业的份额和比例关系 的一种度量,本质上是一种劳动生产率的衡量。本文研究发现:(1)若以现代工业化为标准,那么从产业结构高度的视角来看,2005年中国的工业化进程大约 走完了1/3;(2)各省区的产业结构高度呈现明显的层次性,东北沿海地区的产业结构高度显著地大于中西部地区;(3)从1998年开始,产业结构高度呈 现超乎寻常的高速变化,中国经济也逐渐步入优化产业结构、转变增长方式的良性轨道。

[Liu W, Zhang H, Huang Z H.

Zhongguo chanye jiegou gaodu yu gongyehua jincheng he diqu chayi de kaocha

[J]. Economic Dynamics, (11): 4-8.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文在深入探讨产业结构高度基 本内涵的基础上,设立了一种既可用于横截面数据比较、也可用于时间序列比较的产业结构高度指标。本文认为,产业结构高度表面上是不同产业的份额和比例关系 的一种度量,本质上是一种劳动生产率的衡量。本文研究发现:(1)若以现代工业化为标准,那么从产业结构高度的视角来看,2005年中国的工业化进程大约 走完了1/3;(2)各省区的产业结构高度呈现明显的层次性,东北沿海地区的产业结构高度显著地大于中西部地区;(3)从1998年开始,产业结构高度呈 现超乎寻常的高速变化,中国经济也逐渐步入优化产业结构、转变增长方式的良性轨道。
[4] 史进, 贺灿飞. 2014.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 33(10): 1342-1353.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.10.006      Magsci      摘要

企业空间动态从微观视角研究区域产业活动的空间分布及其变化。本文以西方经济地理学哲学基础和方法论转换为背景,梳理了企业空间动态研究的4 个理论框架,即新古典框架、行为框架、制度框架和演化框架,探讨了不同框架下企业空间动态的影响因素;在此基础上,分析了现有研究在理论、数据和方法上的问题,并提出了未来研究的展望。与国外丰富的理论与实证研究相比,中国的企业进入、退出和迁移研究主要是在经济学领域,人文-经济地理学虽在企业迁移研究方面取得了一定成果,但在企业进入与退出研究方面尚处于起步阶段。借鉴西方理论时必须注意到中国的政治体制、社会意识形态和经济转型背景,开展本土化的研究。

[Shi J, He C F.2013.

Research progress in spatial dynamics of firms

[J]. Progress in Geography, 30(10): 1342-1353.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.10.006      Magsci      摘要

企业空间动态从微观视角研究区域产业活动的空间分布及其变化。本文以西方经济地理学哲学基础和方法论转换为背景,梳理了企业空间动态研究的4 个理论框架,即新古典框架、行为框架、制度框架和演化框架,探讨了不同框架下企业空间动态的影响因素;在此基础上,分析了现有研究在理论、数据和方法上的问题,并提出了未来研究的展望。与国外丰富的理论与实证研究相比,中国的企业进入、退出和迁移研究主要是在经济学领域,人文-经济地理学虽在企业迁移研究方面取得了一定成果,但在企业进入与退出研究方面尚处于起步阶段。借鉴西方理论时必须注意到中国的政治体制、社会意识形态和经济转型背景,开展本土化的研究。
[5] 杨天宇, 张蕾. 2009.


[J]. 管理世界, (6): 82-90.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文利用我国2004年全国经济普查中153个制造业行业的横截面数据,对中国制造业企业进 入和退出的决定因素进行了实证分析。实证结果表明:(1)企业的进入和退出之间有显著的正相关关系,这说明新进入的高效率企业引起在位企业退出的“替代效 应”,和在位企业的退出导致新企业进入增加的“真空效应”在我国都是存在的。(2)国有经济比重对企业进入有显著的阻碍作用,同时国有经济比重对企业退出 有显著正效应。(3)资本密度、集中度和研发密度这些一般性壁垒因素对企业的退出有明显的阻碍作用,但集中度和研发密度对企业进入却有显著的正向效应,而 资本密度对企业进入的阻碍作用也不显著。这说明进入壁垒和退出壁垒之间的对称关系假说在我国并没有得到经验支持。(4)利润率对企业的进入和退出均具有显 著的正效应。

[Yang T Y, Zhang L.2009.

