地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (12): 1517-1528 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.008

Orginal Article


尹铎, 钱俊希, 朱竑*

华南师范大学地理科学学院,文化产业与文化地理研究中心,广州 510631

The representation and practice of new urban district-as-home in China: A case study of Kangbashi New Town, Ordos

YIN Duo, QIAN Junxi, ZHU Hong*

Centre for Cultural Industry and Cultural Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

通讯作者:  朱竑(1968-),男,甘肃临夏人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事文化地理研究,E-mail:zhuh@scnu.edu.cn

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630635)国家自然科学基金项目(41401139,41301139)国家旅游局“万名旅游英才计划”研究型英才培养项目(WMYC20151035)






关键词: 城市新区 ; “鬼城”及家 ; 表征 ; 非表征 ; 鄂尔多斯康巴什新区


Recent cultural geographical research on the home reflects engagements not only with the material form of residential space but also the embodied, emotional and performative nature of home in different geographical scales. This article takes Kangbashi, a typical new town in Ordos, as a case area to analyze the contradictory representation and construction of "new town" and the ways in which different social actors construct, practice, and negotiate with the new town's subjective identity as home. The result indicates that: On the one hand, the discourse of popular media outside the Kangbashi New Town, BBC and Times in particular, describes it as a "Ghost City", a weird and unhealthy home space with largely the quality of desolated and abandoned landscape. In contrast, the local government endeavors to re-shape the image of Kangbashi New Town as a vigorous and livable space of the city that is filled with ecological and cultural landscape. On the other hand, residents living in Kangbashi New Town tend to negotiate the meanings of home through their own everyday practices beyond the social representation and authorized discourses. First, daily life mobility enables residents to overcome the spatial constraints of the new town, permits them to break out the social isolation and integrate into the broad urban society. Second, local residents' identity of city-as-home is gradually fostered through re-mapping of the emotional boundary of their living place. In this sense, local residents are not passive recipients of the representation imposed by either the government or the media. We argue that home making is a dynamic negotiation process instead of a fixed and dominant one, which opens a diversified and contradictory image for continuous negotiation by different social actors in everyday life. We hope our findings can provide some insights for further studies on critical geographies of home, and provides some useful ideas on the development of new town research in China.

Keywords: new town ; "ghost town" and home ; representation ; non-representation ; Kangbashi new town ; Ordos


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尹铎, 钱俊希, 朱竑. 城市新区作为“家”的表征与实践——以鄂尔多斯康巴什新区为例[J]. , 2016, 35(12): 1517-1528 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.008

YIN Duo, QIAN Junxi, ZHU Hong. The representation and practice of new urban district-as-home in China: A case study of Kangbashi New Town, Ordos[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(12): 1517-1528 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.008

1 引言

家是人文地理学重要且新颖的研究话题(封丹等, 2015)。在1970-1980年代人文主义地理学者的研究中,家是真实性与体验性的场所,能为情感疏离的社会提供充满人情味的归属感(Moore, 2000)。随即,家成为拥有愉悦、舒适等积极属性的象征。但随着城市社会学、形态学等更多学科的介入,这一将家视为温暖与和谐港湾的观点在1990年代遭遇了旗帜鲜明的对立方。曾经只流露正面情感的家出现了内部与外部、私人与公共等二元对立的观点(Brickell, 2012)。家所象征的情感也出现了斗争与反抗等消极意义(Badgett et al, 1999)。例如,美国城市绅士化对于新兴中产阶级来说是在营建更高品位的“家园”,而对城市的流浪者等边缘群体来说却是被迫离开“家园”的过程(Reid et al, 1993)。面对争论,学者们越来越发现,家实际上是不同主体持续建构、改变与协商的一个过程产物。因此,既要关注家给予人们的宽慰、鼓励与希望,也需要关注家中的失望、恶化与冷漠(Brickell, 2012)。

伴随着全球化与城市化进程,从1990年代各种功能类型开发区蓬勃发展,到21世纪大规模综合型城市新区持续得到开发,中国城市新区的建设浪潮此起彼伏(朱孟珏等, 2013)。就物质性而言,城市新区作为生产生活的重要拓展场所,是社会经济发展及其结构转变的具体表现(刘云刚等, 2010),是城市区域整体中新兴且重要的家空间。就情感象征性而言,城市新区理应作为居民的“家园”与“家乡”而存在。另外,城市新区的建设是时间发展与空间推进的产物,在政府实现土地增值与房地产商实现经营利润最大化愿望的驱动下(李郇等, 2006),中国城市新区的建设与推进具有强烈鲜明的政治经济属性。城市新区要成为居民的“家”,就必须经历政府、市场与居民等不同行动者持续地互动过程。因此,城市新区的发展建设问题亦是一个“家”的地理学问题。



2 理论背景与文献回顾

当前以“家”的地理学为研究棱镜对城市空间进行关注的研究,主要集中于表征与非表征2种视角(Blunt, 2005)。表征主要关注抽象化的符号之中与城市中的“家”相接合的文化、政治与经济因素及其历史背景(Walters et al, 2015),而非表征则重点关注“家”中不可符号化的情感、知觉与行为等具象化的空间要素(Power, 2008)。表征与非表征将“家”所呈现的物质性与象征性紧密地联系在一起,两者是认识论与本体论范式下对空间的不同探讨,两者一致抑或矛盾的解读恰是“家”的意义统一与矛盾的集中体现。因此,为了系统阐释城市新区“家”身份的多元化呈现,本文分别从表征与非表征2个方面出发,分析不同主体对康巴什的表征与实践,试图更加全面地展示城市新区“家”的空间性与政治性,为康巴什新区等中国城市新区的健康可持续发展提供参考。

2.1 表征与建构中的家

表征(representation)是指通过符号来生产意义的人类行为(斯图尔特·霍尔, 2003),文本作为重要的符号,通过语言代码系统与视觉代码系统被赋予了承载建构意义的使命(Burton, 2005)。在此框架下,语言代码系统通常利用字母、词汇与句式(包括口语与书面语)表达内涵,而视觉代码系统则通过颜色、角度、图像与叙事手法建构意义。因此,运用文本的过程成为了通过代码系统表征他者、景观与地方的过程,文本表征的意识形态意义开始远超过其物质本身(Dittmer, 2010)。这种后结构主义意识形态在1970年代后的人文地理学中颇为流行,人文地理学者通过对文本中的地理知识进行分析,解码其表征的社会群体及其社会语境,反思表征过程中所显现的权力关系(李樊等, 2008; 安宁等, 2015)。作为人文地理学的重要分支,“家”的地理学同样也将文本作为研究工具对“家”展开表征与建构。Blunt等(2006)在其经典著作《家》(home)中强调文本对表征“家”所具有的重要作用。实证研究中,瑞典居家生活指南《家中的一切》(Allt i Hemmet)将具有倾向性的价值观、概念与规训嵌入文字,将其作为文本持续地从物质性与非物质性2个维度显示出乡村小屋纯洁、自然与亲切的气质,最终古老陈旧的乡村小屋成为了瑞典乡村艺术品与国家文化符号的表征(Lagerqvist, 2014)。相反地现代崭新的乡村小屋由于杂志《新西兰之家》(Home New Zealand)的价值导向所需,却被描绘成为在新西兰进行第二居所奢侈消费与奢靡生活的具象表征(Walters et al, 2015)。

此外,对英国南亚家庭的研究表明,陈列的照片、摆件与图画作为文本景观(textural landscapes)所表征的意义与价值远超其文本本身,在日常生活空间中的感知与阅读对于塑造南亚家庭的归属感至关重要(Tolia-Kelly, 2004)。总之,“家”在塑造文本的内容同时,文本也在建构着“家”的意义。通过解读文本,可以了解“作者”书写文本的语境、倾向与意图,揭示各种由权力和意识形态所支配的“家”的营建过程与方法,对解释“家”的空间性与政治性具有至关重要的作用。

