地理科学进展  2015 , 34 (12): 1617-1627 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.12.010

Orginal Article


谷志莲12, 柴彦威2**

1. 深圳市规划国土发展研究中心,广东 深圳 518040
2. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871

Change of mobility of urban elderly and effects on their daily life:a narrative analysis of the life of a retired couple living in an urban community

GU Zhilian12, CHAI Yanwei2*

1. Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resource Research Center, Shenzhen 518040, Guangdong, China
2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

版权声明:  2015 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41228001)


作者简介:谷志莲(1987-),女,山西朔州人,硕士,主要从事城市行为地理、土地制度与产权研究,E-mail: guzhilian@126.com






关键词: 城市老年人 ; 移动性 ; 日常生活 ; 叙事分析


Based on an individual perspective, this study selected a pair of "empty nest" elderly as samples to conduct a narrative analysis of their mobility change and the course of daily life since retirement. Their mobility and daily life after retirement have experienced three phases: first the expansion of the daily life space, then gradually shrinking to community and surrounding, and lastly confined near home. Aging body and the change of health status, and family factors mainly contributed to the evolution of different phases of the elderly mobility and daily life. At different stages of the aging process, the resources of individuals, families, and the local communities constituted the context of daily mobility of the elderly to various degrees. Community resources have been prominent to individuals who experienced a reduced mobility. Drawing from this study, daily mobility has played an important and evolving role in the elderly daily life. This study calls for attention to elderly mobility space in order to ultimately improve the quality of life for the elderly population. More detailed studies of the interaction of elderly mobility and urban environment are required to lead to a sustainable and elderly-friendly urban planning and policy.

Keywords: elderly in urban areas ; mobility ; daily life ; narrative analysis


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谷志莲, 柴彦威. 城市老年人的移动性变化及其对日常生活的影响——基于社区老年人生活历程的叙事分析[J]. , 2015, 34(12): 1617-1627 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.12.010

GU Zhilian, CHAI Yanwei. Change of mobility of urban elderly and effects on their daily life:a narrative analysis of the life of a retired couple living in an urban community[J]. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(12): 1617-1627 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.12.010

1 引言

21世纪,城市社会面临人口老龄化的极大挑战。在个体选择意愿与城市养老战略层面,就地养老就地养老即“aging in place”,指老年人进入老年生活后继续生活在自己的家或者原来的社区。)(aging in place)是被广泛接受和提倡的养老方式。大量国内外老年人居住选择的研究表明,就地养老是大部分老年人的意愿。2011年中国城镇老年人愿意利用养老机构的比例仅占11.3%参见2011年度中国老龄事业发展统计公报。)。由此可见,老年人对自己长时间生活的地方一般具有较强归属感;不入住养老机构而是居住于普通社区并独立生活,赋予了老年人较高的自我价值(如独立、自主等)。欧洲或北美对郊区老年人的研究表明,即便很多老年人由于身体机能和感知能力下降,失去了使用小汽车的能力,需要忍耐郊区设施可达性低带来的诸多不便,他们仍希望尽可能在自家养老(Groves et al, 1992)。在城市服务层面,提倡就地养老已成为一项养老战略,即通过提高对老年人就地养老的正式资源(来自于正规机构、有相应计划额度以及完善方案的养老资源支持;不限于政府资源)支持,同时鼓励来自家人和朋友的非正式(包括感情、物质、日常活动或行为的陪伴或替代劳动等)支持,来应对成本与规模不断增长的情况下,人口老龄化对养老基础设施的大量需求(Rosenberg et al, 2001)。2011年起,北京、天津、上海等不少城市陆续提出“9073”或“9064”的养老服务格局,即规划90%的老年人采用就地养老(即居家或社区养老)。在此背景下,选择就地养老的老年人行为特征与需求应成为当前城市老年规划与服务的焦点。

个体移动性对老年人就地养老具有重要意义。老年人的移动性是其健康状况的重要表征,对维持身体健康、运动功能、疾病修复等具有重要作用(Clarke et al, 2008)。伴随居住、就业、商业等城市功能空间的日益分离,移动性已成为个人参与自然或建成环境、文化与社会生活等的首要条件。而老年人由于身体功能与感知能力等的下降,与其他年龄群体相比,其个体移动性成为更重要的制约,直接关系到老年人的生活质量与养老模式。移动性是老年人行使日常生活功能、独立生活的先决条件,在一定程度上决定了老年个体就地养老方式的实现;并且“在社区自由出行的能力不仅具有实际功能也有强烈的情感意义,其能够使老年人感受到融入社会,因而至关重要”(Coughlin, 2001)。

中国城市老年人行为研究主要集中于老年人的购物、休闲、求医、体育锻炼等各类活动(辜胜阻等,1993; 孙樱等, 2001;王琪延等, 2009; 柴彦威等,2010),而对参与活动时进行的出行过程则关注较少。仅有少数专门针对老年人出行行为特征的研究(张政等, 2007, 2011; 柴彦威等, 2010; 夏晓敬等, 2013),但尚未关注到老年人移动性的阶段变化及其与日常生活的密切关联。城市老年规划与养老服务也集中于对活动设施供给的探讨,而忽视了老年人特殊移动性特征与模式下城市交通与环境的改善措施与策略等。相比之下,国外存在大量对老年人移动出行环境优化的探讨(Carp, 1980; Lavery et al, 1996; Dickerson et al, 2007; Mercado et al, 2010; Oxley et al, 2010)。本文主要采用质性研究方法,选取典型案例,通过对一对老年夫妇退休后的移动性特征变化与日常生活历程的叙事分析,反映移动性对老年个体生活所构成的重要意义,揭示老年个体生活历程中移动性的阶段性变化特征,及其与日常生活的密切关联,以期为中国城市养老服务与老年宜居环境建设提供科学支持。

2 相关研究回顾

2.1 移动性的概念与测度

移动性(mobility)在不同学科领域有着不同的内涵。老年人个体移动性的研究集中于老年病理学及交通、地理学领域。其中老年病理学对个体移动性的理解更偏向于移动能力与健康角度,包括户内外移动行为的监测与评估、特定疾病或摔倒与移动能力的关系以及移动能力的修复、促进移动性的环境设计与工具辅助等方面(Podsiadlo et al, 1991;Rubenstein et al, 2000)。在交通、地理等空间学科领域,移动性的概念可以适用于多种时空尺度,如从家去购物、休闲等相对短距离多频次的运动,以及相对远距离长时间尺度的居住迁移(Nutley et al, 1995)。一般而言,可以将移动性分为居住移动性(residential mobility)与日常移动性(daily mobility)等(Clark et al,1990)。本文所关注的移动性属于日常移动性范畴。日常移动性是个体在居住地进行的日常出行,在交通、地理学领域的研究中,一般看作为到达特定地方的出行行为与机会(Metz, 2000)。

通过实际发生的出行行为来反映个体移动性是最常见的移动性测度方法。比如利用出行调查数据,通过出行行为的相关指标(如出行时点、时长、目的、同伴、方式、花费等)来刻画老年人的移动性特征(Tacken, 1998; Collia et al, 2003; Su et al, 2009; 张政等, 2007, 2011; 夏晓敬等, 2013)。少数研究则尝试基于生活时间和使用数据来核算个体的综合移动性(Spinney et al, 2009)。近年来,得益于GPS等移动定位技术的发展,老年人较慢的步行速度及在更微观环境下的行为反应等可通过GPS等技术加以测度(Shoval et al, 2011)。


2.2 城市老年人的移动性研究

老年人移动性的研究可以追溯到20世纪70年代。在研究的早期阶段,大量研究致力于分析老年与中青年人群移动性特征的差异(Hanson, 1977; Tacken, 1998; Collia et al, 2003; Hjorthol et al, 2010);中国则起步较晚,目前仅少数文献对老年人移动行为特征进行了研究,尚处于探索阶段(张政等, 2007; 夏晓敬等, 2013)。总体而言,与中青年人群相比,国内外研究均表明:老年人的普遍特征为出行次数减少、距离和时间缩短;出行目的由以工作出行为主转变为满足个人或家庭基本生活需要为主;长距离出行以休闲娱乐为主要目的,购物出行时间多集中在上午,访友出行活动则多集中在下午晚些时候或晚上;出行方式以非机动化方式为主。相比于中国城市老年的公交和步行出行方式,欧美国家老年人则更多使用小汽车,但小汽车出行比例也会随着年龄增长而不断下降并逐渐被步行替代。

