李二玲, 胥亚男, 雍雅君, 魏莉霞

Agricultural structure adjustment and rural transformation development in China:Taking Gongyi City and Yanling County as examples
Erling LI, Yanan XU, Yajun YONG, Lixia WEI
表2 鄢陵县各乡镇SPI变化
Tab.2 The changes of SPI in Yanling County township
2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2014 平均值
安陵镇 50.3 87.9 87.8 47.8 48.7 53.2 53.2 61.2
柏梁镇 44.0 49.6 51.6 73.5 70.6 63.7 49.1 57.4
大马乡 41.5 31.5 53.4 43.0 44.2 55.5 55.6 46.4
陈化店镇 40.8 36.2 50.4 55.6 56.9 56.5 57.3 50.5
南坞乡 35.2 45.7 57.4 43.8 44.6 45.1 45.7 45.4
张桥乡 33.0 43.2 55.2 48.5 48.0 45.5 45.7 45.6
彭店乡 27.8 38.8 53.5 44.9 48.5 51.5 50.9 45.1
只乐乡 27.3 49.6 48.0 44.9 47.6 46.4 45.2 44.1
马栏镇 27.1 30.6 50.4 48.1 51.6 50.6 50.5 44.1
马坊乡 26.1 54.9 53.3 45.4 47.5 50.1 49.9 46.7
陶城乡 25.9 46.9 42.0 41.6 44.5 44.6 49.9 42.2
望田镇 22.3 40.6 46.5 44.4 45.8 42.2 42.0 40.5
平均值 33.4 46.3 54.1 48.5 49.8 50.4 49.6