2.2 非表征的家

由于表征与建构思潮的流行,使得人文地理学者忽视了许多基于日常生活的“主观能动性”与“亲密度”,研究缺乏对于空间即时性与连续性的关注。Lorimer(2005)认为,对于文本中表征的空间意象与意义,许多能创造空间意义的“事物”都与人对空间直接地、动态地体验有关,并不能间接地被表征与建构。非表征理论(non-representational theory, NRT)就是这种排除表征思想中最具代表的理论之一。这一理论被用于挑战表征与建构主义,其创立者Thrift认为,意义更多地是由直接的、即时的空间体验生产,并非是通过反思(reflection)、抽象(abstraction)、翻译(translation)与表征(Thrift, 1996, 2008)。这些直接的空间体验包含展示、实践、日常生活琐事、情感与身体等维度(Cadman, 2009)。与倡导表征对挖掘文本背后的权力运作的机制与意义不同,非表征理论的目标并不是寻求现象的理论化,而是尽可能地与具象空间中的地理情境相融合,呈现其中的日常生活(Andrews et al, 2015)。在“家”的地理研究中,非表征维度通常体现在实践与情感2个方面。首先,实践维度通过反映居民的日常话语与生活行为实现。例如,温哥华岛退休社区老年人正是通过邻里间的日常实践,如卸货时碰面的日常寒暄、遛狗时亲切地短暂交流、购物时店员准确报上称呼而获得的贴心温暖等,使得家的意义超越微观尺度个人的家庭住宅而延展到了整个社区(Cloutier-Fisher et al, 2009)。而伴随着日常的阅读、踢球等休闲实践,公园、操场等公共空间亦成为了伦敦市青少年群体心中“犹如家一般”(home-like)的地方(Ahmet, 2013)。其次,伴随着人文地理学的“情感转向”,空间性、开放性与关系性的情感得以确立(朱竑等, 2015)。家本身是充满情感的地方,家庭内部的情感能够传达成员的感觉、意识与经验。家是通过身体的日常实践培育情感最好的空间载体(Morrison, 2012)。家庭成员会因为家空间的转换、家中物品与外界对家认同程度的改变而产生情感的变化与波动。因此,除了基于文本的表征与话语分析的方式之外,基于身体的体验与情感亦能从根植于生活的点滴之中营造出家的意义。

3 研究区概况与研究方法

3.1 研究区概况

鄂尔多斯市位于内蒙古自治区西南部,全市辖7旗2区,总面积8.7万km2,总人口194.07万,其中蒙古族17.7万,是以煤炭、羊绒等闻名的资源型城市。康巴什是鄂尔多斯中南部的城市新区(图1),其从规划到成立经历了一系列的发展过程。在1990年代中国开发区建设最活跃的时期,鄂尔多斯市依托煤炭开采开始呈现出经济发展的超常规态势,经济的腾飞与城市整体竞争力的快速增长令全国乃至世界瞩目。东胜区是鄂尔多斯市最繁华的城区,亦是原市政府所在地,2000年底该区常住人口252566人,并以年平均8.72%的速度增长,2010年已达582544人,占鄂尔多斯常住人口的30%。为缓解人口增长与交通压力,2000年鄂尔多斯市政府决定延伸城市核心区框架建设青春山开发区。2004年青春山开发区正式更名康巴什新区,2006年市政府整体搬迁入驻康巴什,康巴什进入快速发展阶段。目前,新区总面积352 km2,城市建成区面积32 km2,住宅小区由2011年的21个发展为2014年的59个,随着住宅数量增加,新区人口亦从2011年的10693人发展为2014年的49549人(不包括外来流动人口)。

图1   康巴什新区区位图

Fig.1   Location of Kangbashi New Town in Ordos


3.2 研究方法

本文主要采用文本分析与实地调研相结合的方法。首先,文本资料搜集。第一部分资料选取对康巴什引发争议最大的2010年美国《时代》杂志与2012年英国广播公司新闻频道(BBC News)对康巴什的报道进行文本分析,结合其后国内新闻对康巴什的专题报道,共整理网络文本资料7万余字,将外界对康巴什“家”的建构进行了较为全面的解读。第二部分是作为新区的管理者——政府对康巴什进行“家”的重塑。本文采用Pinkerton等(2014)的文本研究方法,以康巴什新区政府在中国最流行的三大新媒体——新浪微博、博客及微信官方公众号为对象,选取新浪博客“康巴什新区发布”创建以来至2015年8月13日的1306则历史消息为蓝本,结合康巴什新区政府在新浪微博与微信官方公众号的历史消息,排除了145则通知公告类普通政务服务信息,选择其中对康巴什新区“家”的建构相关的434则报道作为文本进行分析(其中新浪博客消息311则、博客消息42则、微信公众号消息81则)。


表1   研究样本构成情况

Tab.1   The samples



4 结果与分析

4.1 康巴什“家”的表征与建构


4.1.1 新区外部媒介对康巴什“无家”的书写


美国《时代》杂志与BBC新闻频道的记者似乎并不关心康巴什尚处于建设过程之中的事实,而是极具倾向性地挑选他们“感兴趣”的物质景观进行书写与拍摄,从物质上建构了康巴什荒凉凋敝的“无家”意象。如《时代》杂志就直言不讳地描述:“新区……现实几乎没有人住在那里……仅有少数政府办公室开放,那些偶尔出现在人行道上的行人,也犹如恐怖灾难电影中的幸存者一样稀少……”。BBC新闻频道在“鄂尔多斯:中国最大的鬼城”的报道中亦陈述了如出一辙的景观:到处是卖不出去的住宅、未出租的商铺与空置的办公楼。”搭配文字的书写,2篇报道共展示了15幅图片。这些图片均使用灰色、黑色等昏暗色调进行处理(图2(图片来源:《时代》杂志http://content.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1975397,00.html。)(其实是冬季停工期的工地场景),米歇尔·福柯(1998)强调地理知识的产生与权力的运作具有紧密的联系。地理知识作为权力的表现形式与效应过程,为权力在空间中的运作提供了合法性基础(张梅等, 2013)。西方媒介对康巴什的描写不仅是西方对于中国城市化建设浪潮想象的投影与判断,而且还反映了他们到访实地后刻意“捕捉”并希望在更广大的受众中“分享”的想象概念。

图2   《时代》杂志展示的康巴什意象

Fig.2   The image of Kangbashi New Town constructed by "Times"

虽然,空置楼盘等景观仅仅只是康巴什尚在建设中的状况,但在图片的倾向性“佐证”下,西方媒介对单一时间截面中康巴什片面的空间描写,还是被国内媒体与受众进行了非理性的情感消费,并将这种情绪网状地传递下去(Pain, 2009)。例如,“鄂尔多斯康巴什鬼城迷局:买件衣服还得跑20 km外”(资料来源:东方早报网http://www.dfdaily.com/html/33/2011/3/1/574117.shtml。),“康巴什,50亿元建设的内蒙古‘鬼城’”(资料来源:东北新闻网http://society.nen.com.cn/society/396/3474896.shtml。),“鄂尔多斯康巴什巨大空城”(资料来源:艺龙旅游指南http://trip.elong.com/news/n01fbscb.html。)等专题新闻频现国内媒体报道,而受众在接受媒体信息的同时也开始作为主动的知识生产者对康巴什进行情感解读。例如,网民“流浪的蚂蚁”这样感慨:“一代天骄成吉思汗,您用您的铁骑横扫了欧洲大陆,可曾想到不屑的子孙为了虚荣而将您的一世英名毁在了鬼城这片恐怖的土地上?”(资料来源:蚂蜂窝旅游网络社区http://www.mafengwo.cn/i/913624.html。)。外部媒介发布的信息不断地被受众“邂逅”,而在“邂逅”的过程中地理意义又不断地被再生产(安宁等, 2015)。在内外媒介的建构下,康巴什新区被描述为充满荒凉景观的“无家”地方,是被地方政府为主推地产经济而创造出来的畸形产物,充满了阴暗与荒凉,作为中国不健康的城市居住空间的象征。

4.1.2 新区政府对康巴什“家”的重塑

现代社会权力机构的地方治理与知识传播,已呈现出显著地去中心化与网络化的结构特征(钟伟军, 2013)。政治精英不再只是自上而下垄断式地单方面传递地方知识,而是开始以地方居民更能接受与互动的模式自下而上地进行治理与思考。面对外部媒介炒作的消极意象,作为“家”的管理者,康巴什新区政府不直接发布关于地方文本信息,而是通过转发其他媒介的文本消息,实现对康巴什“家”的物质重构和事实还原。在这些转发的文本中,形式上使用了微信朋友圈、手绘漫画等时下最流行的传播载体,内容中充满了网络语言、地方语言等流行文化元素(图3)(图片来源:康巴什新区发布新浪博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8d7b97b10102vupz.html与微信公众号“康巴什新区发布”。)。例如,在2015年6月5日“康巴什新区发布”微信号转发的4幅拟人化图片中,康巴什天朗气清的优美风景照被人性化为“自拍照”,北京、上海等城市纷纷表示对康巴什休闲、自在工作环境的羡慕,苏州、太原、海南等城市则争相留言表达对康巴什生态环境的向往。不难发现,政府在重构康巴什“家”的形象过程中力图通过更亲民的、非正式的方式实现跨地方对话,突显“自家”独有物质条件。而蓝天、白云、绿地等生态宜居必备的自然景观则成为政府作为“管家”为家空间添置的引以为傲的“家具”。(图片来源:康巴什新区发布新浪博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8d7b97b10102vupz.html与微信公众号“康巴什新区发布”。)