An analysis of influential factors of the entry into and withdrawal from China's manufacturing industries

[J]. Management World, (6): 82-90.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文利用我国2004年全国经济普查中153个制造业行业的横截面数据,对中国制造业企业进 入和退出的决定因素进行了实证分析。实证结果表明:(1)企业的进入和退出之间有显著的正相关关系,这说明新进入的高效率企业引起在位企业退出的“替代效 应”,和在位企业的退出导致新企业进入增加的“真空效应”在我国都是存在的。(2)国有经济比重对企业进入有显著的阻碍作用,同时国有经济比重对企业退出 有显著正效应。(3)资本密度、集中度和研发密度这些一般性壁垒因素对企业的退出有明显的阻碍作用,但集中度和研发密度对企业进入却有显著的正向效应,而 资本密度对企业进入的阻碍作用也不显著。这说明进入壁垒和退出壁垒之间的对称关系假说在我国并没有得到经验支持。(4)利润率对企业的进入和退出均具有显 著的正效应。
[6] 于立, 孟韬, 姜春海. 2003.


[J]. 中国工业经济, (10): 5-12.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yu L, Meng T, Jiang C H.2003.

Research on exit barriers and exit approaches for resource-exhausted SOEs

[J]. Chinese Industrial Economy, (10): 5-12. ]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[7] 袁鹏. 2008.


[D]. 南京: 南京航空航天大学.

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[Yuan P.2008.

A research on evolvement and causes of the regional disparity in labor productivity of China's manufacturing

[D]. Nanjing, China: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] 赵沫. 2013.

试错与分化: 中国制造业企业进入退出与效率变迁

[D]. 上海: 复旦大学.

[Zhao M.2013.

Attempt and differentiation: Entry, exit and efficiency change of Chinese manufacturing industry

[D]. Shanghai, China: Fudan University.]

[9] Abecassis-Moedas C.2007.

Globalisation and regionalisation in the clothing industry: Survival strategies for UK firms

[J]. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4(3): 291-304.

https://doi.org/10.1504/IJESB.2007.013253      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The clothing industry has been globalised quite early, owing to its ease of transportation and its labour intensity. The aim of this paper is to identify survival strategies developed by clothing firms in a globalisation context. The paper uses a value-chain perspective to analyse firms' decisions not as discrete, but as linked to the previous and the following stage in the chain. The strategies followed by the clothing firms, to survive in a context of strong pressure from retailers and from competition from low-wage countries, are a combination of two trends. The first trend is the relocation of production to low-wage countries; the second one is the development of six added-value activities: niche, Quick Response, full package, innovation, branding and retail.
[10] Arellano M, Bond S.1991.

Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations

[J]. The Review of Economic Studies, 58(2): 277-297.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2297968      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents specification tests that are applicable after estimating a dynamic model from panel data by the generalized method of moments, and studies the practical performance of these procedures using both generated and real data. The authors' generalized method of moments estimator optimally exploits all the linear moment restrictions that follow from the assumption of no serial correlation in the errors in an equation which contains individual effects, lagged dependent variables, and no strictly exogenous variables. They propose a test of serial correlation based on the generalized method of moments residuals and compare this with Sargan tests of over-identifying restrictions and Hausman specification tests. Copyright 1991 by The Review of Economic Studies Limited.
[11] Armington C, Acs Z J.2002.

The determinants of regional variation in new firm formation

[J]. Regional Studies, 36(1): 33-45.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400120099843      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

While much of the literature on new firm formation in the 1980s was motivated by high levels of unemployment, much of the focus on new firm start-ups today is motivated by high technology. Using a new database we examine the role of human capital, training and education, and entrepreneurial environment on new firm formation. We find significant differences in new firm formation rates from industrial regions to technologically progressive regions. Variations in firm birth rates are explained by industrial density, population and income growth. These results are consistent with thick labour markets and localized knowledge spillovers. Alors que le ch00mage constituait le principal moteur de la documentation sur la création d'entreprise dans les années 80, de nos jours c'est plut00t la nouvelle technologie qui en est le moteur. A partir d'une nouvelle base de données, cet article cherche à examiner le r00le du capital humain, de la formation et de l'éducation, et du milieu propice à la création d'entreprise. Il s'avère d'importants écarts dans les taux de création d'entreprise entre les régions industrielles et les régions plus à la pointe de la technologie. La variation du taux de création d'entreprise s'explique par la densité industrielle, la démographie et la croissance du revenu. Ces résultats-là correspondent aux notions de marchés du travail forts et de retombées des connaissances localisées. W01hrend in den achtziger Jahren ein Gro08teil der Literatur über die Gründung neuer Firmen durch den hohen Grad der Erwerbslosigkeit veranla08t worden war, verdankt sie heute das Interesse an Firmengründungen haupts01chlich der Hochtechnologie. Mit Hilfe einer neuen Datenbank werden die Einflüsse von Menschenkapital, Ausbildung und Erziehung und einer unternehmerfreundlichen Umwelt auf Firmengründungen untersucht. Es werden signifikante Unterschiede in den Raten neuer Firmengründungen in Industriegebieten und technologisch fortschrittlichen Gebieten festgestellt. Schwankungen in Firmengründungsraten finden ihre Erkl01rung in Industriedichte, Bev02lkerung und Einkommensanstieg. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen mit starken Arbeitsm01rkten und 02rtlich beschr01nkter Verbreitung von Kenntnisen überein.
[12] Audretsch D B, Lehmann E E, Warning S.2005.

