袁玉娟, 尹云鹤, 戴尔阜, 刘荣高, 吴绍洪

Forest cover classification based on remote sensing threshold consistent with statistics in Heilongjiang Province
Yujuan YUAN, Yunhe YIN, Erfu DAI, Ronggao LIU, Shaohong WU
表2 本文结果和MCD12Q1产品森林覆盖面积对比
Tab.2 Comparison of forest areas between the present forest cover classification and MCD12Q1 for Heilongjiang Province
森林分类 本文结果 MCD12Q1
面积/万hm2 比例/% 面积/万hm2 比例/%
落叶阔叶林(DBF) 1198.22 66.86 493.06 28.84
落叶针叶林 (DNF) 394.87 22.04 113.50 6.64
常绿针叶林 (ENF) 83.82 4.68 8.19 0.48
混交林(MF) 115.13 6.42 1094.36 64.03
常绿阔叶林 (EBF) 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.01