图3   政府重塑的康巴什意象

Fig.3   The image of Kangbashi New Town reconstructed by the government

总之,表征作为意义的呈现与建构方式,被运用于以各种文本为对象的地理想象研究中(Hones, 2008)。Massey(1995)认为,地理想象已成为理解世界的方式,并且成为“我者”为“他者”再现世界的重要途径(林耿等, 2015)。由于文本强烈的表征与建构作用,康巴什以截然不同的“家”的意象用于外部媒介与政府的权力运作之中,被赋予了不同尺度上的象征意义。

4.2 非表征:新区居民的日常生活实践与情感认同


4.2.1 空间转换与“家”功能认同的培育


在城市快速转型的过程中,伴随着城市空间发展与演进的浪潮,流动性已然成为塑造“家”的意义的有效实践途径(杨茜好等, 2015)。在此背景下,入住全新的城市空间后,康巴什居民在日常生活空间的转换与流动的实践中产生对康巴什作为家空间的功能认同。

首先,对于原本就生活在康巴什新区的农民来说,就地安置的做法使得他们经历了乡村到城市的空间转换,但由于离“家”不离土,即便是在全新的康巴什新区营建“新家”,对于家乡发展与现代化城市的期许,使得他们仍然对未来的新生活充满了憧憬与向往。而对于本文主要探讨的公务员、教师等城市精英阶层,这类群体具有的社会、文化与经济资本,即使在完全不同的城市空间中,他们亦可以娴熟地营建自己的“新家”,并且由于长期在原本相对快速与密集的空间生活,使得他们对于公共空间与休闲生活有着极大的憧憬与向往。居民通过日常休闲游憩将家的空间范围由私人住宅空间扩展到公共空间。日常休闲游憩不仅可进行地方的营建,还可以进行家的营建,休闲游憩活动对拓展家的空间范围具有重要作用(Reid et al, 2015)。面对康巴什新区现有的31个规模与主题各异、在外部媒介看来造型绚丽奇特的公园与广场,居民在入住之初并不能完全了解与使用,但熟悉与适应周围生活后,伴随着茶余饭后的日常休闲活动,居民已经逐渐能够准确地识别社区住宅周边公共游憩空间的具体位置与官方名称,认为这些设施完善的公共空间反而是当初被动搬迁时所没有想到的惊喜,进而在这些公共游憩空间中活动产生了如家一般的熟悉感与轻松感。例如,居民F的每日休闲生活就是“听着音乐在康巴什大街上走,从家里出来以后,经过乌兰木伦湖(图4a)……从乌兰木伦四号景观大桥穿过来之后,再进草原美术文化公园,有时去到政府大楼门前经过双驹广场(图4b(图片来源:康巴什新区门户网站http://www.kbs.gov.cn/。) 路过草原情广场,再返回来。”这些居民心中的“家”的领域界线彼此重合但并不相同,相互交融错落地构筑了康巴什新区作为家的空间领域。在这个由城市内部空间串联而成的家空间中,居民C惊喜地形容:“感觉远离了世俗,可以让人放松下来,让心灵去飞。”这样的表述不仅客观地描绘了新区居民的休闲游憩方式,更在主观层面上展示了康巴什作为居民“家”的象征意义。

图4   乌兰木伦湖畔与双驹广场的休闲游憩活动

Fig.4   Recreation activities in parks and squares

其次,主城区居民已经在“新家”与“老家”之间形成相对固定的流动方式与模式,以应对由于康巴什功能缺失造成的生活实践不便,并逐渐对各种不便显得毫不在意。流动本身就是进行社会实践感知世界的重要过程,在流动中可改变人们对于地方的看法(Adey, 2010)。虽然经过了10多年的发展,但是康巴什与周边城区相比,依然还是存在着诸多的功能缺失。因此,居民会因为走亲访友或购买商品而频繁地往返于与康巴什相邻的东胜区(25 km)和伊金霍洛旗阿镇(3 km)之间。居民E直接说道:“我哇,喜欢人多热闹的地方,喜欢到处逛到处买,康巴什没有,没关系,周末我去东胜就行,去消遣。我住的这个小区礼拜天居民会出走1/3,从地下停车场就能看出来。除了去东胜,我也经常去伊旗,因为我老家在那,我父母住在那,有事没事开上车就去个啦(就去了)。”居民I也表示:“说实话,(在)康巴什(购物)毕竟可供挑选的余地少,但话又说回来,大件物品或是需要多加挑选的物品,又不是非要在康巴什买才行。开上车出个(去)买,就当是旅游了。”因此,在日常的空间转换中,新区的内部功能分区之间、新区与城市的其他区域之间实现了功能互补,居民实现了对家空间感知的尺度跃升,越来越认同新区可作为“家”空间而满足生活功能的需求。

4.2.2 边界流动与“家”情感认同的展演

“家”被认为是提供隐私与遮蔽的场所。而边界就是区划空间与建构认同最有力的工具。边界并不都是篱笆、围墙或界碑等实体性符号,还包括社会性及其他非空间性要素(Power, 2009),例如情感。面对外界对康巴什的“鬼城”炒作,居民在“去污名化”的过程中会建立“家”的情感边界进行“战术性抵抗”。也正是这种“去污名化”的过程加速了新区居民对康巴什新区经历由陌生到认同的情感转变。当面对片面宣扬康巴什鬼城认知的人,“家”的情感边界显现其抵御功能,这些人被认为是居心叵测不受欢迎的“他者”,居民会将“他者”区离于边界之外,并对“他者”所宣扬的不真实的地方想象加以辩驳,对外界的质疑与诽谤直接表现出“不欢迎”的主人姿态。



康巴什在居民心中已经作为独立的文化空间存在,充满了家的情感意义。需要明确的是,这种家的情感认同基于居民对新区的地方依恋,但是又与地方依恋所展示的人地情感连接不同,具有显著的主体性与排他性(Ralph et al, 2011),边界之内是“我”的“家”,“我家”不允许被“外人”随意地侵犯与污蔑(Blunt et al, 2006)。因而在面对争议时,整个鄂尔多斯市只有康巴什是他们“捍卫”的家,不允许被随意丑化。同时,Power(2009)也指出,家的边界并非是单一的、一成不变的,而会通过居民的日常生活实践而不断地建构并持续地维护家空间的舒适感。因而对家空间而言,边界并非仅仅只能分隔地方,同时也可提供交流与对话的机会(Palmer, 2004)。这一过程使得家成为与现有外部空间(an inside)相对的内部空间(an existing outside)。在家空间中,不受欢迎的部分被排除在外,而想要的部分被“主人”提炼并带到内部来(Kaika, 2004)。当面对愿意深入了解康巴什的人,居民会打开“家”的边界桎梏,表现出宽容、好客的“主人”姿态。




5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论

本文基于表征与非表征研究框架,以鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区为例对中国城市新区作为“家”的空间身份进行了探讨。研究发现:外部媒介与新区政府主要运用语言、图像及其带有主观色彩的表述方式以表征与建构的方式,对康巴什“家”的意象进行传播。而城市居民则主要通过日常生活的实践与体验,以非表征的方式在康巴什新区进行“家”的营建。具体而言,西方媒介针对康巴什传递了“阴暗”、“荒凉”等消极的“无家”特征,这些特征在被国内媒介与受众接收后不断地传递与放大,康巴什成为中国快速城市化不健康的城市家空间。面对“家门外”旁观者的消极建构,新区政府担起了设计师与管家的角色,巧妙地选择利用流行文化转述新区“草根群体”的话语,对康巴什“家”的形象进行重塑。康巴什被新区政府重塑为具有生态宜居特征的、承载了整个鄂尔多斯城市发展希望的、居民共同的“家”。而生活在新区的居民则通过日常生活行为对“家”这一概念进行实践与培育,主要表现为:通过空间转换与日常流动性的协商以建构对新区的功能认同;对不同态度的外界群体进行“战术性”反击,在情感边界的消隐与显现中建构对新区的情感认同。伴随着新区、城市、国家不同尺度的转换,新区家空间的身份建构、重塑与实践成为密不可分的整体,而正是这持续循环的过程,最终塑造了康巴什多重的充满矛盾意义的“家”的形象,并持续不断被不同主体相协调(图5)。在后现代社会的文化情境中,人们对空间的认知逐渐从刻板僵化的物质性平台与容器转变为现代社会关系的建构、解构与重塑(钱俊希等, 2015)。地方政府、外部媒介以及新区居民等不同行动者对于康巴什新区的“家”的营建方式虽然不尽相同,但不可否认的是,不同行动者在选择行动方式对康巴什进行“家”的协商时依然各有侧重。研究以表征与非表征为研究视角,探查现阶段康巴什“家”的协调状态与发展现状,剖析不同行动者各自有所侧重的行动方式,对于明晰目前中国城市新区作为“家”的意义生产与真实存在,具有重要的意义与作用。

