地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (12): 1459-1472 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.003

Orginal Article


洪学婷, 张宏梅*

安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院,安徽 芜湖 241003

Progress of environmentally responsible behavior research and its enlightenment to China

HONG Xueting, ZHANG Hongmei*

College of Territorial Resources and Tourism Management, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, Anhui, China

通讯作者:  张宏梅(1969-),女,安徽肥东人,教授,主要从事旅游目的地营销、旅游消费行为、跨文化管理等方面研究, E-mail:hongmei_221@qq.com

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41371161,41571133)





随着可持续发展理念的普及,环境责任行为的研究受到越来越多的关注。为了全面了解环境责任行为研究的知识基础、研究热点和研究趋势,本文以1990-2016年“Web of Science”数据库中4675篇环境责任行为相关文献为研究对象,借助引文可视化软件CiteSpace工具,绘制了共引期刊、共引作者、共引文献、共现关键词和突现词知识图谱。从文献计量统计分析来看,环境责任行为研究领域的知识基础包括“价值—信念—规范理论”、“计划行为理论”、“规范激活理论”、“环境责任行为模式”、“多因素整合模式”以及“新生态范式”量表等;环境责任行为主要围绕环境关心、环境关心的社会基础、影响环境行为的因素、测量量表以及理论模型构建等方面展开;研究趋势主要包括应对全球气候变化与可持续发展、环境责任行为预测指标的转移倾向、环境责任行为影响因素纵深发展、理论模型的建构以及对实践的指导。最后展望了环境责任行为在中国的研究方向,包括对现有理论的梳理评述、构建适合中国文化背景理论、跨学科多角度研究、着重情景因素的研究、干预政策的制定、环境行为的细分及其影响因素研究、测量工具的开发以及研究方法的创新等方面,为中国进一步开展环境责任行为研究奠定基础。

关键词: 环境责任行为 ; 引文可视化软件 ; 知识图谱 ; 环境关心 ; 影响因素


As the concept of sustainability becomes widely adopted, research on environmentally responsible behavior receives broad attention. In order to examine the knowledge base, hotspots, and tend of development of environmentally responsible behavior research, this article analyzes 4675 papers related to environmentally responsible behavior from the Web of Science database between 1990 and 2016 to map knowledge domains of co-citation journals, authors, and papers and co-current key words and burst key words by the aid of CiteSpace—a free Java application for visualizing and analyzing trends and patterns in scientific literature. The results show that: the knowledge bases in the field of responsible environmental behavior include "value-belief-norm theory," "theory of planned behavior," "norm activation model," "model of responsible environmental behavior," "multi-factor integration model," and the "new ecological paradigm." The research mainly focused on environmental concern, social basis of environmental concern, influencing factors of environmentally responsible behavior, measurement, and the construction of theoretical models. The research trends mainly include strategies for coping with global climate change and sustainable development, shifting trend of predictive indices of environmentally responsible behavior, development of factors that influence environmentally responsible behavior, construction of theoretical models of environmentally responsible behavior, and guiding practice through environmental policy development and design. The article concludes by summarizing and providing a glimpse into the future direction of Chinese research on environmentally responsible behavior, including a review of the existing theory, developing theories suitable for China's cultural background, studying in different scientific fields and with different perspectives, studies focusing on situational factors, intervention policy making, studying the subdivisions of environmental behavior and its influencing factors, development of measurements, as well as research methods innovation, so as to lay a foundation for further research on environmentally responsible behavior in China.

Keywords: environmentally responsible behavior ; CiteSpace ; knowledge map ; environmental concern ; influencing factor


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洪学婷, 张宏梅. 国外环境责任行为研究进展及对中国的启示[J]. , 2016, 35(12): 1459-1472 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.003

HONG Xueting, ZHANG Hongmei. Progress of environmentally responsible behavior research and its enlightenment to China[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(12): 1459-1472 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.12.003

1 引言

20世纪50-60年代环境污染爆发,环境公害泛滥,引发社会对环境问题的广泛关注(姜立杰, 2002)。与公众不断增长的环境关心相伴随的则是学术界对环境责任行为研究的增长。20世纪60-70年代,环境心理学、环境教育学、环境社会学等学科开始介入环境责任行为的研究(Stern, 2000)。因各研究领域缺乏交流,对环境责任行为的概念形成了不同的表述(Hines et al, 1987),如环境责任行为(environmentally responsible behavior)、环境意义行为(environmentally significant behavior)、负责任环境行为(responsible environmental behavior)、亲环境行为(pro-environmental behavior)、环境友好行为(environmentally friendly behavior)和生态行为(ecological behavior)。国内学者早期多使用“环境保护行为”的概念,随着知识的积累,“环境责任行为”的概念使用越来越频繁。国内外学者都对环境责任行为概念进行了界定(Axelrod et al, 1993; Stern, 2000; Kollmuss et al, 2002; 武春友等, 2006; 范钧等, 2014)。虽然概念的界定和表述存在差异,但核心内涵相近,即都强调个体主动保护环境的行为。

20世纪70年代以来,国外学者就环境责任行为理论与实践进行了大量研究,研究内容主要涉及:①环境关心和环境行为的测量(Maloney et al, 1973; Dunlap et al, 1978b; Weigel et al, 1978);②环境关心和环境行为的影响因素,包括环境关心的社会基础因素(性别、年龄、居住地、社会阶层、政治),内在因素(环境知识、环境态度、价值观、责任感),外部情景因素(政策、情景、人际影响、法律),结构性因素(文化差异、政策变迁、阶层分化、信息分割)等;③环境责任行为相关理论模型,如“计划行为理论”、“价值—信念—规范理论”、“多因素整合模型”、“环境责任行为模型”;④促进环境责任行为的方法策略。

国内环境责任行为研究较少,20世纪90年代才开始起步。研究内容主要涉及环境意识测量(洪大用, 2005; 吕君等, 2009);环境知识、环境态度、亲近自然旅游动机等与环境行为的关系研究(祁秋寅等, 2009; 余晓婷等, 2015)。总体来说,国外的相关研究成果丰富,内容涉及面广,国内研究在数量和质量上都有待加强。本文期望借助知识图谱探寻国外环境责任行为研究现状,客观揭示该研究领域具有影响力的期刊和作者,了解该领域高引文献和研究热点,理清关键知识节点,推测研究趋势,以期拓宽环境责任行为研究的眼界与思路,为国内该领域的相关研究提供参考和借鉴。

总结和归纳是人类不断发展进步的手段之一,而在信息时代,海量信息的获取和处理能力也大大增强。借助于科学计量学、数据和信息可视化发展起来的引文可视化软件CiteSpace,通过数据挖掘、处理、计量、绘制等步骤,可实现用图形表达知识的目的(刘则渊等, 2009)。目前,CiteSpace在国际研究中主要应用于计算机科学、信息和图书馆学、工程以及商业经济领域。CiteSpace在国内的应用主要集中在图书馆与档案管理、管理科学与工程、教育学以及高新技术领域,尤其是具体技术专利(李杰等, 2016)。自然科学和社会科学领域研究均可利用CiteSpace进行分析。然而国内缺少对环境责任行为的综述研究和知识梳理,更缺乏利用权威性的“Web of Science”数据库对国外环境责任行为的研究现状和热点进行总结的文章,因此本文尝试将CiteSpace信息可视化分析方法引入环境责任行为研究领域,更客观地揭示该领域的研究现状和热点,以便更好地进行深入研究。

2 研究方法

2.1 数据来源

“Web of Science”是全球最大、覆盖学科最全的科学引文索引数据库,其中包括自然科学引文索引(Science Citation Index Expanded, SCI)、社会科学引文索引(Social Sciences Citation Index, SSCI)和艺术与人文引文索引(Arts & Humanities Citation Index, A & HCI)三大数据库。目前提供超过9000多种国际性、高影响力的学术期刊,超过10亿篇可供检索和引用的参考文献。另外,“Web of Science”文献收录信息全面、完整、准确、兼容性较高,为文献格式的转换和分析带来了方便。本文基于“Web of Science”中的核心合集(包括SCI和SSCI数据库),检索1990-2016年发表的环境责任行为相关文献,根据环境责任行为在英语中不同的表述方式,使用的数据检索策略为:主题等于“environment* significant behavio*” or“environment* concern” or“pro-environment* behavio*”or“responsible environment* behavio*”or“environment* responsible behavio*”or“environment* friendly behavio*”or“environment* sustainable behavio*”or“ecological behavio*”。至20世纪70年代末,关于“环境关心”的实证研究已经接近300篇(Dunlap et al, 1978a),environment concern作为环境责任行为研究的核心概念也被纳入检索策略中。根据“Web of Science”的基本检索规则,主题检索通常只要所检索的词汇出现在标题、摘要或关键词中,结果就会被检索到;*为通配符,表示其任何形式的词语都可以检索,如“behavior”“behaviour”“behaviors”;加引号表示检索包含精确检索词的记录;输入带连字号或不带连字号的检索词,可以检索用连字号连接的单词和短语,如输入“pro-environmental behavior”可查找包括“pro-environmental behavior”和“pro environmental behavior”的记录。利用“Web of Science”数据库自带的筛选功能对文献进行细分,文献类型选择“Article”“Proceeding Paper”和“Review”,出版时间选择“1990-2016年”。将检索结果保存,保存记录内容选择“全纪录与引用的参考文献”,保存格式选择纯文本。对数据进行过滤与去重预处理,最终得到4675条检索记录,数据采集日期是2016年10月28日。

