冯健, 吴芳芳, 周佩玲

Neighborhood relations and the regeneration of social space in large suburban communities: A case study of Huilongguan in Beijing
Jian FENG, Fangfang WU, Peiling ZHOU
表2 邻里之间相互了解和串门情况
Tab.2 Acquaintance and dropping in situations among neighbors
同一楼层了解情况 样本数
登门拜访或串门 样本数
非常了解 46 8.83 经常来往 45 8.64
了解基本 285 54.70 偶尔串访 240 46.07
一无所知 190 36.47 互不往来 236 45.30
总计 521 100.00 总计 521 100.00