图5   城市新区作为“家”空间的协商机制

Fig.5   The negotiation dynamics of new urban district as "home" in cities

5.2 讨论

本文主要的理论意义与实践价值体现在以下几个方面。首先,对“家”的地理学特征与影响进行本土化研究是未来的研究趋势(白凯等, 2014)。然而在中国,“家”的地理学研究却长期忽略将除家庭之外更大的社会文化空间维度作为家空间进行研究。要实现不同尺度的“家”的跃升,就需要将小尺度的“家庭”镶嵌到大尺度的“家园”之中,那么符合社会文化本底的道德标准将有助于实现这种尺度转换的空间表征过程(周尚意等, 2015)。在中国当下社会文化的大背景下,家的尺度范畴并不囿于“家庭”这样的微观尺度,“家乡”“国家”所代表的中宏观地理尺度亦可以包涵于家的意义。同时“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的传统文化道德与情怀亦有助于将家的边界拓展到小家庭以外的空间(Su, 2014)。本文将城市新区纳入“家”的研究维度,是对以“家庭与家族”为出发点的传统“家”的地理学研究的扩展与深化。当一个城市开始成为居民的“家园”时,那么萦绕其中的“乡愁”与“城伤”自会迎刃而解。

其次,验证并丰富了批判“家”的地理学(critical geographies of home)研究理论与视角。批判“家”的地理学提倡关注“家”所具备的两层意涵。第一层意涵是基于空间化(spatialized)的理解,认为家是基于特殊地理位置(site)的地方(place)与空间想象(spatial imaginary);第二层意涵是基于政治化(political)的理解,强调家的营建过程中隐含的压迫与反抗。就家的空间性而言,本文发现“家”的确可以存在于文本的表征与想象之中,但同时也可排除文本根植于日常的生活实践与真情实感之中(Brickell, 2012)。就“家”的政治性而言,以往研究主要集中于针对某一类固定群体(如同性恋、无家可归者等边缘群体)讨论家中的排斥与反抗(Daya, 2013),而本文较为全面地综合讨论了不同主体对同一个尺度的“家”的感知与认同,有利于更为直接地通过对比展示不同主体在建构“家”的过程中所呈现出的迥异的方式与特征。

最后,从实践层面来讲,本文关于外部媒介对中国城市新区形象建构的分析表明,媒介并不总是会作为家的营建工具(Bonini, 2011),也会成为家的消解工具。在实践中应理性解读西方话语体系所建构的媒介信息,不应盲目附和。目前,中国许多城市新区的确存在土地盲目扩张、楼盘供需不平衡问题(姚士谋等, 2014),在后续的城市新区建设与发展过程中应合理进行新区规划并科学地逐步推进产城融合。但面对已经建成或尚在建设的新区理应发展、辩证地品评,给予更多地包容与期许。新区并非就是“无家”的地方,更不应将其等同于“鬼城”。本文中康巴什居民在新区的日常生活与情感的展示就是对“鬼城”之说最好的挑战。希望后续研究以更多不同类型的城市新区为案例地,进一步对城市新区作为家空间的建构进行探讨。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 安宁, 朱竑. 2015.


[J]. 地理学报, 70(10): 1650-1663.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201510009      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

以中国网络媒体对其境内“东突”极端分裂势力制造的暴力恐怖活动 的话语实践以及受众群体对此类话语的回应为分析对象,援引批判(流行文化)地缘政治研究理论,利用语义分析和“网络民族志”的方法,探讨了媒体和受众群体 作为地理知识生产的场所对新疆及其相关空间的地理意义进行生产和协商的方式,并讨论了由此而生的新疆地理想象与中国政府反恐策略的互动机制.研究发现,媒 体以文本表征的手段生产了新疆及其相关空间的消极地理知识、建构了消极的地理想象,这些地理意义的产生在受众的“消费”过程中又不断地被协商与再生产.此 外,这些地理意义的生产和协商与国家制定的反恐怖主义政策始终是一致的,它们是国家制定反恐策略的重要参考消息来源之一.从人文地理学角度来讲,将人们日 常生活(包括表征和非表征的行为实践)对地理意义的生产过程纳入到人文地理的研究范畴中来.从地缘政治学的角度来讲,研究颠覆了传统的、本体论上的、客观 的自然环境对国家政治决策发挥影响作用的地缘政治研究范式,将想象地理作为人文地理学的重要研究对象进行了尝试.此外,从实践意义来讲,本文对网络媒体及 受众对地理知识生产的讨论对政府的话语权管理具有一定的参考价值.

[An N, Zhu H.2015.

A critical geopolitical analysis of "East Turkistan violence and terrorism" activities in China

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 70(10): 1650-1663.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201510009      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

以中国网络媒体对其境内“东突”极端分裂势力制造的暴力恐怖活动 的话语实践以及受众群体对此类话语的回应为分析对象,援引批判(流行文化)地缘政治研究理论,利用语义分析和“网络民族志”的方法,探讨了媒体和受众群体 作为地理知识生产的场所对新疆及其相关空间的地理意义进行生产和协商的方式,并讨论了由此而生的新疆地理想象与中国政府反恐策略的互动机制.研究发现,媒 体以文本表征的手段生产了新疆及其相关空间的消极地理知识、建构了消极的地理想象,这些地理意义的产生在受众的“消费”过程中又不断地被协商与再生产.此 外,这些地理意义的生产和协商与国家制定的反恐怖主义政策始终是一致的,它们是国家制定反恐策略的重要参考消息来源之一.从人文地理学角度来讲,将人们日 常生活(包括表征和非表征的行为实践)对地理意义的生产过程纳入到人文地理的研究范畴中来.从地缘政治学的角度来讲,研究颠覆了传统的、本体论上的、客观 的自然环境对国家政治决策发挥影响作用的地缘政治研究范式,将想象地理作为人文地理学的重要研究对象进行了尝试.此外,从实践意义来讲,本文对网络媒体及 受众对地理知识生产的讨论对政府的话语权管理具有一定的参考价值.
[2] 白凯, 周尚意, 吕洋洋. 2014.


[J]. 地理学报, 69(8): 1190-1206.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201408013      URL      Magsci      摘要

21 世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域.在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10 年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域.同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一.

[Bai K, Zhou S Y, Lv Y Y.2014.

The progress of social cultural geography in China in recent 10 years

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 69(8): 1190-1206.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201408013      URL      Magsci      摘要

21 世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域.在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10 年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域.同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一.
[3] 封丹, 李鹏, 朱竑. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(7): 809-817.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Feng D, Li P, Zhu H.2015.

Progress in geographic studies on "home" and implications for China

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(7): 809-817.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[4] 李樊, 李欧. 2008.

“表征”: 作为文化符号意义的社会学反思

[J]. 长春工业大学学报: 社会科学版, 20(2): 92-94.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-1374.2008.02.025      URL      摘要


[Li F, Li O.2008.

"Biaozheng": Zuowei wenhua fuhao yiyi de shehuixue fansi

[J]. Journal of Changchun University of Technology: Social Sciences Edition, 20(2): 92-94.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-1374.2008.02.025      URL      摘要

[5] 李郇, 李灵犀. 2006.

