地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (11): 1369-1380 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.007

Orginal Article


罗芊12, 贺灿飞12*, 郭琪1

1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 北京大学—林肯研究院,城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871;

Interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change in Chinese prefecture-level cities

LUO Qian12, HE Canfei12*, GUO Qi1

1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:贺灿飞(1972-),男,江西永新人,教授,博导,研究方向为区域经济和产业地理,E-mail:hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41425001)国家自然科学基金项目(41271130)






关键词: 全球生产网络 ; 演化经济地理 ; 外资空间动态 ; 本土产业演化 ; 技术邻近度 ; 中国


Technological progress and institutional change are key drivers for industrial development. The rapid development of information and communication technology has weakened the demand of industrial production for local resources and promoted the free flow of capital, knowledge, labor, and other factors of production in a wider area. The "temporal and spatial compression" formed by technological evolution has further changed the pattern of global interests and led to institutional reform aimed at regional integration and trade liberalization. This loosens the restriction of trade costs on location options for productive activities and provides more possibilities for cross-regional production linkages and the establishment of global production network (GPN). With the formation of GPN, transnational enterprises (TNE) tend to locate in regions with cheaper labor cost, more preferential policies, and greater market potential in order to optimize their cost-benefit of operation on a global scale by means of foreign direct investment (FDI). Under this trend, developing countries become essential destinations for FDI, which in return makes FDI a key factor that affects the industrial change of host countries through spillover and competition effects, for example. Technological proximity between foreign and domestic parts in one industry also contributes to enhancing or weakening the effects of spillover and competition, then influences the interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change, and further exerts impacts on regional economic growth. Based on the theories of global production network and Evolutionary Economic Geography and using four-digit manufacturing data of China's prefectural-level cities in ASIFs from 1998 to 2008, this study analyzed the interaction between FDI spatial dynamics (including FDI enterprise entry and FDI enterprises exit) and domestic industrial change and the impact of technological proximity on FDI spatial dynamics and domestic industrial change by using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The results show that the entry and exit of TNEs both induced change of domestic industries, while the spatial dynamics of FDI demonstrated the most significant effect in central and western China, followed by eastern cities. FDI entry contributed more in promoting domestic industrial change than FDI exit in the Northeastern. Technological proximity between domestic industries and FDI industries mostly weakened the positive effect of different spatial dynamics of FDI on domestic industrial change, except for the entry of FDI during 1998-2003. From a regional perspective, technological proximity in eastern cities showed positive effect on both entry and exit of FDI, suggesting a typical example of "strategic coupling." On the other hand, in middle, western and northeastern cities, higher technological relatedness has become an essential reason that prevents FDI from promoting the development of domestic industries.

Keywords: global production network ; evolutionary economic geography ; spatial dynamic of FDI ; domestic industrial change ; technological proximity ; China


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罗芊, 贺灿飞, 郭琪. 基于地级市尺度的中国外资空间动态与本土产业演化[J]. , 2016, 35(11): 1369-1380 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.007

LUO Qian, HE Canfei, GUO Qi. Interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change in Chinese prefecture-level cities[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(11): 1369-1380 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.11.007

1 引言

技术进步和制度变革是推动产业发展的内生源泉和外生动力。20世纪中后期以来,信息通信与交通运输技术的快速发展带来学习、交易和交通成本的大幅缩减(Harvey, 1990)。由此减少工业生产对邻近地方性资源的需求,推动生产要素在更广阔的范围内自由流动。技术演进形成的“时空压缩”又进一步改变了全球利益格局,引发了以区域一体化和贸易自由化为目标的制度改革,为跨区域联系的建立提供了更多可能(Dicken, 2003; 贺灿飞等, 2015)。在技术和制度2个方面因素共同作用下,资本主导下的生产环节流动性大大增强,促使国际劳动分工体系逐步形成(Gereffi et al, 2010; Yeung et al, 2015)。国际劳动分工即发达国家跨国公司在全球范围内开展的资源整合,其中的重要途径之一便是利用外商直接投资(FDI)构建“全球生产网络”(Global Production Network, GPN)(Kaminski et al, 2001; 戴翔等, 2014)。对于东道国来说,为了更好地对接全球生产网络,并以此借力实现价值捕获(Henderson et al, 2002),需要积极创造有利于外资流入的区位条件,吸引跨国公司在本地区选址(Aitken et al, 1999; Wang et al, 2008)。从跨国公司的角度来说,企业会以外商直接投资为主要形式,通过水平、垂直一体化扩张,进入资源丰富、劳动力成本低、消费者需求潜力巨大的地区(Kaplinsky, 1998; Gereffi, 1999)。在东道国拉力和跨国公司推力作用下,外资活跃度日益提升,表现为生产环节在全球范围内的流动,以及特定地区内外资的进入和退出。Henderson等人将上述机制描述为“战略耦合”(Strategic Coupling),即跨国公司一方面适应目的国社会制度,另一方面利用当地生产联系和劳动力市场,令全球生产网络在地方尺度上延伸出新结点的过程(Henderson et al, 2002; Yeung, 2014)。而发展中国家出于跨越式发展的需要,更有动机吸引外资企业落户,并将其作为抓手通过学习和再创新塑造核心竞争力,由此成为全球化进程中外资活跃度较高的重要地区(Wint et al, 2002; Kinda, 2010; Reiter et al, 2010)。相应地,外资也就以“战略耦合”为途径,成为参与和影响发展中国家产业发展的重要主体。

现有大量实证研究认为,外资在发展中国家进行“战略耦合”既有阻力,又有动力。研发水平较低、预防核心技术外溢、母国集聚倾向成为阻碍外资企业同本土企业建立联系的关键因素(Wei, 2015; 包群等, 2015)。而在后金融危机全球消费市场萎缩的大环境下,为了发掘发展中国家广阔的市场潜力,外资企业又不得不同本地企业合作,以适应当地的社会经济环境,降低经营风险(Yeung, 2014; Wei, 2015)。中国作为发展中大国,外资绝对规模大、活跃度高,且深刻影响着产业结构格局的演变,因而成为上述研究所关注的主要对象(贺灿飞等, 2006; 季颖颖等, 2014)。但它们多以特定地区和行业为案例,采用问卷、访谈等质性方法,得出的结论也相对片面(Wang et al, 2010; Wei et al, 2010; Wei, 2015)。因此,本文拟在此基础上,利用中国工业企业数据库,从地级市尺度上定量探究中国外资空间动态与本土产业演化的关系,以弥补前人研究在数据和方法上的局限。

