李双双, 杨赛霓, 刘宪锋

Spatiotemporal variability of extreme precipitation in north and south of the Qinling-Huaihe region and influencing factors during 1960-2013
Shuangshuang LI, Saini YANG, Xianfeng LIU
图2 1960-2013年秦岭—淮河南北降水变化特征 (图中蓝色阴影为降水偏多期,红色阴影为降水偏少期,降水距平时段为1971-2000年)
Fig.2 Variation of precipitation in north and south of the Qinling-Huaihe region, 1960-2013 (The blue shaded area shows positive precipitation anomaly; the red shaded area shows negative precipitation anomaly; the baseline period of precipitation is 1971-2000)