2.2.1 老年人移动性的个体差异


老年人移动性的个体差异进而成为研究重点。年龄、性别、经济和健康状况、认知与偏好等个体因素,可在较大程度用于解释个体移动性特征的差异。一般来说,老年人的家外移动性及满意度与健康、经济、受教育程度等个体因素有较强的相关性。年轻、男性、健康、受教育水平高、驾车的老年人有最高的、较满意的移动性;老年、女性、独居、健康状况不好的、受教育水平低、低收入、乡村老年人有着最低的移动性和满意度(Pettersson et al, 2010),更容易面临移动性制约,需引起更多的关注。国内研究则表明,年龄、性别、有无配偶、家庭结构与收入状况等因素对老年人出行行为有更为显著的影响(陈团生等, 2007; 张政等, 2007)。

2.2.2 地理环境对老年个体移动性的影响

地理空间是个体因素之外解释老年人移动性的另一重要因素。近年来,地理环境对老年个体移动性的影响受到密切关注,人们开展了不同区域与城市环境特征下的个体移动性研究,并将土地利用类型与密度、所生活区域的安全感知等主客观空间性因素纳入移动性的定量分析中(Fobker et al, 2006; Clarke et al, 2009; Pettersson et al, 2010; Mattson, 2011)。郊区化环境下的老年移动性尤其成为关注的焦点。西方发达国家城市的郊区形态具有更少的步行机会、更差的公共交通服务、更高的小汽车依赖;低龄、高收入和教育水平较高的老年人更多采用日常小汽车出行,因而具有更高的移动性;个体小汽车使用的差异在很大程度上构成了个体整体移动性水平的差异,如由于小汽车使用率的差异,女性表现出平均比男性更小的个体移动性(Boyles et al, 2007)。

2.2.3 质性研究法在老年个体移动性研究中的应用

随着对移动性认识的不断深入及近年来社会学、心理学等多学科交叉研究的兴起(Scheiner et al, 2003; Schwanen et al, 2010),个体移动性与家庭、社会、心理等因素的关联日益受到关注与重视(Law, 1999; Kwan, 2007)。部分研究开始运用质性法,研究移动性的主观感知与生活体验,强调移动性对个体心理、生活经历、日常生活构建的重要意义,提倡对移动性的理解应超越已有的老年病理学、交通领域的研究视角,重视其对社会和文化的理解。研究发现,移动出行方式与个体社会关系的形成具有关联性,步行、骑车、驾驶小汽车等不同移动出行方式对个体社会关系具有不同的影响(Mollenkopf et al, 1997; Burnett et al, 2010)。Green等(2014)强调移动性具有文化意义,并以伦敦市为案例,刻画了自由广泛的公交系统带给老年个体更好的可达性、更高的社会参与,与生活幸福感直接关联。Scheiner等(2003)则认识到生活方式、择居与日常移动性的联系,强调规划与空间学科面临社会—文化维度的转向。在个体移动性的主观感知与生活体验方面,Mollenkopf等(2011)采用了定量与定性相结合的研究方法,使用82个老年人1995、2000、2005年3个时期的移动性样本数据,分析随着时间的推移个体移动性经历的变化与主观认知的差异,发现:个体逐渐失去移动出行的机会,越来越无法满足足够的移动性需求,从而对家外休闲与出行越来越不满;尽管如此,个体并未放弃获得更多移动性的机会,或降低移动性对自身的意义;即使对已从中低龄迈入高龄阶段的老年人来说,移动性仍然具有极其重要的地位。Lord等(2011)通过跟踪式的研究,分析随着年龄的增长老年人移动性体验的变化和移动能力逐渐下降时采取的调整策略发现,尽管采取了一定的调整措施,但老年个体移动性不可避免地减小;在不同阶段老年个体分别经历了:缩小的城市(the shrinking city),即活动空间越来越小;破碎的城市(the fragmented city),即失去对特定区域的可达性,如为了能够继续驾驶汽车出行,调整了活动范围与地点,尽量选择低速路段,使得城市部分区域成为个体活动的盲区;由他人代理了的城市(the city by proxy),即当独立移动变得困难时,老年个体通过调整社会关系以在特定活动或出行中获得外界支持,如由朋友或子女帮助或替代出行;最终老年个体可能迁居到有更好老年服务的地方,以维持一定水平的生活质量。此外,在移动性与个体心理层面,不少研究揭示了随着年龄增长老年人失去小汽车出行能力与抑郁症的关系等(Mollenkopf et al, 2005; Adler et al, 2006; Siren et al, 2009)。


3 研究方法与数据来源

3.1 研究方法


本文主要选用叙事分析(narrative analysis)方法(Clandinin, 2006; 关美宝等, 2013),通过时序将移动性状态的转折过程、特定事件的发生与老年个体生活经历对移动性的塑造过程组织起来,形成对个体移动性的深入理解。主要利用老年夫妇对过去日常生活与特定阶段惯常活动的回溯数据,通过个体记忆中特定阶段典型一天的活动日志和该阶段的日常活动空间刻画个体特定阶段的日常生活与移动性状态。

3.2 数据来源


表1   调查样本基础情况

Tab.1   Basic information of the samples






条件较好由于中国城市当前一代老年人具有特殊的生活历程、思想观念、行为习惯,收入差距一般不会带来日常移动性的较大差异(柴彦威等, 2010) 女士54 岁(1988 年)患上类风湿病、病退,55 岁(1989 年)正式退休;其配偶

1993 年正式退休,身体条件较好,直到78 岁时(2008年)因身患脑梗塞体质下降;夫妇育有一儿一女,儿女在1990年前后相继移居国外,目前夫妻同住。

4 结果与分析


4.1 日常活动空间的拓展


在配偶的陪同下,该女士夏季老年人的日常活动具有一定季节性,冬季受气候影响较大,外出活动次数和意愿也相对较低;夏季的日常活动则相对稳定,可较为全面地反映个体外出活动的固有偏好和移动能力。因此,本文均选取夏季典型一天活动日志来反映其特定阶段的日常生活与移动性状态。)典型一天的活动安排十分丰富(表2):早上6点半左右配偶骑三轮车去距家约3 km的玉渊潭公园进行1小时左右的身体锻炼,该女士在园内主要练习保健操,配偶则下水游泳;且几乎每天进行该项活动,使其结识了不少一起锻炼的朋友;在约8点左右返回家的路上去附近的农贸市场进行购物。之后的大部分时间该女士在家中进行日常的用餐、家务、休闲,直到晚上7点左右步行去距家较近的社区南门活动点与社区居民朋友一起进行体育锻炼。

表2   典型老年夫妇退休后第一阶段的活动日志

Tab.2   A typical elderly's activity diary in the first phase of retirement living



另外,从日常活动的访谈来看,除几乎每天去玉渊潭公园外,配偶还每周一次一起前往距家4 km左右的国家图书馆借书(表3)。整体上看,依靠配偶的陪同和支持,该阶段女士及其配偶出行频次较高、出行距离较远、日常活动空间得以拓展,具有多层次的社会关系,日常移动性并未构成很强的制约,基本满足其自身偏好与需求,生活满意度高。

表3   典型老年夫妇退休后第一阶段的日常活动

Tab.3   Typical elderly's daily activities in the first phase of retirement living



4.2 日常活动空间向社区及周边的收缩


另外,每日早上玉渊潭公园的锻炼以及顺道购物的活动由于公园开始强制禁止游泳、该女士配偶不再愿意前往而被迫中断(表4)。该女士和配偶改为每周2~3天早上前往2 km外的首都师范大学操场进行锻炼。此外该女士对家务劳动如做饭、打扫房间等维持性活动开始感到费力,夫妇办理了首都师范大学的临时就餐卡,每周一次到大学食堂购买当天的饭菜与一周的主食。


表4   典型老年夫妇退休后第二阶段的活动日志

Tab.4   Typical elderly's daily activities in the first phase of retirement living



表5   典型老年夫妇退休后第二阶段的日常活动

Tab.5   Typical elderly's daily activities in the second phase of retirement living