2 理论框架

2.1 外资进入、退出与本土产业演化

外资是引导发展中国家对接GPN的主要力量,也是塑造外资东道国生产格局的重要因素(Wei, 2015)。具体来说,外资企业进入特定地区时,会与本土企业建立合作、竞争关系,并以其作为途径通过溢出、竞争效应对本土产业发展产生作用;外资出于某种原因而制定的退出决策,同样会影响本土产业演化,使东道国发展面临机遇抑或挑战。

(1) 外资利用会给东道国发展带来机遇。外资流入不仅使东道国从服务单一的本国市场转为服务多元化的全球市场,而且可通过根植于地方生产网络同本土企业建立“战略耦合”联系的方式,引导东道国调整生产结构以适应这种服务对象的转变(Yeung, 2009)。再加上外资企业相对本土企业而言通常具有更高的技术、管理水平,因此,区域内部不同所有制企业之间的这种良性互动无疑会使外商直接投资以“溢出作用”“示范效应”为途径,促进技术外溢,推动本土产业发展壮大,加速区域链入全球生产网络和全球价值链,实现整体经济增长和产业转型(Rodrik, 2006; Wang et al, 2008)。在此背景下,外资退出特定区域会一定程度上切断本地同国际市场的联系,剥夺本土产业的模仿和学习来源,从而不利于区域发展(Giunta et al, 2000)。

(2) 外资流入也使发展中国家面临挑战。首先,具有更强创新能力和管理水平的外资企业进入特定地区,可能挤占原本属于本土企业的资源和市场,使其发展受到抑制(Aitken et al, 1999; Backer et al, 2003)。其次,如果跨国公司进驻某地区的原因在于资源和政策红利,而本土产业基础和人力资本又对其没有较强吸引力的话,外资企业就会缺乏同本土企业进行“战略耦合”的动力,出现外资在区域内嵌入性不强的现象(Vind, 2008; Wei, 2015)。上述2种情况下的外资利用模式虽然能在短期内为区域带来经济增长,但实际上对本土产业并无裨益。当市场条件、政策环境或资源状况出现变化时,外资可能向更有利的区位迁移,这虽然能够一定程度上减轻本土企业面临的竞争和挤出效应,但更有可能导致地区丧失借外资促增长的能力,令区域发展面临困境(Harrison, 1992; Amin et al, 1994)。

综上可知,外资利用或许可促进目的国(地区)经济增长,但未必有利于本土产业比较优势的产生以及区域核心竞争力的形成。现有研究大多探讨外资进入对区域整体经济增长和产业发展的影响,发现外资利用显著促进了地区出口贸易,且多以高端产业的中低端环节非技能劳动力技术溢出为途径,较少涉及包含外资退出在内的完整外资空间动态对内资产业的影响(邵敏等, 2011; 冯丹卿等, 2013; Wei, 2015)。因此,有必要在明确外资空间动态的基础上,从全球生产网络视角切入,探究外资利用是否真正促进了本土产业的发展。

2.2 技术邻近度

外资能否同本土产业建立“战略耦合”关系,其空间动态对本土产业演化起到促进或抑制作用并不是一成不变的。对于跨国公司来说,追求高利润而非“战略耦合”,是外资流入的主要动因。但是,对于本土产业来说,借外资之力实现结构升级才是其根本目的所在。因此,从发展中国家的角度讲,欲借全球生产网络实现跨越式发展,一方面需要外资有较高的意愿同地方进行“战略耦合”,另一方面需要本土产业具备通过与外资“耦合”实现产品升值的能力(Henderson et al, 2002; Wei, 2015)。演化经济地理理论认为,采用技术关联衡量的认知邻近性(Cognitive Proximity),会影响产业间知识溢出的效果(Frenken et al, 2007; Boschma et al, 2009)。据此可以推断,同一产业内外资同内资部分之间的技术邻近度极有可能作用于外资空间动态同本土产业发展之间的关系,从而影响到区域对接全球生产网络的效果,以及发展中区域利用外资推动产业转型的动力。但是,当下研究外资与本土产业互动关系的研究中,虽有少数学者指出,内外资技术差距是决定跨国公司同本土企业“战略耦合”意愿高低和本土产业价值捕获能力大小的重要因素,但多未深入分析,更没有将其同演化理论联系起来(陈涛涛, 2003; 王俊松等, 2009; 包群等, 2015)。因此,从演化经济地理视角出发,有必要探究产业内不同所有制部分间技术邻近度影响下,外资同本土产业之间的“战略耦合”关系。


图1   研究框架

Fig.1   Research framework

3 数据与方法

3.1 数据来源与核心变量度量


(1) 本土产业演化

本文基于1998-2008年中国工业企业数据库中行业代码介于1310和4190的所有国有工业企业以及主营业务收入500万元以上的非国有工业企业数据,将所有制属于国有、集体和私营企业的“全部从业人数”按地级市加总到四位数行业,采用式(1)计算各地级市各行业的区位熵,得出本土产业动态 rca_domc,i,t。其中, staff_domc,i,tLQ_domc,i,t分别是t时期c城市的四位数行业i本土部分从业人数和区位熵。若 LQ_domc,i,t>1,说明t时期c城市的四位数行业i的本土部分具有比较优势,则 rca_domc,i,t=1;否则 rca_domc,i,t为0。通过对比 rca_domc,i,trca_domc,i,t+t,可以对 t年到 t+t年的本土产业演化进行刻画。

(2) 外资空间动态



式中: entryc,i,ttt+∆t期间城市c行业i的外资企业进入率; entc,i,ttt+∆t期间城市c行业i的外资企业进入数量; entc,ttt+∆t期间城市c外资企业进入总量。


式中: exitc,i,ttt+∆t期间城市c行业i的外资企业退出率; exic,i,ttt+∆t期间城市c行业i的外资企业退出数量; exic,ttt+∆t期间城市c外资企业退出总量。

(3) 内、外资技术邻近度



式中: prox_dom_fdic,i,t表示t时期城市c四位数行业i的内、外资技术邻近度; Prca_domc,i,t=1|rca_fdic,i,t=1t时期城市c四位数行业i的外资部分保有比较优势的前提下,内资部分也具有比较优势的条件概率; Prca_fdic,i,t=1|rca_domc,i,t=1为对应行业内资部分保有比较优势的前提下,外资部分具有比较优势的条件概率; rate_fdic,i,tt时期城市c四位数行业i内部的外资产值比重。