2.2 研究工具

由美国德雷赛大学计算机与情报学教授陈超美应用Java语言开发设计的CiteSpace可视化应用软件是一个实用的处理文献数据的工具,具有强大引文分析功能强,可视化程度高,特别是对于探测研究领域的前沿及趋势,具有较强的分析功能(引自刘则渊等, 2008)。本文使用CiteSpace 4.0 R5版本,通过共引用期刊、共引用作者、共引文献、共现关键词以及突现词科学图谱,展示环境责任行为研究领域的知识基础、研究热点和研究趋势。共被引分析(co-citation analysis)是指2篇文献共同出现在第3篇施引文献的参考目录中,则这2篇文献形成共被引关系(Small, 1973)。基本的参考文献单元还包括作者以及期刊信息,因此,还可以进行作者和期刊共引分析(White et al, 1981)。CiteSpace中年轮环的颜色代表相应的引文时间;年轮环厚度代表相应时间段内的引用频次;年轮环整体大小反映被引用频次,并与引用频次成正比。年轮环之间存在共被引关系用连线表示,连线的颜色表示第一次共被引的时间,连线的粗细表示年轮环节点之间关系的强弱(宋涛等, 2016; 张娟等, 2016)。存在紫色外圈包围的年轮环节点往往与其他节点之间存在广泛联系,或是研究的转折点,需要重点关注和分析(辛伟等, 2014)。

3 结果与分析

3.1 环境责任行为发文量的时间分析

环境责任行为的研究从20世纪70年代开始,经历了近半个世纪的发展历程。图1是根据以上检索策略,检索收录在“Web of Science”数据库中的历年环境责任行为研究发文量。从图中可以看出环境责任行为的研究经历了缓慢发展时期—稳定增长时期—快速发展时期3个发展阶段。1971-1990年是缓慢发展时期,20世纪70年代出现了环境责任行为的研究,但每年发表的文献数量较少。在20世纪70年代的美国,环境问题在政策议程上获得了突出的位置,受到关注的主要问题往往是空气和水的污染,美学价值上的损失和资源(特别是能源)的保护(Dunlap et al, 2000)。环境问题成为学者广泛关注的领域。对环境行为有兴趣的研究已经扩展到了更宽泛的学术领域,例如,教育学、心理学、社会学、工程学、政治学、商业、林业、通信(Borden, 1977)。环境责任行为的研究,在20世纪70年代末-80年代已经出现蓬勃发展的态势(Hines et al, 1987)。多种理论的提出奠定了环境行为的研究基础,也给未来的研究指明了方向。1991-2004年经历了稳定增长期,环境责任行为研究的发文量有了稳定增长,约为每年30篇。这一期间,环境责任行为领域的研究已经呈现出预热的景象。2005-2016年是快速发展时期,2015年发文数量达到了500多篇,这一时期的环境责任行为领域出现了一个相对繁荣的时期。环境责任行为的年出版文献数量可反映相应时间段内的研究情况,随着环境行为研究基础的不断加强,环境责任行为的研究方向会更多样、研究成果更为丰富,发文量也将持续增长。

图1   1970-2016年环境责任行为研究发文量(数据截止日期为2016年10月28日)

Fig.1   The number of published papers on environmentally responsible behavior, 1970-2016

3.2 环境责任行为的共被引期刊分析

在CiteSpace的功能与参数页设置相关参数:时间跨度设置从1990-2016年,时间间隔为每5年1个阶段;CiteSpace中阈值选择提供了多种数据筛选的策略,首推最简单的Top N选择,即在每个时区中选择前N个高频出现的节点(陈悦等, 2015),阈值调整为Top10,即显示每个时间间隔内前10个节点;网络连线强度计算用Cosine算法,修正算法选择Pathfinder(寻径网络)进行裁剪,其他选择默认设置。下文中涉及到软件具体操作的阈值设定等方法基本相同,不再赘述。运行软件后对节点位置进行调整得到知识图谱(图2)。

图2   1990-2016年环境责任行为共引期刊图谱

Fig.2   Co-cited journals of environmentally responsible behavior, 1990-2016

图2可以发现,《环境与行为》(Environment and Behavior)期刊的年轮厚度最大,被引用频数也是最高,达到1465次。《环境与行为》是1969年起发行的双月学术期刊,主要刊载自然环境和心理恢复、亲环境行为和行为改变、环境感知和认知等方面文章。根据2015年汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)®的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports, JRC),《环境和行为》的影响因子为2.892,且呈逐年增长趋势。根据颜色显示可看出,《环境和行为》节点的年轮环呈蓝色—绿色—黄色—红色的渐变发展,时间持续较长,表明从期刊发行至今一直持续被引用。且《环境与行为》期刊的中心度(Centrality)较高(中心度是指节点在整体网络中所起连接作用大小的度量),其值为0.71,说明该期刊与其他期刊之间的联系较为紧密,为环境责任行为领域的重要学术高地。

另一个突出的节点是《环境心理学杂志》(Journal of Environmental Psychology),该期刊主要研究人和自然环境之间的关系,包括建筑和自然环境、自然和自然资源的使用和滥用以及可持续发展相关行为。该期刊的年轮厚度也较大,在选取文献中被引频次约为1228次,中心度为0.38。《环境心理学杂志》于1980年在英国创刊,根据2015年发布的期刊引证报告,期刊的影响因子达到2.647。作为该领域的重要论坛,《环境心理学杂志》反映了环境心理学的科学发展。从发展脉络来看,该期刊的年轮环呈现蓝色—绿色—黄色—红色的渐变发展,引用度逐年增加,主要引用年份为2010-2015年。《环境心理学杂志》与《环境与行为》期刊成为环境责任行为研究领域2种较权威的学术研究期刊。引用频率较高的期刊还有《社会问题学报》(Journal of Social Issues)、《环境教育杂志》(The Journal of Environmental Education)、《应用社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Applied Social Psychology)、《人格与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)、《环境科学与技术》(Environmental Science and Technology)、科学(Science)等,均为环境责任行为研究相关的期刊。其中《环境科学与技术》是环境科学研究领域著名刊物。《科学》作为全世界最权威的自然科学综合学术期刊之一,被引用频次也较高。从环境行为共引用期刊可分析,环境责任行为研究领域的期刊涉及心理学、社会学、教育学等方面,并在上述研究领域产生了系列成果,大大扩充了环境责任行为研究的学科和理论基础。心理学、社会学、教育学以及行为学成为环境责任行为研究生存发展的土壤。

3.3 环境责任行为的高引作者分析


图3   1990-2016年环境责任行为共引作者图谱

Fig.3   Co-cited authors of environmentally responsible behavior, 1990-2016

图3显示,处在图谱中心位置的最大节点作者是Stern。美国国家顾问委员会专家Stern共被引用了821次,并保持着递增的态势,中心性达到了1.14,说明与其他学者之间有广泛共被引关系。作为环境行为研究领域的重要学术成果专家,Stern(2000)认为:心理学是理解人们如何解释关于环境的信息,以及如何在理解的基础上进行反应的最有效途径之一,并从价值观的角度,提出了“价值—信念—规范理论”(Value-Belief-Norm theory, VBN),以阐释环境责任行为产生的路径,其研究理论已成为环境责任行为研究领域的重要理论成果。

被引频次排名第2位的作者是环境社会学的重要创始人之一Dunlap,共被引次数达到677。Dunlap已经发表了160多篇实证研究论文,著有不少环境社会学相关手册和书籍,对环境社会学研究领域作出了卓越贡献。其对环境责任行为研究领域的贡献主要包括对环境关心的研究:1978年Dunlap等(1978b)提出“新环境范式”(new environmental paradigm, NEP)理论,开发并设计了测量环境关心的量表。因为有学者对量表的适用性和一致性提出质疑,2000年Dunlap等(2000)重新修订了“新环境范式”量表,改名为“新生态范式”(new ecological paradigm, NEP)量表,并弥补了原来量表存在的缺陷。他通过设计开发测量环境关心的量表,为环境行为的研究提供了方法论指导。

另外一个突出的节点作者是美国马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)心理学荣誉教授Ajzen,其研究领域主要涉及态度,以及态度和行为关系。他的研究成果被引用了605次,中心性为0.17。Ajzen(1991)的“计划行为理论”(theory of planned behavior, TPB)通过心理学视角解读人类行为发生这项复杂的活动,被广泛应用于环境责任行为研究领域。TPB理论在“理性行为理论”基础上增加知觉行为控制因素,认为直接决定个人环境行为的主要因素是行为意向和知觉行为控制,同时也强调了情景因素的限制作用。心理学领域的TPB理论为环境责任行为的研究奠定了重要的理论基础。