4.3 局限于家附近的日常生活


表6   典型老年夫妇退休后第三阶段的的活动日志

Tab.6   A typical elderly's activity diary in the third phase of retirement living




2011年,该女士居住的单位社区通过了老旧小区改造,整改后的原老年活动中心迁往距家500 m以上的社区南门附近,而图书室则在三层,这都超出了该女士的步行可达范围,因此该女士停止了每周的图书室借阅活动(表7)。同时,社区老年食堂的建设使得配偶去首都师范大学食堂购买主食的活动终止,但由于雨雪天无外送服务、饭菜不适口等,夫妇二人满意度低。购物主要步行前往距家200 m的社区商店完成,一周三次;每周一次去距家500 m的社区便民菜站;看病就医也尽量在距家最近的304医院检查,但对该范围的出行已感到很困难,且以上各类移动出行与设施利用均为当前夫妇仅有的选择。



表7   典型老年夫妇退休后第三阶段的日常活动

Tab.7   Typical elderly's daily activities in the third phase of retirement living



4.4 老年人不同阶段宜居环境启示


表8   老年个体生活历程不同阶段的宜居环境需求

Tab.8   Elderly’s demands for livable environment in different life stages







5 结论与结论

5.1 结论


(1) 老年人移动性与日常生活历程的3个阶段。在老年个体生活历程中,其移动性与日常生活会经历日常活动空间向外拓展、逐渐向社区及周边收缩、局限于家及住所附近3个阶段。在此过程中,个体移动能力不断下降,户外移动距离与出行频次逐渐下降,逐渐从公共交通的使用转向以步行为主,所利用的设施与服务质量不断降低,逐渐失去独立性而依赖他人替代服务,生活质量不断降低,最终移动性成为生活的首要制约因素。

(2) 不同阶段间的演化。在老年生活的不同阶段,个体生活历程中经历的生命事件(如子女迁出、孙子女的出生、残疾、丧偶等事件,以及本文中典型样本患病、年龄增长等带来移动性与日常生活的变化)、所生活区域的社会资源(如老年服务政策或组织等)与物质环境(道路、设施等)的变化等,会对老年人移动性与日常生活的变化产生影响;其中随着年龄的增长,身体的衰老与健康状况的变化及家庭等成为最主要的因素,促使老年人移动性与日常生活发生阶段性变化。

(3) 各阶段下移动性与日常生活特征的主要影响因素。在老年生活历程的第一阶段,个人社会经济属性、偏好等因素更多地构成了个体的移动性背景;在第二阶段,个体移动性在更大程度上受到共同生活的家人等家庭因素的影响;迈入高龄化阶段,所生活社区的资源禀赋与移动性环境成为个体移动性的首要背景。

(4) 社区宜老化改造方向。基于老龄化过程的动态性、个体老年生活历程的不同阶段具有不同的宜居环境需求,宜老化社区的建设或改造需重视:宏观尺度上的居住区位条件与环境;中观尺度上社区级生活设施与老年服务的供给,以及移动性环境方面与外部公共交通的接驳或连接性;微观尺度上社区内部空间环境的移动便利性设计(如无障碍环境的设计或改造,良好的步行、休憩环境,到重要设施的通达性等)。整体上,当前宜老社区的建设与改造有待加强对个体移动环境的重视,以显著提高老年个体的生活质量。

5.2 讨论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. 西南交通大学学报: 社会科学版, 8(5): 17-21.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-4474.2007.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究老年人出行选择行为影响因 素,有利于提高城市交通系统对老龄化社会的适应性。根据北京市居民出行调查数据,利用非集计理论和方法构建的老年人出行选择行为模型,可从源头上分析影响 老年人出行选择行为的个人、家庭社会经济背景等因素,并对老年人出行选择行为进行预测。研究结果表明:性别,年龄,是否持有驾照、月票,家庭月收入,家庭 交通工具拥有情况等对老年人出行选择行为有显著影响;利用模型估计得到的参数计算事件发生比,可进一步了解各影响因素对老年人出行选择行为的影响程度。

[Chen T S, Yue F, Yang L L, et al.2007.

Astudy of factorsinfluencing travel choice behavior of older Chinese

[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University: Social Science, 8(5): 17-21.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-4474.2007.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

研究老年人出行选择行为影响因 素,有利于提高城市交通系统对老龄化社会的适应性。根据北京市居民出行调查数据,利用非集计理论和方法构建的老年人出行选择行为模型,可从源头上分析影响 老年人出行选择行为的个人、家庭社会经济背景等因素,并对老年人出行选择行为进行预测。研究结果表明:性别,年龄,是否持有驾照、月票,家庭月收入,家庭 交通工具拥有情况等对老年人出行选择行为有显著影响;利用模型估计得到的参数计算事件发生比,可进一步了解各影响因素对老年人出行选择行为的影响程度。
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[J]. 社会学研究, (6): 56-65.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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Laonianren dui yiliao fuwu de liyong ji Zhongguo yiliao zhidu de gaige

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URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[4] 关美宝, 谷志莲, 塔娜, . 2013.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 32(9): 1316-1331.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.09.002      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Kwan M P, Gu Z L, Ta N, et al.2013.

The application of the qualitative GIS in space-time research

[J]. Progress in Geography, 32(9): 1316-1331.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.09.002      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[5] 王琪延, 罗栋. 2009.


[J]. 北京社会科学, (4): 23-28.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-3054.2009.04.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文基于对北京市老年人休闲生活的抽样调查数据,描绘了老年人日常休闲活动的日程安排;概述 了老年人在体育、文娱兴趣、学习、公益及旅行游玩5大类休闲活动的参与情况;采用聚类分析的方法将老年人口及其休闲行为分成3个类别,并进行了类间比较; 探讨了伴侣、子女及友人等在休闲和日常生活中的陪伴对老年人社会支持的提升以及对休闲生活品质的促进作用。

[Wang Q Y, Luo D.2009.

A study of leisure activities among elderly in Beijing

[J]. Social Science of Beijing, (4): 23-28.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-3054.2009.04.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文基于对北京市老年人休闲生活的抽样调查数据,描绘了老年人日常休闲活动的日程安排;概述 了老年人在体育、文娱兴趣、学习、公益及旅行游玩5大类休闲活动的参与情况;采用聚类分析的方法将老年人口及其休闲行为分成3个类别,并进行了类间比较; 探讨了伴侣、子女及友人等在休闲和日常生活中的陪伴对老年人社会支持的提升以及对休闲生活品质的促进作用。
[6] 孙樱, 陈田, 韩英. 2001.


[J]. 地理研究, 20(5): 537-546.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2001.05.003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

大城市老龄化及由此带来的城市 社会问题已引起社会的普遍关注。北京、上海等一些大城市市区 ,老龄人口的比重已经占到城市市区总人口的 2 0~ 30 %,部分老龄化社区也初见端倪。然而 ,目前学术界对老年人口问题的研究 ,主要集中在老年人口的贫困、医疗保健以及老龄公寓等经济和社会问题方面。对老年人口的精神慰藉及休闲健身活动的要求缺乏研究。本文通过对北京市区 5 0个退休老人四季休闲行为的跟踪调查 ,采用时间地理学的研究方法 ,揭示大城市老年人口日常生活行为、休闲活动的基本特征及其时空分异规律 ,为大城市规划中的休闲空间的组织与布局提供科学依据。

[Sun Y, Chen T, Han Y.2001.

A study on leisure behavior of the aged in Beijing

[J]. Geographical Research, 20(5): 537-546.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2001.05.003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

大城市老龄化及由此带来的城市 社会问题已引起社会的普遍关注。北京、上海等一些大城市市区 ,老龄人口的比重已经占到城市市区总人口的 2 0~ 30 %,部分老龄化社区也初见端倪。然而 ,目前学术界对老年人口问题的研究 ,主要集中在老年人口的贫困、医疗保健以及老龄公寓等经济和社会问题方面。对老年人口的精神慰藉及休闲健身活动的要求缺乏研究。本文通过对北京市区 5 0个退休老人四季休闲行为的跟踪调查 ,采用时间地理学的研究方法 ,揭示大城市老年人口日常生活行为、休闲活动的基本特征及其时空分异规律 ,为大城市规划中的休闲空间的组织与布局提供科学依据。
[7] 夏晓敬, 关宏志. 2013.