计算所得的 prox_dom_fdic,i,t越大,说明t时期c城市四位数行业i的内、外资技术差距越小,二者享有越多的知识信息基础,对生产要素、基础设施、制度环境以及人力资本的要求也越相近。

3.2 模型设定



式中:因变量 rca_domc,i,t+5表示t+5年地级市c的四位数本土行业i是否具有比较优势。自变量中, fdi_dynamicsc,i,tt年到t+5年地级市c的四位数行业i的外资空间动态(包括外资企业进入率 entryc,i,t和外资企业退出率 exitc,i,t); prox_dom_fdic,i,tt年地级市c的四位数行业i中内、外资部分间技术邻近度; district是表征区域的虚拟变量(东部 east=1;中部 middle=1;西部 west=1;东北 northeast=1)。控制变量中, rca_domc,i,t控制t年地级市c的四位数本土行业i是否具有比较优势; road_poc,tt年地级市c的人均道路铺装面积,以控制基础设施水平; wagec,tt年地级市c的人均工资水平,以控制劳动力成本; pgdpc,tt年地级市c的人均GDP,以控制城市经济发展水平; popc,tt年地级市c的人口规模,以控制市场规模; β1, β2, ..., β10表示模型中各变量对应的回归系数; εi,c,t表示残差项。控制变量中表征基础设施、人均工资水平、人均GDP和人口规模等变量均来自《中国城市统计年鉴》。

本文取t=1998和t=2003,通过构建截面模型,对技术邻近度作用下中国地级市外资空间动态对本土产业演化的影响进行实证分析,并在全样本回归的基础上,分别将核心变量同区域变量交叉,区分可能出现的空间差异。由于被解释变量为0/1变量,即本土产业发展出比较优势的概率依赖于外资空间动态等自变量,因此采用截面probit回归,同时控制时间、地区以及行业异质性可能带来的影响。变量之间Pearson相关系数绝对值均在0.5以内,各回归模型pseudo R2均维持在0.4以上,Prob<chi2小于0.01,说明模型能够在显著性水平为0.01的条件下通过检验。模型估计使用Stata 13.0软件进行。

4 中国外资空间动态与本土产业演化时空格局演变

为描述中国地级市外资空间动态,分别计算1998-2003年和2003-2008年(① 本文选取1998-2008年作为研究时段主要有2个原因:a. 受数据可得性限制。由于2009年及之后中国工业企业数据库的数据完整度、精确度和统计口径均不稳定,故选择探究1998-2008年的内外资关系,以保证科学性;b. 本文的主要目的在于揭示外资空间进入、退出与内资产业发展之间的互动规律,从而补充和拓展相关理论,因而数据的可信度、稳定性相比于时效性来说更加重要。)



图2   1998-2003年外资企业进入、退出率

Fig.2   Entry and exit rate of foreign-capital enterprises, 1998-2003

图3   2003-2008年外资企业进入、退出率

Fig.3   Entry and exit rate of foreign-capital enterprises, 2003-2008


首先,以t(t=1998、t=2003)年的c城市为观测对象,计算该城市中本土部分在t+5年发展出比较优势的产业对应的外资企业平均进入率,记为 P1;计算本土部分未发展出比较优势的产业对应的外资企业平均进入率,记为 P2。以 P2P1为横、纵坐标绘制散点图如图4a所示。可见,大多数散点位于 y=x,说明外资企业进入能够显著提升本土产业发展出比较优势的概率。为进一步观察外资进入促进本土产业发展的时间差异,将图中散点分别按照1998-2003年和2003-2008年添加趋势线。可以发现,2003-2008年对应的趋势线斜率更大。这也间接说明中国内、外资“战略耦合”关系正日趋紧密,二者之间的溢出强度也在不断增大。

图4   1998-2003、2003-2008年外资进入、退出与本土产业演化

Fig.4   Relationship between entry and exit of foreign-capital enterprises and change of domestic industries during 1998-2003 and 2003-2008

其次,采用相同方法计算t年(t=1998、t=2003)c城市在t+5年本土部分发展出、未发展出比较优势的产业对应的外资企业平均退出率,记为 P3P4,并绘制散点图得到图4b。可以发现,外资退出同样也会促进本土产业演化。外资退出虽然会导致区域生产要素的外流,但也会为本土产业发展腾出更加充裕的空间,使之较少受到外资挤出效应影响,从而更容易扩张出比较优势。按时段添加趋势线,发现2003-2008年外资退出对本土产业演化的推动更强。说明后一时段外资退出引发“资源腾退”对本土产业发展的促进相对增强,外资退出也使得“资源剥夺”对本土产业发展的抑制相对减弱。


表1   1998、2003年全国、分区域平均技术邻近度

Tab.1   National and regional average technological proximity in China in 1998 and 2003



5 技术邻近度作用下的外资空间动态与本土产业演化

5.1 外资进入与本土产业演化


表2   1998-2003年技术邻近度影响下中国城市外资企业进入对本土产业演化的影响

Tab.2   Impact of entry of foreign-capital enterprises on domestic industrial change through the influence of technological proximity, 1998-2003


注:*** p<0.01,** p<0.05,* p<0.1。


表3   2003-2008年技术邻近度影响下中国城市外资企业进入对本土产业演化的影响

Tab.3   Impact of entry of foreign-capital enterprises on domestic industrial change through the influence of technological proximity, 2003-2008


注:*** p<0.01,** p<0.05,* p<0.1。


从全国的尺度看,2个时段内entry对应的回归系数均显著为正,即外资企业进入显著促进了同产业本土部分比较优势的产生。这证实了上文有关外资流入能够通过劳动力流动、示范效应等途径实现技术外溢,从而提升本土比较优势的猜测,说明一方面外资存在同本土产业进行“战略耦合”的意愿,另一方面本土产业也确实凭借外资流入实现了价值捕获和结构升级(施炳展, 2015)。2003-2008年的entry回归系数大于1998-2003年,说明随着外资利用的不断深化,本土行业能够更有效地利用外资溢出实现自身发展。entryprox_dom_fdi的交叉项回归系数在1998-2003年显著为正,在2003-2008年显著为负。在1998-2003年,内、外资产业在生产要素、生产技术等方面的重合度越高,二者通过相互模仿学习而实现技术外溢的可能性越大;而到了2003-2008年,外资流入对本土产业存在溢出中竞争的现象:外资企业同本土企业对生产要素和制度环境的相似需求反而引发了更激烈的潜在竞争,从而降低了二者“战略耦合”的可能性。


5.2 外资退出与本土产业演化


表4   1998-2003年技术邻近度影响下中国城市外资企业退出对本土产业演化的影响

Tab.4   Impact of exit of foreign-capital enterprises on domestic industrial change through the influence of technological proximity, 1998-2003


注:*** p<0.01,** p<0.05,* p<0.1。


表5   2003-2008年技术邻近度影响下中国城市外资企业退出对本土产业演化的影响

Tab.5   Model on exit of foreign-capital enterprises to domestic industrial evolution influenced by technological proximity, 2003-2008


注:*** p<0.01,** p<0.05,* p<0.1。




6 结论与讨论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. 经济研究,(7): 4-17, 43.