其他较为突出的作者有Schultz、Schwartz、Bamberg、Kaiser等。作为加利福尼亚州立大学(California State University)的教授,Schultz主要研究环境心理学、社会规范等,其研究成果被引用频次达到527次。Schultz等(2007)通过实验法验证了规范信息可促进家庭节能,进而证明社会规范是影响环境行为的重要因素。Schwartz是希伯来大学(The Hebrew University)教授,也是社会心理学家,跨文化研究者。他在总结分析多位学者的价值观和需求理论后提出了“斯沃茨价值观测量工具”(Schwartz,1992),在环境行为领域,价值观被认为是影响环境行为的重要因素,因而广为运用。另外其提出的“规范激活理论”(Schwartz, 1970, 1973, 1977)在解释个体环境行为方面被广泛运用。Bamberg是德国比勒费尔德应用科学大学(University of Applied Science Bielefeld)教授、心理学家,Bamberg 等(2007)在Hines的“负责任的环境行为模式”的基础上综合“规范—激活理论”和“计划行为理论”,利用元分析,提炼出“多因素整合模式”。Kaiser是德国马格德堡大学(Otto-von-Guericke University)教授,主要研究态度行为一致性、环境心理学、环境社会学。Kaiser等(1999)通过结构方程模型建构了环境态度和环境价值观影响生态行为的模型。Dietz为社会学家、密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的教授,主要研究气候变化、人类生态学、环境社会学,并与Stern、Guagnano等学者合作较多,研究成果较多关于价值观和环境关心与环境责任行为。Steg为格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)心理学教授,他通过文献回顾了环境责任行为的影响因素,并设计和应用干预措施来减少负面的环境行为(Steg et al, 2009)。上述学者是对环境责任行为研究有较大贡献的知识源泉作者,他们共同推进了环境责任行为研究的进展。

3.4 环境责任行为共引文献分析


图4可知,在引文网络中,Stern(Stern et al, 1993; Stern et al, 1994; Stern, Dietz et al, 1995; Stern, Kalof et al, 1995; Stern et al, 1999; Stern, 2000)发表的文章引用频次较高。其中,他于2000发表在《社会问题学报》(Journal of Social Issues)上的“环境意义行为的连贯理论”(Toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior)这篇文献,共被引用频数达到385次,成为共引文献图谱中最大的节点。该文讨论了环境意义行为的定义;对环境意义行为分类并指出原因;评估环境保护主义的研究理论,整合了以往相关理论并阐述了VBN理论;论述了环境关心和环境行为之间的关系;总结证明了决定和改变环境意义行为的因素。VBN理论结合“价值观理论”、“规范激活理论”和“新环境范式理论”,并通过因果链连接5个影响环境行为的变量,分别为:个人价值观(生态主义、利他主义、利己主义)、生态世界观、负面结果评估(adverse consequences for valued objects, AC)、感知到的减少威胁的能力(perceived ability to reduce threat, AR)和个人规范。如图5所示,价值观影响信念,信念影响个人规范,最后通过个人规范促进环境责任行为的发生,这条因果链中的变量可直接影响下一个变量,也可直接影响因果链更下一层的变量。AC和AR越高,环境责任行为的个人规范越容易被激活。其中利己主义价值观对环境行为起着负向作用。另外Stern(2000)在Guagnano等(1995)提出的ABC理论(ABC理论认为行为(behavior)是个人态度变量(attitude)和外部因素(external conditions)共同作用的产物)基础上,总结了影响环境行为的因素为:态度因素(规范、信念、价值观)、情景因素(人际交往的影响、社会期望、广告、政府法规、金钱激励和成本等)、个人能力(知识、特定行动技能、时间允许、一般能力和资源如素质、金钱、社会地位和权力、社会人口变量)、习惯或程序。通过对影响环境行为因素的综合整理,对环境责任行为的理解有重要参考价值。VBN理论将价值观纳入理论模型,拓宽了环境行为的研究内容,且其理论在诸多研究中得到检验和运用(Steg et al, 2005; Han, 2015)。

图4   1990-2016年环境责任行为共引文献图谱

Fig.4   Co-cited papers of environmentally responsible behavior, 1990-2016

另外一个值得关注的节点是Ajzen(1991)发表在《组织行为与人类决策过程》(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)中的“计划行为理论”(The theory of planned behavior)这篇文献。TPB理论认为,人的行为是经过深思熟路的结果,该理论成为最常用和最有影响力的解释人类行为的理论之一,也是心理学领域关于态度和行为关系的较为成熟的理论。Ajzen(1991)在“理性行为理论”(Fishbein et al, 1975)的基础上提出感知行为控制变量,并指出行为可以直接由行为意向和感知行为控制变量决定。


在共被引图谱中较大节点的还有Dunlap作为第一作者于1978和2000年分别发表在《环境教育期刊》(Journal of Environmental Education)和《社会问题杂志》(Journal of Social Issues)上的“新环境范式”(The “new environmental paradigm”)和“新生态环境范式被支持程度的测量:修订的新环境范式量表”(Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm: A revised NEP scale)(Dunlap et al, 1978b; Dunlap et al, 2000)这2篇文献。这2篇文献的被引用频次分别为249和306次。Dunlap等(1978b)发表了“新环境范式”,到20世纪90年代,NEP量表已经成为了全世界应用最广的测量环境关心的量表,已被应用于数百篇文献、数十个国家(Stern, Dietz et al, 1995)。文章的核心内容在于设计具有较高信度和效度的环境关心量表。该量表从一般意义层次探测个人的环境关心程度,分别从对“增长极限”“生态平衡”“人类与自然关系”的看法3个方面考察个人的环境关心。随着时间的推移,NEP量表为越来越多的人所使用,但学术界对该量表的质疑和争议声不断(Albrecht et al, 1982; Scott et al, 1994)。多年后,随着知识储备的增长和新环境问题的出现,Dunlap等(2000)重新修订了NEP量表,在原来的12个题项基础上变更为15个题项,并在原有维度基础上增加了2个维度:对“人类例外主义”的看法和对“生态环境危机”的看法。修订过的NEP量表具有更好的内部结构,并在全世界得到了广泛的应用,但是使用者对于其评价仍然不一。总体来看,NEP量表在全世界的学术影响力较大,成为测量环境关心使用最广泛的量表,也是环境行为研究领域最重要的方法类成果之一。

图5   价值—信念—规范理论(Stern, 2000)

Fig.5   Theory of value-belief-norm (Stern, 2000)

在共被引图谱中,van Liere的节点也较明显。van Liere等(1980)发表在《公共舆论季刊》(Public Opinion Quarterly)中的文献“环境关心的社会基础:假设,解释和实证研究综述”(The social bases of environmental concern: A review of hypotheses, explanations and empirical evidence),引用次数达到232次,中心性为0.71。该文对社会人口统计变量和环境行为之间的5个假设进行了总结论证,并通过前人的研究证实了基本观点(van Liere et al, 1980)。因该文发表时间较早,又是综述文献,对环境关心的社会基础进行了充分的解释,有较高研究价值。另外,值得注意的是Schwartz(1977)发表的“规范对利他主义的影响”(Normative influences on altruism),这篇文献指出个人道德规范作为中介变量,可有效地激发环境保护行为;后又提出“规范激活理论”,认为个人首先意识到行为后果,产生采取行动责任归属,然后激活个人道德规范(Schwartz, 1992)。Hines等(1987)发表的文献“分析与整合负责任环境行为的研究:元分析”(Analysis and synthesis of research on responsible environmental behavior: A meta-analysis)对128篇负责任环境行为研究的文章进行元分析,并提出负责任环境行为模式,验证了个人特质(包括态度、控制点和个人责任感)、行动技能、行动策略知识和环境问题知识(通过行为意向)以及情景因素是和负责任环境行为最强相关变量。Bamberg等(2007)发表的文献“在海因斯、亨格福德和塔梅拉后的20年:一个新的决定亲环境行为的心理社会因素的元分析”(Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour),在Hines等(1987)的研究基础上也利用元分析,提出包括问题意识、社会规范、内在归因、内疚感、感知行为控制、态度、道德规范、行为意向等8个因素在内的整合模式(Bamberg et al, 2007),并验证各个因素的影响强度,是对Hines等(1987)研究的继承和发展。这2篇文献都是通过元分析的方法验证影响环境责任行为的因素,均为对环境行为预测分析的重要成果。

图6   计划行为理论(Ajzen, 1991)

Fig.6   Theory of planed behavior (Ajzen, 1991)

3.5 环境责任行为研究热点分析

关键词是文章内容的高度概括和凝练,是对整篇文章的精炼,通过对环境行为领域研究关键词的分析可以挖掘研究领域的研究热点。在CiteSpace功能与参数页设置相关参数,此时的nodes type选择key words,网络裁剪选择pathfinder(寻径网络),其他保持默认设置,运行软件后对节点位置进行调整,得到图7。根据图7可判断环境责任行为研究领域的研究热点,总结如下:

(1) 环境关心。鉴于环境问题越来越全球化,并不是所有环境问题都可以亲身经历,所以对于具体环境问题的态度测量就会越来越模糊(Dunlap et al, 2002)。学术界使用环境关心的概念来测定对环境问题的看法。环境关心的概念复杂,包括态度、认知、意向、情感等方面。环境关心作为环境责任行为最核心的心理学变量,对环境行为的解释起到重要作用。环境关心的准确测量成为分析环境责任行为的前提,环境关心的相关研究延续至今。在大多数研究模式中,环境态度或环境关心常被视为关键变量,旨在揭示实施环境行为复杂的内在过程与心理机制(彭远春, 2013)。

图7   1990-2016年环境责任行为关键词图谱

Fig.7   Key words of environmentally responsible behavior, 1990-2016

(2) 环境责任行为的细分研究。根据图谱显示,消费行为(如consumer behavior和consumption)、回收行为(recycling)、节能行为(conservation)作为环境责任行为细分维度,并成为研究热点,说明环境责任行为的研究已经进一步深化和细化。环境责任行为作为一个整体概念,被认为有共同影响源。随着研究深入,发现不同的环境责任行为有不同影响因素。如Smith-Sebasto等(1995)将环境责任行为划分为公民行动、教育行动、财务行动、法律行动、身体力行行动以及劝说行动分别进行细化研究。目前,在消费行为、回收行为以及节能行为方面取得了一定成果,主要研究不同类型的环境责任行为及其各自的影响因素。