国内城市新区开发的政府与市场的互动机制与模式: 以广州琶洲地区开发为例

[J]. 热带地理, 26(3): 243-247.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5221.2006.03.010      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

针对国内城市新区开发不断升温的现象,分析了城市政府和市场在新 区开发过程中的动力机制:在政府实现土地升值和房地产商实现利润最大化的驱动下,新区成功开发需要政府与市场的相互配合.在此基础上,提出新区开发的政府 与市场的互动模式,即政府规划、投资引导,房地产商跟进与市民参与,并以广州市琶洲新区开发为例,演绎了政府与市场互动模式下的新区开发过程.

[Li X, Li L X.2006.

The mechanism and pattern of mutual promotion between government and market in the development of new urban district: A case study of Pazhou in Guangzhou

[J]. Tropical Geography, 26(3): 243-247.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5221.2006.03.010      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

针对国内城市新区开发不断升温的现象,分析了城市政府和市场在新 区开发过程中的动力机制:在政府实现土地升值和房地产商实现利润最大化的驱动下,新区成功开发需要政府与市场的相互配合.在此基础上,提出新区开发的政府 与市场的互动模式,即政府规划、投资引导,房地产商跟进与市民参与,并以广州市琶洲新区开发为例,演绎了政府与市场互动模式下的新区开发过程.
[6] 林耿, 潘恺峰. 2015.

地理想象: 主客之镜像与建构

[J]. 地理科学, 35(2): 137-143.

URL      Magsci      摘要


[Lin G, Pan K F.2015.

Geographical imagination: The mirroring construction between the objective and subjective bodies

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 35(2): 137-143.]

URL      Magsci      摘要

[7] 刘云刚, 殷冠文. 2010.

地方政府主导的土建城市化: 以鹤壁市为例

[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(7): 887-896.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.016      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Y G, Yin G W.2010.

Local government-oriented city making in inland China: A case study of Hebi, a mining city

[J]. Progress in Geography, 29(7): 887-896.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.016      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] 米歇尔·福柯. 1998.


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[9] 钱俊希, 朱竑. 2015.


[J]. 地理研究, 34(3): 422-436.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Qian J X, Zhu H.2015.

Theoretical unity and thematic diversity in new cultural geography

[J]. Geographical Research, 34(3): 422-436.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201503003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 斯图尔特·霍尔. 2003.

表征: 文化表象与意指实践

[M]. 徐亮, 陆兴华, 译. 北京: 商务印书馆.

[Stuart H.2003. Representation: Cultural repressentations and signifying practices[M]. Xu L, Lu X H, Trans. Beijing, China: The Commercial Press.]

[11] 杨茜好, 朱竑. 2015.


[J]. 华南师范大学学报: 自然科学版, 47(2): 1-11.

https://doi.org/10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.063      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yang X H, Zhu H.2015.

Progress and revelation of researches on the anglophone geography of mobilities

[J]. Journal of South China Normal University: Natural Science Edition, 47(2): 1-11.]

https://doi.org/10.6054/j.jscnun.2014.12.063      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[12] 姚士谋, 张平宇, 余成, . 2014.


[J]. 地理科学, 34(6): 641-647.

URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性课题,是涉及到国民经济各部门如何协调发展,达到一个新的现代化和谐社会发展的根本问题;新型城镇化是中国城镇化健康稳定发展的基本保证,在当前的新形势下,探索中国新型城镇化理论与实践问题,具有重要的学术价值与实践意义。在过去一阶段,虽然城镇化推动了中国社会经济发展取得了巨大成就,并在城市现代化建设与城乡一体化方面也取得了惊人的发展,但在某个时期或一些地区,城镇化过速发展阶段,出现了无序的发展状态,大中城市边缘盲目扩展,水土资源日渐退化,生态环境遭受破坏,特别是有些政府决策人对城镇化的许多制约因素认识不足,甚至决策失误,导致了城市环境出现许多不安全、不舒适的问题。着重从地理空间与自然资源保护的角度,探索中国新型城镇化3 个理论与实践问题① 如何认知中国新型城镇化的基本特征与新的路径;② 在全球经济一体化形势下,如何构建新型城镇化的创新模式;③ 在新型城镇化实施过程中,如何认识中国城镇化本身的发展规律,走具有中国特色的新型城镇化道路。</p>

[Yao S M, Zhang P Y, Yu C, et al.2014.

The theory and practice of new urbanization in China

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 34(6): 641-647.]

URL      Magsci      摘要

<p>城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性课题,是涉及到国民经济各部门如何协调发展,达到一个新的现代化和谐社会发展的根本问题;新型城镇化是中国城镇化健康稳定发展的基本保证,在当前的新形势下,探索中国新型城镇化理论与实践问题,具有重要的学术价值与实践意义。在过去一阶段,虽然城镇化推动了中国社会经济发展取得了巨大成就,并在城市现代化建设与城乡一体化方面也取得了惊人的发展,但在某个时期或一些地区,城镇化过速发展阶段,出现了无序的发展状态,大中城市边缘盲目扩展,水土资源日渐退化,生态环境遭受破坏,特别是有些政府决策人对城镇化的许多制约因素认识不足,甚至决策失误,导致了城市环境出现许多不安全、不舒适的问题。着重从地理空间与自然资源保护的角度,探索中国新型城镇化3 个理论与实践问题① 如何认知中国新型城镇化的基本特征与新的路径;② 在全球经济一体化形势下,如何构建新型城镇化的创新模式;③ 在新型城镇化实施过程中,如何认识中国城镇化本身的发展规律,走具有中国特色的新型城镇化道路。</p>
[13] 张梅, 李厚羿. 2013.

空间、知识与权力: 福柯社会批判的空间转向

[J]. 马克思主义与现实, (3): 113-118.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang M, Li H Y.2013.

Kongjian, zhishi yu quanli: Fuke shehui pipan de kongijan zhuanxiang

[J]. Marxism & Reality, (3): 113-118.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] 钟伟军. 2013.

公共舆论危机中的地方政府微博回应与网络沟通: 基于深圳“5.26飙车事件”的个案分析

[J]. 公共管理学报, 10(1): 31-42.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-6162.2013.01.004      URL      摘要


[Zhong W J.2013.

The micro-blogging response and networks communication of local government in public opinion crisis: Based on the case of 5.26 drag racing event in Shenzhen

[J]. Journal of Public Management, 10(1): 31-42.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-6162.2013.01.004      URL      摘要

[15] 周尚意, 成志芬. 2015.


[J]. 人文地理, 30(6): 1-6.

URL      摘要


[Zhou S Y, Cheng Z F.2015.

On the morality of nostalgia

[J]. Human Geography, 30(6): 1-6.]

URL      摘要

[16] 朱竑, 高权. 2015.


[J]. 地理研究, 34(7): 1394-1406.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507017      URL      Magsci      摘要

由于地理学长期受理性原则的支配,情感在地理学的研究中一直处于较边缘的地位。随着近期西方人文社会科学对情感研究热情的不断高涨,地理学也开始关注情感对空间和社会的塑造,并由此引发西方地理学的"情感转向"。随着《Emotional Geographies》一书的诞生,以及专刊《Emotion,Space and Society》的创立,情感地理作为一门跨学科的研究也逐渐形成并日益发展壮大。西方地理学"情感转向"的产生受到身体和女性主义地理学、人本主义地理学、非表征理论和精神分析法等理论和方法的深刻影响。通过对249篇情感地理学的期刊论文以及相关著作进行的分析,梳理了情感地理学相关的研究议题,以期促进国内人文地理学对情感问题的关注。

[Zhu H, Gao Q.2015.

Review on "emotional turn" and emotional geographies in recent western geography

[J]. Geographical Research, 34(7): 1394-1406.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201507017      URL      Magsci      摘要

由于地理学长期受理性原则的支配,情感在地理学的研究中一直处于较边缘的地位。随着近期西方人文社会科学对情感研究热情的不断高涨,地理学也开始关注情感对空间和社会的塑造,并由此引发西方地理学的"情感转向"。随着《Emotional Geographies》一书的诞生,以及专刊《Emotion,Space and Society》的创立,情感地理作为一门跨学科的研究也逐渐形成并日益发展壮大。西方地理学"情感转向"的产生受到身体和女性主义地理学、人本主义地理学、非表征理论和精神分析法等理论和方法的深刻影响。通过对249篇情感地理学的期刊论文以及相关著作进行的分析,梳理了情感地理学相关的研究议题,以期促进国内人文地理学对情感问题的关注。
[17] 朱孟珏, 周春山. 2013.


[J]. 热带地理, 33(3): 363-372.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhu M J, Zhou C S.2013.

Progress of domestic and foreign new urban district development theories

[J]. Tropical Geography, 33(3): 363-372.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] Andrews G J, Grenier A M.2015.