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本文从分工演进视角,提出了制度质量、融入产品内国际分工程度及其二者交互作用,促进出口技术复杂度提升作用机制的理论假说。借鉴Hausmann et al.(2005)的方法,利用1996—2010年HS92六位数分类贸易统计数据,本文测算了62个国家(地区)的出口技术复杂度,并分别运用OLS法和系统GMM法进行了实证研究。计量结果表明,制度质量的完善对提升出口技术复杂度具有显著正向作用,与此同时,融入产品内国际分工程度及其与制度质量的交互作用,同样也对出口技术复杂度提升具有显著促进作用。理论假说通过了较好的逻辑一致性计量检验。据此,伴随中国人口红利等传统低成本国际竞争优势逐步丧失,新一轮开放应注重释放制度红利,从而在进一步深度融入产品内国际分工体系中提升中国出口技术复杂度,谋求全球分工新地位。

[Dai X, Jin P.2014.

Intra-product specialization, institution quality and export sophistication

[J]. Economic Research Journal,(7): 4-17, 43.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文从分工演进视角,提出了制度质量、融入产品内国际分工程度及其二者交互作用,促进出口技术复杂度提升作用机制的理论假说。借鉴Hausmann et al.(2005)的方法,利用1996—2010年HS92六位数分类贸易统计数据,本文测算了62个国家(地区)的出口技术复杂度,并分别运用OLS法和系统GMM法进行了实证研究。计量结果表明,制度质量的完善对提升出口技术复杂度具有显著正向作用,与此同时,融入产品内国际分工程度及其与制度质量的交互作用,同样也对出口技术复杂度提升具有显著促进作用。理论假说通过了较好的逻辑一致性计量检验。据此,伴随中国人口红利等传统低成本国际竞争优势逐步丧失,新一轮开放应注重释放制度红利,从而在进一步深度融入产品内国际分工体系中提升中国出口技术复杂度,谋求全球分工新地位。
[4] 冯丹卿, 钟昌标, 黄远浙. 2013.


[J]. 世界经济, (12): 29-52.

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Waizi jinru sudu dui neizi qiye chukou maoyi de yingxiang yanjiu

[J]. The Journal of World Economy, (12): 29-52.]

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[5] 贺灿飞, 毛熙彦. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(9): 1073-1083.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.09.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[He C F, Mao X Y.2015.

Economic globalization research based on scale-construction in Western human geography

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(9): 1073-1083.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.09.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[6] 贺灿飞, 潘峰华. 2006.

溢出效应还是挤出效应: 对北京市制造业外商直接投资的实证分析

[J]. 中国软科学, (7): 96-104.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[He C F, Pan F H.2006.

Spillover effects or crowding out effects: An empirical study on FDI in the manufacturing industry in Beijing

[J]. China Soft Science, (7): 96-104.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[7] 季颖颖, 郭琪, 贺灿飞. 2014.

外商直接投资技术溢出空间效应及其变化: 基于中国地级市的实证研究

[J]. 地理科学进展, 33(12): 1614-1623.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.12.004      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

FDI(外商直接投资)对内资企业的技术溢出效应是国内外研究的重要话题,但相关文献多为静态研究。本文认为FDI 的技术溢出存在时间效应,即FDI 对内资企业的技术溢出或挤出效应,随着FDI 进入东道国的时间推移而变化。利用2003-2007 年中国工业企业数据库,以通信设备、计算机和其他电子设备制造业为例,对城市面板数据建立门槛回归模型,研究FDI 技术溢出效应随时间变化的动态过程。结果表明,随着FDI 进入东道国的时间推移,技术溢出效应的变化呈扁S曲线:初始,FDI对内资企业表现为明显的挤出效应;3~4 年后,逐渐由挤出效应向溢出效应转变;随着时间的进一步推移,溢出效应减缓下降,最终表现为不明显的溢出或挤出效应。此外,对不同所有制的内资企业,FDI技术溢出效应随时间变化的动态过程不同。

[Ji Y Y, Guo Q, He C F.2014.

Spatial effects of foreign direct investment technology spillover and its changes: Empirical study based on panel data of Chinese prefecture-level cities

[J]. Progress in Geography, 33(12): 1614-1623.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.12.004      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

FDI(外商直接投资)对内资企业的技术溢出效应是国内外研究的重要话题,但相关文献多为静态研究。本文认为FDI 的技术溢出存在时间效应,即FDI 对内资企业的技术溢出或挤出效应,随着FDI 进入东道国的时间推移而变化。利用2003-2007 年中国工业企业数据库,以通信设备、计算机和其他电子设备制造业为例,对城市面板数据建立门槛回归模型,研究FDI 技术溢出效应随时间变化的动态过程。结果表明,随着FDI 进入东道国的时间推移,技术溢出效应的变化呈扁S曲线:初始,FDI对内资企业表现为明显的挤出效应;3~4 年后,逐渐由挤出效应向溢出效应转变;随着时间的进一步推移,溢出效应减缓下降,最终表现为不明显的溢出或挤出效应。此外,对不同所有制的内资企业,FDI技术溢出效应随时间变化的动态过程不同。
[8] 邵敏, 刘重力. 2011.

外资进入与技能溢价: 兼论我国FDI技术外溢的偏向性

[J]. 世界经济研究, (1): 67-74.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章将外资影响技能溢价的主要 途径区分为两类:其一为外资通过技术进步的偏向性影响技能劳动力的相对需求进而影响技能溢价,其二为外资通过影响技能劳动力的相对供给进而影响技能溢价。 文章通过联立方程模型对这两种途径进行了计量检验,结果表明:外资的进入会通过偏向非技能劳动力技术外溢对我国技能劳动力相对需求产生显著负向作用,同时 由于可能存在技能劳动力的反向流动,其对我国技能劳动力相对供给的正向作用并不显著。由此得到如下结论:样本期间内我国的FDI技术外溢更偏向非技能劳动 力从而外资的进入会降低我国的技能溢价。进入我国的FDI平均来说是"高端产业的低端环节"。

[Shao M, Liu Z L.2011.