(3) 影响环境行为的因素。关键词图谱显示的主要内容为环境责任行为的影响因素,可根据图谱中出现的关键词将其归纳为个人因素和情境因素两大类:个人因素包括环境态度(environmental attitude)、环境关心(environmental concern)、价值观(values)、环境信念(belief)、环境知识(knowledge)、社会规范(norm)、感知(perception)、行为意向(intention);情境因素包括环境政策(policy)等外部性驱动因素。其中态度的节点最大,环境关心是对环境态度的综合,对公众的环境关心的测量成为研究热点。环境关心被认为是影响环境行为的决定性因素,遵循心理学态度决定行为的一般规律。价值观的研究也较多,并成为影响行为的重要内在变量。Stern等(1999)指出,价值观尤其是生态主义和利他主义价值观对私人领域的环境责任行为有显著的正向影响。早期,环境知识被认为会影响环境行为(Simmons et al, 1990; Stern, 1992),环境知识—环境关心—环境行为成为研究领域最早的线性模型(Kollmuss et al, 2002)。进一步的研究发现,环境知识的增加并不一定带来行为的改变。信念、行为意向以及动机等内部因素都被界定为影响环境行为的重要因素。还有一些未出现在图谱中的因素如控制点、环境情感、环境意识、环境责任感、动机等。

(4) 环境关心的社会基础。在已有研究中,社会基础研究已成为一个重要领域(洪大用等,2012)。明确更关心环境问题的群体既具有政策意义,又具有理论意义(van Liere et al, 1980)。许多学者致力于分析社会基础与环境关心的关系,其中van Liere等(1980)回顾总结了20世纪70年代环境关心社会基础的性别(sex)、年龄(age)、居住地(residence)、社会阶层(social class)、政治派别(politics) 5个基本假设的检验结果。Kollmuss等(2002)指出,性别和受教育程度对环境关心和环境责任行为有显著影响。随着环境关心的社会基础研究文献增多,越来越多的研究表明相对于男性而言,女性表现出更多的环境关心。对于这一现象的解读多是从社会化理论和社会结构角度出发。也有研究表示性别对环境关心没有显著影响,或是男性相较于女性表现出更多的环境关心(Davidson et al, 1996; Shen et al, 2008; Xiao et al, 2010)。

(5) 测量量表(scale)。环境责任行为研究领域中,定量研究是常用的研究方法。而对研究领域中主观、抽象的概念进行测量时,量表的科学性和合理性是基础。环境责任行为研究领域众多概念抽象且内涵复杂,导致测量上的困难,因此具有普遍意义和较高信度和效度的量表开发设计是研究领域较重要的课题。其中,环境关心的NEP量表的信度效度检验、跨文化适用性、修订改进等方面受到广泛关注,量表被大量运用于理论和实践。

(6) 理论模型(model)。环境责任行为研究领域广泛运用心理学的理论模型来解释和预测个体的环境行为,并进行了较多的实证研究,产生了诸如TPB理论、VBN理论、“多因素整合模式”、“负责任环境行为模型”、“环境素养模式”等理论。通过统计软件客观证实影响环境行为的因素,并验证影响因素之间的关系,对于了解环境责任行为背后的生成机制和结构性因素,预测以及改变人类个体的环境行为,推进环境责任行为的认可和实施具有重要作用。环境责任行为相关理论模型的构建对于该领域有重要的总结凝练和升华作用,现在和未来都将是研究的热点。

3.6 环境责任行为研究趋势分析

CiteSpace在关键词图谱绘制中选择Citation/Frequency Burst功能,进行关键词突发性检测。突变词是指在短期内出现较多或使用频次较高的词语,根据突变词的词频变化可以判断研究领域的趋势和前沿。根据关键词突发性探测整理得到表1。根据以上对环境责任行为研究领域的知识基础、热点分析和突现词表,可以展望环境责任行为研究的5个发展趋势。

表1   环境责任行为高突现关键词表

Tab.1   Most frequently cited key words of environmentally responsible behavior

2005-2007年environmental attitude2.07
2013-2016年climate change11.32
2014-2016年consumer behavior7.01
2014-2016年pro-environmental behavior35.60


(1) 应对全球气候变化与可持续发展背景。全球气候变化和环境问题成为环境责任行为研究的重要社会背景。在全球气候变化的时代背景下,环境责任行为研究意义重大。研究领域对于气候变化的响应主要体现在气候变化条件下个体危险感知(环境态度、价值观、行为等的改变)以及政策偏好等方面。在可持续发展的背景下,推进环境责任行为成为实现可持续发展的重要途径,基于可持续发展理念的相关环境行为的研究也不断拓展,如消费行为可持续、环境教育可持续、能源可持续以及环境政策可持续等。

(2) 环境责任行为预测指标的转移倾向。环境关心一直被认为是预测环境行为发生的最重要的指标之一,环境关心越强,产生环境责任行为的可能性越大,因此早期研究较关注环境关心。随着研究深入,越来越多的研究发现环境关心和环境行为之间关系较弱(Scott et al, 1994)。相对于心理学角度的环境关心,从行为学角度预测环境行为可操作性更高。又鉴于消费行为本身对环境产生的巨大影响(Munksgaard et al, 2000; Unanue et al, 2016),从消费行为的角度研究环境责任行为更具有效力。从不同个体、不同角度研究更为细致的环境责任行为类别是未来重要的研究方向。

(3) 环境责任行为影响因素的深化研究。通过亲环境行为(pro-environment behavior)、环境知识(knowledge)、承诺(commitment)等词汇的突变可知,环境责任行为影响因素细化研究以及通过内在变量预测环境责任行为仍然是研究领域的重要内容。通过明确影响环境责任行为的内部因素(如规范、信仰、价值观、责任感、敏感度、意向、行动技能、环境知识、控制点、感知知觉控制等)、结构性因素(如习惯、环境恶化、政策、人际影响、经济、法律、技术等)及其内部逻辑关系,有助于理解环境责任行为形成机理,为管理模式创新和制度设计变革提供参考。个体实施环境责任行为的影响因素研究是改进行为模式重要的议题。环境责任行为影响因素的深化研究仍然是未来研究的趋势(徐菲菲等, 2016)。

(4) 环境责任行为理论模型的建构。在大量实证研究的基础上,环境责任行为研究领域已经构建了较多的理论框架,从最开始的线性模型到多因素模型,从应用已有行为理论到创新理论,通过理论模型的构建,可从有限的数据中得到普遍规律。环境责任行为的预测需要理论模型的支持和验证。未来,不断总结新兴的实证研究,创新科学理论模型,梳理整合已有理论模型是重要任务。

(5) 环境责任行为的实践指导。学术研究问题来源于社会,也要回馈于社会。环境责任行为理论研究的目的在于应用实践,将环境责任行为影响因素、测量工具、发生机制等结论应用于环境政策开发、环境管理策略探讨、环境教育项目制定、环境项目检验等方面,努力转变个体的环境行为,指导实践。

4 结论与展望

本文通过CiteSpace工具对环境责任行为研究领域的文献进行分析,挖掘研究领域的高被引期刊、高被引作者、高被引文献、共现关键词和突现词,总结研究领域的知识基础、研究热点与趋势。研究发现,《Environmental and Behavior》和《Journal of Environmental Psychology》等是主要的载文期刊;Stern、Dunlap、Ajzen、Schultz、Schwartz、Bamberg等是重要的知识性源泉作者;TPB理论、VBN理论、“规范激活理论”、“负责任环境行为模式”以及“多因素整合模式”等理论成为重要知识基础。实证研究是根基,构建理论预测环境行为则是提升。环境关心、环境责任行为细分研究、影响因素研究、环境关心的社会基础研究、测量量表以及理论模型构建已成为环境责任行为主要的研究热点。应对全球气候变化与可持续发展背景、预测指标的转移倾向、影响因素的深化研究以及对实践指导等成为环境责任行为的研究趋势。根据对国外环境责任行为研究的梳理和总结不难发现,国外的研究成果丰硕,相比较而言,国内的相关研究显得薄弱。未来,国内对环境责任行为研究的应重点关注以下几个方面:

(1) 国外对于环境责任行为研究已经形成了一系列理论,对于现有理论的评述,特别是对于各种理论的局限性应进行深入分析。对于何种研究理论在什么情景下最能解释何种环境责任行为,应进行更为细致的研究。

(2) 国内的研究目前主要应用国外理论开展相关实证和案例研究,研究成果滞后于国外。鉴于此,国内的研究工作应在大量实证研究的基础上总结归纳,提炼出适合文化背景的环境责任行为模型或机制,从理论高度解释预测个体环境行为,指导应用实践。

(3) 国内的研究成果主要集中在旅游领域,包括生态旅游者的环境态度、环境行为研究和地方依恋对环境责任行为的影响研究等。更多地从环境心理学、环境社会学以及环境教育学等角度探索环境责任行为研究,对于繁荣国内环境责任行为研究意义重大。

(4) 情景因素对环境责任行为的影响应进一步细化研究,情景因素的加入可能会进一步影响中介变量,也有可能会扩充已有理论模型。

(5) 理清不同情境下不同类型环境行为最受哪些干预政策的影响,进而最能激发环境责任行为。而环境政策的制定前后环境行为的改变及原因也应进一步明晰。

(6) 国内研究的测量工具主要借鉴国外的研究成果,对于国外测量工具的验证、普适性测量工具的开发设计仍然是国内学者需要进一步解决的问题。准确测量环境关心、环境行为等相关概念具有重要的理论和实践价值。