University spillovers and new firm location

[J]. Research Policy, 34(7): 1113-1122.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2005.05.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper examines the impact of locational choice as a firm strategy to access knowledge spillovers from universities. Based on a large dataset of publicly listed, high-technology startup firms in Germany, we test the proposition that proximity to the university is shaped by different spillover mechanisms—research and human capital—and by different types of knowledge spillovers—natural sciences and social sciences. The results suggest that spillover mechanisms as well as spillover types are heterogeneous. In particular, the evidence suggests that new knowledge and technological-based firms have a high propensity to locate close to universities, presumably in order to access knowledge spillovers. However, the exact role that geographic proximity plays is shaped by the two factors examined in this paper—the particular knowledge context, and the specific type of spillover mechanism.
[13] Austin J S, Rosenbaum D I.1991.

The determinants of entry and exit rates into U.S. manufacturing industries

[J]. Review of Industrial Organization, 5(2): 211-223.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02229762      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Entry and exit rates are examined across a fairly large sample of 4-digit U.S. manufacturing industries. Market growth significantly increases (reduces) entry (exit) rates. Profits increase entry rates. Advertising clearly acts as an entry barrier. Sunk capital costs seem to deter exit. While entry and exit rates are related in the sample, whether they are simultaneously determined is unclear.
[14] Bartik T J.1989.

Small business start-ups in the United States: Estimates of the effects of characteristics of states

[J]. Southern Economic Journal, 55(4): 1004-1018.

https://doi.org/10.2307/1059479      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Demonstrates how small business startups are affected by the characteristics of American states, and provides a methodological approach useful for advancing res
[15] Boschma R A, Wenting R.2007.

The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry: Does location matter

[J]. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(2): 213-238.

https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtm004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article aims to describe and explain the spatial evolution of the automobile sector in Great Britain from an evolutionary perspective. This analysis is based on a unique database of all entries and exits in this sector during the period 1895-1968, collected by the authors. Cox regressions show that spinoff dynamics, agglomeration economies and time of entry have had a significant effect on the survival rate of automobile firms during the period 1895-1968.
[16] Carree M A.2002.

Does unemployment affect the number of establishments: A regional analysis for US States

