杨振山, 吴笛, 杨定

Willingness to move, place dependence and community identity: An investigation of residential choice in the Zhongguancun area in Beijing
Zhenshan YANG, Di WU, Ding YANG
表7 子女教育依赖交叉分析
Tab.7 Cross analysis of education dependence (人)
因素 特征类型 调查人员子女教育量表平均分 合计
1(含)~2分 2(含)~3分 3(含)~4分 ≥4分
北京户口 4(2.8%) 21(14.9%) 77(54.6%) 39(27.7%) 141(100.0%)
3(2.0%) 31(20.5%) 77(51.0%) 40(26.5%) 151(100.0%)
住房性质 自有产权 3(2.1%) 20(14.3%) 78(55.7%) 39(27.9%) 140(100.0%)
租房 4(3.3%) 27(22.3%) 59(48.8%) 31(25.6%) 121(100.0%)
其他 0(0) 5(16.1%) 17(54.8%) 9(29.0%) 31(100.0%)
子女是否上学 3(2.1%) 21(14.4%) 75(51.4%) 47(32.2%) 146(100.0%)
4(2.7%) 31(21.2%) 79(54.1%) 32(21.9%) 146(100.0%)
子女是否上辅导班 0(0) 19(16.7%) 58(50.9%) 37(32.5%) 114(100.0%)
7(3.9%) 33(18.5%) 96(53.9%) 42(23.6%) 178(100.0%)
教育满意度 非常满意 2(3.5%) 4(7.0%) 25(43.9%) 26(45.6%) 57(100.0%)
比较满意 3(1.7%) 30(16.8%) 99(55.3%) 47(26.3%) 179(100.0%)
一般 2(3.9%) 17(33.3%) 27(52.9%) 5(9.8%) 51(100.0%)
不太满意 0(0) 0(0) 3(75.0%) 1(25.0%) 4(100.0%)
非常不满意 0(0) 1(100.0%) 0(0) 0(0) 1(100.0%)
是否满足需求 6(2.3%) 41(16.0%) 137(53.3%) 73(28.4%) 257(100.0%)
1(2.9%) 11(31.4%) 17(48.6%) 6(17.1%) 35(100.0%)
合计 7(2.4%) 52(17.8%) 154(52.7%) 79(27.1%) 292(100.0%)