(7) 国内甚至国外的许多研究都是基于问卷调查的形式,而真实行为数据与自我报告的问卷数据之间难免存在偏差,测量结果的真实性存在很大的提高空间,这也是国外许多研究结论不一致的原因之一。国内的研究主要以静态时间横向调查为主,缺乏对同一批被访者或同一区域长时间纵向调查。推进实验法、观察法、纵向调查等研究方法,引入质性分析,对于提高研究成果质量有深刻意义。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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边境地区是国家重要的国土安全屏障和对外开放门户.在全球化、信息化的背景下,边境地区成为地理学、政治学和政治经济学的研究热点.科学认识和总结国际边境研究是推进学科发展的前提.本文以科学引文索引(Web of Science)中边境研究的学术论文为依据,借助于Citespace科学计量工具,系统回顾了国外1990-2015年边境研究的发展脉络、研究领域重点和研究趋势.从文献计量统计分析来看,1990年以来刊文量最大的期刊包括《政治地理学》(Political Geography)、《地缘政治学》(Geopolitics)等.国外边境研究的领域集中于政治地理、环境生态、商业经济、公共管治、人文艺术等方面.地缘政治视角下的领土、国家权力始终是边境研究的重要内容.新世纪以来,边境研究在汲取了批判性地缘政治学、人本主义地缘政治的精髓后,逐渐增强了对边境环境、社会治理等方面的反思.在文献计量分析的基础上,重点阐述了边境的地理涵义和政治属性、经济商贸交流、边境一体化、边境冲突与安全、文化与社会建构、跨境合作制度等领域的研究趋势.最后提出,未来中国边境研究应增强边境地区的综合性发展战略研究,搭建适应于中国特色发展的跨境合作平台与机制,融入国际政治学、民族学、自然地理学等多学科视角.

[Song T, Liu W D, Li L.2016.

International research on the border regions with a geopolitical perspective and revelation

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(3): 276-285.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.002      URL      摘要

边境地区是国家重要的国土安全屏障和对外开放门户.在全球化、信息化的背景下,边境地区成为地理学、政治学和政治经济学的研究热点.科学认识和总结国际边境研究是推进学科发展的前提.本文以科学引文索引(Web of Science)中边境研究的学术论文为依据,借助于Citespace科学计量工具,系统回顾了国外1990-2015年边境研究的发展脉络、研究领域重点和研究趋势.从文献计量统计分析来看,1990年以来刊文量最大的期刊包括《政治地理学》(Political Geography)、《地缘政治学》(Geopolitics)等.国外边境研究的领域集中于政治地理、环境生态、商业经济、公共管治、人文艺术等方面.地缘政治视角下的领土、国家权力始终是边境研究的重要内容.新世纪以来,边境研究在汲取了批判性地缘政治学、人本主义地缘政治的精髓后,逐渐增强了对边境环境、社会治理等方面的反思.在文献计量分析的基础上,重点阐述了边境的地理涵义和政治属性、经济商贸交流、边境一体化、边境冲突与安全、文化与社会建构、跨境合作制度等领域的研究趋势.最后提出,未来中国边境研究应增强边境地区的综合性发展战略研究,搭建适应于中国特色发展的跨境合作平台与机制,融入国际政治学、民族学、自然地理学等多学科视角.
[13] 武春友, 孙岩. 2006.


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Review on studies of environmental attitudes and behavior and the relationship between them

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[14] 辛伟, 雷二庆, 常晓, . 2014.

知识图谱在军事心理学研究中的应用: 基于ISI Web of Science数据库的Citespace分析

[J]. 心理科学进展, 22(2): 334-347.

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00334      Magsci      摘要

<p>以ISI Web of Science数据库中2004年至2013年近10年间的16400篇文献为原始数据, 应用知识图谱工具CiteSpaceⅢ, 绘制国际军事心理学研究的知识结构框架图与发展进程谱, 挖掘军事心理学领域的高学术影响力期刊、作者与文献, 描绘军事心理学研究在不同时期的热点问题与前沿趋势。结果显示:近十年来, 军事心理学以临床和作战两大分支为研究主线, 涵盖了人事选拔、岗位分类、心理训练、领导力开发、应激防护、创伤治疗、退伍军人心理康复等多方面内容, 为军人提供多维度、终身性的专业服务。在国际战争、自然灾难、恐怖主义等环境外因以及研究方法、科学发现、理论进展等学科内因的共同推动下, 军事心理学紧扣军队热点问题, 表现出了较强的时效性与前瞻性。</p>

[Xin W, Lei E Q, Chang X, et al.2014.

The Application of knowledge mapping in military psychology: Citespace analysis based on data from ISI Web of Science database

[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 22(2): 334-347.]

https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00334      Magsci      摘要

<p>以ISI Web of Science数据库中2004年至2013年近10年间的16400篇文献为原始数据, 应用知识图谱工具CiteSpaceⅢ, 绘制国际军事心理学研究的知识结构框架图与发展进程谱, 挖掘军事心理学领域的高学术影响力期刊、作者与文献, 描绘军事心理学研究在不同时期的热点问题与前沿趋势。结果显示:近十年来, 军事心理学以临床和作战两大分支为研究主线, 涵盖了人事选拔、岗位分类、心理训练、领导力开发、应激防护、创伤治疗、退伍军人心理康复等多方面内容, 为军人提供多维度、终身性的专业服务。在国际战争、自然灾难、恐怖主义等环境外因以及研究方法、科学发现、理论进展等学科内因的共同推动下, 军事心理学紧扣军队热点问题, 表现出了较强的时效性与前瞻性。</p>
[15] 徐菲菲, 何云梦. 2016.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 35(6): 724-736.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Xu F F, He Y M.2016.

A review of environmental ethics and sustainable tourism behavior

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(6): 724-736.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[16] 余晓婷, 吴小根, 张玉玲, . 2015.

游客环境责任行为驱动因素研究: 以台湾为例

[J]. 旅游学刊, 30(7): 49-59.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2015.07.005      URL      Magsci      摘要

文章构建了游客环境责任行为概念模型,以台湾游客为例进行了实证 研究,深入探讨了游客环境责任行为实施的复杂环境认知、态度、情感、意志的心理活动机制.研究表明:环境知识、环境态度、亲近自然旅游动机、环境行为意 向、景区环境质量和景区环境政策是影响游客环境责任行为的6个重要驱动因素,其中,环境态度和环境行为意向发挥着关键的中介作用;修正后模型可解释游客的 环境态度26.9%方差,环境行为意向31.8%方差以及环境责任行为77.5%方差,整个模型的解释效力较好;游客环境责任行为的形成受到个人因素和情 境因素的影响,可相应划分为个人因素作用过程和情境因素作用过程两个循序递进、相互依存、相互渗透的过程,个人因素作用过程存在复杂的内部交织关系,并不 能截然区分开来,其对游客环境责任行为的形成起到了主导作用,既存在直接影响,又存在间接影响,且影响程度较大,而情境因素作用过程相对简单,仅对游客环 境责任行为起到直接作用,且作用力度较小.

[Yu X T, Wu X G, Zhang Y L, et al.2015.

Factors driving environmentally responsible behaviors by tourists: A case study of Taiwan, China

[J]. Tourism Tribune, 30(7): 49-59.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-5006.2015.07.005      URL      Magsci      摘要

文章构建了游客环境责任行为概念模型,以台湾游客为例进行了实证 研究,深入探讨了游客环境责任行为实施的复杂环境认知、态度、情感、意志的心理活动机制.研究表明:环境知识、环境态度、亲近自然旅游动机、环境行为意 向、景区环境质量和景区环境政策是影响游客环境责任行为的6个重要驱动因素,其中,环境态度和环境行为意向发挥着关键的中介作用;修正后模型可解释游客的 环境态度26.9%方差,环境行为意向31.8%方差以及环境责任行为77.5%方差,整个模型的解释效力较好;游客环境责任行为的形成受到个人因素和情 境因素的影响,可相应划分为个人因素作用过程和情境因素作用过程两个循序递进、相互依存、相互渗透的过程,个人因素作用过程存在复杂的内部交织关系,并不 能截然区分开来,其对游客环境责任行为的形成起到了主导作用,既存在直接影响,又存在间接影响,且影响程度较大,而情境因素作用过程相对简单,仅对游客环 境责任行为起到直接作用,且作用力度较小.
[17] 张娟, 王茂军. 2016.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 35(6): 779-792.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

随着农村经济、社会、文化等社会形态的转变,农村聚落、居民、农业等空间景观出现了资本化、多元化的倾向,空间多元化作为未来农村发展的一大趋势,已成为学术界研究和关注的新热点。本文借助Cite SpaceⅢ文献分析方法,从研究热点识别及热点推移两大方面厘清国内外农村空间多元化的研究动向,把握最新研究进展。总体而言,国外农村空间多元化经历了由农业生产导向向消费导向的逐步推移,研究热点不断变换,研究内容相对成熟。而对处于城市化加速阶段的中国来说,农村空间多元化的关注时间较短,研究内容仍限于农业生产和农村治理方面,消费导向的研究力量甚为薄弱。最后,本文提出了国内外既有研究存在的问题,并指出农村空间资本化、多元化功能的多维度考量以及与城市元素的互动、中国农村空间多元化模式及类型识别等,应成为未来农村空间多元化重点关注的研究方向。

[Zhang J, Wang M J.2016.