Foreign investment and skill premiums: Combining a comment on the bias of FDI technology spillovers in China

[J]. World Economy Study, (1): 67-74.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章将外资影响技能溢价的主要 途径区分为两类:其一为外资通过技术进步的偏向性影响技能劳动力的相对需求进而影响技能溢价,其二为外资通过影响技能劳动力的相对供给进而影响技能溢价。 文章通过联立方程模型对这两种途径进行了计量检验,结果表明:外资的进入会通过偏向非技能劳动力技术外溢对我国技能劳动力相对需求产生显著负向作用,同时 由于可能存在技能劳动力的反向流动,其对我国技能劳动力相对供给的正向作用并不显著。由此得到如下结论:样本期间内我国的FDI技术外溢更偏向非技能劳动 力从而外资的进入会降低我国的技能溢价。进入我国的FDI平均来说是"高端产业的低端环节"。
[9] 施炳展. 2015.


[J]. 国际商务研究, 36(2): 5-20.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文研究外资对本土企业出口产品质量的影响方向和影响渠道.研究 发现:本土企业与外资企业产品质量差距扩大;外资通过生产效率、研发效率、竞争效应等渠道降低本土企业出口产品质量,通过缓解融资约束、广告效率渠道提升 本土企业出口产品质量;外资企业数目增加会提升本土企业出口产品质量,但外资企业出口强度增加会降低本土企业出口产品质量;总体来看,外资不利于本土企业 出口产品质量的提升.

[Shi B Z.2015.

Does FDI upgrade the product quality of Chinese domestic firm's export

[J]. International Business Research, 36(2): 5-20.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文研究外资对本土企业出口产品质量的影响方向和影响渠道.研究 发现:本土企业与外资企业产品质量差距扩大;外资通过生产效率、研发效率、竞争效应等渠道降低本土企业出口产品质量,通过缓解融资约束、广告效率渠道提升 本土企业出口产品质量;外资企业数目增加会提升本土企业出口产品质量,但外资企业出口强度增加会降低本土企业出口产品质量;总体来看,外资不利于本土企业 出口产品质量的提升.
[10] 王俊松, 贺灿飞. 2009.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 28(3): 337-344.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang J S, He C F.2009.

Agglomeration economies, FDI spillovers and Chinese automobile enterprises efficiency

[J]. Progress in Geography, 28(3): 337-344.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] Aitken B J, Harrison A E.1999.

Do domestic firms benefit from direct foreign investment? Evidence from Venezuela

[J]. American Economic Review, 89(3): 605-618.

https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.89.3.605      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Governments often promote inward foreign investment to encourage technology 'spillovers' from foreign to domestic firms. Using panel data on Venezuelan plants, the authors find that foreign equity participation is positively correlated with plant productivity (the 'own-plant' effect), but this relationship is only robust for small enterprises. They then test for spillovers from joint ventures to plants with no foreign investment. Foreign investment negatively affects the productivity of domestically owned plants. The net impact of foreign investment, taking into account these two offsetting effects, is quite small. The gains from foreign investment appear to be entirely captured by joint ventures.
[12] Amin A, Thrift N.1994. Globalization, institutions, and regional development in Europe[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[13] Backer K D, Sleuwaegen L.2003.

Does foreign direct investment crowd out domestic entrepreneurship

[J]. Review of Industrial Organization, 22(1): 67-84.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1022180317898      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<a name="Abs1"></a>In analyzing firm entry and exit across Belgian manufacturing industries, this paper presents evidence that import competition and foreign direct investment discourage entry and stimulate exit of domestic entrepreneurs. These results are in line with theoretical occupational choice models that predict foreign direct investment would crowd out domestic entrepreneurs through their selections in product and labor markets. However, the empirical results also suggest that this crowding out effect may be moderated or even reversed in the long-run due to the long term positive effects of FDI on domestic entrepreneurship as a result of learning, demonstration, networking and linkage effects between foreign and domestic firms.
[14] Boschma R, Capone G.2015.

Relatedness and diversification in the European Union (EU-27) and European Neighbourhood Policy countries

[J]. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(4): 617-637.

[本文引用: 1]     

[15] Boschma R, Iammarino S.2009.

Related variety, trade linkages, and regional growth in Italy

[J]. Economic Geography, 85(3): 289-311.

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] Cattaneo O, Gereffi G, Staritz C.2010.

Global value chains in a post-crisis world: resilience, consolidation, and shifting end markets

[M]//Cattaneo O, Gereffi G, Staritz C. Global value chains in a post-crisis world: A development perspective. Washington DC: World Bank: 3-20.

[17] Dicken P.2003.

Global shift: Reshaping the global economic map in the 21st century

[M]. London, UK: SAGE Publications.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Frenken K, Van Oort F, Verburg T.2007.

Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth

[J]. Regional Studies, 41(5): 685-697.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601120296      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Frenken K., Van Oort F. and Verburg T. (2007) Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In economic theory, one can distinguish between variety as a source of regional knowledge spillovers, called Jacobs externalities, and variety as a portfolio protecting a region from external shocks. It is argued that Jacobs externalities are best measured by related variety (within sectors), while the portfolio argument is better captured by unrelated variety (between sectors). A methodology based on entropy measures is introduced to compute related variety and unrelated variety. Using data at the NUTS 3 level in the Netherlands for 1996-2002, it was found that Jacobs externalities enhance employment growth, while unrelated variety dampens unemployment growth. Productivity growth can be explained by traditional determinants including investments and research and development expenditures. Implications for regional policy follow. Frenken K., Van Oort F. et Verburg T. (2007) La variete connexe, la variete sans rapport et la croissance economique regionale., Regional Studies 41, 685-697. Dans la theorie economique, on peut distinguer entre la variete comme la source des retombees de connaissance regionales, dites les effets externes de Jacob, et la variete comme un portefeuille qui protege la region des chocs externes. On affirme que l'on peut mieux mesurer les effets externes de Jacob a partir de la notion de variete connexe (au sein des secteurs), tandis que l'argument qui prone plutot la notion de portefeuille est mieux saisi par la notion de variete sans rapport (entre les secteurs). On presente une methodologie fondee sur des mesures d'entropie afin d'estimer la variete connexe et la variete sans rapport. A partir des donnees au niveau NUTS 3 aupres des Pays-Bas pour la periode de 1996 a 2002, on trouve que les effets externes de Jacob augmentent la croissance de l'emploi, alors que la variete sans rapport attenue la croissance du chomage. La croissance de la productivite s'explique par des determinants traditionnels, y compris l'investissement et les depenses de recherche-developpement. Il s'ensuit les implications pour la politique regionale. Variete Croissance; Effets externes de Jacob; Economies d'agglomeration; Retombees Entropie Frenken K., Van Oort F. und Verburg T. (2007) Zusammenhangende Vielfalt, nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In der Wirtschaftstheorie unterscheidet man zwischen der Vielfalt als Quelle regionaler Wissensubertragung (den so genannten Jacobs-Externalitaten) und der Vielfalt als Portfolio zum Schutz einer Region vor externen Erschutterungen. Wir stellen die These auf, dass sich die Jacobs-Externalitaten am besten anhand der zusammenhangenden Vielfalt (innerhalb von Sektoren) messen lassen, wahrend sich das Portfolio-Argument besser durch nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt (zwischen verschiedenen Sektoren) darstellen lasst. Mit Hilfe einer Methodologie auf der Grundlage entropischer Messungen ermitteln wir zusammenhangende Vielfalt und nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt. Anhand von Daten auf dem NUTS 3-Niveau in den Niederlanden fur den Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2002 stellen wir fest, dass die Jacobs-Externalitaten zu einem Anstieg des Beschaftigungsniveaus fuhren, wahrend nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt den Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit dampft. Der Anstieg der Produktivitat lasst sich durch traditionelle Determinanten wie Investitionen und Ausgaben fur F&E erklaren. Im Anschluss werden die Konsequenzen fur die Regionalpolitik beschrieben. Vielfalt; Wachstum; Jacobs-Externalitaten; Agglomerationswirtschaften; U篓bertragung; Entropie; Frenken K., Van Oort F. y Verburg T. (2007) Variedad relacionada, variedad no relacionada y el crecimiento economico regional, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. En la teoria economica, podemos distinguir entre la variedad como una fuente de desbordamientos de conocimiento regionales, llamados externalidades Jacobs, y la variedad como una cartera que protege una region de choques externos. Sostenemos que las externalidades Jacobs se miden mejor segun la variedad relacionada (dentro de los sectores), mientras que el argumento de la cartera se capta mejor con una variedad no relacionada (entre sectores). Para calcular la variedad relacionada y la variedad no relacionada, introducimos una metodologia basada en las medidas de entropia. Usando datos en el nivel NUTS 3 en los Paises Bajos para el periodo 1996-2002, observamos que las externalidades Jacobs aumentan el crecimiento de empleo mientras que la variedad no relacionada desestimula el crecimiento de desempleo. El crecimiento de productividad puede explicarse mediante determinantes tradicionales incluyendo las inversiones y los gastos en I + D. Tambien explicamos las implicaciones para la politica regional. Variedad; Crecimiento; Externalidades Jacobs; Economias de aglomeracion; Desbordamiento; Entropia
[19] Gereffi G.1999.

A commodity chains framework for analyzing global industries

[R]. Durham, NC: Department of Sociology, Duke University.

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[20] Giunta A, Legendijk A, Pike A.2000.

Restructuring industry and territory: The experience of Europe's regions

[M]. London, UK: The Stationery Office.

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Industrial districts: Old wine in new bottles

[J]. Regional Studies, 26(5): 469-483.

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[22] Harvey D.1990.

Between space and time: Reflections on the geographical imagination

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 80(3): 418-434.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1990.tb00305.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although concepts of space and time are socially constructed, they operate with the full force of objective fact and play a key role in processes of social reproduction. Conceptions of space and time are inevitably, therefore, contested as part and parcel of processes of social change, no matter whether that change is superimposed from without (as in imperialist domination) or generated from within (as in the conflict between environmentalist and economic standards of decision making). A study of the historical geography of concepts of space and time suggests that the roots of the social construction of these concepts lie in the mode of production and its characteristic social relations. In particular, the revolutionary qualities of a capitalistic mode of production, marked by strong currents of technological change and rapid economic growth and development, have been associated with powerful revolutions in the social conceptions of space and time. The implications of these revolutions, implying as they do the 鈥渁nnihilation of space by time'鈥檃nd the general speed-up and acceleration of turnover time of capital, are traced in the fields of culture and politics, aesthetic theory and, finally, brought home within the discipline of geography as both a problem and a stimulus for rethinking the role of the geographical imagination in contemporary social life.
[23] Henderson J, Dicken P, Hess M, et al.2002.

Global production networks and the analysis of economic development

[J]. Review of International Political Economy, 9(3): 436-464.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290210150842      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

This article outlines a framework for the analysis of economic integration and its relation to the asymmetries of economic and social development. Consciously breaking with state-centric forms of social science, it argues for a research agenda that is more adequate to the exigencies and consequences of globalization than has traditionally been the case in 'development studies'. Drawing on earlier attempts to analyse the cross-border activities of firms, their spatial configurations and developmental consequences, the article moves beyond these by proposing the framework of the 'global production network' (GPN). It explores the conceptual elements involved in this framework in some detail and then turns to sketch a stylized example of a GPN. The article concludes with a brief indication of the benefits that could be delivered by research informed by GPN analysis.
[24] Hidalgo C A, Klinger B, Barabási A L, et al.2007.

The product space conditions the development of nations

[J]. Science, 317: 482-487.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1144581      URL      PMID: 17656717      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or “product space,” finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
[25] Kaminski B, Smarzynska B K.2001.

Integration into global production and distribution networks through FDI: The case of Poland

[J]. Post-Communist Economies, 13(3): 265-288.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14631370120074830      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Technological progress has led to increasing importance of the international division of labour organized around global production and distribution networks. Multinational corporations have been a driving force behind these developments. This article studies the role of MNCs in integrating a host country into the international system of division of labour in the context of Poland. It provides evidence of Poland's increasing participation in global production and distribution networks that is taking place through FDI inflows. It concludes that, thanks to a large volume of FDI inflows, Poland's exports driven by production fragmentation will continue to expand at even faster rates than those observed in recent years.
[26] Kaplinsky R.1998.

Globalization, industrialization and sustainable growth: The pursuit of the nth rent

[C]//Discussion paper 365. Sussex, UK: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Kinda T.2010.

