董南, 杨小唤, 蔡红艳

A method for demographic data spatialization based on residential space attributes
Nan DONG, Xiaohuan YANG, Hongyan CAI
表7 类型5、类型6与类型4估算人数差值信息汇总
Tab.7 Summary of the differences of estimated number of people between type 5, type 6, and type 4 models
层数/层 类型5与类型4 类型6与类型4
估算人数之差 人数之差平均值 斑块个数比重/% 估算人数之差 人数之差平均值 斑块个数比重/%
1~3 >0 6.8 18.7 >0 6.5 18.1
=0 0.0 6.4 =0 0.0 7.2
<0 -1.0 0.1 <0 0.0
4~6 >0 1.1 8.2 >0 1.8 40.9
=0 0.0 32.3 =0 0.0 20.5
<0 -1.1 21.2 <0 -1.0 0.3
7~18 >0 0.0 >0 0.0
=0 0.0 =0 0.0
<0 -13.1 11.6 <0 -21.9 11.6
19~33 >0 0.0 >0 0.0
=0 0.0 =0 0.0
<0 -44.1 1.5 <0 -54.0 1.5