Identification and change of research hotspots on rural space diversification

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(6): 779-792.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

随着农村经济、社会、文化等社会形态的转变,农村聚落、居民、农业等空间景观出现了资本化、多元化的倾向,空间多元化作为未来农村发展的一大趋势,已成为学术界研究和关注的新热点。本文借助Cite SpaceⅢ文献分析方法,从研究热点识别及热点推移两大方面厘清国内外农村空间多元化的研究动向,把握最新研究进展。总体而言,国外农村空间多元化经历了由农业生产导向向消费导向的逐步推移,研究热点不断变换,研究内容相对成熟。而对处于城市化加速阶段的中国来说,农村空间多元化的关注时间较短,研究内容仍限于农业生产和农村治理方面,消费导向的研究力量甚为薄弱。最后,本文提出了国内外既有研究存在的问题,并指出农村空间资本化、多元化功能的多维度考量以及与城市元素的互动、中国农村空间多元化模式及类型识别等,应成为未来农村空间多元化重点关注的研究方向。
[18] Ajzen I.1991.

The theory of planned behavior

[J]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2): 179-211.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT Given the lack of unequivocal findings on person-career fit, this investigation aims to gain insight into the role of cognitive styles in understanding students&rsquo; career preferences by two complementary studies. In study 1, we examined whether students (n = 84) with different cognitive styles differ in their entrepreneurial attitudes. Results showed a strong positive correlation between the creating style and the overall occupational status choice index, which implies a preference to become self-employed. No significant correlations were found between this index and the knowing and the planning style respectively. A more detailed look at the occupational status choice sub-indexes showed a positive correlation for the knowing style with the &lsquo;economic opportunity&rsquo; index, for the planning style with &lsquo;security&rsquo; and &lsquo;participation in the whole process&rsquo;, and for the creating style with &lsquo;career&rsquo;, &lsquo;challenge&rsquo;, &lsquo;economic opportunity&rsquo;, &lsquo;autonomy&rsquo;, &lsquo;authority&rsquo;, and &lsquo;self-realisation&rsquo;. No significant differences in overall occupational status choice were found in terms of gender, degree option, or family background in entrepreneurship. Study 2 focused on the link between students&rsquo; career anchors and their cognitive styles and personality profile (n = 275). We found for the knowing style a positive correlation with &lsquo;pure challenge&rsquo;, for the planning style a positive correlation with &lsquo;lifestyle&rsquo; and &lsquo;security/stability&rsquo; and a negative one with &lsquo;autonomy/independence&rsquo;, and for the creating style a positive correlation with &lsquo;entrepreneurial creativity&rsquo; and &lsquo;pure challenge&rsquo; and a negative one with &lsquo;security/stability&rsquo;. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that cognitive styles and personality traits could predict people&rsquo;s career anchors to a certain extent. These findings are particularly relevant for career counselling services of higher education institutions and for selection and recruitment policies of organ
[19] Albrecht D, Bultena G, Hoiberg E, et al.1982.

Measuring environmental concern: The new environmental paradigm scale

[J]. The Journal of Environmental Education, 13(3): 39-43.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.1982.9942647      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The "New Environmental Paradigm" or NEP appears to have gained considerable popularity in academic and intellectual circles, as well as among many college students; however, very little is known concerning the degree to which the general public has come to accept the ideas embodied in it. Thus, although there have been dozens of studies of environmental attitudes, they have generally focused on pollution, population or natural resources, rather than the newer and broader issues of limits to growth, steady-state economy, etc. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to report a preliminary effort to determine the extent to which the public accepts the content of the NEP and, in doing so, to develop an instrument to measure the New Environmental Paradigm. The evidence suggests that the proponents of the NEP may have been more successful in getting their message across to the public than has generally been imagined. (Contains 1 table and 12 notes.)
[20] Axelrod L J, Lehman D R.1993.

Responding to environmental concerns: What factors guide individual action

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13(2): 149-159.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0272-4944(05)80147-1      URL      摘要

The utility of beliefs regarding the motivational role played by three classes of outcomes in predicting environmentally-concerned behavior was examined with survey data collected from two samples鈥攗ndergraduate students and community residents. The three classes of outcome desires were those related to obtaining tangible rewards, those pertaining to social acceptance, and outcomes derived from acting in accordance with one's deeply held principles. General attitudes toward the natural environment and environmental protection, issue importance, level of perceived threat, and efficacy beliefs were also measured. Multiple regression analyses indicated that desires regarding principled and social outcomes explained a significant amount of variance in behavioral reports for the student sample, whereas desires related to tangible outcomes did so with the community sample. In support of a multivariate approach to the study of environmentally-concerned behavior, threat perception, issue importance, and efficacy constructs also accounted for a significant portion of variance in behavioral reports. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.
[21] Bamberg S, Möser G.2007.

Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 27(1): 14-25.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2006.12.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The goal of the present paper is a replication as well as an extension of the Hines et al. [(1986/87). Analysis and synthesis of research on responsible environmental behaviour: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Education , 18 , 1鈥8] meta-analysis on psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour. Based on information from a total of 57 samples the present meta-analysis finds mean correlations between psycho-social variables and pro-environmental behaviour similar to those reported by Hines et al. In a second step, the matrix of pooled correlations is used for a structural equation modelling (SEM) test of theoretically postulated structural relations between eight determinants of pro-environmental behaviour (so-called Meta-analytic SEM (MASEM)). MASEM results confirm that pro-environmental behavioural intention mediate the impact of all other psycho-social variables on pro-environmental behaviour (27% explained variance). Results also confirm that besides attitude and behavioural control personal moral norm is a third predictor of pro-environmental behavioural intention (52% explained variance). The MASEM also indicates that problem awareness is an important but indirect determinant of pro-environmental intention. Its impact seems to be mediated by moral and social norms, guilt and attribution processes.
[22] Borden R J.1977.

One more look at social and environmental psychology: Away from the looking glass and into the future

[J]. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3(3): 407-411.

https://doi.org/10.1177/014616727700300309      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper examines the social-environmental psychology exchange which has appeared in recent issues of this publication. Specific attention is paid to the overlooked emerging areas of theory and research on the psychology of environmental concern. Over a dozen of these new topic areas are outlined. Finally, it is concluded that social psychologists, perhaps more than any other professional group, have much to offer in designing an environmentally benign future.
[23] Davidson D J, Freudenburg W R.1996.

Gender and environmental risk concerns a review and analysis of available research

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 28(3): 302-339.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[24] Dunlap R E, Jones R E.2002. Environmental concern: Conceptual and measurement issues[M]//Dunlap R E, Michelson W. Handbook of environmental sociology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press: 482-524.

[25] Dunlap R E, van Liere K D.1978

a. Environmental concern: A bibliography of empirical studies and brief appraisal of the literature

[M]. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies.

[本文引用: 2]     

[26] Dunlap R E, van Liere K D.1978

b. The "new environmental paradigm"

[J]. The Journal of Environmental Education, 9(4): 10-19.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.1978.10801875      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[27] Dunlap R E, van Liere K D, Mertig A G, et al.2000.

New trends in measuring environmental attitudes: Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm: A revised NEP scale

[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3): 425-442.

https://doi.org/10.1111/0022-4537.00176      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Dunlap and Van Liere's New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale, published in 1978, has become a widely used measure of proenvironmental orientation. This article develops a revised NEP Scale designed to improve upon the original one in several respects: (1) It taps a wider range of facets of an ecological worldview, (2) It offers a balanced set of pro- and anti-NEP items, and (3) It avoids outmoded terminology. The new scale, termed the New Ecological Paradigm Scale, consists of 15 items. Results of a 1990 Washington State survey suggest that the items can be treated as an internally consistent summated ratingscale and also indicate a modest growth in pro-NEP responses among Washington residents over the 14 years since the original study.
[28] Fishbein M, Ajzen I.1975.

Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research

[M]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.

[29] Guagnano G A, Stern P C, Dietz T.1995.

Influences on attitude-behavior relationships: A natural experiment with curbside recycling

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 27(5): 699-718.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916595275005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT A simple model was tested in which attitudinal factors and external conditions act in combination to influence behavior. The model predicts that behavior is a monotonic function of attitudes and external conditions and that the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship is a curvilinear function of the strength of the external conditions, with extreme values setting boundary conditions on the applicability of attitude models. The model also allows for interactions in which perceived costs enter into the attitudinal process. Evidence is taken from a natural experiment in recycling in which collection bins for curbside pickup had been provided to 26% of 257 survey respondents. Consistent with the model, main effects of attitudes and external conditions were found, as was an interaction effect in which the Schwartz norm-activation model predicted recycling behavior only for households without bins. Interactive models such as the one developed here can yield better policy-relevant analyses by clarifying the relationships between external and internal influences on behavior change.
[30] Han H.2015.

Travelers' pro-environmental behavior in a green lodging context: Converging value-belief-norm theory and the theory of planned behavior

[J]. Tourism Management, 47: 164-177.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2014.09.014      URL      摘要

This research was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the formation of travelers' pro-environmental intentions in a green lodging context by merging value-belief-norm theory and the theory of planned behavior into one theoretical framework and by considering the moderating impact of non-green alternatives' attractiveness. Results of the structural analysis from a sample of 402 ...
[31] Hines J M, Hungerford H R, Tomera A N.1987.