[J]. 中国城市交通, 11(5): 44-52.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2013.05.011      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

在当今人口老龄化背景下,为了解老年人的生活及出行状况、提高老年人的生活质量,对北京市 60岁以上部分老年人进行出行调查。调查包括一日出行情况、个人家庭基本属性、主要日常活动、出行意愿四项内容。通过调查分析得出北京市老年人的总体出行 特征和不同属性的老年人出行特征,老年人主要日常活动的活动频率、空间分布、时间分布特征及主要出行方式,日常出行所面临的困难及改进老年人出行环境应关 注的事项。

[Xia X J, Guan H Z.2013.

Travel survey and analyses of the elderly in Beijing

[J]. Urban Transportation of China, 11(5): 44-52.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2013.05.011      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

在当今人口老龄化背景下,为了解老年人的生活及出行状况、提高老年人的生活质量,对北京市 60岁以上部分老年人进行出行调查。调查包括一日出行情况、个人家庭基本属性、主要日常活动、出行意愿四项内容。通过调查分析得出北京市老年人的总体出行 特征和不同属性的老年人出行特征,老年人主要日常活动的活动频率、空间分布、时间分布特征及主要出行方式,日常出行所面临的困难及改进老年人出行环境应关 注的事项。
[8] 张政, 冯旭杰, 郭彦东. 2011.


[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 11(S1): 109-114.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6744.2011.z1.017      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

利用比例风险模型,构建了老年 人出行出发时刻选择模型,并利用北京市第三次全市居民出行调查数据,对模型进行了回归分析.回归结果表明:老年人个人和家庭属性、出行属性、采用的交通方 式等12个特征变量对老年人出发时刻的选择有不同程度的影响;12.5%和24.1%的老年人选择在7:00以前和10:00以后出行;69.5%的老年 人选择8:00之前出行进行休闲锻炼,以休闲健身为出行目的的老年人的出发时刻相对较早.

[Zhang Z, Feng X J, Guo Y D.2011.

Research on the departure time choices of the elders' daily travels

[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 11(S1): 109-114.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6744.2011.z1.017      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

利用比例风险模型,构建了老年 人出行出发时刻选择模型,并利用北京市第三次全市居民出行调查数据,对模型进行了回归分析.回归结果表明:老年人个人和家庭属性、出行属性、采用的交通方 式等12个特征变量对老年人出发时刻的选择有不同程度的影响;12.5%和24.1%的老年人选择在7:00以前和10:00以后出行;69.5%的老年 人选择8:00之前出行进行休闲锻炼,以休闲健身为出行目的的老年人的出发时刻相对较早.
[9] 张政, 毛保华, 刘明君, . 2007.


[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 7(6): 11-20.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6744.2007.06.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

以北京2005年出行调查数据 中部分老年人个体出行行为信息为对象,分析比较了老年人个体出行行为与19~60岁的对比群体在出行率、出行时间、出行距离、出发时间、出行方式及出行目 的等方面的特征,分析了老年人出行行为随年龄变化的规律,比较了城八区与远郊区县老年人出行行为的差异,研究了老年人基于家的出行链的出行特征与出行行为 属性.研究表明,61~65岁年龄段老年人出行特征与对比人群的19~60岁年龄段差异不大,老年人出行率略低于对比人群,出行方式以步行为主,机动化水 平明显低于对比人群;老年人出行距离随年龄急剧下降,性别、有无配偶、家庭结构等因素对老年人出行选择行为有显著影响.

[Zhang Z, Mao B H, Liu M J, et al.2007.

An analysis of travel patterns of the elders in Beijing

[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 7(6): 11-20.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6744.2007.06.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

以北京2005年出行调查数据 中部分老年人个体出行行为信息为对象,分析比较了老年人个体出行行为与19~60岁的对比群体在出行率、出行时间、出行距离、出发时间、出行方式及出行目 的等方面的特征,分析了老年人出行行为随年龄变化的规律,比较了城八区与远郊区县老年人出行行为的差异,研究了老年人基于家的出行链的出行特征与出行行为 属性.研究表明,61~65岁年龄段老年人出行特征与对比人群的19~60岁年龄段差异不大,老年人出行率略低于对比人群,出行方式以步行为主,机动化水 平明显低于对比人群;老年人出行距离随年龄急剧下降,性别、有无配偶、家庭结构等因素对老年人出行选择行为有显著影响.
[10] Adler G, Rottunda S.2006.

Older adults' perspectives on driving cessation

[J]. Journal of Aging Studies, 20(3): 227-235.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaging.2005.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Relinquishing the privilege to drive is a difficult issue for older adults. To better understand factors that influence driving decisions and to identify approaches that could help ease the transition to a non-driving status, we conducted focus groups with elders who had recently stopped driving. Results demonstrate that the decision to stop driving is reluctantly made by elders on their own or after prompting from others. While all have other means of transportation, a sense of loss of independence remains. Participants urged policy makers to address older driver issues and were proponents of developing procedures to identify at-risk drivers. They also stressed the importance of making plans for retirement from driving. Findings suggest that while there is “life after driving,” efforts are needed to help older drivers, and their families develop a plan for driving cessation that includes identifying the appropriate time to stop and acceptable transportation alternatives to driving.
[11] Alsnih R, Hensher D A.2003.

The mobility and accessibility expectations of seniors in an aging population

[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 37(10): 903-916.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0965-8564(03)00073-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Populations of post-industrial nations are aging. With a growing number of people living well into their 80s and maintaining active lives, the transportation system will have to start focussing more closely on understanding their mobility and accessibility needs, so as to ensure that specific requirements of this large segment are not being ignored through the promotion of traditional ‘solutions’ and historical assumptions. This paper takes a close look at the evidence on the mobility needs and travel patterns of individuals over 64, distinguishing between the “young” elderly (aged 65–75 years) and the “old” elderly (over 75 years). This distinction is particularly useful in recognising the threshold of health change that impacts in a non-marginal way on mobility needs. This distinction also focuses transport planning and policy on a commitment to understanding the different needs of these sub-groups of the population, identifying services and facilities that better cater for these groups. We review the evidence, in particular, on the mobility characteristics of the over 75 years age group, including how they secure support through migration and settlement patterns. We use the empirical evidence from a number of western nations to identify the role of conventional and specialised public transport as an alternative to the automobile in meeting mobility and accessibility needs.
[12] Boyles B L, Mathias A, Dunning A E, et al.2007.

Elderly mobility: current transit practices and future needs[C]//Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting. Washington DC:

Transportation Research Board.

[本文引用: 1]     

[13] Burnett P, Lucas S.2010.

Talking, walking, riding and driving: the mobilities of older adults

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 596-602.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.05.006      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Through interviews with residents of an urban retirement community and users of a senior centre in an inner city neighbourhood this research uses the new mobilities paradigm to examine the relationships that exist between movement, non-movement, communicative travel and place-bound and place-creating social relations for older individuals. Our results show that these relationships can be conceptualized as forming non-linear multi-directional, locally-contingent mobility ‘systems’. Two such systems were identified: the first centred on the communal area within the retirement community and the second focused on the senior centre. The types of non-movement, movement and communicative travel that form each of these mobility chains, the number and variety of spaces connected and consequently the form and nature of the social relations created exhibit both similarities and differences. The mobility systems created by residents of the retirement community connect and flow through more spaces, involve a greater variety of movement and non-movement and are more varied than the senior centre users’ mobility chains. For both populations the place-bound and place-creating social relations that result from and generate movement, non-movement and communicative travel occur as individuals carry out daily errands and routines. For the users of the senior centre, interaction/participation by definition is the result of routine and repeated planned presence at the senior centre. Once at the centre, contact and participation predominately result from engaging in pre-arranged organised activities. For retirement community residents interaction occurs as a result of within-community movement, extensive travel outside the community and periods spent at home alone.
[14] Carp F M.1980.