[J]. Regional Studies, 36(4): 389-398.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400220131151      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Empirical tests of the 'unemployment push' hypothesis that unemployed workers start up new enterprises to a greater extent than employed workers to escape unemployment have produced contradictory results. This is at least partially a consequence of studies neglecting the industrial organization of regions and not incorporating adequate variables to represent market opportunities. Using data of US establishments in retail and service industries with low entry barriers, we find little or no evidence for the 'unemployment push' hypothesis. US regions with relatively high unemployment rates do not show relatively strong subsequent increases in the number of establishments across a broad range of industries. Possible exceptions are used merchandise stores and automotive repair shops. Des tests empiriques de l'hypothèse qui affirme que la création d'entreprise s'explique plut00t par les ch00meurs que par les actifs occupés afin de permettre àces gens-làde contourner le ch00mage, ont réalisé des réultats contradictoires. Cela s'explique du moins en partie par le fait que des études n'ont pas considéré la structure industrielle des régions et n'ont pas incorporédes variables suffisantes pour représenter les possibilités offertes par le marché. A partir des données auprès des établissments dans le commerce et les services dont les barrières à l'entrée sont très basses, il s'avère presque pas de preuves à l'appui de cet hypothèse. Les régions aux Etats-Unis dont le taux de ch00mage est relativement élevéne montrent pas d'augmentations ultérieures relativement fortes du nombre d'établissements àtravers des industries diverses. A quelques exceptions près, àsavoir les vendeurs d'objets d'occasion et les ateliers de réparation automobile. Empirische Untersuchungen der Hypothese des Anstosses, den Erwerbslosigkeit gibt, neue Unternehmen aufzuziehen, indem sie eher erwerbslose, Verdienst suchende Arbeiter dazu veranla08t, als solche, die erwerbst01tig sind, haben widersprüchliche Ergebnisse gezeitigt. Die ist zumindest teilweise Studien zuzuschreiben, welche die industrielle Organisation von Regionen vernachl01ssigen und vers01umen, angemessene Variable zur Darstellung von Marktchancen einzuschlie08en. Der Autor benutzt Daten amerikanischer Unternehmen des Einzelhandels und der Dienstleistungindustrie mit m0108igen Einstiegsanforderungen, findet jedoch wenig oder keine Beweise für die Hypothese, da08 Erwerbslosigkeit einen Ansto08 darstellt. Regionen der USA mit verh01ltnism0108ig hohen Erwerbsloigkeitsraten zeigen bei breiter Palette von Industrien sp01ter durchweg keine unverh01ltnism0108ig starke Zunahme der Anzahl von Betriebsneugründungen auf. Gebrauchtwarenl01den und Werkst01tten für Kraftfahrzeugreparaturen stellen m02gliche Ausnahmen dar.
[17] Ellison G, Glaeser E L.1997.

Geographic concentration in US manufacturing industries: A dartboard approach

[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 105(5): 889-927.

https://doi.org/10.1086/262098      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper discusses the prevalence of Silicon Valley-style localizations of individual manufacturing industries in the United States. Several models in which
[18] Evans L B, Siegfried J J.1992.

Entry and exit in United States manufacturing industries from 1977 to 1982

[M]//Audretsch D B, Siegfried J J. Empirical studies in industrial organization. Kluwer, Netherlands: Springer: 253-273.

[本文引用: 1]     

[19] Herruzo A C, Diaz-Balteiro L, Calvo X.2008.

A measure of geographic concentration in Spain's wood-based industry

[J]. Forest Products Journal, 58(5): 54-60.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The reasons why industries could want to concentrate geographically may stem from different sources such as the existence of natural advantages in a certain location, as well as from labor, transportation, and technological benefits. It is therefore of interest to find out the degree of this concentration in industrial sectors, and to investigate the possible causes determining it. The objective of this paper was to study the geographic concentration of Spain's wood-based industry. Based on indices developed by Ellison and Glaeser (1997), we first measured to what extent the pattern of geographic concentration observed is due to firm internal factors - economies of scale - or, in turn, due to the influence of external economies within a wood-based industry (agglomeration). Spillovers among firms between different wood-based industries (coagglomeration) were also studied. Results indicate moderate to high degrees of agglomeration in most wood-based sectors, supporting the existence of location spillovers and natural advantages. The wood-based industry as a whole presents a low level of coagglomeration indicating a small interdependence between the manufacturers of wood, paper and furniture. On the other hand, wood manufacturing industries present a high level of coagglomeration, showing strong spillovers among them. Coagglomeration was also found in the pulp and paper industry but at a lower level than in the wood manufacturing industry.
[20] Illeris S.1986.

New firm creation in Denmark: The importance of the cultural background

[M]//Keeble D, Weaver E. New firms and regional development in Europe. London: Croom Helm: 141-150.

[本文引用: 1]     

[21] Johnson P, Parker S.1994.

The interrelationships between births and deaths

[J]. Small Business Economics, 6(4): 283-290.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01108395      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper provides a preliminary study of the way in which the births and deaths of firms interact over time . It uses the retailing sector as a case study, although the results also have relevance for other sectors. Section I of the paper introduces the background to the paper. Section II provides a non mathematical theoretical framework for analysing the births/deaths interrelationship. It identifies three separate types of effect operative in these interrelationships: the “competition”, “multiplier” and Marshall (“life cycle”) effects. The data used in this study (Value Added Tax registrations and deregistrations) and their limitations are considered in Section III. Section IV presents the preliminary empirical results. This section utilises panel data vector autoregression techniques to identify the salient birth-death relationships. The final section concludes the paper and draws out possible policy conclusions. It also suggests avenues for further work.
[22] McGrath R G.1999.

