冯健, 吴芳芳, 周佩玲

Neighborhood relations and the regeneration of social space in large suburban communities: A case study of Huilongguan in Beijing
Jian FENG, Fangfang WU, Peiling ZHOU
表3 邻里关系和邻里交往意愿
Tab.3 Neighborhood relationship and respondents' willingness to interact
邻里关系 样本数 比例/% 邻里交往意愿 样本数 比例/%
和睦 251 48.18 和他聊起来 395 76.55
一般 225 43.19 随便敷衍两句 67 12.98
冷淡 45 8.64 根本不理 9 1.74
看情况 45 8.72
总计 521 100.00 总计 516 100.00