刘毅, 周成虎, 王传胜, 孙贵艳, 康蕾, 方明

Issues and suggestions on the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
Yi LIU, Chenghu ZHOU, Chuansheng WANG, Guiyan SUN, Lei KANG, Ming FANG
表1 1978年以来长江经济带部分经济指标占全国的比重/%
Tab.1 Percentage of economic values of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) in the national total since 1978/%
指标/年份 1978 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013
GDP* 43.56 42.90 41.47 41.19 40.72 40.27 40.51 41.19
第二产业增加值* 40.94 42.45 41.80 41.16 39.97 39.56 39.99 40.91
第三产业增加值* 43.10 39.08 37.89 40.18 40.64 40.77 41.23 41.66
固定资产投资 30.25 37.35 35.42 41.51 43.17 41.46 39.50 40.09
地方财政一般预算收入 43.85 46.46 44.86 39.41 39.93 43.14 43.17 43.05
农林牧渔业总产值 48.40 44.93 44.81 40.49 42.03 39.65 38.68 39.14
社会商品零售总额 33.26 35.66 35.32 39.61 39.17 40.57 40.58 40.72
进出口总额 19.90 15.68 17.54 22.22 30.72 39.97 41.58 39.40
货运量 42.73 29.96 32.97 35.14 38.30 39.33 40.57 38.55
货物周转量 31.71 29.27 31.41 30.75 34.29 33.97 37.60 35.51