Investment climate and FDI in developing countries: Firm-level evidence

[J]. World Development, 38(4): 498-513.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2009.12.001      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Summary</h2><p id="">This paper uses firm-level data across 77 developing countries to show that constraints related to investment climate hamper Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The main results show that physical infrastructure problems, financing constraints, and institutional problems discourage FDI. These results are robust to an alternative definition of FDI, introduction of additional explanatory variables, and some breakdown analyses (different sectors of activity and comparison between Sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries). The results also highlight that exporter foreign firms are more constrained in their activity by physical infrastructure hurdles and the lack of skilled workers compared to firms supplying the domestic market.</p>
[28] Reiter S L, Steensma H K.2010.

Human development and foreign direct investment in developing countries: The influence of FDI policy and corruption

[J]. World Development, 38(12): 1678-1691.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.04.005      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Summary</h2><p id="">While policymakers place great importance on foreign direct investment (FDI) in advancing development in developing countries, the links between FDI, economic development, and human development remain tenuous. We attempt to better understand these relationships by looking at the influence of FDI policy and corruption on these relationships. We find that FDI inflows are more strongly positively related to improvement in human development when FDI policy restricts foreign investors from entering some economic sectors and when it discriminates against foreign investors relative to domestic investors. The relationship between FDI and improvement in human development is also more strongly positive when corruption is low.</p>
[29] Rodrik D.2006.

What's so special about China's exports

[R]//NBER Working Paper No.11947. Cambridge, Massachusetts: NBER.

[本文引用: 1]     

[30] Vind I.2008.

Transnational companies as a source of skill upgrading: The electronics industry in Ho Chi Minh City

[J]. Geoforum, 39(3): 1480-1493.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2008.01.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Employment and training in TNCs constitute a potential route through which FDI-led industrialization can contribute to national and regional development and economic growth. The article explores this link through the case of TNCs in the electronics industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The skill upgrading contribution of TNCs is related to the type of factories located in Vietnam and the role they play in regional production networks using a model combining the reverse product cycle and regional waves of FDI. Most electronics factories in Vietnam are 鈥榬eproduction factories鈥 with mature technology and a narrow role in basic component manufacturing; it is shown that their contribution to skill upgrading is correspondingly narrow. Training for the majority of employees is very simple, and those who receive additional training do this especially in labour management, not in technical fields. Only a small group of engineers receive advanced technical training, in Vietnam and in the parent company abroad. The best prospects for increased skill upgrading are found in those companies that are more than reproduction factories for assembly; however, such companies are still few. The TNCs also represent a potential contribution to skill upgrading in local firms through supplier linkages and movement of staff, but when they operate in isolation from a local economy with little absorptive capacity, as in this case, this potential is not realized.
[31] Wang C C, Lin G C S, Li G C.2010.

Industrial clustering and technological innovation in China: New evidence from the ICT industry in Shenzhen

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 42(8): 1987-2010.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a4356      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The relationship between industrial clustering and technological innovation has been a subject of intense enquiry and heated debate. We examine the actual pattern of industrial clustering and technological innovation in China, focusing on the information and communication technology (ICT) industry. With our systematic analysis of the data gathered at the national level we found no significant relationship between spatial agglomeration and economic performance. Our questionnaire survey and personal interviews conducted in Shenzhen—China’s leading special economic zone—revealed a peculiar pattern consistent with that at the national level. Although there existed frequent and intensive production linkages among firms in the Shenzhen ICT industrial cluster, the innovative performance of these firms has been rather poor. Most of the ICT manufacturing firms obtained their core technology through internal research and development (R & D) activities rather than through technology transfer or knowledge spillover. There is a lack of interest among firms to seek cooperation and communication based on knowledge, technology, or R & D activities with other firms in the same cluster. The peculiar pattern of clustering and innovation in China suggests that technological innovation may have a divergent regional trajectory more sophisticated than that which has been described in the existing theory of industrial clusters. The study closes with a plea to go beyond a relational turn in economic geography and to take more seriously the roles played by actors and agents within different bounded and grounded institutional and regional contexts.
[32] Wang Z, Wei S J.2008.

What accounts for the rising sophistication of China's exports

[R]//NBER Working Paper No.13771. Cambridge, Massachusetts: NBER.

[本文引用: 2]     

[33] Wei Y H D.2015.

Network linkages and local embeddedness of foreign ventures in China: The case of Suzhou Municipality

[J]. Regional Studies, 49(2): 287-299.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.770139      URL      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

Wei Y. H. D. Network linkages and local embeddedness of foreign ventures in China: the case of Suzhou municipality, Regional Studies . This paper analyses foreign direct investment (FDI) in Suzhou municipality, China, known for the Sunan model of development based on township and village enterprises. Suzhou has been remaking its development model by attracting FDI and making itself an innovative place. It is argued that local states play an important, yet diminishing, role in FDI location, with the rising significance of agglomeration effects. However, foreign ventures tend to network among themselves. They remain thinly embedded with local economies and strategic coupling rarely exists. Four mismatches - technological, structural, institutional and spatial - are proposed to explain this weak embeddedness. Suzhou's development path requires expansion of endogenous capacities.
[34] Wei Y H D, Li J, Ning Y M.2010.

Corporate networks, value chains, and spatial organization: A study of the computer industry in China

[J]. Urban Geography, 31(8): 1118-1140.

[本文引用: 1]     

[35] Wint A G, Williams D A.2002.

Attracting FDI to developing countries: A changing role for government

[J]. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 15(5): 361-374.

https://doi.org/10.1108/09513550210435719      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study examines the efforts of many developing countries to promote their economies as sites for foreign direct investment. It develops a model of determinants of foreign direct investment flows to test the extent to which countries are able to differentially attract foreign direct investment through promotional activities. The statistical study lends support to the concept that the convergence of policy and promotional activities around the developing world is leading to a movement toward the maturity phase of the life cycle of the differential effectiveness of special attraction efforts. While this trend does not support a discontinuation of these special attraction efforts, we do suggest that it does make it critical that promotional organizations in developing countries emphasize "functional" rather than "selective" policy reforms and promotional activities that are non-discriminatory in relation to local investors.
[36] Yeung H W C.2009.