Analysis and synthesis of research on responsible environmental behavior: A meta-analysis

[J]. The Journal of Environmental Education, 18(2): 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.1987.9943482      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Discusses results of a meta-analysis which sought to identify those variables found in research as strongly correlated with responsible environmental behavior. Variables found significant were: knowledge of issues; knowledge of action strategies; locus of control; attitudes; verbal commitment; and sense of responsibility. Proposes a model of environmental behavior. (ML)
[32] Kaiser F G, Wölfing S, Fuhrer U.1999.

Environmental attitude and ecological behaviour

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 19(1): 1-19.

https://doi.org/10.1006/jevp.1998.0107      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper establishes environmental attitude as a powerful predictor of ecological behaviour. Past studies have failed in this enterprise because they did not consider three shortcomings that limit the predictive power of environmental attitude concepts: (1) the lack of a unified concept of attitude, (2) the lack of measurement correspondence between attitude and behaviour on a general level, and (3) the lack of consideration of behaviour constraints beyond people's control. Based on Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour, the present study uses a unified concept of attitude and a probabilistic measurement approach to overcome these shortcomings. Questionnaire data from members of two ideologically different Swiss transportation associations are used. This study confirmed three measures as orthogonal dimensions by means of factor analysis: (1) environmental knowledge, (2) environmental values, and (3) ecological behaviour intention. One other measure, general ecological behaviour, is established as a Rasch-scale that assesses behaviour by considering the tendency to behave ecologically and the difficulties in carrying out the behaviours, which depend on influences beyond people's actual behaviour control. A structural equation model was used to confirm the proposed model: environmental knowledge and environmental values explained 40 per cent of the variance of ecological behaviour intension which, in turn, predicted 75 per cent of the variance of general ecological behaviour.
[33] Kollmuss A, Agyeman J.2002.

Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior

[J]. Environmental Education Research, 8(3): 239-260.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13504620220145401      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Numerous theoretical frameworks have been developed to explain the gap between the possession of environmental knowledge and environmental awareness, and displaying pro-environmental behavior. Although many hundreds of studies have been undertaken, no definitive explanation has yet been found. Our article describes a few of the most influential and commonly used analytical frameworks: early US linear progression models; altruism, empathy and prosocial behavior models; and finally, sociological models. All of the models we discuss (and many of the ones we do not such as economic models, psychological models that look at behavior in general, social marketing models and that have become known as deliberative and inclusionary processes or procedures (DIPS)) have some validity in certain circumstances. This indicates that the question of what shapes pro-environmental behavior is such a complex one that it cannot be visualized through one single framework or diagram. We then analyze the factors that have been found to have some influence, positive or negative, on pro-environmental behavior such as demographic factors, external factors (e.g. institutional, economic, social and cultural) and internal factors (e.g. motivation, pro-environmental knowledge, awareness, values, attitudes, emotion, locus of control, responsibilities and priorities). Although we point out that developing a model that tries to incorporate factors might neither be feasible nor useful, we feel that it can help illuminate this complex field. Accordingly, we propose our own model based on the work of Fliegenschnee and Schelakovsky (1998) who were influenced by Fietkau and Kessel (1981).
[34] Maloney M P, Ward M P.1973.

Ecology: Let's hear from the people: An objective scale for the measurement of ecological attitudes and knowledge

[J]. American Psychologist, 28(7): 583-586.

https://doi.org/10.1037/h0034936      URL      摘要

It appears that most persons surveyed had a relatively high degree of verbal commitment and affect, with lower levels of actual commitment and knowledge--they were willing to do a great deal to help curb pollution, but, in fact, they actually did fairly little and knew even less. (Authors)
[35] Munksgaard J, Pedersen K A, Wien Mette.2000.

Impact of household consumption on CO2 emissions

[J]. Energy Economics, 22(4): 423-440.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-9883(99)00033-X      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Danish household consumption increased by 58% over the period 1966–1992 while CO 2 emissions only increased by 7%. Using decomposition analysis we investigated the global CO 2 impact of Danish household consumption from 1966 to 1992. Our conclusion is that overall growth in private consumption — but not changes in the composition of consumption — is the key to understanding the increase in CO 2 emissions. However, the effect of growth in private consumption has been partly offset by substantial energy conservation in the energy supply and manufacturing sectors.
[36] Schultz P W, Nolan J M, Cialdini R B, et al.2007.

The constructive, destructive, and reconstructive power of social norms

[J]. Psychological Science, 18(5): 429-434.

URL      PMID: 32839812725898058843647292223222217576283811740600397570396398      [本文引用: 1]     

[37] Schwartz S H.1970.

Elicitation of moral obligation and self-sacrificing behavior: An experimental study of volunteering to be a bone marrow donor

[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15(4): 283-293.

https://doi.org/10.1037/h0029614      URL      PMID: 4920801      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Density functional theory (DFT) of freezing is used to study the isotropic–nematic, isotropic–smectic A and nematic–smectic A phase transitions in a system of large, semi-flexible conjugated oligomers parameterised within Gay–Berne (GB) potential. The pair correlation functions of the isotropic fluid, used as structural inputs in the DFT, are calculated by solving the Percus–Yevick integral equation theory. Large number of spherical harmonic coefficients of each orientation-dependent functions has been considered to ensure the numerical accuracy at different densities and temperatures for the system of these model GB ellipsoids having large aspect ratio (length-to-breadth ratio). We found that the system of GB ellipsoids parameterised for conjugated oligomers shows stable isotropic, nematic and smectic A phases. At low temperatures, on increasing the density, isotropic fluid makes a direct transition to smectic A phase. Nematic phase get stabilised in between the isotropic and smectic A phases on increasing the temperature. Using the transition parameter obtained through the DFT, we have plotted the temperature–density and pressure–temperature phase diagrams which are found to be qualitatively similar to the one obtained in simulations for the systems with low aspect ratio GB particles.
[38] Schwartz S H.1973.

Normative explanations of helping behavior: A critique, proposal, and empirical test

[J]. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 9(4): 349-364.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[39] Schwartz S H.1977. Normative influences on altruism[M]//Berkowitz L. Advances in experimental social psychology. New York: Academic Press: 221-279.

[本文引用: 1]     

[40] Schwartz S H.1992.

Universals in the content and structure of values: Theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries

[J]. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 25: 1-65.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0065-2601(08)60281-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The study adressed 4 basic issues: (1) What are the substantive contents of human values? (2) Can we identify a comprehensive set of values? (3) To what extent is the meaning of particular values equivalent for different groups of people? (4) How are the relations among different values structured? These issues required resolution before the antecedents and consequences of value priorities, or cross-cultural differences in such priorities, could be studied effectively. Substantial progress has been made toward resolving each of these issues.
[41] Scott D, Willits F K.1994.

Environmental attitudes and behavior a Pennsylvania survey

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 26(2): 239-260.

https://doi.org/10.1177/001391659402600206      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT A statewide survey of Pennsylvanians conducted in 1990 provided data on residents' opinions about ideas contained in the new environmental paradigm (NEP) and behaviors engaged in that are environmentally protective. Although Pennsylvanians expressed support for the NEP, they were not likely to engage in actbvities that contribute to environmental protection. Correlation analysis revealed that although support for the NEP was predictive of environmental behavior, the linkages were not strong. Various social characteristics were more predictive of environmentally oriented behaviors than supportive of the NEP.
[42] Shen J, Saijo T.2008.

Reexamining the relations between socio-demographic characteristics and individual environmental concern: Evidence from Shanghai data

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(1): 42-50.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2007.10.003      URL      Magsci      摘要

This study reexamines the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on individual environmental concern by applying a pooled sample of 1200 individuals in Shanghai, China. Previous studies, which made efforts to explain environmental concern as a function of social structure, suggest that there are traditionally five observations (the age, gender, social class, residence, and political orientation effects) for the relations between socio-demographic characteristics and individual environmental concerns. In this study, we first conduct a factor analysis to a group of 11 environmental concern measures and then use the resulting factors to test three observations (the age, gender, and social class effects) by applying a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model. As a result, high household income and high education level have reacted positively to environmental concern as expected. However, we find that in contrast to most of the previous studies, age has shown positive reaction to individual environmental concern, implying that the older generation is more concerned about the environment than the younger population. In addition, the SUR results indicate that women in Shanghai seem less concerned about the environment than men. Other socio-demographic characteristics such as employment status and household size are found to be almost irrelevant to environmental concern.
[43] Simmons D, Widmar R.1990.

Motivations and barriers to recycling: Toward a strategy for public education

[J]. The Journal of Environmental Education, 22(1): 13-18.


[44] Small H.1973.

Co-citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents

[J]. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24(4): 265-269.

https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.4630240406      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

A new form of document coupling, co-citation, is defined as the frequency with which two documents are cited together. Clusters of co-cited papers provide a new way to study the specialty structure of science. They may provide a new approach to indexing and to the creation of SDI profiles. (12 references) (Author/SJ)
[45] Smith-Sebasto N J, D'Costa A.1995.

Designing a Likert-type scale to predict environmentally responsible behavior in undergraduate students: A multistep process

[J]. The Journal of Environmental Education, 27(1): 14-20.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.1995.9941967      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Describes an attempt to develop a reliable and valid instrument to assess the relationship between locus of control of reinforcement and environmentally responsible behavior. Presents a six-step psychometric process used to develop the Environmental Action Internal Control Index (EAICI) for undergraduate students. Contains 54 references. (JRH)
[46] Steg L, Dreijerink L, Abrahamse W.2005.