Environmental effects upon the mobility of older people

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 12(2): 139-156.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916580122001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This is a study of environmental determinants of mobility among older people, comparing mobility behaviors and attitudes among residents of two cities of similar size but markedly different in physical characteristics including size, shape, topography and climate, as well as distribution of facilities and services. Respondents were representative samples of 709 retired people in San Antonio, Texas, and 899 residents of San Francisco, California, aged 65 and older. Predictions of behavior and attitude based upon similarities and differences in environmental variables were confirmed. The data support the conclusion that urban environments strongly affect the mobility of their older residents and suggest that the design of cities can have a major and beneficial effect upon the quality of life in later years. (a) (TRRL)
[15] Clandinin D J.2006.

Narrative inquiry: a methodology for studying lived experience

[J]. Research Studies in Music Education, 27(1): 44-54.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X060270010301      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper briefly outlines the history and development of the methodology of narrative inquiry. It draws attention to the need for careful delineation of terms and assumptions. A Deweyan view of experience is central to narrative inquiry methodology and is used to frame a metaphorical three-dimensional narrative inquiry space. An illustration from a recent narrative inquiry into curriculum making is used to show what narrative inquirers do. Issues of social significance, purpose and ethics are also outlined.
[16] Clark W A V, Davies S.1990.

Elderly mobility and mobility outcomes: households in the later stages of the life course

[J]. Research on Aging, 12(4): 430-462.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0164027590124004      URL      PMID: 2277857      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent research has demonstrated that elderly residential mobility is conditioned more often by economic factors than is mobility in general. This article explores these issues specifically those related to the effects of mobility aging in place and migration on elderly economic well-being. Using the American Housing Survey national file for 1985 different types of mobility and migration for households in the later stages of the life course are examined. The evidence reiterates central city/suburban locational differences for the elderly emphasizes the role of house costs and house cost/income ratios in creating stress for the elderly and strongly suggests that the elderly population is not simply grouped into young-old old and old-old but is better treated in a continuum of life course changes. (EXCERPT)
[17] Clarke P, Ailshire J A, Bader M, et al.2008.

Mobility disability and the urban built environment

[J]. American Journal of Epidemiology, 168(5): 506-513.

https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwn185      URL      PMID: 18667526      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Research on the effects of the built environment in the pathway from impairment to disability has been largely absent. Using data from the Chicago Community Adult Health Study (2001-2003), the authors examined the effect of built environment characteristics on mobility disability among adults aged 45 or more years (n = 1,195) according to their level of lower extremity physical impairment. Built environment characteristics were assessed by using systematic social observation to independently rate street and sidewalk quality in the block surrounding each respondent's residence in the city of Chicago (Illinois). Using multinomial logistic regression, the authors found that street conditions had no effect on outdoor mobility among adults with only mild or no physical impairment. However, among adults with more severe impairment in neuromuscular and movement-related functions, the difference in the odd ratios for reporting severe mobility disability was over four times greater when at least one street was in fair or poor condition (characterized by cracks, potholes, or broken curbs). When all streets were in good condition, the odds of reporting mobility disability were attenuated in those with lower extremity impairment. If street quality could be improved, even somewhat, for those adults at greatest risk for disability in outdoor mobility, the disablement process could be slowed or even reversed.
[18] Clarke P, Ailshire J A, Lantz P.2009.

Urban built environments and trajectories of mobility disability: findings from a national sample of community-dwelling American adults (1986-2001)

[J]. Social Science and Medicine, 69(6): 964-970.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.06.041      URL      PMID: 19643522      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

As people age, they become more dependent on their local communities, especially when they are no longer able to drive. Uneven or discontinuous sidewalks, heavy traffic, and inaccessible public transportation, are just some of the built environment characteristics that can create barriers for outdoor mobility in later adulthood. A small body of literature has been investigating the role of the built environment on disability, but has been limited to cross-sectional analyses. The purpose of this paper is to further advance this area of research by examining the role of the built environment on long-term trajectories of mobility disability in a national sample of American adults (age 45+) followed over a 15-year period. Using multilevel logistic growth curve models with nationally representative data from the Americans' Changing Lives Study (1986-2001), we find that trajectories of mobility disability are steeper in older age groups. Women and those with lower education had a higher odds of mobility disability over time. The presence of just one chronic health condition doubled the odds of mobility disability at each of the four study waves. Among older adults (age 75+), living in neighborhoods characterized by more motorized travel was associated with an odds ratio for mobility disability that was 1.5 times higher in any given year than for older adults living in environments that were more pedestrian friendly. These results suggest that the built environment can exacerbate mobility difficulties for older adults. When considering ways to minimize disability as the population ages, simple changes in the built environment may be easier to implement than efforts to change risk factors at the individual level.
[19] Collia D V, Sharp J, Giesbrecht L.2003.

The 2001 national household travel survey: a look into the travel patterns of older Americans

[J]. Journal of Safety Research, 34(4): 461-470.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsr.2003.10.001      URL      PMID: 14636668      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Introduction : The main objective of this paper is to highlight travel patterns of older adults living in the United States as depicted in the 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS). The NHTS is a national data collection program sponsored by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and the Federal Highway Administration. It is the first national comprehensive household survey of both daily and long-distance travel, allowing for analysis of the full continuum of personal travel by Americans. To better understand the transportation needs of older Americans, it is useful to examine how travel patterns differ across age groups. The intent is to present basic travel characteristics of older adults (age 65+) and allow for comparisons with younger adults (ages 19鈥64). Travel-related characteristics of older adults in the United States : Results of the 2001 survey showed that older Americans travel extensively and rely on personal vehicles as heavily as their younger counterparts. Older Americans conduct 89% of their travel in personal vehicles. Characteristics of daily trips taken by older adults: Older adults tend to be less mobile in that they take fewer trips, travel shorter distances, and have shorter travel times. This pattern is even more pronounced among older women. They are also more likely to suffer from self-reported medical conditions that further limit their travel. Characteristics of long-distance travel by older adults : Older men and women take long-distance trips at about the same rates and show a strong preference for using personal vehicles. And, while men and women take an equal percentage of their trips by air, older women show a strong preference for bus travel. Conclusions: Although older Americans travel extensively, they are less mobile than their younger counterparts. This pattern is more pronounced among older women and among those with self-reported medical conditions that affect their ability to travel outside their home. Older women consistently take the least number of trips per day, have the lowest driving rates, travel the shortest distances, and are more likely to report medical conditions that limit their travel. For men and women who have to give up driving, alternative means of transportation becomes a necessity. Yet, use of alternative transportation is relatively low; excluding personal vehicle and walking, all other means of transportation account for about 2% of daily travel. Further, of those with medical conditions that affect their travel, only about 12% use special transportation services such as dial-a-ride.

Coughlin J F. 2001.Transportation and older persons: perceptions and preferences: a report on focus groups

[J/OL]. AARP, Public Policy Institute, 2013-03-13[2015-09-01]..

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[21] Dickerson A E, Molnar L J, Eby D W, et al.2007.

Transportation and aging: a research agenda for advancing safe mobility

[J]. The Gerontologist, 47(5): 578-590.

https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/47.5.578      URL      PMID: 17989400      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We review what we currently know about older driver safety and mobility, and we highlight important research needs in a number of key areas that hold promise for achieving the safety and mobility goals for the aging baby boomers and future generations of older drivers.Through the use of a framework for transportation and safe mobility, we describe key areas of screening and assessment, remediation and rehabilitation, vehicle design and modification, technological advancements, roadway design, transitioning to nondriving, and alternative transportation to meet the goals of crash prevention and mobility maintenance for older adults.Four cross-cutting themes emerged from this review: safe transportation for older adults is important; older adults have a variety of needs, abilities, and resources; research to help meet the transportation needs of older adults may be of benefit to persons with disabilities; and transportation issues concerning older adults are multifaceted.Safe mobility is essential to continued engagement in civic, social, and community life, and to the human interactions necessary for health, well-being, and quality of life. When safe driving is no longer possible for older adults, safe and practicable alternative transportation must be available. Furthermore, older adults are individuals; they have specific needs, abilities, and resources. Not all older adults will have difficulty meeting their transportation needs and no single transportation solution will work for all people. Research and countermeasures intended to help meet the transportation needs of older adults will likely also benefit younger users of the transportation system, particularly those with disabilities. The issues surrounding the maintenance of safe transportation for older adults will require an interdisciplinary research approach if we are to make significant progress in the next decade as the baby boomers begin to reach age 70.
[22] Fobker S, Grotz R.2006.