Regional development and the competitive dynamics of global production networks: An East Asian perspective

[J]. Regional Studies, 43(3): 325-351.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400802508836      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Yang C. Strategic coupling of regional development in global production networks: redistribution of Taiwanese personal computer investment from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta, China, Regional Studies. From the perspective of strategic coupling of regional development in global production networks (GPN), this paper attempts to explore the dynamics and patterns of the redistribution of Taiwanese personal computer (PC) investment from the Pearl River Delta (PRD) to the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) in China since the early 2000s. Through firm-level interviews and case studies, it argues that the redistribution is resulted from divergent strategic coupling between respective Taiwanese firms in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta and their lead firm counterparts fostered by different local institutional initiatives. The study further elucidates that regional development in the global economy has turned increasingly to trans-local dynamics. [image omitted] Yang C. L'association strategique de l'amenagement du territoire dans les reseaux de production mondialises: la redistribution de l'investissement taiwanais en ordinateurs personnels du delta de la Pearl au delta de la Yangtze, en Chine, Regional Studies. Du point de vue de l'association strategique de l'amenagement du territoire dans les reseaux de production mondialises, cet article cherche a examiner pendant les dix dernieres annees la dynamique et la repartition de la redistribution de l'investissement taiwanais en ordinateurs personnels du delta de la Pearl (PRD) au delta de la Yangtze (YRD) en Chine. A partir des interviews aupres des entreprises et des etudes de cas, on soutient que la redistribution resulte de l'association strategique divergente entre les entreprises taiwanaises situees dans la PRD et la YRD et leurs homologues leaders qui se sont developpes suite a diverses initiatives institutionnelles locales. En outre, l'etude montre que, dans le contexte de l'economie mondiale, l'amenagement du territoire porte de plus en plus sur la dynamique trans-locale. Association strategique Amenagement du territoire Reseaux de production mondialises Redistribution de l'IDE Delta de la Pearl Delta de la Yangtze Yang C. Die strategische Kopplung von Regionalentwicklung in globalen Produktionsnetzen: Umverteilung taiwanesischer PC-Investitionen vom Pearl River Delta zum Yangtze River Delta in China, Regional Studies. In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, die Dynamik und die Ablaufe bei der Umverteilung taiwanesischer PC-Investitionen vom Pearl River Delta (PRD) zum Yangtze River Delta (YRD) in China wahrend der letzten 10 Jahre aus der Perspektive der strategischen Kopplung der regionalen Entwicklung in globalen Produktionsnetzen zu analysieren. Anhand von Interviews und Fallstudien auf Firmenebene wird argumentiert, dass die Umverteilung durch eine divergente strategische Kopplung zwischen taiwanesischen Firmen im PRD und YRD und ihren entsprechenden leitenden Firmen verursacht und durch verschiedene lokale institutionelle Initiativen gefordert wird. Wie aus der Studie weiter hervorgeht, hat die regionale Entwicklung in der globalen Wirtschaft die zunehmend translokale Dynamik verandert. Strategische Kopplung Regionalentwicklung Globalisierte Produktionsnetze Umverteilung von auslandischen Direktinvestitionen Pearl River Delta Yangtze River Delta Yang C. Conexion estrategica del desarrollo regional en las redes de produccion global: redistribucion de la inversion en PC en Taiwan desde el delta del rio Pearl hasta el delta del rio Yangtze en China, Regional Studies. Desde la perspectiva de la conexion estrategica del desarrollo regional en las redes de produccion global, en este articulo intento analizar las dinamicas y los modelos de redistribucion de la inversion en PC en Taiwan desde el delta del rio Pearl hasta el delta del rio Yangtze en China en los ultimos diez anos. Mediante entrevistas a nivel empresarial y estudios practicos, sostengo que la redistribucion es el resultado de una conexion estrategica divergente entre las empresas de Taiwan en el delta del rio Pearl y el delta del rio Yangtze y sus socios lideres fomentados por diferentes iniciativas institucionales en un ambito local. En este estudio tambien explico que el desarrollo regional en la economia global ha transformado las dinamicas cada vez mas translocales. Conexion estrategica Desarrollo regional Redes de produccion global Redistribucion de la IDE Delta del rio Pearl Delta del rio Yangtze
[37] Yeung H W C.2014.

Governing the market in a globalizing era: Developmental states, global production networks and inter-firm dynamics in East Asia

[J]. Review of International Political Economy, 21(1): 70-101.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290.2012.756415      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper focuses on the changing governance of economic development in a globalizing era in relation to the dynamics of global value chains and global production networks. Based on recent development in such East Asian economies as South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, I examine how, since the 1990s, the embedded relation between one variant of state institutions, known as the developmental state, and national firms, well integrated into global chains and networks spanning different territories and regions, has evolved. Because of the deepening strategic coupling of these national firms with lead firms in global industries, the developmental state's attempt to govern the market and to steer industrial transformation through direct policy interventions has become increasingly difficult and problematic. Through this process of strategic coupling, national firms have been gradually disembedded from state apparatuses and re-embedded in different global production networks that are governed by competitive inter-firm dynamics. While the state in these East Asian economies has actively repositioned its role in this changing governance, it can no longer be conceived as the dominant actor in steering domestic firms and industrial transformation. The developmental trajectory of these national economies becomes equally, if not more, dependent on the successful articulation of their domestic firms in global production networks spearheaded by lead firms. In short, inter-firm dynamics in global production networks tend to trump state-led initiatives as one of the most critical conditions for economic development. This paper theorizes further this significant role of global value chains and global production networks in the changing international political economy of development.
[38] Yeung H W C, Coe N M.2015.

Toward a dynamic theory of global production network

[J]. Economic Geography, 91(1): 29-58.

https://doi.org/10.1111/ecge.12063/abstract      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Global production networks (GPN) are organizational platforms through which actors in different regional and national economies compete and cooperate for a greater share of value creation, transformation, and capture through geographically dispersed economic activity. Existing conceptual frameworks on global value chains (GVC) and what we term GPN 1.0 tend to under-theorize the origins and dynamics of these organizational platforms and to overemphasize their governance typologies (e.g., modular, relational, and captive modes in GVC theory) or analytical categories (e.g., power and embeddedness in GPN 1.0). Building on this expanding literature, our article aims to contribute toward the reframing of existing GPN-GVC debates and the development of a more dynamic theory of global production networks that can better explain the emergence of different firm-specific activities, strategic network effects, and territorial outcomes in the global economy. It is part of a wider initiative鈥擥PN 2.0 in short鈥攖hat seeks to offer novel theoretical insights into why and how the organization and coordination of global production networks varies significantly within and across different industries, sectors, and economies. Taking an actor-centered focus toward theory development, we tackle a significant gap in existing work by systematically conceptualizing the causal drivers of global production networks in terms of their competitive dynamics (optimizing cost-capability ratios, market imperatives, and financial discipline) and risk environments. These capitalist dynamics are theorized as critical independent variables that shape the four main strategies adopted by economic actors in (re)configuring their global production networks and, ultimately, the developmental outcomes in different industries, regions, and countries.