Falling forward: Real options reasoning and entrepreneurial failure

[J]. Academy of Management Review, 24(1): 13-30.

https://doi.org/10.2307/259034      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although failure in entrepreneurship is pervasive, theory often reflects an equally pervasive antifailure bias. Here, I use real options reasoning to develop a more balanced perspective on the role of entrepreneurial failure in wealth creation, which emphasizes managing uncertainty by pursuing high-variance outcomes but investing only if conditions are favorable. This can increase profit potential while containing costs. I also offer propositions that suggest how gains from entrepreneurship may be maximized and losses mitigated.
[23] Nyström K.2007.

An industry disaggregated analysis of the determinants of regional entry and exit

[J]. The Annals of Regional Science, 41(4): 877-896.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00168-007-0130-x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Empirical research by, among others, Armington and Acs (Reg Stud 36:33鈥45, 2002) show that regional determinants of new firm formation differ between industries. This paper reinvestigates the regional determinants of entry and exit considering these findings using panel data methods at three different levels of aggregation. Agglomeration, in terms of localisation economies, is unequivocally found to be positive for regional new firm formation, but does not necessarily prevent firms from exiting. The results also show that industry structure is a more important explanatory variable for differences between entry and exit rates across regions than regional factors.
[24] Pe'er A, Vertinsky I.2008.

Firm exits as a determinant of new entry: Is there evidence of local creative destruction

[J]. Journal of Business Venturing, 23(3): 280-306.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2007.02.002      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This study posits that a local process of creative destruction provides an impetus to regional industrial renewal. We argue that exits of older firms release resources that stimulate local entry. New entrants add value to these resources by redeploying them in more productive uses. We test our hypotheses with a unique longitudinal database encompassing the entry and exit of Canadian manufacturing enterprises. We find that exits of old firms increase entry and that on average new entrants are more productive. Persistent high local rates of exit, however, deter entry.</p>
[25] Resende M, Ribeiro E P, Zeidan R.2015.

Dynamic entry and exit linkages in the Brazilian manufacturing industry: An econometric investigation

[J]. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 22(3): 379-392.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13571516.2015.1009684      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper investigates dynamic linkages between entry and exit rates in Brazilian manufacturing in the context of 231 (4-digits) industries during the 1996-2005 period. The empirical analysis focuses on the estimation of a dynamic panel data for entry and exit rates and controls for the business cycle. The empirical evidence is consistent with a multiplier effect where synergetic factors prevail either by entry inducing entry or by exit inducing exit. Evidence partially supports a competition effect that could be related to a selection process favouring efficiency, as exit induces entry. The business cycle control variable appears to play no role. The results are similar, though not identical to previous evidence for developed countries.
[26] Schumpeter J A.1942.

Capitalism, socialism and democracy

[M]. New York, US: Routledge.

[本文引用: 2]     

[27] Storey D J.1991.

The birth of new firms: Does unemployment matter: A review of the evidence

[J]. Small Business Economics, 3(3): 167-178.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00400022      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to review the most significant recent literature identifying the determinants of new-firm births and the role that unemployment plays. In doing so, the paper draws upon two distinct strands in the economics literature. The first strand of literature is from the field of industrial organization, where the role of entry has been examined within the structure-conduct-performance paradigm. The second strand comes from the literature on entreprepreneurship. Whereas the first approach tends to focus on the industry as the unit of analysis and is concerned primarily with inter-industry comparisons, the second strand of literature is more oriented towards the firm as a unit of analysis and the impact exerted by the macro-economic environment. It is concluded that the most important development for future research is at the interface of these two approaches.
[28] Storey D J, Jones A M.1987.

New firm formation: A labour market approach to industrial entry

[J]. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 34(1): 37-51.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9485.1987.tb00208.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper argues that a major local factor influencing the rate of new-firm formation is the rate at which jobs are shed in that locality. The evidence presented shows that in Northern England there appears to be no association between changes in, or absolute national levels of, profitability in the ith industry and new firm formation rates in that industry. On the other hand, formation rates in the ith industry in the region are positively correlated with job shedding. Copyright 1987 by Scottish Economic Society.
[29] Tervo H, Niittykangas H.2002.

The impact of unemployment on new firm formation in Finland

[J]. International Small Business Journal, 13(1): 38-53.

https://doi.org/10.1108/lr.1998.      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this article.