Everyday mobility of elderly people in different urban settings: the example of the city of Bonn, Germany

[J]. Urban Studies, 43(1): 99-118.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00420980500409292      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The social model for old age is a self-determined and socially integrated life for as long as possible. In this regard, different settings offer different conditions. The article investigates which living conditions best meet the needs of elderly people. It is based on results from the FRAME (leisure mobility of elderly people) research project, which examines the everyday mobility of persons aged 60 and older in different urban settings. The results show that an active lifestyle is possible in all the study areas, but that the preconditions for withdrawal into one's own neighbourhood vary between different residential areas. In general, the importance of basic supply resources and leisure facilities within the residential environment and a preferably rail-bound public transport connection to the city centre need to be pointed out.
[23] Green J, Jones A, Roberts H.2014.

More than A to B: the role of free bus travel for the mobility and wellbeing of older citizens in London

[J]. Ageing and Society, 34(3): 472-494.

URL      PMID: 32859111326608525237862802922232222244785328     

[24] Groves M A, Wilson V F.1992.

To move or not to move: factors influencing the housing choice of elderly persons

[J]. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 10(1-2): 33-47.

https://doi.org/10.1300/J081v10n01_03      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Recent gerontological literature has focused on the special needs of elderly persons regarding the location and types of housing available in the community. Using Guttman's facet design, aspects of the physical and social environment were rated in relation to suburb preference and type of dwelling. The multidimensional scaling of results indicated four distinct regions with responses corresponding to the four sets of structuples generated by the facets of housing type and suburb type. These results indicated an initial preference for remaining in one's own home in one's current suburb, a second preference for a hostel in the current suburb, followed by a home in another suburb or a hostel in another suburb. Within groupings, the distinction between the physical and social aspects was maintained.
[25] Hanson P.1977.

The activity patterns of elderly households

[J]. Geografiska Annaler: Series B: Human Geography, 59(2): 109-124.

https://doi.org/10.2307/490962      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Evaluating the relative level of transportation deprivation among the elderly requires the use of an appropriate baseline. In this paper, the non-elderly segment of the population has been used as a baseline group against which to measure the intraurban travel characteristics of older people. To compare the intraurban travel patterns of the elderly and the non-elderly a number of trip characteristics are examined including measures of the frequency, timing, and purpose of travel as well as the distances travelled to reach destinations, the amount of time spent in different activities, and the means of travel used. The analysis indicates that when all travel, including travel on foot, is examined, the lower level of trip frequency among the elderly is attributable entirely to the diminished importance of the work trip; the elderly participate in all other out-of-home activities as frequently as do younger persons. Also, while the total distance travelled by older individuals was significantly less than that travelled by younger people, the average movement distances were essentially similar for both groups' travel to each trip purpose and by each travel mode. Ironically, the only activity aside from work in which the elderly spent less time was recreation. The types of differences that do exist in the travel of the two groups indicate that the elderly have made relatively minor adaptations by using different modes and travelling at different times than younger people. In Sweden, where the income situation of the elderly is not as desparate as it is for many older people in the U.S., the elderly can still undertake travel for non-work activities although the means of travel (by foot or by bus) may be considerably less convenient than the automobile used so much more frequently by younger individuals.
[26] Hjorthol R J, Levin L, Sirén A.2010.

Mobility in different generations of older persons: the development of daily travel in different cohorts in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 624-633.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.011      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In the Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the proportion of older people in the total population is expected to reach about 25% in 2060. The aging of the population has a variety of social implications. One aspect of population aging that has relatively little attention in the Scandinavian countries is the question of everyday mobility. The purpose of this paper is to get a better understanding of the activity and travel patterns of different groups of older people, examine how travel- and activity patterns are developing during the life course, study the changes over time and how the "new" generations of older people behave compared to the older ones. The method used is cohort analysis of National Travel Surveys from the three countries in a 20聽years perspective. Results show a significant period effect in car ownership and use among older people in Denmark, Norway and Sweden with a clear increase during the past 20聽years. This is especially true for women. The increase in the number of driver's license-holders and car availability is reflected in travel mode choice among older people: both men and women maintain their car-use habits at old age. Another clear finding is that older people today travel more than the comparable age groups 20-25聽years ago: everyday trip rates are higher and activities outside home are more common. While commuting and work-related trips decline after retirement, shopping and leisure trips do not start to decline before high age. From the cohort analysis we see that leisure and shopping trips are maintained in the period after retirement, and the car is important to reach shopping malls, health service, leisure activities, visit relatives and other social company.
[27] Kwan M P.2007.

Hybrid GIS and cultural economic geography

[M]//Tickell A, Sheppard E, Peck J, et al. Politics and practice in economic geography. London, UK: Sage: 165-175.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Lavery I, Davey S, Woodside A, et al.1996.

The vital role of street design and management in reducing barriers to older peoples' mobility

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 35(2-3): 181-192.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-2046(96)00309-X      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Accessible buses are starting to come into operation in the United Kingdom and expectations are high that the travel of older people will increase because of these buses. The authors use recent research to challenge this belief and argue that there will be little increase in travel by older people owing to present low patronage and built environment barriers. The authors then identify major barriers to travel which make streets very unfriendly and itemize 18 barriers to access which can be removed by good design. Design parameters are presented to overcome the major problem of unfriendly surfaces in paved areas and the paper concludes by reiterating that travel for older people can only be increased by an interdiscipline approach which links ‘friendly buses’ with ‘friendly streets’.
[29] Law R.1999.

Beyond 'women and transport': towards new geographies of gender and daily mobility

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 23(4): 567-588.

https://doi.org/10.1191/030913299666161864      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the last two decades, a feminist critique of gender-blind transportation research and planning has generated research into women and transport. This article will review literature and argue that it has come to focus on a relatively limited range of research problems (notably journey-to-work travel) at the expense of other relevant issues. An alternative approach is suggested which redefines the topic as 'gender and daily mobility' and incorporates it within a larger theoretical project investigating social and cultural geographies of mobility. The article also argues the future research on the topic mist be based on a more systematic treatment of gender as a theoretical concept. Finally, the article outlines potential research questions identified through this analysis and draws attention to a wise range of literature which may be brought to bear on the redefined topic area.
[30] Lord S, Després C, Ramadier T.2011.

When mobility makes sense: a qualitative and longitudinal study of the daily mobility of the elderly

[J]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 31(1): 52-61.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2010.02.007      URL      Magsci      摘要

A majority of North Americans hopes to grow old in the suburbs. This aspiration depends upon their ability to drive and their access to a car. Because it is essential for everyday travel, car-mobility in the suburbs is becoming a symbolic goal. The meanings of mobility for elderly will evolve over time, notably as a result of changes in autonomy. However, the mobility of older adults is mainly understood in terms of daily trips. Little research has considered the temporal dimension of aging as an evolving process. This study aimed at understanding with a qualitative and longitudinal perspective how older people stay (auto-)mobile in their house and their neighborhood against the need to adapt to reduced autonomy and mobility over time. A group of 22 suburbanites aged from 62 to 89 was interviewed in 1999 and in 2006. The results show that even if older people succeed in increasing their mobility, they are headed for inevitable immobility. Among the environmental adaptation strategies that were observed, the constructed behaviors, the dependencies demanding additional supports as well as the social life modulate different evolving experiences of the city: the shrinking city, the fragmented city, and the city by proxy. The built environment is at the heart of a complex process in which the adaptation of mobility contributes to the emergence of new residential experiences.
[31] Mattson J W.2011.

Aging and mobility in rural and small urban areas: a survey of North Dakota

[J]. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 30(6): 700-718.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464811378107      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT To investigate issues of aging and mobility in rural and small urban areas, this study analyzes the results from a survey AARP conducted of its North Dakota members. Specific objectives are to estimate the impact of age and other demographic and geographic characteristics on various measures of mobility, including ability to drive, use of public transportation, trip frequency for both discretionary and nondiscretionary travel, unmet travel demand, barriers to using public transportation, and satisfaction with available transportation options. Although most surveyed still drive, results show decreased mobility with increases in age and for people with disabilities due to decreases in driving and an increased likelihood of lack of transportation limiting the number of trips taken. People with disabilities were also significantly more likely to experience problems with public transportation. Women were found to be less likely to drive and more likely to use public transportation.
[32] Mercado R, Páez A, Newbold K B.2010.