老年人移动构成的时空: 老龄化地理学中非表征理论的引入

[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(12): 1512-1534.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.12.003      URL      摘要


[Andrews G J, Grenier A M.2015.

Ageing movement as space-time: Introducing non-representational theory to the geography of ageing

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(12): 1512-1534.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.12.003      URL      摘要

[19] Adey P.2010.


[M]. Abingdon, UK: Routledge: 157-159.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Ahmet A.2013.

Home sites: The location(s) of 'home' for young men

[J]. Urban Studies, 50(3): 621-634.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098012468896      URL      摘要

‘Home’ is a space which occupies multiple sites, with which come multiple sensory experiences. The geographies of ‘home’ as defined beyond the dwelling and fixed notions of home are what has been called ‘stretched’. This paper investigates ‘home’ for 15 young men of mixed race aged 16 to 19 in East London. Through the use of written electronic diaries, interviews and photo-voice it explores how city spaces became mobile sites of belonging and various ‘public’ urban spaces become ‘homelike’ for young men of mixed race.
[21] Badgett M V L, Folbre N.1999.

Assigning care: Gender norms and economic outcomes

[J]. International Labour Review, 138(3): 311-326.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1564-913X.1999.tb00390.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[22] Blunt A.2005.

Cultural geography: Cultural geographies of home

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 29(4): 505-515.

https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132505ph564pr      URL      摘要

This article focuses on the cultural geography. Recent cultural geographical research on the home reflects a concern not only with rematerializing geography, but also with the interdisciplinary literature on material cultures. Within geography and housing studies, recent work on the material geographies of home includes studies of residential segregation, residential mobility and location, gentrification, and household demographic change. Cultural geographical research on the materialities of residence has focused on two additional themes: domestic architecture and design; and the material cultures of objects and their use, display and meanings within the home. In a rich range of historical and contemporary research, cultural geographers have explored the ways in which domestic architecture and design are inscribed with meanings, values and beliefs that both reflect and reproduce ideas about gender, class, sexuality, family and nation. An important theme within this work has been the connections and disjunctures between idealized designs and the embodied practices of everyday domestic life. The disjunctures between design and dwelling are most apparent in relation to disability.
[23] Blunt A, Dowling R.2006.


[M]. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Bonini T.2011.

The media as 'home-making' tools: Life story of a Filipino migrant in Milan

[J]. Media, Culture & Society, 33(6): 869-883.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443711411006      URL      摘要

According the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) there are 850 million international passenger arrivals each year; and according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), in 2008 there were 42 million refugees across the globe. The condition of mobility, in all its spatial and temporal variations is a condition of daily life in a globalized world. Even those who are lucky enough not to be forced to abandon their home are at times obliged to be away from home temporarily. A migrant who is far from his country, a seasonal worker or asylum seekers, all share a sense of displacement, more or less intense. This article addresses precisely the universe of migrants, with the aim of demonstrating that this existential condition can be alleviated and eventually ‘domesticated’ (albeit temporarily) thanks to the media. The article will explore the use of media on the part of migrants and the role of the media not only in temporarily connecting them to their private homes or to their public sphere of origin, but also in recreating the ‘warmth’ of domesticity, in other words in ‘making them feel at home’. The main part of the article will attempt to partially verify this thesis by presenting the case study of a Filipino family living in Milan.
[25] Brickell K.2012.

'Mapping' and 'doing' critical geographies of home

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2): 225-244.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132511418708      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper reviews the diverse literatures on negative experiences of home at the domestic scale and sets out an agenda to further ‘critical geographies of home’. Tying into broader debates in critical geography on the delineations between the ‘mapping’ of exclusionary landscapes versus the ‘doing’ of something to transform them, the paper finds that the line between these two modes should not always be dichotomously drawn. Now is the time that the burgeoning interest in, and catalogue of research on, home is capitalized upon by pushing towards a critical geography that simultaneously illuminates and catalyses the addressing of domestic injustice.
[26] Burton G.2005. Media and society: Critical perspectives[M]. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press.

[27] Cadman L.2009.

Nonrepresentational theory/nonrepresentational geographies

[M]//Kitchin R, Thrift N. International encyclopedia of human geography. London, UK: Elsevier: 456-463.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Cloutier-Fisher D, Harvey J.2009.

Home beyond the house: Experiences of place in an evolving retirement community

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(2): 246-255.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2008.07.002      URL      Magsci      摘要

This research presents the results of a qualitative study of a small sample of older adults ( n 02=0225), age 55+ who have recently moved to an area that is rapidly changing from a tourist community into a retirement community. The study has two main research objectives: (a) to use Oswald and Wahl's heuristic meaning of home framework to explore the relationships between older adults and their homes and communities, integrating theories from environmental psychology, environmental gerontology and human geography, and (b) to discuss the empirical findings focussing on the core concepts of meaning of home and sense of belonging for new retirees to an area. Findings: For new retirees, there exists a zone between the home and community, that can be viewed as a geographic space comprised of overlapping and interwoven personal, social and physical domains. This zone between the physical house and the surrounding community can be construed as having certain elastic qualities and permeable boundaries that blur the distinctions between home and community. A focus on the micro-environment of the home dwelling and the macro-environment of the neighbourhood and community then appears relevant for understanding place attachment for these persons. This idea of the ‘home beyond the house’ – is one of the most important contributions of this research. Our results view the heuristic framework of Oswald and Wahl as a valuable tool for building understanding about the meaning of home for older adults by drawing attention to the domains themselves, and more importantly, to the interrelationships between them. Consequently, for younger in-migrants, the boundary between home and community blurs into one larger, symbolic entity experienced as ‘home’.
[29] Daya S, Wilkins N.2013.

The body, the shelter, and the shebeen: An affective geography of homelessness in South Africa

[J]. Cultural Geographies, 20(3): 357-378.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1474474012469886      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Geographies of homelessness mainly address issues of social exclusion, especially in contexts of urban public space. Recent research focuses on spatial regulation and surveillance, and strategies used by homeless people to resist these forms of control and create spaces for themselves in the city. Relatively little attention is paid, however, to the embodied, affective, emotional and relational geographies of homelessness. We address this absence through an exploration of how material spaces and practices shape a sense of belonging for a group of men living in a homeless shelter in Cape Town. Theorizing belonging as constituted through the materialities of both self-identity and social connections, we examine the three spaces that are most affective in our participants’ everyday lives: (i) their bodies, (ii) the shelter where they live, and (iii) the shebeen (tavern) where they drink. The discursive and embodied accounts of two participants in particular serve as a case study that illuminates the complex ways in which belonging is shaped in spaces of homeless life. These men’s experiences reveal some of the ambivalences and ambiguities of homelessness which are only rendered visible through a theoretical lens that respects their status as emotional and relational subjects, rather than as objects within structures of exclusion. Drinking in particular emerges from this research as an important factor in understanding the contradictory behaviours and feelings in these men’s daily lives. Damaging their bodies and social relationships, alcohol nonetheless provides a sense of belonging by facilitating both a sense of self and connections with others.
[30] Dittmer J.2010.

Popular culture, geopolitics, and identity

[M]. Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

[31] Hones S.2008.

Text as it happens: Literary geography

[J]. Geography Compass, 2(5): 1301-1317.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00143.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This article reviews the current situation in geographical work with fiction in the context of an explicitly spatial view of the writing&ndash;reading nexus as a contextualized and always emerging geographical event. It argues that this way of conceptualizing the text events of both narrative fiction and academic knowledge production provides a way of understanding and dealing with incompatible literary interpretations and also with irreconcilable approaches to literary geography. This openness to multiplicity develops from the point that text events are not only relational by nature and generated within social contexts in the initial encounter of author, text, and reader, but also only become publicly accessible when subsequently articulated within the mediating context of a particular social situation. The article proposes that literary geography as a collective endeavor can be developed and consolidated through an appreciation of the varying contexts within which geographically oriented work with fiction is performed and articulated.
[32] Kaika M.2004.

