刘亚辰, 方修琦, 陶泽兴, 戴君虎

Basic features of phenological records in poetry and their usage for reconstructing past climate change
Yachen LIU, Xiuqi FANG, Zexing TAO, Junhu DAI
表2 常见动植物古今名对照
Tab.2 Comparison between the ancient and modern names of common animals and plants
现代名称 古代名称*
动物 四声杜鹃(Cuculus micropterus) 鸤鸠、子规、杜宇
黑枕黄鹂(Oriolus chinensis) 仓庚、商庚、楚雀、黄鸟
家燕(Hirundo rustica) 玄鸟、乙鸟、鸾鸟、天女、乌衣
草蝉(Mogannia conica) 蜩、复育、蜺、齐女
植物 莲(Nelumbo nucifera) 芙蕖、芙蓉、菡萏
芦苇(Phragmites australis) 芦、苇、蒹葭
杜鹃(Rhododendron simsii) 山石榴、映山红、山踯躅
木瓜(Chaenomeles sinensis) 木李、榠楂、蛮楂