Transport policy and the provision of mobility options in an aging society: a case study of Ontario, Canada

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 649-661.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.017      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper examines the provision of mobility options being one of the important policy areas vital to addressing transportation accessibility of the elderly. A provincial analysis, taking the case of the Province of Ontario in Canada, is warranted given that the country’s highly decentralized system puts provincial policies at the forefront in meeting this challenge. The paper evaluates the important progress made in this policy area and stressed the need to go beyond the traditional policy focus on the less able-bodied elderly and consider the increased heterogeneity of the elderly population with respect to lifestyle, preferences, resources, health and physical abilities. While significant efforts have been made, a more explicit recognition of population aging in Ontario’s transport policy motivation that could strongly influence transport strategies and investments attuned to the mobility concerns in an aging society remains to be seen. The paper summarizes the general concerns in the literature, policy developments, and the challenges in crafting solutions in terms of policy and research for Ontario and other regions with similar institutional setup.
[33] Metz D H.2000.

Mobility of older people and their quality of life

[J]. Transport Policy, 7(2): 149-152.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0967-070X(00)00004-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Population ageing will give rise to a substantial increase in the numbers of older people in society. Quality of life in old age is related to mobility, although the relationship is not clear, in part because the concept of mobility is not well defined. It is argued that it would be attractive to develop an operational concept of mobility, to allow the measurement of a group of benefits associated with individual movement which extend beyond those normally taken into account in travel and transport economics and modelling. This approach would be particularly worthwhile for investigating the loss of mobility with increasing age and the impact this has on quality of life, and for assessing the impact of measures aimed at enhancing the mobility of older people.
[34] Mollenkopf H, Hieber A, Wahl H W.2011.

Continuity and change in older adults' perceptions of out-of-home mobility over ten years: a qualitative-quantitative approach

[J]. Ageing and Society, 31(5): 782-802.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X10000644      URL      摘要

This research report starts from the assumption that a solely geriatric and transport-related view of out-of-home mobility needs to be extended to incorporate other aspects of perceived and experienced mobility. In particular, our goal is to understand better the stability and change in people's perceptions of out-of-home mobility over ten years. We concentrate on: (a) the subjective meaning of mobility over time, including perceived changes in mobility and perceived reasons for change; (b) trends in satisfaction with various mobility domains; and (c) a case-oriented exploration of inter-individual variation over time. A qualitative鈥搎uantitative data-analytic approach was applied to data collected from 82 participants on three occasions over ten years in 1995, 2000 and 2005. The mean age of the sample in 2005 was 75.2 years. The results indicate overall stability in the meaning attached to mobility between 1995 and 2005, while the perceived changes point to major losses in the array of mobility experiences and decreasing satisfaction with mobility opportunities, out-of-home leisure activities and travelling, but in contrast satisfaction with public transport increased. Case studies exemplified the reasons for the pronounced variation in satisfaction with mobility dynamics over time. In conclusion, the findings confirm that out-of-home mobility remains of utmost importance when people move from late midlife into old age.
[35] Mollenkopf H, Marcellini F, Ruoppila I, et al.1997.

Outdoor mobility and social relationships of elderly people

[J]. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 24(3): 295-310.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-4943(97)00781-4      URL      PMID: 15374117      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Social relationships and activities are important elements in the quality of life of older people. With advancing age, they are made more difficult through the possible loss of physical functions, through societal processes of differentiation, and through unfavourable environmental and technological conditions. Therefore, mobility becomes a fundamental prerequisite for the participation in social relations and activities. This article presents some initial findings of a project which investigates the mobility needs of the elderly and the main factors hindering their desired mobility in three European countries. It became apparent that there is a clear connection between the social situation of elderly persons and specific mobility patterns: if they are tied into a closely meshed network of family or friends, then they are away from home more frequently than when this is not the case. In addition, individual factors like the age, the health situation and the driving ability of a person are important influences. External factors which restrict the mobility can be found in the respective spatial or technical conditions, on the one hand, and in affecting social interactions in the public sphere on the other hand.
[36] Mollenkopf H, Marcellini F, Ruoppila I, et al.2005.

Social and behavioural science perspectives on out-of-home mobility in later life: findings from the European project MOBILATE

[J]. European Journal of Ageing, 1(1): 45-53.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-004-0004-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Out-of-home mobility is a crucial prerequisite for autonomy and well-being. The European research project entitled Enhancing Mobility in Later Life: Personal Coping, Environmental Resources, and Technical Support (MOBILATE), funded within the European Commission’s Fifth Framework Programme, focused on older adults’ day-to-day mobility and the complex interplay between their personal resources and resources of their physical and social environments. A survey conducted in 2000 in urban and rural areas of five European countries (Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Italy) with various geographical, structural, and cultural conditions enabled us to compare patterns of older men’s and women’s actual mobility in different regional settings. The sample included n =3,950 randomly selected persons aged 5502years or older, stratified according to gender and age. Standardised questionnaires and a diary were used to assess the persons’ socio-structural, health-related, psychological and social resources as well as features of the community that may affect their options of realising outdoor oriented needs. The findings confirm that a person’s physical, economic, social and technical resources as well as the structural resources prevailing in the area in which he or she lives in are decisive preconditions of out-of-home mobility. Older persons living singly, women, persons with impaired health and low economic resources, and the rural elderly tend to be particularly at risk of losing their abilities to move about. We conclude that further support and stimulation for enhancing out-of-home mobility in later life must focus as much on transport policy measures as on appropriate social policy measures.
[37] Nutley S, Thomas C.1995.

Spatial mobility and social change: the mobile and the immobile

[J]. SociologiaRuralis, 35(1): 24-39.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9523.1995.tb00824.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Patterns of spatial mobility, in terms of regular trip-making, are here used as indicators of rural lifestyles and social change. Analysis is based on the results of surveys in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, conducted in 1979 and 1989. The aims are first, to examine the extent of change in travel patterns between these dates in the context of longer term continuity, and second, to illustrate the disparity between mobile and immobile groups within the rural population. In the light of rising car ownership many general trends are predictable, but immobile groups persist and appear to suffer disadvantage. Rural infrastructure is not necessarily declining, yet buses are spurned in favour of lifts in other people's cars.
[38] Oxley J, Langford J, Charlton J.2010.

The safe mobility of older drivers: a challenge for urban road designers

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 642-648.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.04.005      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

For many older adults in most of the Western world, continued mobility (with associated health, well-being, independence and quality of life) means access to a private vehicle, either as a driver or as a passenger. However older driver serious injury and fatality rates per distance traveled are higher than middle-aged drivers, and crash and injury rates are likely to increase in the coming decades as a result of the aging population, increased car ownership and overall travel amongst older people. Evidence suggests that contributory factors to this high risk are (for most) frailty, (for some) the high proportion of driving in urban areas, and (for a few) reduced fitness to drive as a result of medical conditions and associated functional limitations. Australasia has recently adopted the 'Safe System' approach which aims to manage vehicles, the road infrastructure, speeds, and the interactions between these components, to ensure that when crashes do occur, crash energies will remain at levels that minimize the probability of death and serious injury. A system which aspires to achieving Safe System objectives cannot ignore the challenges that older road users pose - and will pose - to the transport system. This paper discusses the so-called 'older driver problem', presents crash data and evidence of the impacts of driving location and reduced fitness to drive on crash risk, and recommends countermeasures within the 'Safe System' context, with particular reference to urban road design and operation.
[39] Pettersson P, Schmöcker J D.2010.

Active ageing in developing countries: trip generation and tour complexity of older people in Metro Manila

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 613-623.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.015      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">There is by now quite a substantial body of literature discussing the impact of an ageing population in developed countries on travel needs and required changes to transport policy. As many newly developed and developing countries are following demographic trends of &ldquo;first world&rdquo; countries, but offset by some decades, the problem is, however, not limited to the industrialised nations. The focus of this paper is on Metro Manila and analyses travel patterns by those aged 60 or over. Trip frequency and tour complexity are analysed with ordered probit regression, separating the effects of socio-demographic characteristics as well as land-use patterns. The results are compared to observations made for cities in developed countries, in particular London as an example for a city in a first world country. We show that there is a more pronounced decrease in total trips made with increasing age in Manila. However, analysing for specific trip purposes we find, similarly to trends in developed countries, that the number of recreational trips is fairly constant in all age groups. Recreational activities also seem to take more time per day than average for younger old, possibly indicating the advent of similar active ageing trends as in industrialised nations. The paper concludes by discussing some implications given future economic trends and advocates that better datasets from developing and newly developed countries are required for urban planning in developing countries.</p>
[40] Podsiadlo D, Richardson S.1991.