Interrogating the geographies of the familiar: Domesticating nature and constructing the autonomy of the modern home

[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 28(2): 265-286.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0309-1317.2004.00519.x      URL      摘要

Abstract This article studies the western bourgeois home, and argues that its social construction as a familiar, autonomous, safe, private haven is predicated not only upon the exclusion of undesired social elements (anomie, homelessness, social conflict, etc.) but also upon the exclusion of undesired natural elements (cold, dirt, pollution, sewage, etc.). Using the domestication of water in the western world as a vehicle, the article analyses the historical-geographical process through which nature became scripted as ‘the other’ to the bourgeois home, and explains the contribution of this separation to the conceptual construction of the home as a distinct and autonomous ‘space envelope’, supposedly untouched by socio-natural processes. This analysis identifies an inherent contradiction: despite the intense efforts at ‘othering’ and excluding nature from the premises of the home, the function and familiarity of this space is increasingly dependent upon the production of nature. Although the complex set of socio-natural networks, pipes and cables that carry clean, produced, commodified nature inside and pump bad, metabolized nature outside the bourgeois home remain visually excluded, it is this same excluded socio-nature that constitutes the material basis upon which the familiarity of the home is constructed. Thus, in a simultaneous act of need and denial, the bourgeois home remains the host of the elements that it tries to exclude. This contradiction surfaces at moments of crisis (such as power cuts, burst mains and water shortage) when familiar objects acquire uncanny properties. At such moments, the continuity of the social and material processes that produce the domestic space is unexpectedly foregrounded, bringing the dweller face to face with his/her alienation, within his/her most familiar environment. Cet article montre comment la construction sociale de la maison bourgeoise occidentale, en tant que refuge privé, sécurisé, autonome et familier, s'appuie sur l'exclusion d'éléments indésirables, tant sociaux (anomie, sans-abri, lutte sociale, etc.) que naturels (froid, saleté, pollution, effluents, etc.). Comme véhicule, ce travail utilise la domestication de l'eau dans le monde occidental, et analyse le processus historico-géographique par lequel la nature est devenue ‘l'autre’ pour la maison bourgeoise, tout en expliquant l'apport de cette séparation dans l'élaboration conceptuelle de la maison comme ‘enveloppe spatiale’ distincte et autonome, censée être préservée des processus sociaux-naturels. Ainsi appara06t une contradiction intrinsèque: malgré d'intenses efforts visant à‘l'altérité’ et l'exclusion de la nature dans le principe, la fonction et la familiarité de la maison dépendent de plus en plus de la production de nature. L'ensemble complexe de réseaux sociaux-naturels, tuyaux et c09bles qui amènent une nature nettoyée, fabriquée, banalisée à l'intérieur et expulsent la nature mauvaise, métabolisée à l'extérieur de la maison bourgeoise, restent éliminés visuellement. Pourtant, c'est cette même socio-nature exclue qui constitue la base matérielle sur laquelle se construit l'intimité de cet espace. Donc, dans un acte simultané de besoin et rejet, la maison bourgeoise continue d'héberger les éléments qu'elle essaie d'exclure. Cette contradiction émerge lors des crises (coupures de courant, explosion de canalisations et pénuries d'eau, par exemple) quand les objets familiers revêtent des qualités surnaturelles. Alors, la continuité des processus sociaux et matériels qui génèrent l'espace domestique est subitement mise en lumière, l'occupant se trouvant confrontéà son aliénation, au sein de son environnement le plus intime.
[33] Lagerqvist M.2014.

The importance of an old rural cottage: Media representation and the construction of a national idyll in post-war Sweden

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 36: 33-41.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Second-homes are vital parts of the encountering of the rural in the Western World. The way they are perceived in society is important to explore as it can influence how and by whom this part of the rural is used. This paper explores the media construction of a specific type of second-homes in Sweden; cottages that since the 1950s have transformed from poor smallholdings to beloved second-homes. Besides being lived spaces, these cottages have become well known features of rural Sweden, symbols of national identity and described by media as rural idylls. They can be seen as having a cultural centrality in the revaluation of rurality and the shift towards post-productivist countryside in Sweden. But how could this type of humble cottage become so significant and what does the image of it really imply? This is studied through a discourse analysis of the representation of these cottages in a monthly home magazine from 1956 to 2008 with a particular interest in the production and naturalisation of them as important rural artefacts and national symbols. The paper discusses how material and immaterial dimensions have interacted in this construction process as well as possible social implications of the representations. Conclusively, the representations construct a restricted image of cottages and their users and of why cottages are important and should be taken care of. These representations are building on values, ideas and norms embedded in a highlighted and particular materiality which makes these seem innocent, natural and common sense. By exploring this the paper contributes to the wider inquiry into the discursive construction of the rural where seemingly innocent and natural ways of representing places, people and artefacts can produce strong and excluding norms and values regarding the rural and its users and uses.
[34] Lorimer H.2005.

Cultural geography: The busyness of being 'more-than-representational'

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 29(1): 83-94.

https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132505ph531pr      URL      摘要

Discusses the nonrepresentational research on cultural geography. Analysis on actions attributed to changes in human behavior; Details on the different lineage of cultural-social studies of work; Impact of human emotions on the shaping of cultural geography.
[35] Massey D.1995. Imagining the world[C]//Allen J, Massey D. Geographical worlds. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Moore J.2000.

Placing home in context

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20(3): 207-218.

https://doi.org/10.1006/jevp.2000.0178      URL      摘要

The concept of has been the focus of three decades of research within environmental psychology. Despite this awareness, there has been a lack of critical or innovative theories and methods to examine. In recent years, there has been a call for a reappraisal of the concept.
[37] Morrison C A.2012.

Heterosexuality and home: Intimacies of space and spaces of touch

[J]. Emotion, Space and Society, 5(1): 10-18.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2010.09.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper uses the notion of touch to understand further the production of heterosexual bodies and home spaces. Specifically, it argues that the everyday geographies of heterosexual touch are an important constituent of homemaking. Considering the ordinary acts of heterosexual touch and home encourages a more nuanced reading of the mutually constitutive relationship between bodies and space. It challenges normative notions about the naturalness and normality of heterosexuality. Drawing on data from joint semi-structured interviews, solicited diaries and self-directed photography with 14 women in heterosexual relationships who live in Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand, I offer an in-depth, critical and nuanced analysis of sexualised touch. Building on suggestions that touch is more than simply cutaneous contact, I show that heterosexual bodies touch and feel bodies, spaces and objects in a variety of ways.
[38] Pain R.2009.

Globalized fear? Towards an emotional geopolitics

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 33(4): 466-486.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132508104994      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper questions the recent recasting of fear within critical geopolitics. It identifies a widespread metanarrative, 'globalized fear', analysis of which lacks grounding and is remote, disembodied and curiously unemotional. A hierarchical scaling of emotions, politics and place overlooks agency, resistance and action. Drawing on feminist scholarship, I call for an emotional geopolitics of fear which connects political processes and everyday emotional topographies in a less hierarchical, more enabling relationship. I employ conscientization as a tool to inform the reconceptualization of global fears within critical geopolitics, and to move forward epistemological practice and our relationship as scholars with social change.
[39] Palmer L.2004.

Bushwalking in Kakadu: A study of cultural borderlands

[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 5(1): 109-127.

https://doi.org/10.1080/1464936042000181344      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the relationship between the contested domains of Aboriginal traditional owners and non‐Aboriginal Park users, specifically bushwalkers, in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory of Australia. It argues that Kakadu remains a cultural borderland where a negotiated relationship between local Aboriginal traditional owners and non‐Aboriginal Park users is struggling to emerge. It finds that the rhetoric of Aboriginal/non‐Aboriginal co‐existence, which pervades the Park, is infused by the legacy of a colonial settler state, which has presumed access to territory, marginalized Indigenous people and obviated their social and cultural landscape in favour of an expansionist aesthetic of wilderness preservation and appreciation. This paper finds that the activities of bushwalkers and the concerns that these activities generate in the local Aboriginal domain produce a novel space where place is contested and transformed, a space of negotiation and resistance where people's cherished values both compete with and influence one another.
[40] Pinkerton A, Benwel M.2014.

Rethinking popular geopolitics in the Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty dispute: Creative diplomacy and citizen statecraft

[J]. Political Geography, 38(1): 12-22.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2013.10.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract For more than twenty years popular geopolitics has proven an intriguing and fruitful field of research. It has spurred a lasting interest in everything from movies to stamps as important cultural artefacts that reveal to their audiences the geopolitical visions of their producers. This paper, however, brings into question the ‘popularity’ of popular geopolitics. Using recent examples from the ongoing dispute over the Falkland Islands, we examine the influence of social media and the associated flourishing of ‘citizen statecraft’ which, through its production of geopolitical knowledges, hints at the possibilities of a genuinely popular geopolitics 2.0. We also examine how creative practices, understood in myriad ways in relation to ‘statecraft’, work to unsettle and complicate previously tidy geopolitical categories of the ‘popular’, the ‘formal’, and the ‘practical’. We suggest, by way of conclusion, that ‘citizen statecraft’ may be productive in the flourishing of new modes of international dialogue between communities in dispute.
[41] Power E R.2008.