Factors influencing the acceptability of energy policies: A test of VBN theory

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 225(4): 415-425.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2005.08.003      URL      摘要

This paper examines factors influencing the acceptability of energy policies aimed to reduce the emission of CO 2 by households. More specifically, it is studied to what extent the value–belief–norm theory of environmentalism (VBN theory; Stern, [(2000) . Toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Journal of Social Issues , 56(3), 407–424.]) is successful in explaining acceptability judgements. In contrast to previous studies, we test the full VBN theory. A questionnaire study was conducted among 112 Dutch respondents. Results confirmed the causal order of the variables in VBN theory, moving from relative stable general values to beliefs about human–environment relations, which in turn affect behaviour specific beliefs and norms, and acceptability judgements, respectively. As expected, all variables were significantly related to the next variable in the causal chain. Biospheric values were also significantly related to feelings of moral obligation to reduce household energy consumption when intermediate variables were controlled for. Furthermore, as hypothesized, personal norms mediated the relationship between AR and acceptability judgements, AR beliefs mediated the relationship between AC beliefs and personal norms, AC beliefs mediated the relationship between NEP and AR beliefs, and NEP mediated the relationship between values and AC beliefs.
[47] Steg L, Vlek C.2009.

Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: An integrative review and research agenda

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(3): 309-317.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2008.10.004      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Environmental quality strongly depends on human behaviour patterns. We review the contribution and the potential of environmental psychology for understanding and promoting pro-environmental behaviour. A general framework is proposed, comprising: (1) identification of the behaviour to be changed, (2) examination of the main factors underlying this behaviour, (3) design and application of interventions to change behaviour to reduce environmental impact, and (4) evaluation of the effects of interventions. We discuss how environmental psychologists empirically studied these four topics, identify apparent shortcomings so far, and indicate major issues for future research.
[48] Stern P C.1992.

Psychological dimensions of global environmental change

[J]. Annual Review of Psychology, 43(1): 269-302.

https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ps.43.020192.001413      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Psychological dimensions of global environmental change
[49] Stern P C.2000.

New environmental theories: Toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior

[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3): 407-424.

https://doi.org/10.1149/2.058203jes      URL      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[50] Stern P C, Dietz T.1994.

The value basis of environmental concern

[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 50(3): 65-84.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-4560.1994.tb02420.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article describes and presents initial empirical tests of a theory that links values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior within a preference construction framework that emphasizes the activation of personal environmental norms. Environmental concern is related to egoistic, social-altruistic, and biospheric value orientations and also to beliefs about the consequences of environmental changes for valued objects. Two studies generally support the hypothesized relationships and demonstrate links to the broader theory of values. However, the biospheric value orientation postulated in the theoretical literature on environmentalism does not differentiate from social-altruism in a general population sample. Results are discussed in terms of value change, the role of social structural factors (including gender) in environmentalism, theories of risk perception, and the mobilization strategies of social movements, including environmental justice movements.
[51] Stern P C, Dietz T, Abel T D, et al.1999.

A value-belief-norm theory of support for social movements: The case of environmentalism

[J]. Human Ecology Review, 6(2): 81-97.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We present a theory of the basis of support for a social movement. Three types of support (citizenship actions, policy support and acceptance, and personal-sphere behaviors that accord with movement principles) are empirically distinct from each other and from committed activism. Drawing on theoretical work on values and norm-activation processes, we propose a value-belief-norm (VBN) theory of movement support. Individuals who accept a movement's basic values, believe that valued objects are threatened, and believe that their actions can help restore those values experience an obligation (personal norm) for pro-movement action that creates a predisposition to provide support; the particular type of support that results is dependent on the individual's capabilities and constraints. Data from a national survey of 420 respondents suggest that the VBN theory, when compared with other prevalent theories, offers the best available account of support for the environmental movement.
[52] Stern P C, Dietz T, Guagnano G A.1995.

The new ecological paradigm in social-psychological context

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 27(6): 723-743.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916595276001      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale is the most frequently used measure of environmental concern, but it has not been placed in the context of a social-psychological theory of attitude formation or attitude-behavior relationships. Using data from a northern Virginia sample, this study examines NEP in relation to the variables in a theoretical model of environmental concern. We found that the NEP is indistinguishable from a scale of awareness of consequences (AC) of general environmental conditions, both psychometrically and in terms of its relations to behavioral intentions, but somewhat different in its relations to basic value orientations and sociodemographic variables. We conclude that both NEP and AC measure generalized beliefs about the nature of human-environment interactions-or "folk ecology"鈥攁 set of beliefs that may be influenced by social structure and values and that influence attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions regarding specific environmental conditions.
[53] Stern P C, Dietz T, Kalof L.1993.

Value orientations, gender, and environmental concern

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 25(5): 322-348.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916593255002      URL      摘要

A social-psychological model is developed to examine the proposition that environmentalism represents a new way of thinking. It presumes that action in support of environmental quality may derive from any of three value orientations: egoistic, social-altruistic, or biospheric, and that gender may be implicated in the relation between these orientations and behavior. Behavioral intentions are modeled as the sum across values of the strength of a value times the strength of beliefs about the consequences of environmental conditions for valued objects. Evidence from a survey of 349 college students shows that beliefs about consequences for each type of valued object independently predict willingness to take political action, but only beliefs about consequences for self reliably predict willingness to pay through taxes. This result is consistent with other recent findings from contingent valuation surveys. Women have stronger beliefs than men about consequences for self, others, and the biosphere, but there is no gender difference in the strength of value orientations.
[54] Stern P C, Kalof L, Dietz T, et al.1995.

Values, beliefs, and proenvironmental action: Attitude formation toward emergent attitude objects

[J]. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25(18): 1611-1636.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1995.tb02636.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Discoveries in environmental science become the raw material for constructing social attitude objects, individual attitudes, and broad public concerns. We explored a model in which individuals construct attitudes to new or emergent attitude objects by referencing personal values and beliefs about the consequences of the objects for their values. We found that a subset of the major clusters identified in value theory is associated with willingness to take proenvironmental action; that a biospheric value orientation cannot yet be discerned in a general population sample; that willingness to take proenvironmental action is a function of both values and beliefs, with values also predicting beliefs; and that gender differences can be attributed to both beliefs and values. Our model has promise for explicating the factors determining public concern with environmental conditions.
[55] Unanue W, Vignoles V L, Dittmar H, et al.2016.

Life goals predict environmental behavior: Cross-cultural and longitudinal evidence

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46: 10-22.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2016.02.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

@article{7224257, author = {Unanue, Wenceslao and Dittmar, Helga and Vignoles, Vivian and Vansteenkiste, Maarten}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Psychology.}, language = {eng}, title = {Life goals predict environmental behavior: Cross-cultural and longitudinal evidence.}, year = {2016}, }
[56] van Liere K D, Dunlap R E.1980.

The social bases of environmental concern: A review of hypotheses, explanations and empirical evidence

[J]. Public Opinion Quarterly, 44(2): 181-197.


[57] Weigel R, Weigel J.1978.

Environmental concern the development of a measure

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 10(1): 3-15.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916578101001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper reports the results of several independent investigations of the reliability and validity of the Environmental Concern Scale, a 16 item Likert scale assessing respondents' concerns about conservation and pollution issues. The potential utility of this scale for future research is discussed. (Author/MA)
[58] White H D, Griffith B C.1981.

Author cocitation: A literature measure of intellectual structure

[J]. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 32(3): 163-171.

https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.4630320302      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract It is shown that the mapping of a particular area of science, in this case information science, can be done using authors as units of analysis and the cocitations of pairs of authors as the variable that indicates their “distances” from each other. The analysis assumes that the more two authors are cited together, the closer the relationship between them. The raw data are cocitation counts drawn online from Social Scisearch ( Social Sciences Citation Index ) over the period 1972–1979. The resulting map shows (1) identifiable author groups (akin to “schools”) of information science, (2) locations of these groups with respect to each other, (3) the degree of centrality and peripherality of authors within groups, (4) proximities of authors within group and across group boundaries (“border authors” who seem to connect various areas of research), and (5) positions of authors with respect to the map's axes, which were arbitrarily set spanning the most divergent groups in order to aid interpretation. Cocitation analysis of authors offers a new technique that might contribute to the understanding of intellectual structure in the sciences and possibly in other areas to the extent that those areas rely on serial publications. The technique establishes authors, as well as documents, as an effective unit in analyzing subject specialties.
[59] Xiao C, Hong D.2010.

Gender differences in environmental behaviors in China

[J]. Population and Environment, 32(1): 88-104.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11111-010-0115-z      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China represents the third largest economy and the highest level of national carbon dioxide emissions when compared to other nations across the globe. Yet, little social science research has focused on the environmentally oriented behaviors of Chinese nationals, key to understanding levels of environmental impact. This study examines, in China, gender differences in environmentally oriented behaviors, environmental knowledge, and general environmental concern. Making use of path analyses, we identify a pattern of gender differences similar to common findings in the West: women demonstrated greater participation in environmental behaviors inside of the home (e.g., recycling), while outside of the home (e.g., environmental organization donations) no gendered patterns were exhibited. However, Chinese women expressed lower levels of concern than men&#8212;a finding opposite of most Western studies. Also distinct from other settings, in China, higher levels of knowledge regarding environmental issues did, indeed, translate into pro-environmental behaviors&#8212;thereby not exhibiting the knowledge-behavior gap demonstrated elsewhere.