The timed"Up & Go": a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons

[J]. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 39(2): 142-148.

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Rosenberg M, Everitt J.2001.

Planning for aging populations: inside or outside the walls

[J]. Progress in Planning, 56(3): 119-168.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-9006(01)00014-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the past 15 years, OECD countries have come to recognise that their elderly populations are already, or will be, the fastest growing segments of their populations in the coming decades. In recognition of these demographic facts, public and private sectors planners with responsibility for housing, health and social services and transportation have divided into two camps. In one camp are those who believe that the full integration of the elderly population within their communities is the best way to insure the maximum life satisfaction of the elderly population over the longest period of time. This view manifests itself in proposals to allow 'in-law suites' to be built in areas zoned for single-family dwellings, deinstitutionalisaton and concomitant development of community-based care, and public transit systems made fully accessible to seniors regardless of their level of physical ability. In the other camp are those who believe that the elderly population wants and seeks a built environment which specifically caters for their particular needs. The most visible manifestations of this perspective are the 'seniors only communities' with their separate health and social services, and transportation systems.This paper focuses on integration versus segregation in planning housing, health and social services and transportation for seniors over the past 15 years (1986-2000). We emphasise that the planning outcomes of integrated-based and segregated-based solutions need to be understood within the broader socio-economic and legal contexts in which planning takes place. Underlying the integration-segregation dichotomy is the broader theoretical dichotomy of equity-efficiency.We have divided our paper into the main chapters. In the introductory chapter, the themes of integrated-based planning and segregated-based planning are explained. In addition, the current size and the future growth of elderly populations in OECD countries are reviewed. Chapter 2 focuses on housing. Chapter 3 examines the literature on health and social services and transportation. We conclude with an assessment of the implications of integrated-based and segregation-based planning for elderly populations in the next century.
[42] Rubenstein L Z, Josephson K R, Trueblood P R, et al.2000.

Effects of a group exercise program on strength, mobility, and falls among fall-prone elderly men

[J]. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 55(6): M317-M321.

https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/55.6.M317      URL      PMID: 10843351      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Presents a study which examined the effects of an exercise intervention on muscle strength, gait, balance and endurance among elderly men with risk factors for falls. Methodology; Results; Discussion.
[43] Scheiner J, Kasper B.2003.

Lifestyles, choice of housing location and daily mobility: the lifestyle approach in the context of spatial mobility and planning

[J]. International Social Science Journal, 55: 319-332.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2451.2003.05502011.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Today, spatial research and planning is confronted with complex frame conditions that have substantially changed in the past decades. Thus, a comprehensive social change is initiated, giving new room for individual development, but on the other hand making new decisions necessary (cue: individualisation). At the same time, settlement structures and time-regimes &ndash; essential conditions for spatial mobility &ndash; have developed dynamically (cues: decentralisation, flexibilisation). Hitherto however, research and planning show serious methodological problems in the consideration of the stated changes. The explanation patterns of existing approaches for spatial mobility are mainly based upon spatial and individual restrictions. Neither the increasing degrees of freedom nor the subjective rationales behind mobility decisions are adequately considered. The paper presents the conceptual framework, methods and preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research project &ldquo;StadtLeben&rdquo;. The central research question focuses on the interrelation between social structures (lifestyles, milieus), space-time-structures, housing and choice of housing location, and daily mobility. The proposed research approach shall help to develop target group-oriented and efficient planning and design strategies, which are tested in a workshop in an exemplary study area in Cologne. Together with planning practitioners, action-oriented knowledge as well as suggestions for planning methods (participation, processes, competence) shall be derived.
[44] Schwanen T, Páez A.2010.

The mobility of older people: an introduction

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 18(5): 591-595.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.06.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[45] Shoval N, Wahl H W, Auslander G, et al.2011.

Use of the global positioning system to measure the out-of-home mobility of older adults with differing cognitive functioning

[J]. Ageing and Society, 31(5): 849-869.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X10001455      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Cognitive impairment manifests in changed out-of-home mobility. Until recently, the assessment of outdoor mobility relied on the reports of family care-givers and institutional staff and used observational approaches, activity monitoring or behavioural checklists. This article presents data for 41 mildly demented, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy men and women aged 64&ndash;90 years in Tel-Aviv (Israel) who took part in an interdisciplinary project, SenTra, that is studying the outdoor activities of elderly people using advanced tracking technologies and that involves researchers from geography, social work, gerontology, psychology and medicine. The participants were tracked for 28 consecutive days using a location kit that combined a global positioning system (GPS) with radio frequency identification. The high-resolution spatial and temporal data enabled detailed analysis of the differences in the timing and distance of the participants' daily outdoor mobility patterns. It was found that the spatial range of the mobility of elderly people with cognitive impairment is severely restricted, with most out-of-home time spent in close proximity to their residences. We conclude that GPS is an advanced research tool able to understand out-of-home behaviour better than was possible with previous methods.
[46] Siren A, Hakamies-Blomqvist L.2009.

Mobility and well-being in old age

[J]. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 25(1): 3-11.

https://doi.org/10.1097/TGR.0b013e31819147bf      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This study, using focus group material, explored how independent mobility and personal well-being in old age are interconnected and which elements of mobility are the most essential for well-being by examining the way seniors talk about mobility and adapting to age-related mobility restrictions. There were 3 main outcomes. First, the physical aspects of mobility were a strong frame of reference in the discussions. Second, independent mobility was closely tied to the everyday life practices and ways to perform one's personal lifestyle(s). Third, the obstacles to independent mobility were to be overcome by both mental and technical compensation.
[47] Spinney J E L, Scott D M, Newbold K B.2009.

Transport mobility benefits and quality of life: a time-use perspective of elderly Canadians

[J]. Transport Policy, 16(1): 1-11.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2009.01.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

It is well accepted that mobility is often closely linked to one's independence, well-being, and quality of life. This research seeks to quantify the impacts of transport mobility and investigate their impacts on the quality of life for non-working elderly Canadians. Statistics Canada's time-use data are used to develop contextually-derived time budgets that measure daily exposure to psychological, exercise, and community benefits of transport mobility. These time budget measures are stratified by dimensions of life situation and domains of subjective well-being. Results exhibit significant variations in transport mobility benefits by life situation and subjective well-being indices, and also indicate significant association between transport mobility benefits and quality of life. This research concludes with an evaluation of the potential for future applications of Canada's General Social Survey (GSS) time-use modules towards further development of an index of well-being that incorporates the benefits of transport mobility.
[48] Su F M, Bell M G H.2009.

Transport for older people: characteristics and solutions

[J]. Research in Transportation Economics, 25(1): 46-55.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.retrec.2009.08.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Entering the 21st century, one of the most significant demographic changes in developed countries is the aging of the population. Travel is an important aspect of older people's economic well-being, so with the aging of the population, improving transport for older people is increasingly important. This article presents the results of a study of older people's travel behaviour based largely but not exclusively on LATS (London Area Travel Survey) 2001 data. The focus is on older people's trip chaining behaviour, including trip chain complexity, trip purpose sequence and mode choice in a chain. After identifying the policy implications it looks at the role of Special Transport Services in improving the supply of transport for older people, taking the London Borough of Camden as a case study.
[49] Tacken M.1998.

Mobility of the elderly in time and space in the Netherlands: an analysis of the Dutch National Travel Survey

[J]. Transportation, 25(4): 379-393.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005042614848      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Mobility is an aspect of the quality of life, especially for the elderly. Mobility is a necessary condition for independence. Based on the Dutch National Travel Survey 1979鈥1994, trends in person trips, car trips and distances covered for several types of journey purposes made by elderly people are described. The database for 1994 has been used to provide a more detailed description of the travel behaviour: distribution in time of activities, distances for different purposes, main transport modes and reasons for travel. Some information is provided on the characteristics of elderly people who did not mention a trip in the one-day diary.