Furry families: Making a human-dog family through home

[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(5): 535-555.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14649360802217790      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The last fifty years have seen dogs increasingly drawn into the home as family members. While the health and social implications of these relatings have been the focus of much research, the everyday practices by which more-than-human families are constituted have received little attention. The paper draws on interviews with, and diaries recorded by, new dog owners in 2006–2007. It highlights three ways that dogs became family in and through the home. First, describing dogs as ‘furry children’, participants emphasised the time spent caring for dogs. Second, engaging with dogs as ‘pack animals’, participants discussed an inherent ‘otherness’ that shaped family relations, and reconceptualised the human-family as a pack relation. Third, the individual agency of dogs was recognised as shaping family and home. However, these familial relatings were often tenuous as humans were faced with the particular character and ‘otherness’ of dogs. While the majority experienced a strengthening of family ties following the introduction of a dog, a number of individuals discussed the divisive impact of this experience. The paper extends debates about family and home, broadening family beyond biological relations to include more-than-human relationships forged through cohabitation and interaction.
[42] Power E R.2009.

Border-processes and homemaking: Encounters with possums in suburban Australian homes

[J]. Cultural Geographies, 16(1): 29-54.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1474474008097979      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Ruptures in borders that materially and conceptually separate western homes from nature, nonhumans and the outside have been conceptualized as disrupting and destabilizing home, and provoking a sense of anxiety in homemakers. This paper argues that border ruptures can also contribute to feelings of homeyness at a number of scales. Everyday experiences of border-making and rupture at home are explored through the accounts of 24 residents of suburban Sydney who have lived with uninvited brushtail possums in the wall and ceiling cavities of their homes. Human residents primarily encountered possums through sound and smell-scapes that permeated homes' immediate physical borders. These events at times unsettled home's human residents, but also simultaneously contributed to residents' feelings of belonging within home, the urban environment and the nation. The paper particularly attends to the role of nonhuman agency in processes of border-making and rupture at home, focusing on the activity of brushtail possums as well as the role that less evidently active structures like walls and ceilings play in mediating human-possum interactions.
[43] Ralph D, Staeheli L A.2011.

Home and migration: Mobilities, belongings and identities

[J]. Geography Compass, 5(7): 517-530.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-8198.2011.00434.x      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

ABSTRACT Geographers deploy a panoply of theories and techniques to effectively study the meanings that migrants attach to their mobility and settlement experiences. In particular, the emergence of transnationalism as a major analytic tool offers scholars fresh insights into the ways in which migrants maintain ties to their places of origin, while simultaneously adapting to their new environments. Surprisingly, what remains assumed, more often than interrogated, in much writing on migrants&rsquo; transnational settlement experiences is how they make sense of the concept of home. This is perplexing, given the centrality that questions over home&rsquo;s meaning occupy in the migration process, as well as the importance of home as a focus of geographical inquiry. Our review focuses on recent migration research that examines migrants&rsquo; engagement with the notion of home. We suggest that in the rush to conceptualise novel transnational configurations of people&ndash;place relationships, some researchers overemphasise the shifting and mobile meanings that migrants give to home, while underplaying the resilience of its stable, bounded and fixed interpretations. We contend that the challenge for those studying migration today is to conceptualise together this tension between home&rsquo;s mobile and sedentarist aspects.
[44] Reid K, Beilin R.2015.

Making the landscape "home": Narratives of bushfire and place in Australia

[J]. Geoforum, 58: 95-103.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.10.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This study investigated how the meaning of ‘home’ influences the social construction of bushfire in two Australian communities at high risk. An increasing number of Australians are living in proximity to areas of high bushfire risk due to climate, vegetation and demographic changes. Land and Fire Management Agencies recognise an urgent need to understand what motivates residents to take action to mitigate bushfire risk, and individual decisions whether or not to evacuate when bushfire is imminent. In bushfire policy and management, the home is considered to be synonymous with the house and associated built structures. Using a combination of visual and ethnographic research methods, we ‘mapped’ residents’ understanding of ‘home’. The findings suggest that the concept of ‘home’ embraces more than the private spaces of house and garden. Landscape practices such as gardening with indigenous plant species, ecological restoration, and habitual walking extend the home territory beyond the house and garden and into public landscapes. Physical elements of the landscape such as mountains and locally significant species of trees form part of the ‘imaginary’ of home. These findings are important to the on-going study of the meaning of home. The implications are also significant for land and bushfire managers as they suggest that community education programs that focus solely on the house may fail to connect with people’s wider sense of home in the landscape.
[45] Reid L, Smith N.1993.

John Wayne meets Donald trump: The lower east side as wild wild west

[M]//Kearns G, Philo C. Selling places: The city as cultural capital, past and present. Oxford, UK: Pergamon, 193-209.

[本文引用: 1]     

[46] Su X B.2014.

Tourism, modernity and the consumption of home in China

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39(1): 50-61.

https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12013      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Tourists have long been neglected in the literature on home and mobility, although they constitute a massive mobile population within and across national borders. Addressing this gap, this paper advances geography's critical engagement with home in relation to mobility and modernity, and questions the binary distinction between home and unhomeliness in tourist mobility. It focuses on the alienation of Chinese modernity and how one group of domestic tourists negotiates this alienation through their imagination and consumption of home in a popular tourist site (i.e. Lijiang, a World Heritage site in Yunnan province) within the context of China's transformation, which started in 1978. This paper has two objectives. First, it examines why home is woven into the touristic imagination of Lijiang; and second, it links tourists' personal experiences with China's broad sociospatial transformation in order to explore individuals' resistance against and compliance with modernity. I argue that the imagination and consumption of home generates intensely contradictory configurations of struggle that simultaneously push tourists towards an ideal of home for inner freedom and premodern paradise, yet pull them back into the whirling vortex of ‘modern’ life and commercial forces. The paper sheds light on micro‐geographies of people's lives in the context of China's rapid transformation.
[47] Thrift N.1996.

Spatial formations

[M]. London, UK: Sage.

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[48] Thrift N.2008.

Non-representational theory: Space, politics, affect

[M]. London, UK: Routledge.

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[49] Tolia-Kelly D P.2004.

Materializing post-colonial geographies: Examining the textural landscapes of migration in the South Asian home

[J]. Geoforum, 35(6): 675-688.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.02.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper considers the role of visual cultures in understanding the value of landscape to post-colonial migrants living in Britain. The paper also considers these visual cultures as prismatic devices which refract lived landscapes of South Asia and East Africa into British domestic scene. The visual cultures are investigated using a materialist lens. They are positioned as materials that allow embodied connections to landscapes experienced pre-migration, including sensory connections with past homes, natures and family life. These then become artefacts symbolising relationships with past landscapes, made meaningful in their presence in Britain homes. Using this materialist lens, visual cultures in the British Asian home, such as photographs, pictures, and paintings, are given meaning and value beyond their textual content. This paper is an exercise in reading visual cultures in the everyday through a materialist lens which allows for an examination of their place in the process of `making home' for South Asian women in Britain. In particular, objects presence the migratory experience of the South Asian community, importing `other' landscapes (previously shaped by colonial governance) into Britain, and help to shape environmental values, landscape imaginaries and South Asian landscapes of belonging in the post-colonial period.
[50] Walters T, Carr N.2015.

Second homes as sites for the consumption of luxury

[J]. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 15(2): 130-141.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1467358414567800      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper provides a critical longitudinal analysis of media representations of luxury in second homes in New Zealand and is designed to assess the validity of traditional definitions of second homes as anti-consumerist and the identification of &lsquo;luxury&rsquo; second homes as a recent phenomenon. Using a thematic analysis of Home New Zealand magazine since its inception in 1936, this paper finds that second homes in New Zealand have always been sites for the consumption of luxury, as evidenced through representations of luxury in architectural design features, interior decoration and outdoor elements in the magazine. Generalised portrayals of second homes as anti-consumerist are therefore shown to be flawed. Furthermore, the paper finds that the architect-designed second home with its markers of luxury has existed since at least the mid-1930s in New Zealand and is therefore not a new phenomenon. The findings of this paper suggest that home and lifestyle magazines may be a valuable resource for second home research as they both influence and reflect societal values.
